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Race Relations

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Thug means thug and nothing more but I'm sure a lot of people use the word as a replacement for the n word the media do it all the time all one has to do is read. Immature troubled youth depressed mental illnesses big mistake. THUG I'm just calling like I see it from the sc shooter both movie shootings sandy hook biker gang majority of media refuse to use thug.  Big Ben was accused of doing the same thing jameis winston did only one was called thug. I can go all day with this.


Had a black guy in Beaumont who killed his own mother, cut off her head, cut out her brain, and eyes and laid them all on a nightstand. He was said to have mental issues and I never called him a thug. Neither did the media. Not sure I see your angle. Big Ben is a POS.

The media loves racial tension. It's something to feed off of and when things get a bit slow, simply stir the pot and stories abound. Sensationalism carries the load. Watch the weather channel when a hurricane approaches. They should be fired.

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​Sry that young lady died, but IN BOLD what were they each portrayed as Nash? Its only one word, this should be easy for you. 

​My point was that the media gave relatively little attention to the Kate Steinle murder.  As for the portrayal, are you speaking of the revelations of each individuals backgrounds?   Are you suggesting that they all conducted their lives in a similar manner prior to being shot and killed?  Or are you speaking of such "portrayals" as  "hands up, don't shoot"?

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I'm sure some will disagree with me, but I feel like "thug" is the new "n" word.  To me race relations aren't any better because it is only discussed during times of tension, after some crazy event.

Do you really believe they aren't better?  I am 58 and remember segregated schools, little league, etc... in fact, now in PAISD The Football, basketball, volleyball, track, golf, baseball, softball coaches as well as the AD, Supt., principals, dept heads, 99% of the School Board, all non-whites? Am I correct?


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Do you really believe they aren't better?  I am 58 and remember segregated schools, little league, etc... in fact, now in PAISD The Football, basketball, volleyball, track, golf, baseball, softball coaches as well as the AD, Supt., principals, dept heads, 99% of the School Board, all non-whites? Am I correct?


I'm 41 so I wasn't around for the same timeframe.  I'm referencing my life experiences, high school and Navy, etc.  you go on the mess decks on a ship, you'll have groups of Sailors eating together.  Phillipinos eating with Phillipinos, Hispanics with Hispanics, Whites with Whites, Blacks with Blacks.  There's absolutely no segregation there, but that's the way at is.  The question is why?  I grew up in a small town in Virginia.  South Hill where there isn't much, we were a 2A high school.  There is a movie theatre there that had to shut their doors because the owner refused to let 4 kids in who were flying the rebel flag on their truck.  So there was going to be a rebel flag rally there this weekend.  So in my town where I grew up, no race relations aren't any better.  It goes back to the people who wouldn't make the cake for the gay couple.  The right to refuse service to anyone.  Discrimination is discrimination any way you cut it, people hide behind the "it's my religious beliefs".  I can't speak for the PAISD statistics, I don't know them.  I would be willing to bet though that there are the same numbers in other school districts that are reversed.  How do we as communities fix that?

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​My point was that the media gave relatively little attention to the Kate Steinle murder.  As for the portrayal, are you speaking of the revelations of each individuals backgrounds?   Are you suggesting that they all conducted their lives in a similar manner prior to being shot and killed?  Or are you speaking of such "portrayals" as  "hands up, don't shoot"?

​i guess my question flew above your head. 

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I'm 41 so I wasn't around for the same timeframe.  I'm referencing my life experiences, high school and Navy, etc.  you go on the mess decks on a ship, you'll have groups of Sailors eating together.  Phillipinos eating with Phillipinos, Hispanics with Hispanics, Whites with Whites, Blacks with Blacks.  There's absolutely no segregation there, but that's the way at is.  The question is why?  I grew up in a small town in Virginia.  South Hill where there isn't much, we were a 2A high school.  There is a movie theatre there that had to shut their doors because the owner refused to let 4 kids in who were flying the rebel flag on their truck.  So there was going to be a rebel flag rally there this weekend.  So in my town where I grew up, no race relations aren't any better.  It goes back to the people who wouldn't make the cake for the gay couple.  The right to refuse service to anyone.  Discrimination is discrimination any way you cut it, people hide behind the "it's my religious beliefs".  I can't speak for the PAISD statistics, I don't know them.  I would be willing to bet though that there are the same numbers in other school districts that are reversed.  How do we as communities fix that?

​i think if more folks got out more and saw with their own eyes and heard with their own ears they would understand more. 

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Some very good points and opinions being expressed here from different races, ethnic backgrounds, and birthplaces.

I agree Bmt.  Like me, I'm sure all wish they could wave a magic wand and make us "all one".  

I'll take a moment to address thug.  Coug may be right about subing for N word, but if so, I'd have to point my finger at the media.  I've rarely heard anyone use the word in my 65+ years.  On the other hand I've read it numerous times.  It's scary how the media influences our perceptions and thoughts.  

Race relations improving?   Agree with Whoa, has improved greatly since the 50's.  I think on a graph, it would go up for many years, but now trending downward.   I think all agree that it was so low in the 50's because of whites.  IMO it's now tracking down because of blacks.  Don't get bent outta shape just my opinion.   Reasons:   Obama, and thus the National Media, getting personally involved in, what from what we're told, justifiable black deaths by the police.  And the constant accusation of racism by blacks.  I think, as for as most whites go, this drives a wedge between whites & blacks.   Again, just IMO, for in a discussion like this, each will see things he likes, dislikes, and on rare occasions, a few are enlightened. 

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I agree Bmt.  Like me, I'm sure all wish they could wave a magic wand and make us "all one".  

I'll take a moment to address thug.  Coug may be right about subing for N word, but if so, I'd have to point my finger at the media.  I've rarely heard anyone use the word in my 65+ years.  On the other hand I've read it numerous times.  It's scary how the media influences our perceptions and thoughts.  

Race relations improving?   Agree with Whoa, has improved greatly since the 50's.  I think on a graph, it would go up for many years, but now trending downward.   I think all agree that it was so low in the 50's because of whites.  IMO it's now tracking down because of blacks.  Don't get bent outta shape just my opinion.   Reasons:   Obama, and thus the National Media, getting personally involved in, what from what we're told, justifiable black deaths by the police.  And the constant accusation of racism by blacks.  I think, as for as most whites go, this drives a wedge between whites & blacks.   Again, just IMO, for in a discussion like this, each will see things he likes, dislikes, and on rare occasions, a few are enlightened. 

Gone ahead...  Your point and opinion is understood and respected....

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I agree Bmt.  Like me, I'm sure all wish they could wave a magic wand and make us "all one".  

I'll take a moment to address thug.  Coug may be right about subing for N word, but if so, I'd have to point my finger at the media.  I've rarely heard anyone use the word in my 65+ years.  On the other hand I've read it numerous times.  It's scary how the media influences our perceptions and thoughts.  

Race relations improving?   Agree with Whoa, has improved greatly since the 50's.  I think on a graph, it would go up for many years, but now trending downward.   I think all agree that it was so low in the 50's because of whites.  IMO it's now tracking down because of blacks.  Don't get bent outta shape just my opinion.   Reasons:   Obama, and thus the National Media, getting personally involved in, what from what we're told, justifiable black deaths by the police.  And the constant accusation of racism by blacks.  I think, as for as most whites go, this drives a wedge between whites & blacks.   Again, just IMO, for in a discussion like this, each will see things he likes, dislikes, and on rare occasions, a few are enlightened. 

​i think its by both races to include the media, throw in a few incidents by bad police of both races versus both races reported by the media and you get an overflowing pot of ish. But the media isn't 100% at fault, racism is taught at home. Long as you got the oldheads who wanna still live by their code from the 60s that has been passed down to generation after generation you will continue to see a decline. 

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I think race relations and just about ever other relations are trending down because we reached a point that if a black person speak out on what he truly feels about racism in this country he's labeled soft thin skinned or even end up being the one called a racist. And if I white man say it's not that bad he's consider unsympathetic or a racist both sides refuse to hear the other man point of view. I'm only 23 and seen enough to no racism is still a big issue. And yes it's practice by all racist to proud to prejudice to just move forward. 

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I think race relations and just about ever other relations are trending down because we reached a point that if a black person speak out on what he truly feels about racism in this country he's labeled soft thin skinned or even end up being the one called a racist. And if I white man say it's not that bad he's consider unsympathetic or a racist both sides refuse to hear the other man point of view. I'm only 23 and seen enough to no racism is still a big issue. And yes it's practice by all racist to proud to prejudice to just move forward. 

You are wise far beyond your years.  Post shows, to me, you have a better grasp than most folks do.  Just wish we could come up with a quick solution but that's way past my IQ. 

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I think racism is at an all time low, however race relations is still on shaky ground. We have grown to a point were we have a black president. We've also grown to point where one's life long career can end in an instant because of proof that someone used the N word once ten years ago. It makes national news if anyone of any significance says anything that remotely offends someone. I'm not sure if that's really an improvement. It seems to me that the hypersensitivity in our culture has outgrown the race relation progress we've achieved.

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I think race relations and just about ever other relations are trending down because we reached a point that if a black person speak out on what he truly feels about racism in this country he's labeled soft thin skinned or even end up being the one called a racist. And if I white man say it's not that bad he's consider unsympathetic or a racist both sides refuse to hear the other man point of view. I'm only 23 and seen enough to no racism is still a big issue. And yes it's practice by all racist to proud to prejudice to just move forward. 


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I think race relations and just about ever other relations are trending down because we reached a point that if a black person speak out on what he truly feels about racism in this country he's labeled soft thin skinned or even end up being the one called a racist. And if I white man say it's not that bad he's consider unsympathetic or a racist both sides refuse to hear the other man point of view. I'm only 23 and seen enough to no racism is still a big issue. And yes it's practice by all racist to proud to prejudice to just move forward. 

Racism goes all ways also. It's a two way street.  Too many times issues are turned into a race issue when it's not.  Also respect is something missing with all races.  I personally feel the media drives a wedge between us and we bite.  

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Looking through the posting here one common "problem" is pointed out by virtually all, the media.  Originally, the media/press, for the most part, reported news for the populaces enlightenment.  Now it's to further their own ambitions, and if they have to enhance or distort the story, so be it.   

Not the only problem as we all pointed out, but perhaps the biggest.  

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Looking through the posting here one common "problem" is pointed out by virtually all, the media.  Originally, the media/press, for the most part, reported news for the populaces enlightenment.  Now it's to further their own ambitions, and if they have to enhance or distort the story, so be it.   

Not the only problem as we all pointed out, but perhaps the biggest.  

​i think the biggest problem is it being passed down from parents. Media are robots without parents?  They humans too right?  Starts at home. 

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I think the media is the biggest problem in race relations right now.  Look at the Michael Brown case.  He was made a martyr by the media, while the officer who shot him was simultaneously tried and convicted in the news for "killing an unarmed black man.". Now it's been irrefutably proven that the shooting was completely justified.  This barely even registered in the news.  A racist killer cop gets page views, while a cop just doing his job does not.  Every time a questionable (or not) shooting happens now, ferguson is brought up.  it's been proven that A) Mike Brown was a criminal who had just minutes earlier committed a felony   B ) he attacked an officer and tried to take his gun and C) charged the officer again after already having been shot.  Even though all of these are proven facts, the media still portrays him as a victim of racial violence, to the point that he's GETTING A STATUE in his honor.  How does this happen?  A felon attacks a cop immediately after committing a robbery and is shot and killed, and his hometown gives him a statue?  The media, that's how.  One of the most divisive events in decades was completely misrepresented by the media or it wouldn't have been divisive at all.  It's also led to more divisive coverage.  Sandra Bland should not be news.  Eric Gardener should not have been news.  When police are crucified in the media for doing their jobs, and especially when the media puts racial spin on it, it's incredibly divisive.  There are literally less than a handful of police killings a year where police act outside of the law and kill a black person, despite there being tens or even hundreds of millions of police interactions with black citizens a year.  And those officers are generally indicted, tried , and convicted.  And while any such killing is unacceptable, the media has led many to believe that police violence perpetrated by white cops on black citizens is not only commonplace, which is inaccurate, but is the biggest problem that blacks face today, which is laughable.  The media is solely responsible for this, as well as the polarized view points surrounding these cases, which have set back race relations tremendously.

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I'll play.  When I think of a "thug", I am thinking of someone with a violent history.   Robbery, assault, weapons charges, domestic abuse, etc.     I don't include dope smokers or other petty criminals.  So if I look at these names, just tell me the history of the guy.   Don't know much about Martin.  Saw the video of Brown pushing the store owner around.  He's a thug in my book.   So, black, white, Hispanic, whatever,    a thug is a thug.  So no, thug is not the new N word in my opinion.

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I think the media is the biggest problem in race relations right now.  Look at the Michael Brown case.  He was made a martyr by the media, while the officer who shot him was simultaneously tried and convicted in the news for "killing an unarmed black man.". Now it's been irrefutably proven that the shooting was completely justified.  This barely even registered in the news.  A racist killer cop gets page views, while a cop just doing his job does not.  Every time a questionable (or not) shooting happens now, ferguson is brought up.  it's been proven that A) Mike Brown was a criminal who had just minutes earlier committed a felony   B ) he attacked an officer and tried to take his gun and C) charged the officer again after already having been shot.  Even though all of these are proven facts, the media still portrays him as a victim of racial violence, to the point that he's GETTING A STATUE in his honor.  How does this happen?  A felon attacks a cop immediately after committing a robbery and is shot and killed, and his hometown gives him a statue?  The media, that's how.  One of the most divisive events in decades was completely misrepresented by the media or it wouldn't have been divisive at all.  It's also led to more divisive coverage.  Sandra Bland should not be news.  Eric Gardener should not have been news.  When police are crucified in the media for doing their jobs, and especially when the media puts racial spin on it, it's incredibly divisive.  There are literally less than a handful of police killings a year where police act outside of the law and kill a black person, despite there being tens or even hundreds of millions of police interactions with black citizens a year.  And those officers are generally indicted, tried , and convicted.  And while any such killing is unacceptable, the media has led many to believe that police violence perpetrated by white cops on black citizens is not only commonplace, which is inaccurate, but is the biggest problem that blacks face today, which is laughable.  The media is solely responsible for this, as well as the polarized view points surrounding these cases, which have set back race relations tremendously.

​ON THE MONEY!!! Great post.

It also doesn't help that the POTUS seems to "cherry pick" his views and support on these subjects.

Got to give it to him, he plays the political game very well.

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