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Can't pass this up.  Uh, Sharia law doesn't permit oriental food?  Uh, they'd stand out like a sore (sick, mentally disturbed, psychopathic) thumb?  Uh, Muslim comedians have historically made fun of Ninjas?  And the last, and best reason, the Japanese are to smart to put up with all the BS baggage Muslims bring with them.  Hehehehe

Posted (edited)

Japanese are a smart people. They kmow who the enemy is and act accordingly. We, on the other hand, invite our enemies to come here and live off of us. We have nothing better to do. Hey, and if they take a few of us out, well, we can pat ourselves on the back and say how compassionate (Nash) we are. Hey, maybe we could get some North Koreans to come too. We could sit down and drink beer with them and muster up a chorus of "We Are The World"

Why isn't the world all over the Jews for not allowing Syrian refugees in their country?

Edited by baddog


because Japan hasn't been meddling in Muslim countries for the past seventy years

This is the hidden content, please


And yes there are Muslims in Japan:

 The most serious work on this question has been done by Japanese scholars such as Hiroshi Kojima of the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research and Keiko Sakurai of Waseda University. Their estimates suggest a Muslim population of around 70,000, of which perhaps 90% are resident foreigners and about 10% native Japanese.

This is the hidden content, please
This is the hidden content, please
 In Japan the government does not take religion into account as part of the demographic concern under religious freedom. As Michael Penn states, "The Japanese government does not keep any statistics on the number of Muslims in Japan. Neither foreign residents nor ethnic Japanese are ever asked about their religion by official government agencies".
This is the hidden content, please


That's straight from wikipedia...it took 7 seconds to look up...come on fellas

Posted (edited)


because Japan hasn't been meddling in Muslim countries for the past seventy years

This is the hidden content, please


And yes there are Muslims in Japan:

 The most serious work on this question has been done by Japanese scholars such as Hiroshi Kojima of the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research and Keiko Sakurai of Waseda University. Their estimates suggest a Muslim population of around 70,000, of which perhaps 90% are resident foreigners and about 10% native Japanese.

This is the hidden content, please
This is the hidden content, please
 In Japan the government does not take religion into account as part of the demographic concern under religious freedom. As Michael Penn states, "The Japanese government does not keep any statistics on the number of Muslims in Japan. Neither foreign residents nor ethnic Japanese are ever asked about their religion by official government agencies".
This is the hidden content, please


That's straight from wikipedia...it took 7 seconds to look up...come on fellas

Sure, it has got to be our fault.

Apparently, Japan only allows the ones in that won't blow them up or kill folks in a mass shooting.

But hey, that might be profiling.

And I don't believe the part in bold for a second.

Edited by LumRaiderFan

No..it isn't our fault...not you and me..we didn't have anything to do with it...It's not our fault that our government and the rest of the western powers arbitrarily divided up the middle east after the collapse of the ottoman empire after the first world war with no regard to their history or ethnic problems...they literally just pointed at the map and started carving out borders, it's not our fault that the CIA and other western countries used the middle east as a buffer zone between Europe and soviet union during the cold war..propping up anti-soviet leaders regardless of their human rights atrocities. It's not our fault that after the discovery of oil in the region western powers tried to exploit these nations. It's not our fault that our economic sanctions in Iraq crippled it's economy, it's also not our fault that the US refused to remove its forces from Saudi Arabia (this was Bin Laden's whole reason for pitting Al Queda against the US) and it's definitely not our fault that Afghan and Pakistani children have to live in fear of US drone strikes. We didn't have anything to do with any of that, it's our government that has to answer for all of those things...a government that believes it can centrally plan the futures of other nations. 

We don't agree on much...but I bet we do agree that the government can't really be trusted to do anything right in terms of economics, as soon as they get involved, it all goes to crap...so how is it that we both can agree on that..but then you can't agree with me that our government has made and continues to make idiotic foreign policy mistakes?

I'm not saying terrorism is justified at all...but you have to see that there are valid reasons why regular people in that part of the world might hate the United States. Not to mention how easy it is to convince already deranged fanatics that the United States is the "great Satan". I'm not against patriotism..but we have to able to call a spade a spade. US foreign policy in the Middle East is like me trying to fix a car....every attempt to fix one thing ends up breaking something worse, only I'm smart enough to stop trying, not the mighty geniuses of the US government...we just keep throwing money and lives into it. 


No..it isn't our fault...not you and me..we didn't have anything to do with it...It's not our fault that our government and the rest of the western powers arbitrarily divided up the middle east after the collapse of the ottoman empire after the first world war with no regard to their history or ethnic problems...they literally just pointed at the map and started carving out borders, it's not our fault that the CIA and other western countries used the middle east as a buffer zone between Europe and soviet union during the cold war..propping up anti-soviet leaders regardless of their human rights atrocities. It's not our fault that after the discovery of oil in the region western powers tried to exploit these nations. It's not our fault that our economic sanctions in Iraq crippled it's economy, it's also not our fault that the US refused to remove its forces from Saudi Arabia (this was Bin Laden's whole reason for pitting Al Queda against the US) and it's definitely not our fault that Afghan and Pakistani children have to live in fear of US drone strikes. We didn't have anything to do with any of that, it's our government that has to answer for all of those things...a government that believes it can centrally plan the futures of other nations. 

We don't agree on much...but I bet we do agree that the government can't really be trusted to do anything right in terms of economics, as soon as they get involved, it all goes to crap...so how is it that we both can agree on that..but then you can't agree with me that our government has made and continues to make idiotic foreign policy mistakes?

I'm not saying terrorism is justified at all...but you have to see that there are valid reasons why regular people in that part of the world might hate the United States. Not to mention how easy it is to convince already deranged fanatics that the United States is the "great Satan". I'm not against patriotism..but we have to able to call a spade a spade. US foreign policy in the Middle East is like me trying to fix a car....every attempt to fix one thing ends up breaking something worse, only I'm smart enough to stop trying, not the mighty geniuses of the US government...we just keep throwing money and lives into it. 

I can agree with you on both points...even though sometimes it is well intended, we usually make a mess when we meddle in other's affairs.

I don't agree that if we stopped today, the violence from the Muslim community will stop.

By it's definition, Islam means to submit to one God...it's followers are taught the infidel will either submit, be killed or be enslaved.



No..it isn't our fault...not you and me..we didn't have anything to do with it...It's not our fault that our government and the rest of the western powers arbitrarily divided up the middle east after the collapse of the ottoman empire after the first world war with no regard to their history or ethnic problems...they literally just pointed at the map and started carving out borders, it's not our fault that the CIA and other western countries used the middle east as a buffer zone between Europe and soviet union during the cold war..propping up anti-soviet leaders regardless of their human rights atrocities. It's not our fault that after the discovery of oil in the region western powers tried to exploit these nations. It's not our fault that our economic sanctions in Iraq crippled it's economy, it's also not our fault that the US refused to remove its forces from Saudi Arabia (this was Bin Laden's whole reason for pitting Al Queda against the US) and it's definitely not our fault that Afghan and Pakistani children have to live in fear of US drone strikes. We didn't have anything to do with any of that, it's our government that has to answer for all of those things...a government that believes it can centrally plan the futures of other nations. 

We don't agree on much...but I bet we do agree that the government can't really be trusted to do anything right in terms of economics, as soon as they get involved, it all goes to crap...so how is it that we both can agree on that..but then you can't agree with me that our government has made and continues to make idiotic foreign policy mistakes?

I'm not saying terrorism is justified at all...but you have to see that there are valid reasons why regular people in that part of the world might hate the United States. Not to mention how easy it is to convince already deranged fanatics that the United States is the "great Satan". I'm not against patriotism..but we have to able to call a spade a spade. US foreign policy in the Middle East is like me trying to fix a car....every attempt to fix one thing ends up breaking something worse, only I'm smart enough to stop trying, not the mighty geniuses of the US government...we just keep throwing money and lives into it. 

Its my understanding that trying to eliminate all "infidels" has been going on considerably longer that the U.S. government has been in operation


No..it isn't our fault...not you and me..we didn't have anything to do with it...It's not our fault that our government and the rest of the western powers arbitrarily divided up the middle east after the collapse of the ottoman empire after the first world war with no regard to their history or ethnic problems...they literally just pointed at the map and started carving out borders, it's not our fault that the CIA and other western countries used the middle east as a buffer zone between Europe and soviet union during the cold war..propping up anti-soviet leaders regardless of their human rights atrocities. It's not our fault that after the discovery of oil in the region western powers tried to exploit these nations. It's not our fault that our economic sanctions in Iraq crippled it's economy, it's also not our fault that the US refused to remove its forces from Saudi Arabia (this was Bin Laden's whole reason for pitting Al Queda against the US) and it's definitely not our fault that Afghan and Pakistani children have to live in fear of US drone strikes. We didn't have anything to do with any of that, it's our government that has to answer for all of those things...a government that believes it can centrally plan the futures of other nations. 

We don't agree on much...but I bet we do agree that the government can't really be trusted to do anything right in terms of economics, as soon as they get involved, it all goes to crap...so how is it that we both can agree on that..but then you can't agree with me that our government has made and continues to make idiotic foreign policy mistakes?

I'm not saying terrorism is justified at all...but you have to see that there are valid reasons why regular people in that part of the world might hate the United States. Not to mention how easy it is to convince already deranged fanatics that the United States is the "great Satan". I'm not against patriotism..but we have to able to call a spade a spade. US foreign policy in the Middle East is like me trying to fix a car....every attempt to fix one thing ends up breaking something worse, only I'm smart enough to stop trying, not the mighty geniuses of the US government...we just keep throwing money and lives into it. 

So WHY allow them into our nation, then????


I can agree with you on both points...even though sometimes it is well intended, we usually make a mess when we meddle in other's affairs.

I don't agree that if we stopped today, the violence from the Muslim community will stop.

By it's definition, Islam means to submit to one God...it's followers are taught the infidel will either submit, be killed or be enslaved.


Are followers of Christianity not taught the same thing?

   They entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and soul; and everyone who would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman.  (2 Chronicles 15:12-13 NAB)

"oh but that's the old testament and you have to understand the context and blah blah blah"...whatever..it's in your book..the same as it's in their book. You take a few sayings here and there out of their belief system and apply it to all members...turnabout is fair play

I don't remember there being much of the problem with the Muslim world between 1776 and 1900......wonder why?...were they not commanded to kill the infidels then and then it changed? Did they add stuff to the Koran?

the problems are political and they are about power...as per usual, the religion is co-opted and used to get stupid people to go kill and die for the benefit of those who seek power. Let's not forget ol' Pope Urban II telling Christians they would achieve paradise if they died on Crusade


So WHY allow them into our nation, then????

I never said we should, the thread was about why there is no Islamic terrorism in Japan..I tried to help answer that

I honestly don't know how I feel about the immigration question...I have children, and if inconveniencing some people gives them a safer place to live..then I'm for that

but at the same time....this country is supposed to be about something different from the rest of the world, a place where individuals can live the lives they choose to live and not have to live in fear of tyranny or theocracy. If I was born in the Muslim world...and I were still fortunate enough to be able to think for myself after a childhood of indoctrination...I'd like to think it would be a dream of mine to come to the United States. I think we have to be careful how quickly we are willing to deny people that dream. If America isn't about that, then we are no different than any other nation. 

Touchy situation that one. 


Are followers of Christianity not taught the same thing?

   They entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and soul; and everyone who would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman.  (2 Chronicles 15:12-13 NAB)

"oh but that's the old testament and you have to understand the context and blah blah blah"...whatever..it's in your book..the same as it's in their book. You take a few sayings here and there out of their belief system and apply it to all members...turnabout is fair play

I don't remember there being much of the problem with the Muslim world between 1776 and 1900......wonder why?...were they not commanded to kill the infidels then and then it changed? Did they add stuff to the Koran?

the problems are political and they are about power...as per usual, the religion is co-opted and used to get stupid people to go kill and die for the benefit of those who seek power. Let's not forget ol' Pope Urban II telling Christians they would achieve paradise if they died on Crusade

There were no Christians in the OLD TESTAMENT.........


Are followers of Christianity not taught the same thing?

   They entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and soul; and everyone who would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman.  (2 Chronicles 15:12-13 NAB)

"oh but that's the old testament and you have to understand the context and blah blah blah"...whatever..it's in your book..the same as it's in their book. You take a few sayings here and there out of their belief system and apply it to all members...turnabout is fair play

I don't remember there being much of the problem with the Muslim world between 1776 and 1900......wonder why?...were they not commanded to kill the infidels then and then it changed? Did they add stuff to the Koran?

the problems are political and they are about power...as per usual, the religion is co-opted and used to get stupid people to go kill and die for the benefit of those who seek power. Let's not forget ol' Pope Urban II telling Christians they would achieve paradise if they died on Crusade

Yes, that is the Old Testament...God was distinguishing his chosen ones from the pagan nations...another discussion for another time.

That aside...we are in the modern world, and Christians don't seem to be flying planes into buildings killing thousands, blowing folks up and mass shooting in the name of religion, are they?

The second they start, I'll be as concerned about them as I am about Muslim terrorism.

Posted (edited)


I don't remember there being much of the problem with the Muslim world between 1776 and 1900......wonder why?...were they not commanded to kill the infidels then and then it changed? Did they add stuff to the Koran?


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I guess they didn't teach you about the Barbary Pirates in your history class......:P

Edited by Colmesneilfan1

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I guess they didn't teach you about the Barbary Pirates in your history class......:P

yes there was that...what exactly did that have to do with religion?...the pirates were pirates...thieves..who happened to be Muslim...or were they robbing ships in the name of Allah?

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