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Kuwait sending their terrorists over here? 

I reckon so BG.  I doubt you could name a Middle Eastern country that isn't, but Kuwait is the one that puzzles me most.  I remember when my son came back from Desert Storm, he told us that when they entered the city, crowds lined both sides of the road cheering them.  

How does that, turn into this.  For me, understanding this is as far from my comprehension as how we sent a satellite millions of miles & took pictures of Pluto.  I'm just not intelligent enough. 


I reckon so BG.  I doubt you could name a Middle Eastern country that isn't, but Kuwait is the one that puzzles me most.  I remember when my son came back from Desert Storm, he told us that when they entered the city, crowds lined both sides of the road cheering them.  

How does that, turn into this.  For me, understanding this is as far from my comprehension as how we sent a satellite millions of miles & took pictures of Pluto.  I'm just not intelligent enough. 

​i blame ISIS. 


It'll be called work place violence, so that the govt. won't have to call it terroism.  Remember Ft. Hood

​i believe the FBI is investigating this as domestic terrorism. 

@ForeignPolicy: Four Marines are dead in attacks the FBI is treating as domestic terrorism, @davidcfrancis reports

This is the hidden content, please

If so I hope they deem the crap that happened in SC as domestic terrorism as well. 


Also: Hopefully the young lady (sailor) makes it through surgery or the toll will go up one. 


​i believe the FBI is investigating this as domestic terrorism. 

Yes, that is what I just heard on the news.  I'm afraid there will be many of these attacks to come.  Peace loving Muslims, now that is a true oxymoron.


The area where the Marines were killed is a gun free zone.  This is a military area.  Why in the world would this be a gun free zone? Crazy,  maybe this needs to be looked at.  This is not the first Muslim attack on our military on American soil and surely not the last.


The area where the Marines were killed is a gun free zone.  This is a military area.  Why in the world would this be a gun free zone? Crazy,  maybe this needs to be looked at.  This is not the first Muslim attack on our military on American soil and surely not the last.

​that needs to change ASAP! Let the recruiters pack heat (after thorough background checks & mental evals) and have some type of military guard. Bulletproof glass wouldn't hurt either IMO. 


What flag we gonna take down for this one? Bet a lot on the far left will want to take down the stars and stripes because it upsets so many foreigners over here  who want to kill the infidel. 


What flag we gonna take down for this one? Bet a lot on the far left will want to take down the stars and stripes because it upsets so many foreigners over here  who want to kill the infidel. 

​you seem more upset about that flag being took down than the fact 4 innocent military members lost their life cause of an idiot in your post. 


Makes no sense, one of the craziest things that I have heard.

​well, we need someone to change it ASAP before the next radicalized dumbnut tries this sooner rather than later, rather its local, state or big gubment. 

Posted (edited)

Exactly bg a lot on this side of the board act just like politicans let's have conversation about the accident that occurred rather than left this right that. Why in the hell do they have gun free zones for a military. 

Very good question...makes no sense.

Edited by LumRaiderFan
Posted (edited)

BG your way off there I care more than you know about these marines. I am just sick and tired of Americans not calling this nonsense exactly what it is . We are under attack here at home and we have a POS for a Pres. that wont even call this nonsense what it is it is radical islam waging war on us on our own turf. It is only going to get worse. One thing he has the power to do is to arm every service man or woman who are representing this country. Whoever heard of a gun free zone for our military, at least let them have a chance. As for the political comment we all know its the PC police which is left wing such as the pres. that have handcuffed our police and all arms of the very people who are here to protect. I say lets do a little mohammed screening!!!!  As for the flag deal I didnt start that it was started by a bunch of idiots right after some folks were slaughtered in a church ,another gun free zone.

Edited by 77

I can't think of a much better example of an Oxy Moron than putting our Military and a Gun Free Zone in the same sentence.  Also, please someone explain to me why if I can take a two week class, pop a few rounds at a relatively close target, and it's okay to carry a weapon, but these Recruiters who have fired multiple weapons and tons of training, aren't packing?   Hope that changes.  Of course, who knew?  But we know now. 


This country needs a Donald Trump. His reaction to things like this would help prevent future attacks. I don't blame Kuwait just like I don't blame the Saudis for Bin Laden.

The sorry sack of crap that did this would not put on a uniform and fight you in the field. They are all cowards. We need to take his corpse and stuff it in the body of a swine. This prevents him from entering his "heaven". Laugh if you must, this would stop a lot of it. If they die as martyrs against the " infidels", they earn their path to heaven. If they know they won't make it there, they may not attempt the act. Must be videoed and posted on social media.


I heard Bush started this on the radio this morning.  Bottom line, whoever did, for whatever reason, it isn't working now.  Pray somebody changes it.  Like mentioned above, give these brave men & women a fighting chance.  

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