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SETXsports High School Football Rankings - Week 3


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There is so many ignorant people on here BC had the same refs making bad calls on them. And for the safety it WASNT a safety! Keep crying about the refs all you want but they didn't cause that 24 point spread yall were suppose to have! Nothing but respect for Newton great ball club but sour fans not the same thing

No not ignorant. Sat there and watched every play. That's not ignorance.  Also saw the game on film afterwards. I have seen what went on while most comments about this game are just that and they never saw the game. 

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When we played BC opening week, I remember several unsportsmanlike calls that went against Kirbyville that were iffy. You know what else I remember? Several iffy calls went against BC too. It's funny how some fans seem to only want to see what they want to see if it helps them rationalize things in their mind. The Newton fans thought their team was so far above and beyond BC and Kirbyville that the mere thought of losing just can't take hold in their heads. They see now, and they know.....everybody knows.....that Newton is just another good team. They're not immortal at all. They can and have been beaten. That just has to suck for these fans claiming refs screwed us. Lmao

But can and always have kicked Kville Butt. Grind on that for the nite and the fact that Newton does have a collection of State Championships.. How many does Kville have?? What I thought.. Nite again.

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But can and always have kicked Kville Butt. Grind on that for the nite and the fact that Newton does have a collection of State Championships.. How many does Kville have?? What I thought.. Nite again.

You seem to be a very narrow minded individual Cactus. Your series of responses are really sad. And kinda pathetic at times. You should know some things....I was born in Newton. I have a lot of family and friends there, and so I spend quite a bit of time all around Newton county visiting and hunting and fishing and such. Didn't know that did you? I have nothing but the highest amount of respect for the Newton Eagle football organization and all they've accomplished. I'll be an Eagle and Wildcat fan till the day I die. Both teams have had great success in football as well as many other things. Some of the fans though that spout off nonsense about refs being the problem, or dredging up the past when you have nothing else to go on...fans such as yourself I mean....deserve absolutely zero respect and will get none. Bridge City has a great team this year. They beat us, and they beat y'all. Fair and square. Crying and whining and making excuses and not giving them the respect they deserve does nothing more than make you look ridiculous in the eyes of every poster on here. Trust me. To Bridge City, great job. I mean, really great job. Beating two top 5 teams was no easy feat but y'all did it. I'm gonna watch close to see how far y'all go. Don't let the few sour grape posters from Newton take away from what y'all did. You earned that 2-0 record. :)

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Lol, chill chill chill, it's a football forum a litte trash talk is ok, don't go all doctor Phil on us.

"Oh man BC, congrats on your win but y'all better be glad you don't have to play us again cause I think we'd take you out!" <--- That's trash talk. "Refs screwed us over!" ...or... "Man BC if y'all keep those same refs every game you should go undefeated the rest of the year." <--- Total disrespect to the team that beat you. Fact is, you lost. BC beat you. Refs are part of the game and I can ASSURE you, PROMISE you and GUARANTEE you.....that there have been many games where Newton was on the positive side of those iffy calls from refs. So suck it up buttercup. That blemish on your record isn't so bad. :)

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"Oh man BC, congrats on your win but y'all better be glad you don't have to play us again cause I think we'd take you out!" <--- That's trash talk. "Refs screwed us over!" ...or... "Man BC if y'all keep those same refs every game you should go undefeated the rest of the year." <--- Total disrespect to the team that beat you. Fact is, you lost. BC beat you. Refs are part of the game and I can ASSURE you, PROMISE you and GUARANTEE you.....that there have been many games where Newton was on the positive side of those iffy calls from refs. So suck it up buttercup. That blemish on your record isn't so bad. :)

You seem to be so happy the blemish is on Newtons record. Newton had blemishes on their record last year . Nothing new. But Kirbyville wasn't one of them buttercup. Go back to sleep..

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You seem to be so happy the blemish is on Newtons record. Newton had blemishes on their record last year . Nothing new. But Kirbyville wasn't one of them buttercup. Go back to sleep..

What in the name of all that is holy? Kirbyville and Newton didn't play last year slick.....how could we be a blemish on your record? Geez man come on. Oh wait....that was the refs fault we didn't play huh? Lmao... 

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What in the name of all that is holy? Kirbyville and Newton didn't play last year slick.....how could we be a blemish on your record? Geez man come on. Oh wait....that was the refs fault we didn't play huh? Lmao... 

Chill Bro..  your fortunat you didn't have to play Newton last year. Would have been an early exit for you catbacker..and a blemish. Lmao. ..

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Bring your bankroll. . No way they beat Newton 10 out of 10. They won this game. How it was officiated played a giant part in that win. I ll say that if BC can keep those same officals they go undefeated on the year. I wish BC a good year. They deserve a successful year after all the many duds they endured. 

passive aggressive becomes you

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Chill Bro..  your fortunat you didn't have to play Newton last year. Would have been an early exit for you catbacker..and a blemish. Lmao. ..

I'm not even sure where to begin with you anymore. Lmao... First, again...you're doing nothing more than talking for a team that has not backed up your statements. Which makes you look really really dumb and you should honestly stop. Seriously. Everybody on here sees it Cactus. There are 2 main things wrong with your comment...(not even counting the grammatical errors)  1) These two teams aren't even in the same division. They could only have met in a pre-district game and not the playoffs. This "early exit" you're talking about is....from what? and 2) You're basing your statement on what? The fact you went to state and Kirbyville didn't? Again, two different divisions so there's no way to compare those apples to oranges. Speaking of 'oranges' (horrible segway I know. Everyone else reading this, please forgive me..Lol)....there is only one thing we have from last year to compare Kirbyville and Newton head to head. We both played Orangefield. We beat them. How did y'alls game end? I can't remember.. Hahahahahahaha.... :)

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Here is the biggest fact between Bridge City and Newton's game....Bridge City won. Period. Doesn't matter how, the Cardinals beat the Eagles. I could careless if someone thinks Netwon would win 9 out of 10 times. Last Friday the two teams did play and Bridge City defeated Newton, the second time in as many weeks the Cardinals have knocked off a state ranked team. 

Too many ifs always come out after the rankings are released. As a voter, I do not think of ifs when I vote. Like I have said before, if I was Brad Pitt I would be married to Angelina Jolie. 

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