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And it was NOT posted on any of these social media sites???? Hmm.... Somebody either dropped the ball or there is a conspiracy.

No conspiracy. They just dropped the ball. Only about 200 people out of 2,300 students were not informed via social media.

Not going to blame anyone here. Somehow 20 people knew about the meeting. I do not believe any thing was done intentionally.

Kind of like the Athletic Booster Club meetings that very few people attended. If it was because of the coach, that has been resolved. Let's see what happens now.


Goose Creek CISD Athletic Director Bernie Mulvaney and the GC Athletic department will hold an open forum for parents on December the 8th at 6:00 PM in the GCM auditorium.

The forum will give the opportunity for the community to provide input about the next Head Football coach and Campus Athletic Director at GCM.

The forum will last an hour and will answer questions as well as seek input from the community.

I am literally...LAUGHING OUT LOUD...and literally SHAKING MY HEAD.

What a joke...maybe they should just let the parents volunteer and coach the team up collectively as a group.  The ONLY input the community needs to ever have is to vote for board members that hire administrators to make these decisions.  There's part of the reason you will never be anything like Katy or WOS.  The mere implication that the community will even think they will have a say on who the coach should be...tells me that the school has no idea what the football program should be doing.


I am literally...LAUGHING OUT LOUD...and literally SHAKING MY HEAD.

What a joke...maybe they should just let the parents volunteer and coach the team up collectively as a group.  The ONLY input the community needs to ever have is to vote for board members that hire administrators to make these decisions.  There's part of the reason you will never be anything like Katy or WOS.  The mere implication that the community will even think they will have a say on who the coach should be...tells me that the school has no idea what the football program should be doing.

It's not a bad idea to listen to the concerns of the community. 


It's not a bad idea to listen to the concerns of the community. 

Says who?  The community?

Just what do you think a coach will say when he finds out..."by the way, before we hired you we went ahead and talked to all the parents to make sure it was a good decision"

Yeah.  Good luck getting a good coach to get involved in that.


It's not a bad idea to listen to the concerns of the community. 

I agree.  I went hoping to hear some things already knowing that they would pretty much tell us what we wanted to hear. 

Do i think we should have a say so in who gets hired. No that's not my job, but i would like to know the higher ups have an idea of what is expected. I have another 5 years of watching sports at that school.

For us to compete its gonna be about numbers and some one to teach those boys and girls the right way. And have a community behind them that will support them. Its a shame that when you go to a GCM football game there isnt enough kids including the band to fill up the stands at the auxiliary stadium at GCM. may as well play our home games there. The school and kids need the support as well.


Says who?  The community?

Just what do you think a coach will say when he finds out..."by the way, before we hired you we went ahead and talked to all the parents to make sure it was a good decision"

Yeah.  Good luck getting a good coach to get involved in that.

They did not ask WHO the parents wanted to hire. They asked about any concerns with the program as it stands and what they would look for from a coach. The committee will hire who they think is the most qualified candidate. 

Any new coach can be as involved with the community as much as he wants. It is not a requirement.

I would rather speak with a parent face to face than to be screamed at from the stands.


They did not ask WHO the parents wanted to hire. They asked about any concerns with the program as it stands and what they would look for from a coach. The committee will hire who they think is the most qualified candidate. 

Any new coach can be as involved with the community as much as he wants. It is not a requirement.

I would rather speak with a parent face to face than to be screamed at from the stands.

Look my man...I'm not gonna debate with you.  I'm just gonna tell you that that's not how it works.  The parent's concerns with the football program is truly "none of their concern".  And by holding a meeting for the parents to discuss their concerns is implying to them that their say so truly matters in the direction of the athletics program.  It doesn't.   Whether or not the hiring committee will choose who they think is the most qualified candidate is now irrelevant.  The people who were at that meeting (if they voiced any opinion at all) will now think they've somehow made an impact in this hiring.  It will either be (if successful), "well it's about time they listened to us". Or if unsuccessful, "well if they would've done what we suggested at the meeting".    It's just dumb...why would you even want to hear the opinions of people that only see what happens on Friday night.  They aren't in the school, in the classroom, in athletics period, at practice...all they have to go on is what they see Friday night and what their kid tells them.  

You ever think that the coaching staff may not want any kids other than the ones they have out there?  What are the demographics of the school?  Test scores?  all of these may play a part in why more kids aren't playing.  I don't know.. but that's a discussion between school personnel.  People of the community have 3 jobs when it comes to school sports.  Pay your taxes, vote for school board members or bonds, and make sure your kids are at practice on time.  You don't get to have an impact on hiring/firing.  Not even in your mind.


Look my man...I'm not gonna debate with you.  I'm just gonna tell you that that's not how it works.  The parent's concerns with the football program is truly "none of their concern".  And by holding a meeting for the parents to discuss their concerns is implying to them that their say so truly matters in the direction of the athletics program.  It doesn't.   Whether or not the hiring committee will choose who they think is the most qualified candidate is now irrelevant.  The people who were at that meeting (if they voiced any opinion at all) will now think they've somehow made an impact in this hiring.  It will either be (if successful), "well it's about time they listened to us". Or if unsuccessful, "well if they would've done what we suggested at the meeting".    It's just dumb...why would you even want to hear the opinions of people that only see what happens on Friday night.  They aren't in the school, in the classroom, in athletics period, at practice...all they have to go on is what they see Friday night and what their kid tells them.  

You ever think that the coaching staff may not want any kids other than the ones they have out there?  What are the demographics of the school?  Test scores?  all of these may play a part in why more kids aren't playing.  I don't know.. but that's a discussion between school personnel.  People of the community have 3 jobs when it comes to school sports.  Pay your taxes, vote for school board members or bonds, and make sure your kids are at practice on time.  You don't get to have an impact on hiring/firing.  Not even in your mind.

Sounds to me like you're debating the issue.

Trust me, my man, I know how this works.


Look my man...I'm not gonna debate with you.  I'm just gonna tell you that that's not how it works.  The parent's concerns with the football program is truly "none of their concern".  And by holding a meeting for the parents to discuss their concerns is implying to them that their say so truly matters in the direction of the athletics program.  It doesn't.   Whether or not the hiring committee will choose who they think is the most qualified candidate is now irrelevant.  The people who were at that meeting (if they voiced any opinion at all) will now think they've somehow made an impact in this hiring.  It will either be (if successful), "well it's about time they listened to us". Or if unsuccessful, "well if they would've done what we suggested at the meeting".    It's just dumb...why would you even want to hear the opinions of people that only see what happens on Friday night.  They aren't in the school, in the classroom, in athletics period, at practice...all they have to go on is what they see Friday night and what their kid tells them.  

You ever think that the coaching staff may not want any kids other than the ones they have out there?  What are the demographics of the school?  Test scores?  all of these may play a part in why more kids aren't playing.  I don't know.. but that's a discussion between school personnel.  People of the community have 3 jobs when it comes to school sports.  Pay your taxes, vote for school board members or bonds, and make sure your kids are at practice on time.  You don't get to have an impact on hiring/firing.  Not even in your mind.

Not only are you debating the issue but you are making some seriously ignorant comments.

If you don't think parents should have some input into who is going to be their children's coach then you are stupid and arrogant.

The days of "I am the coach and it is my way or the highway" are long gone dude.

I coach for a living and if you don't embrace the concept of an open line of communication with parents then your days are over. 

Get off your high horse and quit thinking you know everything, because you do NOT. No coach does. Be open to some new ideas and quit slamming those of us that are not stuck in the stone age.


Posted (edited)

Look my man...I'm not gonna debate with you.  I'm just gonna tell you that that's not how it works.  The parent's concerns with the football program is truly "none of their concern".  And by holding a meeting for the parents to discuss their concerns is implying to them that their say so truly matters in the direction of the athletics program.  It doesn't.   Whether or not the hiring committee will choose who they think is the most qualified candidate is now irrelevant.  The people who were at that meeting (if they voiced any opinion at all) will now think they've somehow made an impact in this hiring.  It will either be (if successful), "well it's about time they listened to us". Or if unsuccessful, "well if they would've done what we suggested at the meeting".    It's just dumb...why would you even want to hear the opinions of people that only see what happens on Friday night.  They aren't in the school, in the classroom, in athletics period, at practice...all they have to go on is what they see Friday night and what their kid tells them.  

You ever think that the coaching staff may not want any kids other than the ones they have out there?  What are the demographics of the school?  Test scores?  all of these may play a part in why more kids aren't playing.  I don't know.. but that's a discussion between school personnel.  People of the community have 3 jobs when it comes to school sports.  Pay your taxes, vote for school board members or bonds, and make sure your kids are at practice on time.  You don't get to have an impact on hiring/firing.  Not even in your mind.

I was at the meeting and voiced a little in put.  Do i feel like they are going to think about what I said when they make their choice.. LOL NO. Maybe they wanted to see what kind of support they would or wouldnt have. By the turnout you would guess the the normal only be there if we are winning supporters are what we will get.  


On a second note a coach is going to want to come to a school where he has supporters. We want a coach that is going to build some thing and stay around. The board could use last nights meeting as a base on the lack of support the new coach will probably get and factor it into is this guy going to stay or leave if its starts out rough..



Edited by GCMinTheFuture

Not only are you debating the issue but you are making some seriously ignorant comments.

If you don't think parents should have some input into who is going to be their children's coach then you are stupid and arrogant.

The days of "I am the coach and it is my way or the highway" are long gone dude.

I coach for a living and if you don't embrace the concept of an open line of communication with parents then your days are over. 

Get off your high horse and quit thinking you know everything, because you do NOT. No coach does. Be open to some new ideas and quit slamming those of us that are not stuck in the stone age.


Is that how it works at your school?  Do the parents of the kids you coach have input into whi is going to be their children's coach?  Because I don't think there is a school in creation where it is up to the parents (unless they're board members) that can decide who coaches their kids in public schools.

And I could say that if you do a job where you get paid the same no matter how many hours you work, or how much effort you put into it,...then you are stupid.


Is that how it works at your school?  Do the parents of the kids you coach have input into whi is going to be their children's coach?  Because I don't think there is a school in creation where it is up to the parents (unless they're board members) that can decide who coaches their kids in public schools.

And I could say that if you do a job where you get paid the same no matter how many hours you work, or how much effort you put into it,...then you are stupid.

That is the way it works in every school in Texas. Parents have a say so. If you don't respect parents enough to have an open line of communication with them, then they will go to the Superintendent and the School Board members and voice their displeasure in how you are doing your job. And if enough parents do this, then good luck keeping your job.

You could but you would be wrong, I get paid to be successful.  If I don't put in the work, the hours, and with an amazing amount of effort then I'm not successful. If I'm not successful then I don't have a job. 

You obviously have no clue.


That is the way it works in every school in Texas. Parents have a say so. If you don't respect parents enough to have an open line of communication with them, then they will go to the Superintendent and the School Board members and voice their displeasure in how you are doing your job. And if enough parents do this, then good luck keeping your job.

You could but you would be wrong, I get paid to be successful.  If I don't put in the work, the hours, and with an amazing amount of effort then I'm not successful. If I'm not successful then I don't have a job. 

You obviously have no clue.

Actually...I no a little more than you think I know.  My first wife taught for a bit, and I have SEVERAL very close friends and family members that are in education...all over the state.  And we talk about these very subjects all the time.  I'm going to believe what they tell me over what you say...sorry.

And I would be willing to bet a large sum of money that you can't tell me 5 coaches that lost their job because of parent complaining.  I'm not talking about AD's (administrative contract)...which are up for renewal every couple years.  I'm talking about just coaches on staff that are full time teachers.  Because I know that there are crappy teachers and coaches all over the state that are on term contracts with their district....and can stay as long as they choose as long as they are meeting the requirements of their job title.  Now...schools could reassign them and make their jobs miserable...which could force them to resign.  But a school can't fire anyone that's on term contract.  Not unless the teacher has like a criminal offense or something.  Like inappropriate relationship or something...  No matter what the parents tell the school board.

Go ahead..make me a list of assistant Coaches who lost their job for just putting in minimal effort...or had "too many" parent complaints.  I'll be waiting.


So does it count if the Head coach / AD gets fired for performance reasons and the community complaining and wanting him out?Then the new coach comes in and cleans house? Wouldnt that be a teacher/ coach losing their job due to the fact that parents were complaining and wanted results? 


So does it count if the Head coach / AD gets fired for performance reasons and the community complaining and wanting him out?Then the new coach comes in and cleans house? Wouldnt that be a teacher/ coach losing their job due to the fact that parents were complaining and wanted results? 

Are you a Head coach / AD?  I excluded those because their jobs truly do depend on wins and losses.  But you said " If I don't put in the work, the hours, and with an amazing amount of effort then I'm not successful. If I'm not successful then I don't have a job"


Actually...I no a little more than you think I know.  My first wife taught for a bit, and I have SEVERAL very close friends and family members that are in education...all over the state.  And we talk about these very subjects all the time.  I'm going to believe what they tell me over what you say...sorry.

And I would be willing to bet a large sum of money that you can't tell me 5 coaches that lost their job because of parent complaining.  I'm not talking about AD's (administrative contract)...which are up for renewal every couple years.  I'm talking about just coaches on staff that are full time teachers.  Because I know that there are crappy teachers and coaches all over the state that are on term contracts with their district....and can stay as long as they choose as long as they are meeting the requirements of their job title.  Now...schools could reassign them and make their jobs miserable...which could force them to resign.  But a school can't fire anyone that's on term contract.  Not unless the teacher has like a criminal offense or something.  Like inappropriate relationship or something...  No matter what the parents tell the school board.

Go ahead..make me a list of assistant Coaches who lost their job for just putting in minimal effort...or had "too many" parent complaints.  I'll be waiting.

Dude, this is a conversation about a Head Coach/Campus Coordinator job???

And, assistant coaches get asked to leave on a yearly basis by Head Coaches. No, Head Coaches can't "fire them" but they can take their coaching assignment away from them, term contract or not. 


Actually...I no a little more than you think I know.  My first wife taught for a bit, and I have SEVERAL very close friends and family members that are in education...all over the state.  And we talk about these very subjects all the time.  I'm going to believe what they tell me over what you say...sorry.

And I would be willing to bet a large sum of money that you can't tell me 5 coaches that lost their job because of parent complaining.  I'm not talking about AD's (administrative contract)...which are up for renewal every couple years.  I'm talking about just coaches on staff that are full time teachers.  Because I know that there are crappy teachers and coaches all over the state that are on term contracts with their district....and can stay as long as they choose as long as they are meeting the requirements of their job title.  Now...schools could reassign them and make their jobs miserable...which could force them to resign.  But a school can't fire anyone that's on term contract.  Not unless the teacher has like a criminal offense or something.  Like inappropriate relationship or something...  No matter what the parents tell the school board.

Go ahead..make me a list of assistant Coaches who lost their job for just putting in minimal effort...or had "too many" parent complaints.  I'll be waiting.

It is called a Dual Contract. The principal decides on their job performance in the class room (1 contract) and the Head Football Coach decides on their performance in football (2nd contract). Yes, assistant coaches get "fired" yearly based on a lack of performance.


Are you a Head coach / AD?  I excluded those because their jobs truly do depend on wins and losses.  But you said " If I don't put in the work, the hours, and with an amazing amount of effort then I'm not successful. If I'm not successful then I don't have a job"

Does it matter what I am?  And if I read the title of this thread right it is about Head Coach/Campus Coordinator job so how can you exclude the main thing we are talking about?


It is called a Dual Contract. The principal decides on their job performance in the class room (1 contract) and the Head Football Coach decides on their performance in football (2nd contract). Yes, assistant coaches get "fired" yearly based on a lack of performance.

If a coach is on a term contract they will not lose their teaching job.  Which is what...80-90% or more of salary anyway.  Yeah a HC could remove the coaching spot..what if they don't leave?  Lost a coaching spot.  Really showed them.  I know how the dual contracts work by the way.




Does it matter what I am?  And if I read the title of this thread right it is about Head Coach/Campus Coordinator job so how can you exclude the main thing we are talking about?

I was talking about you that particular instance...you were talking about YOU losing YOUR job for lack of performance.  Nope...maybe if the new HC wants to make room for their own staff.  Long as you're doing what's asked...asst coaches don't get "fired" because of that.

Yes HC's get reassigned for losing.  And Non renewed.  Don't get your panties in a wad...


If a coach is on a term contract they will not lose their teaching job.  Which is what...80-90% or more of salary anyway.  Yeah a HC could remove the coaching spot..what if they don't leave?  Lost a coaching spot.  Really showed them.  I know how the dual contracts work by the way.



No, they don't lose a coaching spot. they just fill it with another teaching field. There is turnover every year, in just about every school. If you remove a coach for lack of performance then you won't lose that coaching position.

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