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Port Neches-Groves 36 Beaumont Ozen 13/Final


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Bost has a better arm IMO, Rashawn is just one of those athletes that comes along every once in a while. He leaves people picking up their shorts when he runs. He is improving on his throwing ability. I have watched both of them since they were little because my son has played with them. They are both exceptional athletes. Bost is probably one of the best baseball players in the area. He started on varsity as lead off batter as a Freshman. Like I said, It is good to have a problem like that but I'd like to see both of them on offense. With Bost throwing and Rashawn catching and running along with a healthy Keynel next year would be fund to watch. Bost can run too, he just runs over you. Tough kid.

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Bost has a better arm IMO, Rashawn is just one of those athletes that comes along every once in a while. He leaves people picking up their shorts when he runs. He is improving on his throwing ability. I have watched both of them since they were little because my son has played with them. They are both exceptional athletes. Bost is probably one of the best baseball players in the area. He started on varsity as lead off batter as a Freshman. Like I said, It is good to have a problem like that but I'd like to see both of them on offense. With Bost throwing and Rashawn catching and running along with a healthy Keynel next year would be fund to watch. Bost can run too, he just runs over you. Tough kid.

Sounds like a great problem to have

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Yes, Bost is a dang good quarterback too. He is more like Morse. He will be on Varsity next year probably starting on defense. He is a good all around athlete. Wouldn't mind seeing Bost at Quarterback and Rashawn at receiver. It would be a heck of a tandem.

That's exactly what should happen but probably won't. That's the difference between us and Nederland, Neumann has made that same decision time and time again. Sage was one of the best Qbs at the MS and freshmen levels I have ever seen but he helped out more covering two positions (WR and DB) and had a QB who could get the job done. Another example is this year with Mayfield, same scenario, he helps out at two positions and Lebaron is lighting it up. 

Understand I am not saying the kid cant play because its obvious he can but for the teams sake, having Bost at Qb and Johnson playing WR and DB (even though he doesn't play kids both ways) would benefit the team better, in my opinion.

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I remember watching this group of PNG seniors come to Nederland as freshman and put a pop-knot on us to the tune of 50-something to 20-something and I remember thinking it was gonna be rough sledding for Ned for a few years especially when this group was seniors. Fast forward three years, those freshman never beat Nederland at the varsity level and I think a lot of that has to do with Larry Neumann tweaking positions as these kids became sophs, juniors, and even seniors. A lot can happen from soph-senior year...

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That's exactly what should happen but probably won't. That's the difference between us and Nederland, Neumann has made that same decision time and time again. Sage was one of the best Qbs at the MS and freshmen levels I have ever seen but he helped out more covering two positions (WR and DB) and had a QB who could get the job done. Another example is this year with Mayfield, same scenario, he helps out at two positions and Lebaron is lighting it up. 

Understand I am not saying the kid cant play because its obvious he can but for the teams sake, having Bost at Qb and Johnson playing WR and DB (even though he doesn't play kids both ways) would benefit the team better, in my opinion.

Actually Rashawn is a great defensive player. He will flat out hit and can cover the best of them. He also has some good hands. Speed, Speed, Speed. He does bring a different dynamic at QB, he has the ability to make something out of nothing. Bost is a really good defensive player too. Figuring out where to put them is going to be tough. Good problem to have. Now if we can get Keynel healthy. Any news on when he is back?

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Actually Rashawn is a great defensive player. He will flat out hit and can cover the best of them. He also has some good hands. Speed, Speed, Speed. He does bring a different dynamic at QB, he has the ability to make something out of nothing. Bost is a really good defensive player too. Figuring out where to put them is going to be tough. Good problem to have. Now if we can get Keynel healthy. Any news on when he is back?

Heard he was out for the season

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