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Plus one I stated the same thing at the beginning of this post and got crucified for stating the same thing.

 I never said I condoned the actions of the kids, but until you are placed in the same exact situation as the two boys were placed in (Which we don't know what exactly led to this and probably never will, because there are always two sides of a story and popular opinion automatically takes refs side) you don't know how you would react. You can hope that you would react differently and you can say what you would do in any moment until thrust into that situation you just really and truly don't know.

The heat of the moment could possibly lead to after the game if your frustration levels and adrenaline are through the roof, again you just don't know until in that situation.

I have not seen anywhere in a news article that says this is the first time for this to ever happen. It just got captured on video, same thing as Ray Rice. He would still be playing in the NFL if it wasn't on video, just like all the other idiots (Adrian Peterson) are.

What if it was your child that did this? Would you want the legal system to get involved and lock them up? If you can honestly say you would want the book thrown at them then you have other issues.

Hopefully for these boys they have a strong family support system and it is a life lesson for the both of them. I stated previously that we don't know anything about these boys. They maybe model citizens that have never gotten in any trouble, but I see where people automatically profile them because they are from the West Side of San Antonio, so they must be of low character.

They are of low character no matter what side of whatever town.

Heat of the moment was an Asia song in the early 80's not an excuse for assaulting an official. Heat of the moment is hitting an opposing player a couple of steps out of bounds or taking 3 steps to hit the quarterback after he has thrown the pass. What happened in that game was 2 kids mad at how the game had gone and conspired to take matters in their own hands.


First of all, I'm not sure how old the rest of y'all are, but I'm in my forties.  I can promise you that when I was growing up, NOBODY would have considered attacking a ref for any reason, period.  Secondly, people from my generation or at least the part of the world where I grew up would consider kids like these the biggest fematalia(s) in the whole world for ganging up on another person, period.  Think about it.... when you were kids, you would NOT want to be one of the guys that was part of a group that attacked another guy from behind.  It just showed fear and weakness on the part of the attackers.... In today's culture, not only is the gang-attack mentality accepted, we study the "instigation" to try and place blame on the guy that got jumped.  It's a sad reflection on today's youth and the lack of parenting that they have received. 


Next, the whole "racial slur" excuse is ridiculous.  Is that word offensive?  It seems like it would be.  However, when everybody from the President of the United States to athletes to rap artist use the term without any condemnation from the masses, but a ref throwing it around (allegedly) is justification for a gang attack?  Really?  I blame the race pimps that try to teach kids that there is a difference between "killer" and "killa" based on the color of the speaker's skin.  It's like saying the f-bomb is only offensive when spoken by a virgin, who has no idea what the word actually means.  When everybody gets together and says "hey, look.... either it's offensive or it's not" then people can move forward.  I'm willing to bet that both of these two thugs (errr.... can use that one anymore- I mean "misguided youths"), have ipods full of the same "racial slur" that they are accusing this ref of using.... as if that's any type of defense.  


The behavior is unacceptable, inexcusable, and deserves the harshest of punishments.  There is no defense that justifies a coordinated, group attack on an unsuspecting person.   Period.  Condemning their actions on the internet does nothing to stop this type of behavior, or prevent copycat attacks.  Harsh punishment might.  


Rant over.  


As far as racial slur goes: does anyone actually know what slur was even said? I haven't seen it in any article by the media, just assumptions from folks on here on what they think was said. 

Oh, it doesn't matter.  The allegation has been made, so the actions are justified in the minds of many. 


They are of low character no matter what side of whatever town.

Heat of the moment was an Asia song in the early 80's not an excuse for assaulting an official. Heat of the moment is hitting an opposing player a couple of steps out of bounds or taking 3 steps to hit the quarterback after he has thrown the pass. What happened in that game was 2 kids mad at how the game had gone and conspired to take matters in their own hands.

First of all, I'm not sure how old the rest of y'all are, but I'm in my forties.  I can promise you that when I was growing up, NOBODY would have considered attacking a ref for any reason, period.  Secondly, people from my generation or at least the part of the world where I grew up would consider kids like these the biggest fematalia(s) in the whole world for ganging up on another person, period.  Think about it.... when you were kids, you would NOT want to be one of the guys that was part of a group that attacked another guy from behind.  It just showed fear and weakness on the part of the attackers.... In today's culture, not only is the gang-attack mentality accepted, we study the "instigation" to try and place blame on the guy that got jumped.  It's a sad reflection on today's youth and the lack of parenting that they have received. 


Next, the whole "racial slur" excuse is ridiculous.  Is that word offensive?  It seems like it would be.  However, when everybody from the President of the United States to athletes to rap artist use the term without any condemnation from the masses, but a ref throwing it around (allegedly) is justification for a gang attack?  Really?  I blame the race pimps that try to teach kids that there is a difference between "killer" and "killa" based on the color of the speaker's skin.  It's like saying the f-bomb is only offensive when spoken by a virgin, who has no idea what the word actually means.  When everybody gets together and says "hey, look.... either it's offensive or it's not" then people can move forward.  I'm willing to bet that both of these two thugs (errr.... can use that one anymore- I mean "misguided youths"), have ipods full of the same "racial slur" that they are accusing this ref of using.... as if that's any type of defense.  


The behavior is unacceptable, inexcusable, and deserves the harshest of punishments.  There is no defense that justifies a coordinated, group attack on an unsuspecting person.   Period.  Condemning their actions on the internet does nothing to stop this type of behavior, or prevent copycat attacks.  Harsh punishment might.  


Rant over.  

Thanks for the throw back to the 80's but that's two different kinds of "heat" in this situation :) and I am a child of your generation and I'm saying you play this game with passion and adrenaline. It is a violent sport and harsh at times. Again, no way condoning hitting a helpless receiver, I mean referee, but situations occur from a kids perspective that their young minds might be clouded and only seeing red. If you were brought up in the Kenny Rogers type household to turn the other cheek then you may see things differentlly but all are not as fortunate to be raised in that type environment. So all I'm saying is, until you've walked in them type shoes passing judgement is irresponsible. Bottomline, the kids made a harsh mistake and condeming them not even knowing their background and just stereotyping is wrong. Due Process.....   


It doesnt take a rocket scientist to know what was probably said.. Heres the deal, if you have ever strapped on a helmet or a shoulder pad, you dam sure know that racial slurs are thrown around at will during every game.. If not, your team is probably 0 and whatever, and intimidated as hell... we live in a society where you can cheat, smoke dope, shoot roids, perform illegal hits, beat women, etc.... You might get a punishment, but if you do you can surely appeal it and have the sentence reduced... So that being said... What I would do to these kids and what is going to happen is 2 totally different things.. Whats crazy is that in real life, if I fail a drug test, guess what.. Im done, fired, c ya.... In football, you get a slap on the wrist... If I hit my boss, guess what, Im done, Cya.... As far as the race thing goes, thats just the easy card to play... If BG called me a Honkey, I would laugh at him, I sure wouldnt pull his head through my computer screen and slap him.....


It doesnt take a rocket scientist to know what was probably said.. Heres the deal, if you have ever strapped on a helmet or a shoulder pad, you dam sure know that racial slurs are thrown around at will during every game.. If not, your team is probably 0 and whatever, and intimidated as hell... we live in a society where you can cheat, smoke dope, shoot roids, perform illegal hits, beat women, etc.... You might get a punishment, but if you do you can surely appeal it and have the sentence reduced... So that being said... What I would do to these kids and what is going to happen is 2 totally different things.. Whats crazy is that in real life, if I fail a drug test, guess what.. Im done, fired, c ya.... In football, you get a slap on the wrist... If I hit my boss, guess what, Im done, Cya.... As far as the race thing goes, thats just the easy card to play... If BG called me a Honkey, I would laugh at him, I sure wouldnt pull his head through my computer screen and slap him.....

You must've never read the Jefferson's script. I think you spelled it wrong unless you were meaning Donkey..



Thanks for the throw back to the 80's but that's two different kinds of "heat" in this situation :) and I am a child of your generation and I'm saying you play this game with passion and adrenaline. It is a violent sport and harsh at times. Again, no way condoning hitting a helpless receiver, I mean referee, but situations occur from a kids perspective that their young minds might be clouded and only seeing red. If you were brought up in the Kenny Rogers type household to turn the other cheek then you may see things differentlly but all are not as fortunate to be raised in that type environment. So all I'm saying is, until you've walked in them type shoes passing judgement is irresponsible. Bottomline, the kids made a harsh mistake and condeming them not even knowing their background and just stereotyping is wrong. Due Process.....   

If you go back and listen to that song, Kenny locked the door and got after the whole gang by himself..... He didn't have to gang up with his boys and jump somebody from behind.  "We'll wait until the next play when he's not paying attention, and I'll hit him high.... you go low!  Let's go!!!!!!!"  Secondly, it's not stereotyping to condemn a violent attack on a unsuspecting and defenseless person.  Thirdly, "turning the other cheek" refers to Jesus's teachings to this disciple as what to do once someone has struck your cheek first.  These kids didn't decide not to "turn the other cheek...." they chose to attack somebody who hadn't physically done anything to them.  Fourth, it's seems to be pretty stereotypical on your part to defend these kids actions based on the type of environment that they were raised in without knowing anything about them.  These kids were failed by parents, coaches,friends and communities that are too quick to defend and justify behaviors that are logically indefensible. 





Thanks for the throw back to the 80's but that's two different kinds of "heat" in this situation :) and I am a child of your generation and I'm saying you play this game with passion and adrenaline. It is a violent sport and harsh at times. Again, no way condoning hitting a helpless receiver, I mean referee, but situations occur from a kids perspective that their young minds might be clouded and only seeing red. If you were brought up in the Kenny Rogers type household to turn the other cheek then you may see things differentlly but all are not as fortunate to be raised in that type environment. So all I'm saying is, until you've walked in them type shoes passing judgement is irresponsible. Bottomline, the kids made a harsh mistake and condeming them not even knowing their background and just stereotyping is wrong. Due Process.....   

PlusOne, it is a violent game and you play with passion but a line was crossed no matter what may or may not have been said. CardinalBacker said it pretty well. I played ball and had I been involved in this I may as well not come home that night. Whatever coaches or anyone else had done to me, my daddy would have been the worst to face.

You keep saying due process........I highly doubt it but lets say the official did say something negative, will you think their actions are justified? I do not think there is anything that can come out that justifies what I saw on the video.


Plus one I stated the same thing at the beginning of this post and got crucified for stating the same thing.

 I never said I condoned the actions of the kids, but until you are placed in the same exact situation as the two boys were placed in (Which we don't know what exactly led to this and probably never will, because there are always two sides of a story and popular opinion automatically takes refs side) you don't know how you would react. You can hope that you would react differently and you can say what you would do in any moment until thrust into that situation you just really and truly don't know.

The heat of the moment could possibly lead to after the game if your frustration levels and adrenaline are through the roof, again you just don't know until in that situation.

I have not seen anywhere in a news article that says this is the first time for this to ever happen. It just got captured on video, same thing as Ray Rice. He would still be playing in the NFL if it wasn't on video, just like all the other idiots (Adrian Peterson) are.

What if it was your child that did this? Would you want the legal system to get involved and lock them up? If you can honestly say you would want the book thrown at them then you have other issues.

Hopefully for these boys they have a strong family support system and it is a life lesson for the both of them. I stated previously that we don't know anything about these boys. They maybe model citizens that have never gotten in any trouble, but I see where people automatically profile them because they are from the West Side of San Antonio, so they must be of low character.

It doesn't matter the other side of the story, they are guilty of breaking rules and the least and at the most, almost certainly assault. It is like having a guy speeding past you and turning off and the cops catch you. When you tell the officer, "Another guy in front of me was speeding also" is no excuse and even if true is meaningless. You are the one that got caught. 

Just like this one happened to be on video. So what? I suspect that if this happened before there might not have been video but there were certainly witnesses and people have been held accountable long before there was any such thing as video. It is like you are implying that this happens and these two players just "happened to get caught" because of video. 

As far as the legal system, no I would not want my child or even me to be involved. I wish that I was clear from any criminal responsibility and could do what I wanted with an criminal consequences. Unfortunately for me I don't have that exemption. While I would not like it, if I or a family member gets caught up in the legal system then so be it. It isn't a matter of (as has been brought up a few times) "throwing the book at them". The book in that terms is the maximum punishment. In the case of an assault with injuries in TX it carries a maximum of a $4,000 time and a year in jail..... but, it can be as little as a $1 fine and no jail. The law has a lot of built in leeway and a judge or jury gets to make the call if the person needs a slap on the wrist of having the book thrown at them. 

I have yet to comment on these kids being charged criminally or civilly other than to say that such charges are possible in my opinion. You have managed to drag almost every excuse for bad behavior however. Someone else has done the same but wasn't caught, you wouldn't want your family member in the legal system (who does?) and someone else may have provoked them into it. 

Here is the deal, if you are walking under the palm tree when the coconut falls, you are the one that gets hit. It doesn't matter who walked under that tree yesterday. They walked under the tree when the coconut fell. They got hit and need to pay the price within the law and taking all circumstances into account. Maybe that is a mere suspension and maybe it is criminal charges. Whatever it is, excuse don't cut it in my opinion. They made a stupid and inexcusable act and need to face up to their actions and quit having people blame someone else.

I suspect that if they are these model citizens as has been suggested is a possibility, they will not have "the book thrown at them".  



Yobama has taught this generation well, holler racism anytime you get in trouble and then the media will carry your water from there. These 2 punks should be charged with assault. If a ref used that kind of language he would not get many games.


Are you from BG's hometown? I have been to his house a couple of times and never noticed you in the area but I might stop in and say "Hi" if you are in the area. :)

Not in the same town, but in the same recruiting area....... "Holla" the next time you see BG and myself at a game...


Ok my bad you left wingers have your stance and it is what it is but what happened to the Posters from the other 6 pages. Perhaps they have reasonable doubt and are seeing both sides. If we all agree then it's a moot point but by disagreeing it becomes a debate. Democracy displayed at its finest. I've done my part court adjourned!!

Posted (edited)

Left Winger???.........laughable.........go to the political forum and see arguments there.

Bottom line is, kids like these that lose it in "the heat of the moment" end up being the ones on TV 15 years from now for beating their wife because she argued with him and "in the heat of the moment" he lost it and beat the crap out of her. Or he is the one beating his kid in the Walmart parking lot on a video because the kid was crying because he/she wanted a toy but "in the heat of the moment" he lost it and started slapping them around. If, lord forbid, there is a slap on the wrist for this attack.......there will be more of it if the kid thinks they can get away with it.

Edited by Eagle11

I agree eagle.  Hopefully, the punishment will be severe enough to not only teach these two (or 3 if you add in this weekends incident), but to make all other players realize you don't touch Officials, Refs, Umpires. 

There may not be any discipline in the classroom, or a lot of homes, but there dam sure better be discipline in the sports arenas.  


I think people are reading way to much into my statements. I have never once said their actions are defendable. Their actions are unwarranted and uncalled for in any aspect of life. The only time anybody should ever hit another person is in defense of themselves or family. 

What these two kids did was wrong in every way possible and should never be allowed to happen or be allowed to get away with it.

I am actually and eye for eye type of guy, but I also realize that is not how our society works. 

I guess my biggest problem is that people are really quick to bury these two unknowns because it is easy to do, but when it comes to people in power or are well known (popular) we allow them the benefit of the doubt more often than not.


I agree eagle.  Hopefully, the punishment will be severe enough to not only teach these two (or 3 if you add in this weekends incident), but to make all other players realize you don't touch Officials, Refs, Umpires. 

There may not be any discipline in the classroom, or a lot of homes, but there dam sure better be discipline in the sports arenas.  

I always say... somebody is going to teach those kids about consequences.  It might be mom/dad, it might be a coach, it might be a judge.  But they WILL learn.  

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