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Rand Paul & Santorum Drops Out Of Race


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We are now down to one. Ted Cruz is now the only presidential candidate that wants to follow the constitution. I was torn between Rand Paul and Cruz as my favorite to win. Now with Paul dropping out I'm 100% Cruz. Of all of the candidates (on both sides), these two are the only ones that want to shrink government and get back on track to the America our forefathers envisioned. Rand Paul is the only one I know standing up for the rights of all Americans not to be spied upon by Big Brother. I salute him for that and hope he has a long future in government.

Ronald Reagan had the most profound statement I've ever heard. He said, "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'" If you listen to all of the other candidates except for Cruz and Paul, all you hear is how they will help. The focus should be on what they can repeal. This is a sad day for me, but hopefully Cruz will be the torch bearer.

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I do hope one of the candidates gets enough delegates to win the nomination.  Heaven forbid the establishment has to decide who runs.  Another present day moderate who would have been classified as a screaming liberal 25 years ago.  It's bad enough young folks will pick rap music over The Four Tops.  Now politics and voters make me wonder what planet the USS Enterprise has beamed me too.  

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18 hours ago, Englebert said:

We are now down to one. Ted Cruz is now the only presidential candidate that wants to follow the constitution. I was torn between Rand Paul and Cruz as my favorite to win. Now with Paul dropping out I'm 100% Cruz. Of all of the candidates (on both sides), these two are the only ones that want to shrink government and get back on track to the America our forefathers envisioned. Rand Paul is the only one I know standing up for the rights of all Americans not to be spied upon by Big Brother. I salute him for that and hope he has a long future in government.

Ronald Reagan had the most profound statement I've ever heard. He said, "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'" If you listen to all of the other candidates except for Cruz and Paul, all you hear is how they will help. The focus should be on what they can repeal. This is a sad day for me, but hopefully Cruz will be the torch bearer.

Correct, and they know this works with folks...too many folks are looking for what the fed gov can do for them.  They are looking for a candidate to say what they can do for them to win them over.

It is a turn off for many folks to hear that a candidate will do everything in their power to make the fed gov as insignificant in their lives as possible...lower taxes, smaller gov is considered radical.


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