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WO-S Assistant Coach Arrested

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Was this subject and or post absolutely necessary? I ask this honestly because it is on Facebook, Kogt, Kbmt, Kfdm and I'm sure any other form of social media or news outlet! This situation is beyond sad and I pray that it never happens to anyone else! I know that this is the hottest conversation in Southeast Texas but did we really need to discuss it once more in the high school football forum! Just like ever other headline you stated WOS football Coach as if you wanted to make sure we all knew he was a WOS coach and after a million articles I'm sure people know that by now! The loss of life is tragic, sad and heartbreaking and now the students and faculty have to deal with this tragedy for some time to come! I know there is a right to free speech but I think this one could have been left to the news and other sources besides this one! Our community is hurting and only God can fix this! Those 2 precious lives are now in heaven so let's give them peace and leave the football forum to football talk like games and matchups not gossip or negative posts! Thank you!!!

P.S. Some may not like what I had to say but I bleed blue and silver and will do whatever it takes to protect and love our kids and community! 112% and God Bless!!!

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Whether this subject is needed or not it sounds like you are taking it as a knock against WOS,  I see nothing along those lines.  This is a very sad tragedy and my heart goes out to everyone it touches.  The fact that the accused is a WOS coach means nothing other than showing he was in a position of influence on young people and should have held himself to higher standards as such.  I don't think anyone on here holds any part of this against WOS.  

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Amen ST413!  What happened is a tragedy for both families,  the FACT is, someone like this is having an influence on these kids everyday, and most kids look up to these coaches as being role models! I could care less about WOS sports in this story and care more about the lives that has been lost and affected by this! I am very surprised at the behavior of this coach, and how friends had to talk him into turning himself in! I hope the REAL truth comes out! Prayers for both families.

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Whether this subject is needed or not it sounds like you are taking it as a knock against WOS,  I see nothing along those lines.  This is a very sad tragedy and my heart goes out to everyone it touches.  The fact that the accused is a WOS coach means nothing other than showing he was in a position of influence on young people and should have held himself to higher standards as such.  I don't think anyone on here holds any part of this against WOS.  

I respect your comment and obviously many others agree with you and that is fine. My point is that this has been discussed everywhere else in the universe right now and I felt like maybe it was not needed in this forum since the opportunity is available on every other site known to South East Texas right now. If you feel like one more place to discuss this is fair then so be it. Its not my website or topic. I am just ready to let God heal our community. I came off defensive because this really is a sad situation but maybe conversation promotes healing so I guess I will shutup and let it be. I see that people really want to voice their opinion on it but please remember that our boys and girls read this forum and see everything that people say on here. I know there are no rules to cyberspace but we are responsible for our youth as well.

Pray for the Johnson family please!

God Bless!

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Was this subject and or post absolutely necessary? I ask this honestly because it is on Facebook, Kogt, Kbmt, Kfdm and I'm sure any other form of social media or news outlet! This situation is beyond sad and I pray that it never happens to anyone else! I know that this is the hottest conversation in Southeast Texas but did we really need to discuss it once more in the high school football forum! Just like ever other headline you stated WOS football Coach as if you wanted to make sure we all knew he was a WOS coach and after a million articles I'm sure people know that by now! The loss of life is tragic, sad and heartbreaking and now the students and faculty have to deal with this tragedy for some time to come! I know there is a right to free speech but I think this one could have been left to the news and other sources besides this one! Our community is hurting and only God can fix this! Those 2 precious lives are now in heaven so let's give them peace and leave the football forum to football talk like games and matchups not gossip or negative posts! Thank you!!!

P.S. Some may not like what I had to say but I bleed blue and silver and will do whatever it takes to protect and love our kids and community! 112% and God Bless!!!

I do respect and understand where you're coming from, but the fact of the matter is that this site is about setx sports news, and there's no bigger sports news story in setx than this story right now.  I know some on here are uncomfortable with it is because a sports figure that many in this area either know or have played under has done a terrible thing, and it's tough to imagine or acknowledge.  That being said, had the situation been reversed, and a WOS football player been killed by a hit and run driver, i doubt anyone would take issue with those who want to discuss the tragedy.  while it's certainly an uncomfortable story for some to read about, many more have opinions they'd like to share on the matter.  I'm happy to let you know that it has been discussed among the moderators, and we are keeping a very close eye on this thread to make sure that it does not get out of hand.  the beauty of this site is that anyone who does not want to read about or chime in on this story simply has to avoid clicking on the thread.  And on a positive note, an account number has been provided on this thread to help the family, and i know multiple people have already donated to it directly from this website.  that in itself is more than worth any discomfort that the thread itself might cause as far as i'm concerned.

Edited by bullets13
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New is for the locker room, this is high school sports 

this a high school sports story, like it or not.  If Johnny Manzeil had been driving do you think ESPN would ignore the story because it didn't happen on a football field?

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This is truly a terrible tragedy. My prayers go out to both families. On a side note, I don't understand why people always want to control content when we all have the ability to NOT click on something we don't want to see. Kinda like the remote with your TV. If you don't like something, change the channel. Censorship is a communist tool. Also, please give financial support if you are able to the family in this terrible time. They don't need to be worrying over the financial side of this ordeal. They need time to heal.

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I respect your comment and obviously many others agree with you and that is fine. My point is that this has been discussed everywhere else in the universe right now and I felt like maybe it was not needed in this forum since the opportunity is available on every other site known to South East Texas right now. If you feel like one more place to discuss this is fair then so be it. Its not my website or topic. I am just ready to let God heal our community. I came off defensive because this really is a sad situation but maybe conversation promotes healing so I guess I will shutup and let it be. I see that people really want to voice their opinion on it but please remember that our boys and girls read this forum and see everything that people say on here. I know there are no rules to cyberspace but we are responsible for our youth as well.

Pray for the Johnson family please!

God Bless!

I wanted to address you personally since I was one of the ones that posted it and we have a history. This was discussed with several moderators before it was posted. Since it was news, we decided we would post and monitor very closely and lock if it it gets out of hand as Bullets has said. I would hope no one would blame any ISD on one mans actions. Honestly, I have heard nothing but wonderful things about this man, which makes this story that much more tragic.

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Everyone is entitled to their opinion about what happened the night of the accident but, I always keep in mind what Gods words are in Mathew 6:14-0-1514 For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 

15 But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins”. We can only heal from our hurt when we forgive even in a tragic adversity. 

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Dang setx is compared to espn. Not to bad 

SETXSports probably has more integrity that ESPN. Their opinions are not driven by their "investments".

As for the story, he's a high school football coach. It is therefore a high school football story. A very tragic high school football story at that.


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ICEWATER, I wanted to address you as well as I was the admin that made the call to keep this thread open.  Believe me, I, like you, was very uncomfortable in seeing a WO-S coach tied to alleged wrongdoing in the media.  However, it has been policy of SETXsports that news events such as this are appropriate for posting when they are confirmed by mainstream media.  It is appropriate here for posters to express their sorrow for the young lady and her little girl, their dismay about the incident, and yes, their anger at Coach Broussard for his unfortunate decisions.  This has been the policy of SETXsports....a policy that I can't back away from simply because the person involved is associated with my alma mater.

That being said you have my assurance (and I guess to all others, a warning) that this thread will strictly be that.  This will not be a vehicle to air dirty laundry about Coach Broussard (outside of reported facts by the mainstream media) or to float rumors about him.  Additionally, this thread will not be used as a vehicle to assail the WO-S football program or others within it.  Any attempts to do so will lead to the immediate removal of the post and if the attempts are repeated, it will lead to removal of the poster.


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This could have been a coach from any town. I don't believe any of the posters on here are downing WOS because of his actions.. Prayers for both family's during this time. It's a horrible tragedy. Also, prayers for the coach as well. He made a mistake, a very bad one. No excuse for what he did, but I hope and pray that he will find peace again one day as well. Praying for ALL involved!

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This could have been a coach from any town. I don't believe any of the posters on here are downing WOS because of his actions

Happily, I agree that this hasn't happened.  But I have been on the site long enough to know that there are a number of folks (both in and outside of Orange) who have the desire to do so and I just wanted to set out the consequences if someone acted on those desires.

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