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15 minutes ago, PAMFAM10 said:

wonder how long it will take for trump twitter rant on how stupid Iowa is.

Trump trying to play the nice guy in his speech.  It was a lot shorter than Rubio's 


As for my thots on Cruz winning:  It was a blow to the liberal media and most establishment Reps.  Personally, I hope this propels him to victory, but as of now, just a little piece of a big puzzle. 

7 minutes ago, PhatMack19 said:

I just got Jack in the Box on the way home tonight.  They were out of lettuce for the tacos, but had lettuce for my Jumbo Jack.   The girl was dumbfounded when I asked the difference.

Bernie wants to pay these people $15 an hour that can't figure out lettuce!!

Literally busted out laughing.  Classic post. 

And before someone gets offended, I sacked groceries for min wage.  That made me some gas money, but the best thing it did, it inspired me to further my education and goals in life. 


While I'm not a true political junkie, I found the coverage of the Iowa Caucuses fascinating. Turned into a 3-man race with Cruz and Rubio outperforming the polls and Trump sliding a little. The thing that blows me away is Jeb Bush. Spent 55 million and garnered 3% of the vote. The Hillary/Bernie numbers are astounding. Rubio gave the best speech of the night. Final thoughts... I  can't see why any working American would vote for an avowed socialist or a lying criminal gun-grabber. The other perplexity is Evangicals supporting Trump. The circus moves to New Hampshire...

7 minutes ago, shovel said:

While I'm not a true political junkie, I found the coverage of the Iowa Caucuses fascinating. Turned into a 3-man race with Cruz and Rubio outperforming the polls and Trump sliding a little. The thing that blows me away is Jeb Bush. Spent 55 million and garnered 3% of the vote. The Hillary/Bernie numbers are astounding. Rubio gave the best speech of the night. Final thoughts... I  can't see why any working American would vote for an avowed socialist or a lying criminal gun-grabber. The other perplexity is Evangicals supporting Trump. The circus moves to New Hampshire...

When Sanders can do this well in the polls, it shows the sad state of affairs in this country.  When thousands of war heroes died in WWII fighting socialism and ppl are voting for one, it is sickening.  The democrats must really hate Hillary.

4 minutes ago, BS Wildcats said:

When Sanders can do this well in the polls, it shows the sad state of affairs in this country.  When thousands of war heroes died in WWII fighting socialism and ppl are voting for one, it is sickening.  The democrats must really hate Hillary.

Not enough hate for her! While I disagree with everything Sanders is about, his integrity is valid. Hillary Clinton has no integrity. I can't understand anyone who works for a living supporting either of the Democrats. 

1 hour ago, PAMFAM10 said:

big losers trump Hillary and Jeb. 

big winners ted and sanders 

winner rubio 

PamFam10- is my memory failing or did you, not too long ago, declare that Hillary would be our next President and win said Presidency easily?


Since I'm an amateur in computer research, does anyone know the total #'s of each, R & D caucus participants in 2016 vs 2012?  That's a comparison I would find most interesting.


I don't understand how anybody with more than two functioning brain cells can vote for Sanders or Hillary. Both spew non-sense of spending more and more on "free" stuff. Do either of them realize that we spend $220 billion a year on interest alone. If we got rid of our debt and kept taxes the same, we would have $220 billion extra dollars a year. But yet they want to increase spending. Stupidity does not even come close to describing these clueless voters.

I'm also sick of all these pundits on TV talking about how honest and sincere Bernie is. He is a stupid, moronic, verging on the brink of retardism of a man. He actually believes what he is saying. He thinks that socialism will work. That is the zenith of stupidity. I don't care how honest or sincere you are, if you are that much of a wacko you should not be allowed behind any microphone. And anybody that "honestly" believes the crap he is spewing should get a one-way ticket to Rusk, TX (if that facility is still open) or some other mental facility.

I actually don't know which is worse. Bernie actually believing his own non-sense or Hillary pandering her crap. She has the nerve to keep repeating the lie that women make less money than men for equal work. That lie was debunked at least as far back as the early 90s. When years of service is introduced into the equation, the disparity between gender pay disappears completely. This has been known for years, but Hillary will look you in the eye and tell you there's a gender pay gap. When Bernie says it, he is just too stupid to even realize he's lying.

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