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okay in all seriousness, i do remember you from last year. now pati..i mean pakronos respect the ladies...however, i will have fun. now back to the fun!!

Your opinion/respect level of me is useless information.  Yap on like a little chihuahua.  Also, try to discover proper usage of the shift key, your gibberish is unreadable.

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How did he get though the screening process? Don't you have to be at least 12 to post on here???

guess you may have missed where the mods nearly jumped up and down in joy when he announced his arrival back on the board.

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whats up my little hillbilly kids?? i see your wife, sister,mother, aunt have a purdy mouth on her...statt you are my hungry cat, can't stay away, by the way you are a disgrace to that proud community of pn-g....plusone...you have no material letting the bare foot code browner speak for ya?? oh and coug 88, my use of the shift key is correct. learn to read. you know, that's how you communicate?? goodness people, you are a special bunch roflmao. my best rivals EVER were my feuds with nederland from way back when you guys sister and uncle were breeding you. please bring it because the short jokes are boring. oh, by the way, be careful how far you go...you might not come back lol

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Ok Mouth, that response was not even worthy of a reply since you took shots at a few towns with cheap garbage insults that were not even funny. So as the next POTUS Trump would say you're fired or more on your so called intellectual level ( I use the term intellectual loosely) as Harrison would say, no participation ribbon for you now go to your room without supper and give back that bike u commandeered!!

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Look, this has gone far enough. I think as fellow posters we should help fill a void in pancakes life. I think it is imperative that we start a collection for him. He deserves a brand new set of "Hooked on Phonics".. Start him on the beginner series. Let him take it slow until he advances into proper English. I feel it is our duty to help this lost soul at this time. Any help will be appreciated. Please contact #andwearetheinbreds..really. Posters, thanks for your time, and commitment. 


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Look, this has gone far enough. I think as fellow posters we should help fill a void in pancakes life. I think it is imperative that we start a collection for him. He deserves a brand new set of "Hooked on Phonics".. Start him on the beginner series. Let him take it slow until he advances into proper English. I feel it is our duty to help this lost soul at this time. Any help will be appreciated. Please contact #andwearetheinbreds..really. Posters, thanks for your time, and commitment. 


hey little window licker smh lol...it's an internet forum. not an English class. Oh and by the way, you understand perfectly clear, so maybe YOU need it more than I do. Again, keep it up. Hooked on Phonics and using "proper" English. I normally see those type of comments linked to the ugly "R" card. Now, since I have your attention, your pancake joke is not valid as it does not pertain to me. Go back and read so you may understand, reading is fundamental.

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Man, they let anybody on this form now.

trust me, been here looongggg before you. hey they let the code brown fans on here, why not let anyone on here lol. you people, i use that word VERY LOOSELY, need to get over yourselves. I guess you "people", think Crosby is really something because you are ranked?? LOL, i can tell you people have that "we never been past the second rd" mentality. All of a sudden you are "world beaters". Silly. Just plain silly LMAO. 

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