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Guest ltownbaseball9

Bottom Line in the last 10 years HJ has Choked in the playoffs..........atleast when ozen and kountze were rank in the top5 they would make it to state or when they were supposed to make it they do.......Hj been choking it up each time they been highly ranked.....also is Donahoue has a bad game then Hj is done they don't have that other good player on there team that can step it up and fill in if Donahoue struggles....so if i was HJ I would be scared coming playoff time.....

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Guest neon_bodeau

Sure.....now you shape the argument to fit your side.

Lets see......let me pick a time for all those other schools where they didn't make it to Austin and compare it to the other schools.  You said post season success and HJ's compares just fine:


1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1979 1980

1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1991

1992 1994 1995 1996 2000 2003 2005  2007


1964 1967 1968 1979 1980 1984 1986

1991 1992 1994 1996 2001 2002 2003


1964 1967 1980 1984 1991 1992 1994

1996 2003


1964 1967 1984 1991 1994


1967 1991

This does not include appearances.......we don't take much stock in just appearing.  I guess that comes with tradition and being consistent over long periods of time.

Guest neon_bodeau

HJ w/o Donahoe this year:  4-0

HJ in district w/o Donahoe this year:  2-0

HJ played in the regional finals in 2004.....

HJ went at least two rounds deep in 2000-2004

Guest ltownbaseball9

I'm talking about in the last 13 years buddy.....not in 80s 70s its like when the raiders were good in the NFL and dominated nobody talks about those years anymore its 2007 now not 1980... ...........  if donahue struggles Hj is done im not talking about donahue struggling against Kirbyville, Bridge city, ETC........its playoffs its another level and better teams...



What you are saying is true with just about every team in the area.  If your best player has a bad night they are going to be in trouble.  If Letsinger, Thomas, Brown were to have a bad game then WH, EC and Memorial would be in trouble. This HJ team has something that a HJ team has not had in years and that is some real leadership and more importantly they have heart!!!!  BTW Jarvis Bernard is very good and will pick up the slack if needed. 

PS--When was the last time that your school made the playoffs and got past the 1st round.


of course you are making comparisons over the last 13 years because HJ has been down for a little while according to HJ's standards.  I can tell you this...........every school in the world would love to have a 13 year down cycle like HJ has had.................Also L who cares about what happened 13 years ago or 10 years ago.............i care about now!

Guest neon_bodeau

Game 1 v. WOS:  Ryan Donahoe:10 points (six in last minute)

                       Jarvis Benard:30 points


I gave you stats from the last ten years.......in fact, the last 7......


Are you serious?  This will be my last post on this topic because i actually respect HJ and their fine coaching staff.  But i need to put you in your place, bottom line.  End of story.

neon, tell me who doesnt belong?  we are talking PLAYOFF SUCCESS ok.  remember that.

Since the 1993-1994, season which was HJ's last trip to Austin, here is how Kountze, Ozen and HJ have fared in the playoffs:

Kountze- Been to Austin 5 times, with 2 State Titles.

Ozen-  Been to Austin 3 times, with 1 State Title.

HJ-  Been to Austin 0 times, with 0 State Titles.

Even Lincoln, Jefferson, EC, Goodrich, and Evadale have been to Austin since then.

Not that is matters, but how many of Kountze, East Chambers and Evadale's State Championship apparences were with a EX-HJ coach or alum????

Answer:  ALL OF THEM!!!!!!!!

Kountze:  Sutherland and Joubert (Ex HJ Assistant and Current Coach...Ex HJ Alum)

East Chambers:  Sutherland (Ex HJ Assistant and Current Coach)

Evadale:  Terrier (Ex HJ Head Coach)

Must be something in the water over there!!!!!


It was only a few years ago that Brookeland 1A beat the 3A powerhouse kountze in the YMBL tournament and went on to win the thing. Not sure, but I belive kountze may have beaten the all mighty that year too. But Brookeland didn't play anyone that year.  :-*  

This thread should be deleted, or there should be a trash talking area on this forum. Or better yet, an age limit on this thing.

What is awful is that I love the Hardin Jefferson team. I'm glad they represent South East Texas. They do consistently have great teams, but don't talk trash off of what-if. And don't be a sore winner, or get mad if the spotlight is occasionally on other teams. Being cocky and arrogant reflects on other things that aren't sufficient in our life. Just  think, the majority of the people on here talking trash are older folks talking trash about high school teams or kids that aren't even playing on the team. Do you not have anything else to be proud of in your life?? so much so that if anyone else seems to take a little of that glory, you get offended and start thinking of ways to down them... Come on folks, lets all respect one another. I'm sorry for the degrading things I have said, and I refuse to post on this thread anymore. Even to defend myself or my alma mater. Its just causing problems. Good Luck SETX in the post season and this friday night.      

Go Oilers!!

P.S. That was freakin hilarious, Lazeek.  :D


Its not more than 20 miles that seperate these 3, wouldnt it be great if all 3 could make the trip Austin.Everybody needs to quit bashing each other and start supporting these teams.WH is proud of what they have done this year, its been a LONG time since they have done this well in BB but thats is no reason to put them down.HJ great season hope you do well in the the play offs and can make the trip to Austin same goes to Kountze/EC.The game with WOS is a win win For WH if thet win great if they lose so what they got beat by a good 3A team that has made the play offs no harm done good luck to all the teams Friday night!!!!!!

Play your game Oilers win or lose we are still proud of you


sounds to me that sports_mom might be the team mom and babying the WH team

I am a players mom but I am not the 'TEAM MOM' I do however support my team no matter win or lose, and through the years I have seen many schools trash our team no matter how good or how bad they have done, I am just saying its time that people give WH credit where credit is due... These guys have played together since Pee- Wee and have stuck together through the good and bad, we dont have 2 or 3 hundred kids to chose from to play each sport these kids are all like family to each other. I support my team, yes I said my team because at WH we are all like family, From the school administration down to the littlest of kids, everyone supports everyone...... and when they have it going good just give them their credit they deserve and quit smack talking.....


well put sports_mom. I am a HJ fan but no doubt WH deserves TONS of credit.  They are winning and winning the right way.  Good, classy, hard working kids and coaches.  It is fun to see teams be succesful but then to see teams be succesful with character and class is 10 times as fun.  Good luck in the playoffs!


Whats all the talk about, HJ has been talking all week long about WH backing down, not wanting to play. Well I will have to admit I saw all 3 games tonight and all 6 teams showed alot of class. But to tell you the truth, I wished that WH would have played HJ, cause Newton looked like they gave them a run for their $$$$. I've always said any team can beat another on any given night. Tonight WH did not prevail, but they did get some good work in. Got pressed most of the game, and had to deal with the big guy on both ends. That in itself will payoff down the road.


HJ is a good team with #33 if you take him out you are good don't get me wrong he will score but not as much and for the 6'9 kid he is soft get big with him and trust me he will go down.........and I KNOW this for a fact


Rub a dub should be banned from the site. Never once has he said anything with even the slightest hint of intelligence in it.

Every one from HJ wishes the best to West Hardin; and Kountze or EC please go win another state title.

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