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THANK YOU Ashly Elam!


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Hats off to you for standing up for the Chief!


oh so it did in fact happen?  Thought I read somewhere on here that somebody who lived by him say they didnt see any signs, must have been a timing thing to where they just didnt see it when they got home. Perfectly stated by A. Elam…… like I stated before: if yall dont want him I know a couple places he will be wanted, one near here. 

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Meh.... The coach knew all about the rivalry long before he backed his truck up to the Administration Building and started loading his truck with sacks of money. It's only going to get worse until he gets the monkey off his back. 

Everybody has goals at their work.... Whether production goals, sales goals, saving lives, or beating the Bulldogs.... When you can't get it done professionally, you're going to hear about it. 

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So you think it's ok to harass a man with small children? To go on his private property? 

It's never okay to do something like that.  Talking to some different folks over there, I honestly don't think he puts too much on one game, what's better, 1-9 beating Nederland or making the playoffs.  No coach out there wants to lose to their rival especially 6 years in a row.  Get right for the playoffs and stay out of that man's yard.

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Meh.... The coach knew all about the rivalry long before he backed his truck up to the Administration Building and started loading his truck with sacks of money. It's only going to get worse until he gets the monkey off his back. 

Everybody has goals at their work.... Whether production goals, sales goals, saving lives, or beating the Bulldogs.... When you can't get it done professionally, you're going to hear about it. 

i totally agree with whats in bold but there are ways to go about letting them hear it other than going on their property, those folks who put up the signs were bold and lucky in this day in age, do that to the wrong house you might get shot or shot at. Just saying. 

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I hope whomever did this is caught. No matter how you feel about coach that is his private domain. WHat if someone were to get SHOT or ARRESTED for doing this. Thats the danger of entering someone's private property.  Its not worth it and any man is allowed to protect his private property. 

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Meh.... The coach knew all about the rivalry long before he backed his truck up to the Administration Building and started loading his truck with sacks of money. It's only going to get worse until he gets the monkey off his back. 

Everybody has goals at their work.... Whether production goals, sales goals, saving lives, or beating the Bulldogs.... When you can't get it done professionally, you're going to hear about it. 

Meh its a violation of law. I sure hope you are not condoning violating the law on a board read by many kids. 

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Shoot, you can't even question a coach's performance on this board.  Definitely shouldn't boo him during the game when he calls a boneheaded play my 4th grader knows not to try on Madden. Never should you question his decision to have his only Qb in a spread offense fielding punts. 

If the good coach didn't realize how important this particular game is, then I feel sorry for him. It's just life. I would be willing to bet that Charlie Strong wouldn't finish this season if he lost to Oklahoma a few weeks ago. When he signed up to coach at PNG, to play in that jewel of a facility, and to collect that big fat salary, he should have understood that beating Nederland was a condition of keeping the privilege of coaching the Indians.

To the good coach I say this. If you don't like it, there's always barber college. 

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Most property lines do not go all the way to the road, so you can place a sign in someone's yard without going on their property.


Not condoning what happened, just answering the question.  

Thank you for answering. I will never agree to this. I am not taking up for FC losing to Nederland 6 years running. I look at it like if it were done to me I'd be livid.

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