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Oh yeah my bad..

"But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. (Luke 19:27 KJV)

you have taken that passage out of context.........it is the finale of the Parable of the Ten Minas, in which Jesus is showing symbolically what will happen to those on the Day of Judgement who have been unfaithful.......try again......

Posted (edited)

yes there was that...what exactly did that have to do with religion?...the pirates were pirates...thieves..who happened to be Muslim...or were they robbing ships in the name of Allah?

They were MUSLIMS......they were terrorists....yes, they were following the teachings of that false god and his pedophile, rapist, murdering prophet mohammed......and it was in between 1776 and 1900.....a counterexample that shows your thesis that there were no problems with muslims between those years to be invalid.......

Edited by Colmesneilfan1


because Japan hasn't been meddling in Muslim countries for the past seventy years

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And yes there are Muslims in Japan:

 The most serious work on this question has been done by Japanese scholars such as Hiroshi Kojima of the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research and Keiko Sakurai of Waseda University. Their estimates suggest a Muslim population of around 70,000, of which perhaps 90% are resident foreigners and about 10% native Japanese.

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This is the hidden content, please
 In Japan the government does not take religion into account as part of the demographic concern under religious freedom. As Michael Penn states, "The Japanese government does not keep any statistics on the number of Muslims in Japan. Neither foreign residents nor ethnic Japanese are ever asked about their religion by official government agencies".
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That's straight from wikipedia...it took 7 seconds to look up...come on fellas

obama couldn't have said it any better!


@GlobalGrindNews: Bet you didn’t know these celebrities were Muslim

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@ABC: Woman allegedly caught on camera attacking group of Muslims who were praying, officials say:

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you have taken that passage out of context.........it is the finale of the Parable of the Ten Minas, in which Jesus is showing symbolically what will happen to those on the Day of Judgement who have been unfaithful.......try again......


but you can see how easy it would be convince somebody..using that verse...that Christians are commanded to kill non-christians?...you can see that right?

Imagine I'm a cleric who wants to make a name for myself, and you're a barely literate goat herder....it wouldn't be that hard for me to convince you that the United States wants to kill or enslave all Muslims...that's how propaganda works. 

The same as it's really easy to take some verses from the Koran....and convince a bunch of people that ALL muslims want to kill us...because it's in the book

I'm sure there are plenty of "interpretations" of violent verses in the Koran too that moderate Muslim's feel get taken out of context, but you aren't interested in the context...you want to see Muslim's as boogeymen and there's no amount of information that will sway you, I realize that...but it's still fun to talk about. 

let's look at it from a logical standpoint

there are 5 million muslims in the US

of those 5 million....a small number have tried to kill a lot of non-muslims...I dunno exactly..maybe it's 25

so from that...we conclude that all Muslim's want to kill everybody?

so either they don't really teach that....or they are doing a really crappy job of it


Been going on since The Crusades. Saladin ring a bell?


what has been going on since the Crusades? Islamic terrorism? where? when?

if you are trying to make a point that since it's beginnings the Muslim world has been trying to kill all non-muslims...then you have a very narrow understanding of human history

Islam comes out of Saudi Arabia in the 6th century and spreads quickly, sometimes violently, but let's not get too high minded about that one lest we forget how good ol' yaweh "converted" his enemies when he first got on the scene...it wasn't pretty



but you can see how easy it would be convince somebody..using that verse...that Christians are commanded to kill non-christians?...you can see that right?

Imagine I'm a cleric who wants to make a name for myself, and you're a barely literate goat herder....it wouldn't be that hard for me to convince you that the United States wants to kill or enslave all Muslims...that's how propaganda works. 

The same as it's really easy to take some verses from the Koran....and convince a bunch of people that ALL muslims want to kill us...because it's in the book

I'm sure there are plenty of "interpretations" of violent verses in the Koran too that moderate Muslim's feel get taken out of context, but you aren't interested in the context...you want to see Muslim's as boogeymen and there's no amount of information that will sway you, I realize that...but it's still fun to talk about. 

let's look at it from a logical standpoint

there are 5 million muslims in the US

of those 5 million....a small number have tried to kill a lot of non-muslims...I dunno exactly..maybe it's 25

so from that...we conclude that all Muslim's want to kill everybody?

so either they don't really teach that....or they are doing a really crappy job of it

No, the verses taken from the koran are very much IN context......the ones taking it OUR of context are the ones claiming that it doesn't teach violence.....


They were MUSLIMS......they were terrorists....yes, they were following the teachings of that false god and his pedophile, rapist, murdering prophet mohammed......and it was in between 1776 and 1900.....a counterexample that shows your thesis that there were no problems with muslims between those years to be invalid.......

They were pirates...they were stealing stuff...to get money...who were Muslim by religion. Hardly an example of violence motivated by religion. By that logic, every Christian who commits a crime does so in the name of his god. 

The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.

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This is one of my favorite quotes, I think its apt here. Is it really so hard for you to consider, that a fundamentalist Muslim, who is generally distrustful of Christians and Americans, is a person who is a WHOLE lot like like you. A fundamentalist Christian who is generally distrustful of "A-rabs" and Mooselems"? Two sides of same coin, now imagine a different geo-political situation, where the Middle East is the premiere super power in the world, and we have a lot of issues here with tribal and ethnic fighting. So a bunch of Muslims from the East invade our country to try and make things better, only they stay for a really long time, and sometimes they make mistakes and bomb houses with our children in them, or they arrest our friends and detain them as suspected terrorists. Imagine the anger and insecurity you might feel. It's not that much of the stretch to think that if that were the case, a lot of people in this country might resort to violence. Just sayin'



Islam comes out of Saudi Arabia in the 6th century and spreads quickly, sometimes violently, but let's not get too high minded about that one lest we forget how good ol' yaweh "converted" his enemies when he first got on the scene...it wasn't pretty

Jehovah wasn't trying to convert anyone in the Old Testament....He was keeping His chosen people safe until the time He chose to send His Son into the world.......trying to compare islime to the Old Testament is apples to oranges......


No, the verses taken from the koran are very much IN context......the ones taking it OUR of context are the ones claiming that it doesn't teach violence.....

what evidence to you have for this? Are you a secret Koranic scholar in disguise? Did you learn Arabic? Have you spent a ton of time understanding the historical context of when it was written?...of course you haven't, neither have I...so I don't pretend to know what a religion teaches and what it doesn't. 


Jehovah wasn't trying to convert anyone in the Old Testament....He was keeping His chosen people safe until the time He chose to send His Son into the world.......trying to compare islime to the Old Testament is apples to oranges......

So the Israelites did not go on an aggressive campaign to reclaim Jerusalem? or was that all part of keeping his chosen people safe...by killing everybody around who wasn't part of the chosen people?


Jehovah wasn't trying to convert anyone in the Old Testament....He was keeping His chosen people safe until the time He chose to send His Son into the world.......trying to compare islime to the Old Testament is apples to oranges......

just as an afterthought, why did god wait so long to send his son anyway? What happened to the souls of all the people all over the world who died in the meantime? what about the people who were living and dying in north america that aren't mentioned because the bible's writers didn't even know they existed? Oh ya...they are all still burning in hell because that lady ate an apple....makes sense


what has been going on since the Crusades? Islamic terrorism? where? when?

if you are trying to make a point that since it's beginnings the Muslim world has been trying to kill all non-muslims...then you have a very narrow understanding of human history

Islam comes out of Saudi Arabia in the 6th century and spreads quickly, sometimes violently, but let's not get too high minded about that one lest we forget how good ol' yaweh "converted" his enemies when he first got on the scene...it wasn't pretty

Hey dude. Why don't you go live with these people you love so much. I'll help pay for the ticket....one way to Syria!

Posted (edited)

what evidence to you have for this? Are you a secret Koranic scholar in disguise? Did you learn Arabic? Have you spent a ton of time understanding the historical context of when it was written?...of course you haven't, neither have I...so I don't pretend to know what a religion teaches and what it doesn't.



I have READ the koran several times.....I can comprehend what I am reading quite well.....

Edited by Colmesneilfan1
Posted (edited)

So the Israelites did not go on an aggressive campaign to reclaim Jerusalem? or was that all part of keeping his chosen people safe...by killing everybody around who wasn't part of the chosen people?

Modern Israel has nothing to do with the Israel of the Old Testament....The Hebrews time as God's Children ended when He allowed the Romans to destroy Jerusalem......


What they did in the Old Testament was done to keep the bloodline to the Messiah pure......so yes, it was part of keeping His chosen people safe by eliminating the threats and those who were trying to conquer and kill them.........A good example that we should be following today......

Edited by Colmesneilfan1
Posted (edited)

 What happened to the souls of all the people all over the world who died in the meantime? what about the people who were living and dying in north america that aren't mentioned because the bible's writers didn't even know they existed? Oh ya...they are all still burning in hell because that lady ate an apple....makes sense

Acts 17: 30 - 31

30 The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent, 31 because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed; and of this he has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead.”


How do YOU know that the writers of The Bible didn't know that the America's existed???? I've seen maps from those days that clearly show North America, South America, and Antarctica.......counterexample provided, and another thesis from you invalidated....you keep that up and people might start to think that you don't know as much as you think you do......

Edited by Colmesneilfan1

Modern Israel has nothing to do with the Israel of the Old Testament....The Hebrews time as God's Children ended when He allowed the Romans to destroy Jerusalem......


What they did in the Old Testament was done to keep the bloodline to the Messiah pure......so yes, it was part of keeping His chosen people safe by eliminating the threats and those who were trying to conquer and kill them.........A good example that we should be following today......

I'm not talking about modern Isreal...I'm talking about the Isrealites moving into the promised land...there were already people there...they killed them all at god's command. So how did that work, when they were slashin' up those people did they apologize? "hey sorry man...gotta keep the messiah's bloodline pure"


Acts 17: 30 - 31

30 The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent, 31 because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed; and of this he has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead.”


How do YOU know that the writers of The Bible didn't know that the America's existed???? I've seen maps from those days that clearly show North America, South America, and Antarctica.......counterexample provided, and another thesis from you invalidated....you keep that up and people might start to think that you don't know as much as you think you do......

I'll just have to take your word on the maps. I guess that would kind of make the entire age of exploration silly if people already had those places mapped out.....also set aside the fact that people didn't have the technology to sail that far until much later..but whatever. I wasn't talking about the land, I was talking about the people. The ones who crossed the reef and lived in north America for generation after generation who would have had no possible way to know anything about ol' yaweh or his son/him until the 14th century. They gotta feel really duped burning in eternal fire right now, didn't even get a shot at it. 



because Japan hasn't been meddling in Muslim countries for the past seventy years

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And yes there are Muslims in Japan:

 The most serious work on this question has been done by Japanese scholars such as Hiroshi Kojima of the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research and Keiko Sakurai of Waseda University. Their estimates suggest a Muslim population of around 70,000, of which perhaps 90% are resident foreigners and about 10% native Japanese.

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This is the hidden content, please
 In Japan the government does not take religion into account as part of the demographic concern under religious freedom. As Michael Penn states, "The Japanese government does not keep any statistics on the number of Muslims in Japan. Neither foreign residents nor ethnic Japanese are ever asked about their religion by official government agencies".
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That's straight from wikipedia...it took 7 seconds to look up...come on fellas

Well, let's see, is the Philippines involved in the muslim countries?  How about Belgium?

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