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only thing that makes me go HMMMMM.....is Guardian has a kid at KELLY, Guardian wants the Nigerian to go to KELLY, but for some reason cannot, but then chooses CENTRAL of all the schools to go to....

CENTRAL is the next best school behind KELLY.........realllyyyyy


only thing that makes me go HMMMMM.....is Guardian has a kid at KELLY, Guardian wants the Nigerian to go to KELLY, but for some reason cannot, but then chooses CENTRAL of all the schools to go to....

CENTRAL is the next best school behind KELLY.........realllyyyyy

Why not Central. Its not like there are a lot of choices in Beaumont.  Speaking from an athletic point of view, which is what many of you are trying to make this, it don't matter what high school he goes to because his main props/exposure will come from playing with his shoe sponsored team in the summer.


Kelly starts school 2 weeks before public schools. The kids were in Atlanta when Kelly started school. When they were  scheduled to start school two weeks later in Atlanta, they found out the school was closed. Then it took them over a week to get here. And its not easy to get into Kelly. After starting the process, it was determined that it wouldnt be possible for them to catch up and they needed to get to class. 

Excellent point!!! Doesn't seem like its for basketball reasons to me.


Why not Central. Its not like there are a lot of choices in Beaumont.  Speaking from an athletic point of view, which is what many of you are trying to make this, it don't matter what high school he goes to because his main props/exposure will come from playing with his shoe sponsored team in the summer.

But Dove, wasn't it you that suggested/implied that basketball was just a secondary consideration?


only thing that makes me go HMMMMM.....is Guardian has a kid at KELLY, Guardian wants the Nigerian to go to KELLY, but for some reason cannot, but then chooses CENTRAL of all the schools to go to....

CENTRAL is the next best school behind KELLY.........realllyyyyy

Guardian tried to get him in Kelly.  Couldn't get that done.  Guardian's residence is zoned for Central in public school. Not sure where "choosing" even comes into play here...


Guardian tried to get him in Kelly.  Couldn't get that done.  Guardian's residence is zoned for Central in public school. Not sure where "choosing" even comes into play here...

high school students get to pick were they go....or that's how it was unless it changed this year.







Why not Central. Its not like there are a lot of choices in Beaumont.  Speaking from an athletic point of view, which is what many of you are trying to make this, it don't matter what high school he goes to because his main props/exposure will come from playing with his shoe sponsored team in the summer.

Im not trying to make it a athletic thing at all.  Central over HJ.  Central over West Brook.  What about Legacy?.....

I know at west brook most of those teachers don't cut anybody any slack no matter who u r.


At the end of the day who cares . I mean like i said before ,ppl should be happy this is happening in SETX . Never before has a player caused this much stir and it doesn't matter where he ends up out here just know eveyone playing against him will have an opportunity to be seen. Now what you do with it is totally up to you. Tired of these adults crying , nobody and i mean nobody would turn down 7'2 if eveything is in order....with that roll the balls and lets  hoop.....


At the end of the day who cares . I mean like i said before ,ppl should be happy this is happening in SETX . Never before has a player caused this much stir and it doesn't matter where he ends up out here just know eveyone playing against him will have an opportunity to be seen. Now what you do with it is totally up to you. Tired of these adults crying , nobody and i mean nobody would turn down 7'2 if eveything is in order....with that roll the balls and lets  hoop.....



high school students get to pick were they go....or that's how it was unless it changed this year.






you may be right.  I'm not a beaumont guy so I don't know for sure.  I thought the different high schools still have zones but you can go to another for certain reasons.  Regardless, if there are or if there were, they live within the central zone (or former zone).  


high school students get to pick were they go....or that's how it was unless it changed this year.






Not in Beaumont. You have to attend the school that you are zoned for. His guardian is zoned for Central. If you attend a school outside your zone, you will face eligibility issues and not be allowed to play. I know everyone has their own opinion about how and why this went down. I will try to help out a little on some of the subtle accusations....

1) Nigerian kids school shuts down in Atlanta.

2) Nigerian kids are relocated to stay with guardian in Beaumont the following week.

3) Guardian has a kid at Kelly...attempts to enroll both kids at Kelly.

4) Kelly starts school 2 weeks before everyone else in this area, so it was too late to get them in and NOT BE BEHIND academically. (Which is paramount at Kelly)

5) Guardian decides to enroll kids in zoned school...Central

6) UIL and every other "expert" in Southeast Texas try to determine whether or not the kids are eligible to play.

And that's where we are folks. Nothing underhanded, no school favoritism, no recruiting. It is fun to watch the back and forth on here, but at the end of the day, this is just a story about two kids that came here for a better life, got screwed in Atlanta and now attend Central High School. They are nice boys and I hate that they are having to adjust like this. And the guardian is making a huge sacrifice, both financially and with his time. 7'3" and 6'5" kids don't eat Happy Meals from McDonalds! Hell I have a 5'9 kid that's eating me out of house and home! lol



Just to try and help.

The kid could be eligible if the "guardian" is his legal guardian.  Meaning, whoever sent him from Atlanta signed over all rights of guardianship to whoever he is staying with now.  If not, he could be deemed ineligible.  But first they will have to fill out the PAPF (Previous Athletic Participation Form) for the player, the PAPF will then go to the DEC (District Executive Committee) for a vote.  If the DEC votes yes, he is eligible.  If the DEC votes no, Central and his guardian can then file an appeal with UIL.  UIL is not known for passing these at a high rate but it has been known to happen.

My advice is, sit back and wait.  You can assume all you want but we won't know until the DEC decides or the UIL.  


"Guardian" = AAU Handler

Let's call it what it is.  



Actually his AAU handler lives in Houston. And even if that were the case, who cares. If the kids school in Atlanta didn't shut down, we wouldn't even be discussing this. The UIL will make sure everything is done correctly.


Who cares?  Because adults in this AAU stuff seem to forget it's about the kid and not about themselves.  If they had the kid's best interest at heart, he would be going to a good academic school like someone mentioned previously.  There are plenty of local schools with open enrollment and better academic standing that this kid could be "steered" to.  

One AAU coach handed off this prized recruit to another AAU coaching friend.  That's how he made if from Atlanta to little old SETX.  This has nothing to do with what's best for the kid.  It's about stacking a team.  Team A fell through, so now its on to Team B.  


Who cares?  Because adults in this AAU stuff seem to forget it's about the kid and not about themselves.  If they had the kid's best interest at heart, he would be going to a good academic school like someone mentioned previously.  There are plenty of local schools with open enrollment and better academic standing that this kid could be "steered" to.  

One AAU coach handed off this prized recruit to another AAU coaching friend.  That's how he made if from Atlanta to little old SETX.  This has nothing to do with what's best for the kid.  It's about stacking a team.  Team A fell through, so now its on to Team B.  

Painting with a pretty broad brush there. Not all adults in AAU are thinking about themselves. And some do have the kids best interest at heart. I'm still a little confused on how these kids could have been "steered" to a better academic school. Hardin Jefferson has open enrollment...for $1000 per year per family. But who is going to take the kids from the central Beaumont area to Sour Lake everyday and pick them up. And I don't see families lining up to take the kids in and buy them clothes, food, tickets to the movies, tickets to Friday night football games, Homecoming suits, trips to the dentist, ....I can go on and on but I believe my point is clear. 

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