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Crosby vs CE King Prediction Thread

Red Dawn

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There will be no jokes allowed if:

1. You have Coog, Coug, or Cougar on your screen name

2. If by any chance you have Crosby associated with your screen name

3.  If Crosby has beat the person's team said joke is about

4.  Feelings are hurt very easily here.  You can call people ignorant, clueless, and the likes, but wait a minute, you can only do that if #1 and #2 ring true.

Like the forum, but dang, you can't joke.  Some dudes have been called way worse than jock sniffer, I'm just saying.  People on here everyday attack each other's intelligence.  Man, I miss #plusone!


Go Crosby!

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There will be no jokes allowed if:

1. You have Coog, Coug, or Cougar on your screen name

2. If by any chance you have Crosby associated with your screen name

3.  If Crosby has beat the person's team said joke is about

4.  Feelings are hurt very easily here.  You can call people ignorant, clueless, and the likes, but wait a minute, you can only do that if #1 and #2 ring true.

Like the forum, but dang, you can't joke.  Some dudes have been called way worse than jock sniffer, I'm just saying.  People on here everyday attack each other's intelligence.  Man, I miss #plusone!


Go Crosby!

I miss him to. Come out come out plusone. Should never make a wager you don't plan on honoring.

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There will be no jokes allowed if:

1. You have Coog, Coug, or Cougar on your screen name

2. If by any chance you have Crosby associated with your screen name

3.  If Crosby has beat the person's team said joke is about

4.  Feelings are hurt very easily here.  You can call people ignorant, clueless, and the likes, but wait a minute, you can only do that if #1 and #2 ring true.

Like the forum, but dang, you can't joke.  Some dudes have been called way worse than jock sniffer, I'm just saying.  People on here everyday attack each other's intelligence.  Man, I miss #plusone!


Go Crosby!

be careful this is a -2 post from SETEX police.lol

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It's sad to say the least, yet I invest three and a half hours every week watching a slow death.

Hey you and I agree on something I watch the same 3.5 hours every week hoping some miracle will happen and some change will take place. You know what they say about someone who tries and tries the same thing with the same result but continuosly thinks it will come out different...LOL

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To address the people who want to get so upset because I can and will call anyone out on what they say. I can hang with anyone on the trash talk. But making it personal and vulgar (I might add) is beyond being an adult. childish really.  And the reference to me getting on all the Crosby threads LOL... Not even close. That statement was made in reference to me saying a few weeks ago that it didn't matter who was playing cougar14.2 would ALWAYS have to mention Dayton. FACT!  I go out every single Friday Night and walk the sidelines to take photos of the KIDS.WHY!? Because they love looking at their photos. And I love doing it for them. Working for the local paper is just a bonus. I would still be walking up and down the sidelines taking their photos if I didn't work for the paper.  While the rest of you are sitting in your nice little cushy seats watching the game with a WAY better view. 


   Now getting to why I am on THIS thread.... Let me explain again. King is my school. That is where I went to school. From 2nd grade all the way through high school. And I WILL root for them. I don't give a rats booty what thread it is on... 


  Thanks liltex for coming to my defense. And the mods for always doing what you do so we can come to this site. And taking care of business. 



GO KING!!!!!!!!

Edited by Octfeb
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To address the people who want to get so upset because I can and will call anyone out on what they say. I can hang with anyone on the trash talk. But making it personal and vulgar (I might add) is beyond being an adult. childish really.  And the reference to me getting on all the Crosby threads LOL... Not even close. That statement was made in reference to me saying a few weeks ago that it didn't matter who was playing cougar14.2 would ALWAYS have to mention Dayton. FACT!  I go out every single Friday Night and walk the sidelines to take photos of the KIDS.WHY!? Because they love looking at their photos. And I love doing it for them. Working for the local paper is just a bonus. I would still be walking up and down the sidelines taking their photos if I didn't work for the paper.  While the rest of you are sitting in your nice little cushy seats watching the game with a WAY better view. 


   Now getting to why I am on THIS thread.... Let me explain again. King is my school. That is where I went to school. From 2nd grade all the way through high school. And I WILL root for them. I don't give a rats booty what thread it is on... 


  Thanks liltex for coming to my defense. And the mods for always doing what you do so we can come to this site. And taking care of business. 



GO KING!!!!!!!!

my feelings are hurt. Wos..littledog...and your husband buddy give her 1 point for this post. 

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To address the people who want to get so upset because I can and will call anyone out on what they say. I can hang with anyone on the trash talk. But making it personal and vulgar (I might add) is beyond being an adult. childish really.  And the reference to me getting on all the Crosby threads LOL... Not even close. That statement was made in reference to me saying a few weeks ago that it didn't matter who was playing cougar14.2 would ALWAYS have to mention Dayton. FACT!  I go out every single Friday Night and walk the sidelines to take photos of the KIDS.WHY!? Because they love looking at their photos. And I love doing it for them. Working for the local paper is just a bonus. I would still be walking up and down the sidelines taking their photos if I didn't work for the paper.  While the rest of you are sitting in your nice little cushy seats watching the game with a WAY better view. 


   Now getting to why I am on THIS thread.... Let me explain again. King is my school. That is where I went to school. From 2nd grade all the way through high school. And I WILL root for them. I don't give a rats booty what thread it is on... 


  Thanks liltex for coming to my defense. And the mods for always doing what you do so we can come to this site. And taking care of business. 



GO KING!!!!!!!!

dont worry about what others have to think or say about you. Im pretty sure that i see dayton getting brought up by crosby posters all the time in every thread they are on. Root for you home team but dont let them come before the broncos. Lol. And the people of dayton appreciate all of the time you take to do ur pictures of the team for our town no matter what crosby posters say about it. We do appreciate it. Thanks for all ur work. Keep it up.

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To address the people who want to get so upset because I can and will call anyone out on what they say. I can hang with anyone on the trash talk. But making it personal and vulgar (I might add) is beyond being an adult. childish really.  And the reference to me getting on all the Crosby threads LOL... Not even close. That statement was made in reference to me saying a few weeks ago that it didn't matter who was playing cougar14.2 would ALWAYS have to mention Dayton. FACT!  I go out every single Friday Night and walk the sidelines to take photos of the KIDS.WHY!? Because they love looking at their photos. And I love doing it for them. Working for the local paper is just a bonus. I would still be walking up and down the sidelines taking their photos if I didn't work for the paper.  While the rest of you are sitting in your nice little cushy seats watching the game with a WAY better view. 


   Now getting to why I am on THIS thread.... Let me explain again. King is my school. That is where I went to school. From 2nd grade all the way through high school. And I WILL root for them. I don't give a rats booty what thread it is on... 


  Thanks liltex for coming to my defense. And the mods for always doing what you do so we can come to this site. And taking care of business. 



GO KING!!!!!!!!


This thread isn't about dayton vs crosby.  BTW a little lesson you need to learn, anyone one of us can comment on any thread without having to qualify it with 2nd grade yearbooks or my sister's aunt's next door neighbor's kid goes to that school nonsense.  If an opinion is asked it is recieved.  If that op is derived from numbers on a piece of paper, your gut feeling or because of you unwavering support of 14-16 year Olds on a field, it is all valid.  And just because someone picks against your choice doesn't mean they are hijacking or personally attacking you.   Get a grip and move along.


Kids do love your pictures, you love taking them. Win, win.  Stop obessing.

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This thread isn't about dayton vs crosby.  BTW a little lesson you need to learn, anyone one of us can comment on any thread without having to qualify it with 2nd grade yearbooks or my sister's aunt's next door neighbor's kid goes to that school nonsense.  If an opinion is asked it is recieved.  If that op is derived from numbers on a piece of paper, your gut feeling or because of you unwavering support of 14-16 year Olds on a field, it is all valid.  And just because someone picks against your choice doesn't mean they are hijacking or personally attacking you.   Get a grip and move along.


Kids do love your pictures, you love taking them. Win, win.  Stop obessing.

1. Who said it was? 2.  Who said to get off this thread? (One of your own)  And where did tell someone to get off any thread? 3, We all have one. Myself included. But seems Crosby posters (not all of them) get jacked up and tell others to leave a thread, like they own it or something. Then want to act all childish and call names, make fun of others, belittle. Shall I go on?  4. Lost me on that one. 5. Yes I was "personally" being attacked. But hey. It's all good... 



    GO KING!!!!

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That's called an analysis, have you ever watched any of the football preview shows where ALL they talk about are injuries and statistics? Sharps make their living on in depth analytics, I would imagine the majority of them never even watch the games as to not draw any emotional attachment to any team. The only general manager in Houston that doesn't use "stats" is Rick Smith and what do you know, the Texans suck. We all can tell you're not big on "public knowledge" though.

You remind me of the old guy at work that thinks because Warren Buffet doesn't use a computer that they're not useful in making your job more efficient.

Finally happened something we agree on , Texans suck and Smith is the problem . By the way I got Crosby by 10 and I think y'all win more on stops than gos . I said when you played us your D was what surprised me . I feel like your D probably hasn't gotten the respect they should have earned by now . 

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Yes, he is playing. Heard the kicker (Ochoa) was back also. The only one I know out will be Grace. He is out for the season after the first two games this year though. 

locked and loaded. With everyone healthy I would like to see Trey Edwards get a ton of carries and Craig with a couple big plays. Hopefully this game we can keep the penalties to a minimum and get our offense rolling for this playoff run.

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