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8 hours ago, H-D BOBCAT 55 said:

Scat, to have to swallow my pride and admit we made the wrong hire, especially when I campaigned and did all the leg work for him to be here... Just like a friend or family member that helps gets you a job in a plant or refinery, they expect you to perform at work, business is business, leave friendship at the gate... I will always respect and like both men personally, but I wouldn't care if HDBobcat9 was the Coach(my brother best friend for over 30 years), if he were jeopardizing the culture, tradition and future of my beloved school, he would hear about it. Any man worth his weight would understand and appreciate that stance, not sull up and get feathers ruffled... My opinion is based solely on what I have seen with my own eyes, interviews in parents of players, both former and current, as well as random citizens. Scat I know it to be a fact, your opinion is based on blinded family members and close friends to the staff, with one being the life long best friend of Coach Birdwell's... 


I truly hope our AD/HC is successful and HD's student athletes start participating. I will be in the stands at every game rooting our boys on like always. Bottom line is, the citizens of HD and Raywood had seen our culture and participation numbers improve drastically for 3 straight years, then the last two years we not only didn't keep the momentum going, we got worse... 

It's all about the kids, not your buddy or acquaintance keeping a job they are not performing in as advertised...... I will say it again, I have nothing personal against either men you mentioned, I would again help both men in any way I could.  When the Friday night lights come on in HD Texas, I will be supporting EVERYONE on the sidelines and the field wearing red and black....  HD NATION!!!!!!


Good job on the Liberal post above, lol. 

I am not sure I want to continue with this conversation, but I will. After about 5 cups of coffee, I am ready to go! ha.  My plan is to respond to the emboldened portions of your retort in the order they appear in the quoted section of this post.

1)  You are quick to point out that it was you who campaigned and "did all of the leg work" (I am sure the board and superintendent would love to hear you take all the credit for the hire) to bring Hodges to HD. If he is so bad and dividing the community and students in the way you say, why on earth would anyone be so quick to hand you the right to choose the next coach that comes to HD. For that matter, you campaigned for Hodges the year Finney was hired, and publically stated that you were opposed to the decision. Now you say that Finney was the best thing to happen to HD in years. So by your own admission, you are 0-2 at choosing football coaches at HD. Why would anyone look to you to choose the next one?

2)  You and I have totally different definitions of respect if you still claim you respect these guys. Respect, as defined by Websters dictionary, is: "a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements". You do not show a deep admiration for either of these men, especially not one elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements. Once again, proven by reading the things you have consistently said about them on this very public forum.

3)  While the implication here is that the Hodges/Birdwell regime is jeopardizing the culture, tradition and future of HD, neither of those men have had to be personally spoken to by the superintendent or HS principal about their behavior at sporting events. They have handled themselves with grace and pride during tough times, while certain onlookers have been so unruly in the stands that they have had to be corrected by school administration. You tell me which is more threatening to the fabric of our community.

4)  Those that you interviewed, do they represent the 40 signatures on that petition? Have you interviewed anyone who refused to sign the petition? What about Mrs. Huckaby or Mr. Godwin, did you speak to them regarding Coach Hodges performance? What about other coaches on the staff? Sometimes when we only speak with those who share our opinion, we embrace the false reality that our opinion is the only opinion. There are a couple of guys whom I highly respect that have boys playing on the team, and serve on our school board. Have you discussed this with them, and if so, do they agree with you? I'll bet they don't and I'll bet you are not choosing to listen to their reasoning.

5)  Any one of my family members who fits this description is no closer than a second cousin of mine. One is a close personal friend of Coach Birdwell, and the other is married into a family who are close personal friends of Coach Birdwell. Neither of those people have ever had a conversation with me regarding HD football in any form. You say you know it is a fact that my opinion comes from those "blinded" family members, but I've never spoken to them about this. So how do you "know" that to be a "fact"? I am sure they will be glad to read that you consider them blinded. They are more than likely lurking around this board.

6)  No you wouldn't. Am I to believe that you would rally for them to lose their job then turn around and help them find another? Lets use your refinery example. If you get your buddy a job with JV and he (in your opinion) underperforms, will you then campaign to get him on with Jacobs? You absolutely wouldn't do that and you absolutely won't do what you are claiming you would do.

7)  Once again not true. We only need to look at the way things went down this year. Team struggles, you are talking to anyone who will listen regarding all the coaching mistakes being made. You want kids playing both ways, you want to run the ball rather than pass, you want to run the wing T....the list goes on and on. That is not support, in fact, it is the opposite of support. I expect nothing less next year if these guys choose to stay here.

8)  Liberal post? Hmmmm....this one I cannot figure out. I guess I am liberal because I believe more in #character than I do in #HDNation. Trust me, I am not against holding coaches accountable and expecting them to be excellent at their jobs. What I am against is flat our campaigning for these guys, bringing them in, having them uproot their families and lives thinking they had a support system in place because you told them they did, then turning on them almost immediately. That is not #HDNation. Most of #HDNation (besides the 40) are vehemently opposed to the way these men are being treated, and most of them place the blame for that on you. When you are given a platform for leadership (and lets not be mistaken, right or wrong, you have created yourself a platform for leadership) you must wield it correctly or it becomes a danger to yourself and everyone around you. If that leadership platform gets larger because you are elected to the school board, the responsibility becomes even greater. Right now, you are using that leadership and influence to divide, and in the process some of your "greatest friends" are being dragged through the mud.

And I'll close with this, since we are on the topic of liberals. I know that you have very negative opinions of President Obama, so let me pose a question. Do you feel that his supporters are responsible for his performance and the way it is affecting our country? Those who went to the polls and twice elected him commander and chief, do they have some blood on their hands regarding the supposed deterioration of America? If so, how can you not see that, if Hodges/Birdwell are as bad as you say, and you are the "reason they are here", you are at least partially culpable in the deterioration of our football program?

I'm just asking you to think about what you are saying and doing. Some things are bigger than football.


9 hours ago, Scatright said:

I am not sure I want to continue with this conversation, but I will. After about 5 cups of coffee, I am ready to go! ha.  My plan is to respond to the emboldened portions of your retort in the order they appear in the quoted section of this post.

1)  You are quick to point out that it was you who campaigned and "did all of the leg work" (I am sure the board and superintendent would love to hear you take all the credit for the hire) to bring Hodges to HD. If he is so bad and dividing the community and students in the way you say, why on earth would anyone be so quick to hand you the right to choose the next coach that comes to HD. For that matter, you campaigned for Hodges the year Finney was hired, and publically stated that you were opposed to the decision. Now you say that Finney was the best thing to happen to HD in years. So by your own admission, you are 0-2 at choosing football coaches at HD. Why would anyone look to you to choose the next one?

2)  You and I have totally different definitions of respect if you still claim you respect these guys. Respect, as defined by Websters dictionary, is: "a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements". You do not show a deep admiration for either of these men, especially not one elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements. Once again, proven by reading the things you have consistently said about them on this very public forum.

3)  While the implication here is that the Hodges/Birdwell regime is jeopardizing the culture, tradition and future of HD, neither of those men have had to be personally spoken to by the superintendent or HS principal about their behavior at sporting events. They have handled themselves with grace and pride during tough times, while certain onlookers have been so unruly in the stands that they have had to be corrected by school administration. You tell me which is more threatening to the fabric of our community.

4)  Those that you interviewed, do they represent the 40 signatures on that petition? Have you interviewed anyone who refused to sign the petition? What about Mrs. Huckaby or Mr. Godwin, did you speak to them regarding Coach Hodges performance? What about other coaches on the staff? Sometimes when we only speak with those who share our opinion, we embrace the false reality that our opinion is the only opinion. There are a couple of guys whom I highly respect that have boys playing on the team, and serve on our school board. Have you discussed this with them, and if so, do they agree with you? I'll bet they don't and I'll bet you are not choosing to listen to their reasoning.

5)  Any one of my family members who fits this description is no closer than a second cousin of mine. One is a close personal friend of Coach Birdwell, and the other is married into a family who are close personal friends of Coach Birdwell. Neither of those people have ever had a conversation with me regarding HD football in any form. You say you know it is a fact that my opinion comes from those "blinded" family members, but I've never spoken to them about this. So how do you "know" that to be a "fact"? I am sure they will be glad to read that you consider them blinded. They are more than likely lurking around this board.

6)  No you wouldn't. Am I to believe that you would rally for them to lose their job then turn around and help them find another? Lets use your refinery example. If you get your buddy a job with JV and he (in your opinion) underperforms, will you then campaign to get him on with Jacobs? You absolutely wouldn't do that and you absolutely won't do what you are claiming you would do.

7)  Once again not true. We only need to look at the way things went down this year. Team struggles, you are talking to anyone who will listen regarding all the coaching mistakes being made. You want kids playing both ways, you want to run the ball rather than pass, you want to run the wing T....the list goes on and on. That is not support, in fact, it is the opposite of support. I expect nothing less next year if these guys choose to stay here.

8)  Liberal post? Hmmmm....this one I cannot figure out. I guess I am liberal because I believe more in #character than I do in #HDNation. Trust me, I am not against holding coaches accountable and expecting them to be excellent at their jobs. What I am against is flat our campaigning for these guys, bringing them in, having them uproot their families and lives thinking they had a support system in place because you told them they did, then turning on them almost immediately. That is not #HDNation. Most of #HDNation (besides the 40) are vehemently opposed to the way these men are being treated, and most of them place the blame for that on you. When you are given a platform for leadership (and lets not be mistaken, right or wrong, you have created yourself a platform for leadership) you must wield it correctly or it becomes a danger to yourself and everyone around you. If that leadership platform gets larger because you are elected to the school board, the responsibility becomes even greater. Right now, you are using that leadership and influence to divide, and in the process some of your "greatest friends" are being dragged through the mud.

And I'll close with this, since we are on the topic of liberals. I know that you have very negative opinions of President Obama, so let me pose a question. Do you feel that his supporters are responsible for his performance and the way it is affecting our country? Those who went to the polls and twice elected him commander and chief, do they have some blood on their hands regarding the supposed deterioration of America? If so, how can you not see that, if Hodges/Birdwell are as bad as you say, and you are the "reason they are here", you are at least partially culpable in the deterioration of our football program?

I'm just asking you to think about what you are saying and doing. Some things are bigger than football.


All I see is a bunch of gibberish... I can only lead you to water... SMH... You sound just like Hillary Clinton. I give you an "A" for effort. You are making incorrect statements above, be careful... I was never against the Finney hire, I was against the board electing to not even grant Bird or Hodges an interview. You may want to talk with Howard Fregia, Laconda Fregia, Donald Robinett, Katey Robinett, Mr. Cruz, Sedric DeBlanc, Yevetta DeBlanc and David Coruthers just to name a few, they all had public altercations with the current AD at football games and track events, where all involved were talked to by the Prinicipal or Superintendent.... ;)  Oh and pal, all them lurkers you speak of know where to find me! I would love to talk with you in person about this topic, I tried to reach out to you, you declined.... lol. I thought we had a better rapport than this...


Cat fight...

HD55.  You guys have no kids.  Which is the reason you dropped in classification to begin with.  Which is the only chance you have at making a playoff spot anyway...no matter who is coaching.  If you truly believe HD should have 45-50 boys playing football then you're absolutely clueless.  Not a school in America has a % of students that high playing football.  You're talking well over half of the boys in the school.  That's ridiculous.

You guys better leave Hodges alone.  Nobody else wants to come there I can assure you.  

By the way..you were only competitive for 3 years because of 4 kids that aren't even Daisetta kids.  

14 hours ago, oldschool2 said:

Cat fight...

HD55.  You guys have no kids.  Which is the reason you dropped in classification to begin with.  Which is the only chance you have at making a playoff spot anyway...no matter who is coaching.  If you truly believe HD should have 45-50 boys playing football then you're absolutely clueless.  Not a school in America has a % of students that high playing football.  You're talking well over half of the boys in the school.  That's ridiculous.

You guys better leave Hodges alone.  Nobody else wants to come there I can assure you.  

By the way..you were only competitive for 3 years because of 4 kids that aren't even Daisetta kids.  

We have had 40-50 kids total every year in 9th-12th combined prior to this AD/HC, heck Hodges had that at his first practice... Month later about 25 total remaining... With our regular 40-50 total kids we could always divide it by two and have a JV team. You are very clueless... Guess if you paid attention to prior post. That is only 10-12 kids a class participating, not asking a lot... Right now we have about 5 boys a class participating on average... No JV the last two years, two many boys walking the hallways choosing not to play... 

2 hours ago, H-D BOBCAT 55 said:

We have had 40-50 kids total every year in 9th-12th combined prior to this AD/HC, heck Hodges had that at his first practice... Month later about 25 total remaining... With our regular 40-50 total kids we could always divide it by two and have a JV team. You are very clueless... Guess if you paid attention to prior post. That is only 10-12 kids a class participating, not asking a lot... Right now we have about 5 boys a class participating on average... No JV the last two years, two many boys walking the hallways choosing not to play... 

Sigh..ok.  This is the last time I'm going to explain it.  If you don't understand after this, then you're just a moron.  

How many kids do you guys have in high school? About 160. Let's say half of those are boys..that's 80.  You're saying there should be 40-50 playing football.  That's half..or more.  There isn't a single school in the area for sure..likely the state..where half of the boys in the school are playing football.  Do you understand that?

Now..these boys that are in high school now in HD either were 6th graders that played in JH, or played with 6th graders in JH.  Do you know what that means?  It means there weren't enough boys to play football.  Are you the only one not getting this?  Did you think these same groups were going to magically have an influx of participants because you guys won State in 1979?

You dropped in the smallest class in the state that has 11 man football.  Because of numbers.  These kids were forced to use 6th graders in JH.  Because of numbers.  We all knew these kids wouldn't have enough players to have a JV in high school.  Everyone but you.

It seems to me that the problem is you aren't facing reality. I make a lot of people mad on this site because I say what most people won't..but you are the most infuriating person of anyone that posts on this site.  You give the word delusion a whole different meaning.

9 hours ago, oldschool2 said:

Sigh..ok.  This is the last time I'm going to explain it.  If you don't understand after this, then you're just a moron.  

How many kids do you guys have in high school? About 160. Let's say half of those are boys..that's 80.  You're saying there should be 40-50 playing football.  That's half..or more.  There isn't a single school in the area for sure..likely the state..where half of the boys in the school are playing football.  Do you understand that?

Now..these boys that are in high school now in HD either were 6th graders that played in JH, or played with 6th graders in JH.  Do you know what that means?  It means there weren't enough boys to play football.  Are you the only one not getting this?  Did you think these same groups were going to magically have an influx of participants because you guys won State in 1979?

You dropped in the smallest class in the state that has 11 man football.  Because of numbers.  These kids were forced to use 6th graders in JH.  Because of numbers.  We all knew these kids wouldn't have enough players to have a JV in high school.  Everyone but you.

It seems to me that the problem is you aren't facing reality. I make a lot of people mad on this site because I say what most people won't..but you are the most infuriating person of anyone that posts on this site.  You give the word delusion a whole different meaning.

Hey Donald Trump, the year book shows 89 boys lol... SMH, you gotta be from Saratoga or Ace lol... Go troll another site... The Hills Have Eyes... lol

11 hours ago, H-D BOBCAT 55 said:

Hey Donald Trump, the year book shows 89 boys lol... SMH, you gotta be from Saratoga or Ace lol... Go troll another site... The Hills Have Eyes... lol

Thanks for proving my point.  You think HALF of those boys should play football.. Name me one single school that has 50% of the boys on high school playing football..you gotta be from Daisetta.

Suspicions confirmed.  I guess you truly are a moron.

On 3/18/2016 at 1:31 AM, MOSSHILL said:

When did a HS coach winning football games become comparable to "business success, and or relationships with family and friends"?

The game is a game and nothing more. Family and friends mean the world to folk. But, I could never see myself desiring for a family member or life long bud to be canned because of a game performance, especially if the game is at an amateur level and I am not being compensated or paid and virtually have nothing to do with the "business" as one would call it......Big Bird is a great man and a hard working man at that and he knows what it's like to win. I wouldn't think for a second that Big Bird, Hodges and staff are doing anything but trying to win over there at HD, but they can not play the game for those kids on Friday nights.

This is 2016 and the HD ship sailed long ago. Nobody is coming into HD and reviving that program to its former glory. I don't think anybody is out to attack you chief, or throw your name in the dirt bC everybody respects your passion for ole' Bobcat nation. But, as kindly as I can say it........it would be for every kids benefit at HD to enlist into Liberty or Hardin for many reasons......even aside from athletics. Trust me, there is nobody outside of H D that respects the history and tradition of that school more than I do..... I never in 10 years of playing against HD beat them from 8 yrs old to 18 years old. And when these two schools meet for the opening game this year..........it won't even be a contest.....because every decent athlete HD has, Hardin has 3. And we can't even compete with the best in the business at the 3a level. That's how much a difference 100-150 kids makes. And to think that Hardin and HD were almost identical in enrollment in 2000 is scary. What's HD going to be like in another 10-15 years? Scary to even think about.....

Ole' scatright seen this coming long ago. We used to talk about this very thing and there's just nothing you can do about it.

Good luck to your HD Bobcats in 2016 and I hope Stan and staff have a good year.


First off, if I'm going to quote mosshill, I should apologize for calling him an idiot in the Silsbee state championship thread.  I was already pissed because Silsbee was losing and I felt like Mosshill was attacking AAW unjustly.  AAW is a big boy and can take up for himself.  It was not my business and I apologize for poking my nose where it didn't belong. 

Now, about the HD situation.  We all tend to forget this at times.  It is a game.  And unfortunately for some, it is a numbers game that certain communities will lose at a majority of the time.  But there are still many life lessons that can be learned while a program is struggling.  As long as the coach is not giving up on the kids and is not teaching them to give up and be quitters, then I would leave the coach alone.  I'm assuming of course that these coaches are not doing things that would get ANY employee fired/non-renewed.  HD55, if you care about your school district and it's kids as much as I think you do, you should have gone about this a different way.  You and others have now created an environment that is difficult for a coach to fight his way out of.  The kids have to believe in their coach and be willing to fight for him.  A few parents and HD supporters have poisoned these kids minds and are turning them against the person who is supposed to be teaching them important life lessons.  It doesn't matter what offense is run or how many games they are winning right now.  And about the kids in the parking lot, I can't speak to whether they should be on the field or not.  If football is being coached hard, played hard and disciplined the right way, then it is certainly not going to be for everyone.  Especially for soft kids with unsupportive parents.  


Let me help with some clarification on Hull Daisetta factors and corresponding sentiments:

1. HD is devoid of speed being among the slowest teams in Texas on a yearly basis. This affords HD the opportunity to provide comedy for area coaches during Saturday film sessions.

2. HD is a town in which no one wants to live and has no means of enticing talent or coaching to move to the area.

3. HD should count itself fortunate that any coach would take the job. All coaches who will bite will do so only in the hopes that they gain HC experience or re-establishment after a failure elsewhere.

4. HD fan base should look outside of the HD area to find a means to improve the genetic code and increase the average IQ levels. This will help to minimize delusion and keep expectations to a realistic level. 


2 hours ago, 89falcon said:

Let me help with some clarification on Hull Daisetta factors and corresponding sentiments:

1. HD is devoid of speed being among the slowest teams in Texas on a yearly basis. This affords HD the opportunity to provide comedy for area coaches during Saturday film sessions.

2. HD is a town in which no one wants to live and has no means of enticing talent or coaching to move to the area.

3. HD should count itself fortunate that any coach would take the job. All coaches who will bite will do so only in the hopes that they gain HC experience or re-establishment after a failure elsewhere.

4. HD fan base should look outside of the HD area to find a means to improve the genetic code and increase the average IQ levels. This will help to minimize delusion and keep expectations to a realistic level. 



On 3/19/2016 at 2:37 PM, oldschool2 said:

Sigh..ok.  This is the last time I'm going to explain it.  If you don't understand after this, then you're just a moron.  

How many kids do you guys have in high school? About 160. Let's say half of those are boys..that's 80.  You're saying there should be 40-50 playing football.  That's half..or more.  There isn't a single school in the area for sure..likely the state..where half of the boys in the school are playing football.  Do you understand that?

Now..these boys that are in high school now in HD either were 6th graders that played in JH, or played with 6th graders in JH.  Do you know what that means?  It means there weren't enough boys to play football.  Are you the only one not getting this?  Did you think these same groups were going to magically have an influx of participants because you guys won State in 1979?

You dropped in the smallest class in the state that has 11 man football.  Because of numbers.  These kids were forced to use 6th graders in JH.  Because of numbers.  We all knew these kids wouldn't have enough players to have a JV in high school.  Everyone but you.

It seems to me that the problem is you aren't facing reality. I make a lot of people mad on this site because I say what most people won't..but you are the most infuriating person of anyone that posts on this site.  You give the word delusion a whole different meaning.



The thing is guys, the kids chose to quit the team and walk away... Every season in the past, including the first day of 2 a days for the current AD, HD had a respectful 40 plus kids in 9-12th grades show up. "A month later", especially at the first preseason game we had about 25 kids total.... At the same time we about 40-50 boys participating in band... That goes to show HD has the numbers to have a JV football team and protect the future. The question that we need to answer is, why are the boys no longer wanting to play football.. Also, let's compare WH the HD rival about 8 miles down the road and same size school, WH had over 40 kids participate and had a JV team, eye opening... You have to look at historical data for HD football and look at the number of actual available kids, HD has around 90 boys, only 20 were playing football at the end of the year.  I can tell you HD, WH, Colmesneil and most small schools have historically had an average of 40-50 kids in grades 9-12 combined, participate in football every season, allowing for 2 teams, a JV and a Varsity.  We need good parents who care, asking these questions... Why are the kids dropping off the team and others just not choosing to play like usual? I recently had one of the assistant Coaches from Finney's HD staff call me, he verified there is no reason why HD shouldn't have 40-50 kids turn out in total every season. He stated they did every year he was there, which was just a few years ago, actually they had about 55 kids a season. It is mind blowing some good folks don't care or just don't understand the issue. I challenge folks to pull the enrollment for boys in the school, then look at the boys in band, then go research all the boys that no longer play football, but did the day Finney left, it is mind blowing. Guys the kids already had this issue going on, we HD alumnus just starting seeing the light. My only prayer is that we can get our kids to come out and build our culture back up. It would be different if recently the HD culture was garbage like so many of these posters want folks to believe. Let's not forget, just 3 seasons ago, HD was back to back undefeated District Champs and narrowly lost by a few points, twice to Alto in the playoffs. Lots of folks would have you believe HD is shutting the doors any day. lol. We are not folks, the roller coaster does have it's ups and downs...  I am rooting for our current staff and the kids. I agree wins and offensive formations don't mean a hill of beans compared to our kids and their future. 


1 hour ago, H-D BOBCAT 55 said:

The thing is guys, the kids chose to quit the team and walk away... Every season in the past, including the first day of 2 a days for the current AD, HD had a respectful 40 plus kids in 9-12th grades show up. "A month later", especially at the first preseason game we had about 25 kids total.... At the same time we about 40-50 boys participating in band... That goes to show HD has the numbers to have a JV football team and protect the future. The question that we need to answer is, why are the boys no longer wanting to play football.. Also, let's compare WH the HD rival about 8 miles down the road and same size school, WH had over 40 kids participate and had a JV team, eye opening... You have to look at historical data for HD football and look at the number of actual available kids, HD has around 90 boys, only 20 were playing football at the end of the year.  I can tell you HD, WH, Colmesneil and most small schools have historically had an average of 40-50 kids in grades 9-12 combined, participate in football every season, allowing for 2 teams, a JV and a Varsity.  We need good parents who care, asking these questions... Why are the kids dropping off the team and others just not choosing to play like usual? I recently had one of the assistant Coaches from Finney's HD staff call me, he verified there is no reason why HD shouldn't have 40-50 kids turn out in total every season. He stated they did every year he was there, which was just a few years ago, actually they had about 55 kids a season. It is mind blowing some good folks don't care or just don't understand the issue. I challenge folks to pull the enrollment for boys in the school, then look at the boys in band, then go research all the boys that no longer play football, but did the day Finney left, it is mind blowing. Guys the kids already had this issue going on, we HD alumnus just starting seeing the light. My only prayer is that we can get our kids to come out and build our culture back up. It would be different if recently the HD culture was garbage like so many of these posters want folks to believe. Let's not forget, just 3 seasons ago, HD was back to back undefeated District Champs and narrowly lost by a few points, twice to Alto in the playoffs. Lots of folks would have you believe HD is shutting the doors any day. lol. We are not folks, the roller coaster does have it's ups and downs...  I am rooting for our current staff and the kids. I agree wins and offensive formations don't mean a hill of beans compared to our kids and their future. 



This is where you get ridicule.

1. WH had 40 kids last year? and a JV?  I think you may want to fact check.

2.  HD, WH, and Colmesneil will barely have 50 kids combined this season playing football...again you are not realizing how numbers, school enrollment, and participation coincide together.

3.  You were undefeated out of the worst schools in all of the state in that classification...and lost to Alto.  3 points or 30 doesn't matter.  They lost to a team that didn't even get out of the region either year.


These petitions and post do nothing to help HD get good coaches in the future. HD55 appears to be more of a problem to the program than anything else. If I lived in that community I would start a petition that would not allow him to post on the interenet EVER. All he does is entertain us outsiders.

Thanks for being entertaining!!

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