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Just another crack in The Bell, which by now must resemble a spider web. I wonder what's holding it together, and for how long?

I'm sure all those folks involved are ecstatic, but I wonder how they're going to fill when it comes back on them.  And eventually, it will.  


I can remember when liberals were for the 1st amendment ! Nash I checked and cracker or craka can be used anytime any where by any race except crackas!


Well heck 77, everything goes better on a ritz.  Sticks and stones, etc.  Can call me about anything and it won't bother me, except don't ever call me a Democrat.  Them be fightin' words hehehe I kill me


From the article:  "Imagine getting robbed at gunpoint and calling the campus police only to hear this recording: “Sorry, but all our officers are currently responding to an emergency call about an unauthorized use of the word ‘Christmas’ at the student union — trauma counseling will be made available to anybody who witnessed the incident.”"  Once stated as comical relief, in the world of obama, now has become possible!   SMH!

This is the hidden content, please


I always been interested in the "thought police" aspect of life. I have had it happen a few times but one time in particular stands out. 

I was driving in my patrol car minding my own business and not looking for anything since I was the supervisor on duty and had plenty of paperwork waiting for me at the station. As I was driving I saw a large stack of tree trimmings that someone had stacked on the side of the roadway in order for the trash pickup. Some of it was actually about three feet onto the roadway.

As I neared it a car coming from the opposite direction swerved to miss that stuff but swerved into my lane. I literally had to go off of the road any party into a ditch to keep from being hit head on. Hmmmm........

I did the same thing almost anyone else would have done had they been in my position in a marked patrol unit. I did a U-turn and stopped the guy. I never got him out of the car and only asked for his driver's license and insurance. He had neither. As I was issuing him a citation, mama and daddy saw what was happening and stopped. Apparently he lived nearby and they were going somewhere and saw me speaking to their son. 

The woman quickly came to my side of the road and wanted to know what the heck was going on. The father stood literally in the middle of the road with cars passing by. I was fairly blunt to him to get out of the roadway and if he wanted to talk to step to the side of the road. He got mad and back in his car but mama kept it going. The conversation went something like:

Mama/ "You always stop him".

Me/ "I have no clue who your son is and have never seen him before".

Mama/ "But you people always stop him".

Me/ "I have no clue what you are talking about but if you say so. I work with more than 120 officers".

Mama/ "Why are you searching him and checking out his passenger?"

Me/ "Huh? I am not searching him and in fact he is still sitting in the car. I have not even asked for his passenger's name although to do so is fairly routine police work and not illegal".

Then she lowers the boom on me...

Mama/ "But you want to do it". 

It went on from there but although I have never questioned him about anything other than a license, insurance and why he swerved into my lane instead of lawfully allowing me to pass since the obstruction was in his lane. He said that he didn't know and even though his mother was starting to make me mad, I gave him warnings for fail to stay in his lane until safe and for no insurance and only gave him one citation for no driver's license. Basically I saved him about $350. 

But mama left complaining saying that I was profiling and even though I didn't question him in depth, didn't identify his passenger and didn't search him or get him out of the car (which would have been completely legal), she "knew what I was thinking". 

I see much of the same rationale going on today. You didn't do anything to me but you had secret thoughts of it. 

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