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Urban Meyer says "you are either part of the solution or part of the problem". He "claims" he walks into HS coaches offices and ask the coach, "is this kid and his family, a part of the solution or a part of the problem?" We all fall under this category....IMO

There it is right there!  And notice how he doesn't just say "this kid".  He says "this kid and his family".  Either part of the problem or part of the solution.  I never get tired of hearing that.


The trend is that coaches are leaving the profession and going into sales or industry.  A percentage of the reason for this move is $$$.  We always hear that coaches do not do what they do for the money, but they may get out for the money.  TEA has also forced some early retirements as well, teachers, coach, admin, it doesn't matter, the new standards are pushing many out the door.  Another reason is because of parents/kids.  The days of do what I say because I said are gone.  Some people can not handle the "disrespect."  


If anyone really believes that a coach tries to lose, you should try talking to him on Monday.  Talk to the coach after he has had a chance to game plan, prep, review tape of his own team, review tape of their team.  Talk to him after that.  He sure does spend a lot of time working away from home, only to have someone scream at him on Friday nights and tell him how much he sucks.


This is not life or death.  It is a game.  It is a lot more fun to win than lose, but it is still just a game.  


I for one understand what you are saying, but this is a opinion board. There are no problems in praising these programs, and their leaders. I do not believe in talking down on any kids, because that's what they are kids. There are many things we see and hear dealing with the programs as well, I feel that hey if they can receive praise they can or should accept criticism as well. How many watch college and pro sports and when your team is struggling makes comments. This is no different just our opinion and as long as we leave kids out it shouldn't be a problem. The way for a coach to build a bond in his community, is to be part of his community. If his job comes down to this board comment, he should have made adjustments to his contract. All in all I understand but even head coaches have made opinions.


I for one understand what you are saying, but this is a opinion board. There are no problems in praising these programs, and their leaders. I do not believe in talking down on any kids, because that's what they are kids. There are many things we see and hear dealing with the programs as well, I feel that hey if they can receive praise they can or should accept criticism as well. How many watch college and pro sports and when your team is struggling makes comments. This is no different just our opinion and as long as we leave kids out it shouldn't be a problem. The way for a coach to build a bond in his community, is to be part of his community. If his job comes down to this board comment, he should have made adjustments to his contract. All in all I understand but even head coaches have made opinions.

Having an opinion is not a problem. Bashing someone is a problem in this forum.

I thought that PNG had some play calls last week that leave me scratching my head.... although thrilled since I am a Nederland fan. I think that not liking a play call or saying that it seemed foolish for running a double reverse inside of the 5 yard line was not a good call when the defense is in a goal line defense is not the issue.

Saying that the coach is an imbecile, needs to get a life, needs to be terminated immediately or other such statements are the issue. 

Here are some of the rules that apply to what this thread pertains to:

4) Keep it civil! You can make your point much more attractive to others by remaining calm and intelligent. You will be banned for flaming or attacking another member!! We will not tolerate abuse upon another member.

8 ) Do not make racial or abusive comments

15) Please do not post unsubstantiated rumors, suspicions or slanderous comments about anyone - this includes non-members of the forums.

18 ) The bashing of any particular coach, player, referee, etc will not be tolerated. This includes issues involving their personal lives, coaching/playing style or performance, past experiences, etc.


Suggested reading is the rules of this website.



Having an opinion is not a problem. Bashing someone is a problem in this forum.

I thought that PNG had some play calls last week that leave me scratching my head.... although thrilled since I am a Nederland fan. I think that not liking a play call or saying that it seemed foolish for running a double reverse inside of the 5 yard line was not a good call when the defense is in a goal line defense is not the issue.

Saying that the coach is an imbecile, needs to get a life, needs to be terminated immediately or other such statements are the issue. 

Here are some of the rules that apply to what this thread pertains to:

4) Keep it civil! You can make your point much more attractive to others by remaining calm and intelligent. You will be banned for flaming or attacking another member!! We will not tolerate abuse upon another member.

8 ) Do not make racial or abusive comments

15) Please do not post unsubstantiated rumors, suspicions or slanderous comments about anyone - this includes non-members of the forums.

18 ) The bashing of any particular coach, player, referee, etc will not be tolerated. This includes issues involving their personal lives, coaching/playing style or performance, past experiences, etc.


Suggested reading is the rules of this website.


That's understandable right there, rethink your thought process before commenting.


Having an opinion is not a problem. Bashing someone is a problem in this forum.

I thought that PNG had some play calls last week that leave me scratching my head.... although thrilled since I am a Nederland fan. I think that not liking a play call or saying that it seemed foolish for running a double reverse inside of the 5 yard line was not a good call when the defense is in a goal line defense is not the issue.

Saying that the coach is an imbecile, needs to get a life, needs to be terminated immediately or other such statements are the issue. 

Here are some of the rules that apply to what this thread pertains to:

4) Keep it civil! You can make your point much more attractive to others by remaining calm and intelligent. You will be banned for flaming or attacking another member!! We will not tolerate abuse upon another member.

8 ) Do not make racial or abusive comments

15) Please do not post unsubstantiated rumors, suspicions or slanderous comments about anyone - this includes non-members of the forums.

18 ) The bashing of any particular coach, player, referee, etc will not be tolerated. This includes issues involving their personal lives, coaching/playing style or performance, past experiences, etc.


Suggested reading is the rules of this website.




Having an opinion is not a problem. Bashing someone is a problem in this forum.

I thought that PNG had some play calls last week that leave me scratching my head.... although thrilled since I am a Nederland fan. I think that not liking a play call or saying that it seemed foolish for running a double reverse inside of the 5 yard line was not a good call when the defense is in a goal line defense is not the issue.

Saying that the coach is an imbecile, needs to get a life, needs to be terminated immediately or other such statements are the issue. 

Here are some of the rules that apply to what this thread pertains to:

4) Keep it civil! You can make your point much more attractive to others by remaining calm and intelligent. You will be banned for flaming or attacking another member!! We will not tolerate abuse upon another member.

8 ) Do not make racial or abusive comments

15) Please do not post unsubstantiated rumors, suspicions or slanderous comments about anyone - this includes non-members of the forums.

18 ) The bashing of any particular coach, player, referee, etc will not be tolerated. This includes issues involving their personal lives, coaching/playing style or performance, past experiences, etc.


Suggested reading is the rules of this website.


And if anyone needs examples of what not to say, just read most of Stattrax's posts.  By the way, where did he go?  He was red-hot Saturday through about Wednesday and then sort of peter'd out. 




And if anyone needs examples of what not to say, just read most of Stattrax's posts.  By the way, where did he go?  He was red-hot Saturday through about Wednesday and then sort of peter'd out. 



Aint no fun when the rabbit has the gun!


Usually as the lone utility of a game update thread for me is to update our scoreboard, I generally will not read a thread once I have gotten a final score in that game.  The only time I may look in a game thread after game day once is when the game thread continues to have life almost a week after the final gun has been fired as it indicates that something is amiss.  I had the opportunity to do that in about 4 different cases and there was certainly something amiss and all for the same reason.

It seems that in all 4 of these cases (I won't mention the specific schools, but after I reveal the problem, I think it will be pretty obvious of which ones I am talking about) supporters of the teams want to lay all of the problems of a team at the feet of the coaching staff, or more particularly, the head coaches at these schools.  I understand frustration at losing to a rival, losing a game that you thought your school should win or by more than you though they should lose by.  But some of the statements in the 4 cases have gone way far beyond that.  They openly question the ability, and in some cases the desire, of these coaches to put a good team on the field. 

Folks, we simply have to stop that.  Jordan Wilson has prided himself on this site being a place where all members of our local community, including coaches, could come to talk about what we all love to talk about, high school sports.  And make no mistake, coaches DO read this site.  However, who would want to come to a site where they are not only told they lack the ability to place the squad of your dreams on the field, but that they really don't care if they do or not.  If you truly feel that way, there are places to have your grievances aired and possibly addressed.  However, this is not one of those places.

Simply airing your problem with a coach here simply accomplishes no end.  It only serves to divide teams and distance coaches from the communities whose support, not scorn, is what they need to maintain the respect amongst their ranks and progress their teams to the point that the fans believe they should be.

Not to mention that such conduct is against the rules of this board.  But I would rather put it in terms of a request that you folks, who I know are capable of restraint even in the extreme moments of frustration, exercise that restraint so that more rigid enforcement of the rules is not necessary.  I do so with this warning, should my request not be heeded, that more rigid enforcement will become necessary.

Thanks for indulging me.folks.

Nice post!..It's sad,but it's not only here it's social networks/forums nature "more negative than positive". I have always said the ones that constantly "rant" about he/she would rather eat dirt than rant in a live situation.


Bottom line: A Coach wants to WIN. Its called Job Security!

I don't think any of them would intentionally set the team up to lose.


Oh, you would be surprised. Yes, all coaches want to win. But, most coaches want to win their way. I have seen way too many coaches lose because they are too bull headed to change or evolve or even consider that another offense or defense might be better suited to the kids they have.


Oh, you would be surprised. Yes, all coaches want to win. But, most coaches want to win their way. I have seen way too many coaches lose because they are too bull headed to change or evolve or even consider that another offense or defense might be better suited to the kids they have.

But bottom line is to WIN.

Posted (edited)

Having an opinion is not a problem. Bashing someone is a problem in this forum.

I thought that PNG had some play calls last week that leave me scratching my head.... although thrilled since I am a Nederland fan. I think that not liking a play call or saying that it seemed foolish for running a double reverse inside of the 5 yard line was not a good call when the defense is in a goal line defense is not the issue.

Saying that the coach is an imbecile, needs to get a life, needs to be terminated immediately or other such statements are the issue. 

Here are some of the rules that apply to what this thread pertains to:

4) Keep it civil! You can make your point much more attractive to others by remaining calm and intelligent. You will be banned for flaming or attacking another member!! We will not tolerate abuse upon another member.

8 ) Do not make racial or abusive comments

15) Please do not post unsubstantiated rumors, suspicions or slanderous comments about anyone - this includes non-members of the forums.

18 ) The bashing of any particular coach, player, referee, etc will not be tolerated. This includes issues involving their personal lives, coaching/playing style or performance, past experiences, etc.


Suggested reading is the rules of this website.


there are some staff members who need  a refresher course on these rules.

Edited by fox

And if anyone needs examples of what not to say, just read most of Stattrax's posts.  By the way, where did he go?  He was red-hot Saturday through about Wednesday and then sort of peter'd out. 



He said he was going to go back in to hibernation if they lost.


Sometimes emotions get the best of us.  Personally, after games win or lose, when I think I see something on certain plays and think I know better, I go down and ask.  I ask why didn't you run this in a particular situation.  Turns out, since I didn't watch that 80 hours of film this week and wasn't at practice, and didn't see exactly what scheme was going on, I was clueless.  Coaching is much more than the X's and O's though and no matter what, sitting in the stands with people that second guess every play, every quarter of every game does get old.  The problem I've heard of is when certain coaches aren't giving letters to kids from colleges.  That to me is a much bigger issue than if you punted on 4th down or passed it when you should've run the clock down.


Sometimes emotions get the best of us.  Personally, after games win or lose, when I think I see something on certain plays and think I know better, I go down and ask.  I ask why didn't you run this in a particular situation.  Turns out, since I didn't watch that 80 hours of film this week and wasn't at practice, and didn't see exactly what scheme was going on, I was clueless.  Coaching is much more than the X's and O's though and no matter what, sitting in the stands with people that second guess every play, every quarter of every game does get old.  The problem I've heard of is when certain coaches aren't giving letters to kids from colleges.  That to me is a much bigger issue than if you punted on 4th down or passed it when you should've run the clock down.

And really, if this would be the extent of the criticism of a coach, there wouldn't be a problem.  Questioning a play or a personnel package in a key part of the game is just a difference of opinion.

But...when that jumps from discussing a certain decision to accusing a coach of not knowing his rear end from a hole in the ground, or even worse, that the coach has an agenda that does not include putting a winning team on the field, a line has been crossed.


Get you a 4 year degree from an accredited university and you can see to it that nothing(games or players) are mismanaged. I'd be willing to bet there is an accredited university within driving distance of your residence. Come up with the cash to pay for tuition, study your butt off, and you can be a coach in 4-5 years...nothing to it!

That's hilarious PIg you're right but If you desire to be a H.S. coach enhance lives, never dIstroy dreams or futures. I myself traIn and develop youth and choose not to grInd out a H.S. coaches weekly rituals. Call me an armchair QB or sideline critic but criticism Is part of the game and I say to those wIth that coveted degree who chose coaching, If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen. All Lives Matter!


Thank you WOS.     My two cents,  living with a coach... Does me no good to second guess him,   Lol.    And in this day and age of Internet, social media etc.  You should not be waiting on a coach to give you a letter from a school.   If you want to play college ball, contact the school you are interested in.  Send film, send letters yourself.  Go,for a unofficial visit, go to camps.  If a school has not found you on social media, command met you themselves.  You need to put in some work contacting them,  Don't wait on them.  There are other schools besides a D1 out there.  D2, D3,  Juco, NAIA.    


I've said it before...I've yet to see a perfect coach.


And no Neumann isn't perfect. Yes he does have a 6-0 record against the PNG Indians. Move along.:) I think I covered everything.

More like 17-6 . :) Moving on..


Thank you WOS.     My two cents,  living with a coach... Does me no good to second guess him,   Lol.    And in this day and age of Internet, social media etc.  You should not be waiting on a coach to give you a letter from a school.   If you want to play college ball, contact the school you are interested in.  Send film, send letters yourself.  Go,for a unofficial visit, go to camps.  If a school has not found you on social media, command met you themselves.  You need to put in some work contacting them,  Don't wait on them.  There are other schools besides a D1 out there.  D2, D3,  Juco, NAIA.    

If a college coach(recruiter) sends a letter to a school and the high school coach doesn't give it to that kid, it speaks volumes about the integrity of that coach.  

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