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Humble, I wouldn't have guessed that one. Good to see a little fire though. Could make for good debate, SO LETS GO!

After about 20 runs have been scored i think the coach can figure out that no one can do any of those things

Should Shane have stopped the glorified practice? Is the problem with Lumberton's coach?
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Bridge City, always loaded with Division Talent that has been groomed since they were 9 years old in the BCOFWOSLL...State Finalist in 3A....

Lumberton, horrible year last year, bad team this year....

Why would anyone schedule this game from a BC standpoint...

when the game begins to get out of hand, here is how you fix it....you let the worst 5 hitters on your varsity team, usually the guys that are there to stare at the stat girl, and buy the beer after the game, and you let them hit over and over and over.....eventually, the law of averages will take over and the inning will end...it is completely unecessary to score 4 touchdowns in a baseball scrimmage...

the starters aren't going to get better b/c of one at bat facing a righty throwing 73...not going to happen...

i have more...


The stinch from the ignorrance

oh and another thing, since you might be a noob.....

If you are going to question someone's intelligence...try not to put an 'i' in stench (stinch is to make something water tight) and a 'rr' in ignorance...

but that is grammar smack, not going to go there

Guest ltownbaseball9

Its a shame Lumberton use to be so good.......


I appreciate that. Heck of a guy.

Usually you have to play Little League in the same town you live. So, that marks out Orangefield and WOS when it comes to the early grooming of BC players

When you plan out a schedule you dont know what kind of team you will be facing. Just because you're bad one year doesn't guarantee you will bad the next. "That is why you play the game!" Thanks Herm.

This was a scrimmage. A glorified practice that means nothing on paper. The score was for some fan in the stand. I guess the starters should never take  batting practice during the week since it will never do them any good. They shouldn't work pitch counts, bunts, hit and runs, or react while running bases in a "simulated" game atmosphere. It would do them no good.

All this while talking about practice. Iverson has my back on this one.

I was taking care of my baby, jackass


Usually you have to play Little League in the same town you live. So, that marks out Orangefield and WOS when it comes to the early grooming of BC players


When you plan out a schedule you dont know what kind of team you will be facing. Just because you're bad one year doesn't guarantee you will bad the next. "That is why you play the game!" Thanks Herm.

ask anahuac that question

I was taking care of my baby, jackass

spoken like a true jerk

This was a scrimmage. A glorified practice that means nothing on paper. The score was for some fan in the stand. I guess the starters should never take  batting practice during the week since it will never do them any good. They shouldn't work pitch counts, bunts, hit and runs, or react while running bases in a "simulated" game atmosphere

you are contridicting yourself here pal.....


Usually you have to play Little League in the same town you live. So, that marks out Orangefield and WOS when it comes to the early grooming of BC players

Actually, BCLL consists of Bridge City AND Orangefield kids (and now WOS and LCM as well).  The problem in the past is that while the BC kids were loyal to BCLL the OF kids would split between BCLL and Orange Youth League for various reasons.  Therefore, your BC kids started playing together young, stayed together and moved up the ladder, where the OF kids stayed separated between two leagues and then watered down by having one or two OF kids on a team in each league.  IF OF had been as loyal to their youth baseball program and stuck together in one league, like they have been with their Little Dribblers program, their HS Baseball program could possibly be much stronger. 



Did they do away with districting Little League? You play at a Little League based on where you live?  We are talking about Little League, not Fall Ball or travelling teams.

ask anahuac that question

too vague

spoken like a true jerk

still a jackass

you are contridicting yourself here pal.....

It is satire on your comment about a hitter getting nothing accomplished facing a 73 mph right handed pitcher

In answer to the districting question about LL...

BCLL now covers WOS and LCM areas as to the Little League system.  The reason for this is that both the WESCO park, and Twin County LL have ceased to exist.  This was due to a few factors:

1.  A strong Pony ball league in the Orange area;

2.  A lack of a good parental support system for the LL parks previously mentioned.

I was president of Twin County LL for 3 years, and follwing me was a great lady who kept the park going on her sweat and sometimes cash out of her own pocket to pay for fundraising supplies.  Last year, 37 parents or sets of parents, took candy to sell, and did not return either the candy or the money.  It was this kind of "welfare" attitude that doomed both parks.  The attitude that "the Little League owes me sonething'...I was actually told by a parent who didn't want to help with any upkeep or fundraising that "they had paid their $50", and weren't going to help with anything (except for grumbling and complaining).  I also paid the same cost for my son to play, and I helped....but I digress...

if someone wants to play in the LL system in the Orange area, they will play for BCLL.  Orange Youth is part of the Pony League system, which is NOT LL.  (Little League is a licensed trademark, and only chartered leagues within the system may use the term "Little League".)

As to the scrimmage...you don't get better by somebody treating you like a baby.  Props to the Lumberton Raiders and their fans for not coming on here and bemoaning that scrimmage.  It was as it should have been...a lesson learned.  Though they may have scored a lot on the Raiders, I don't doubt that the Redbirds respect them for staying out there the whole way.  


In answer to the districting question about LL...

BCLL now covers WOS and LCM areas as to the Little League system.  The reason for this is that both the WESCO park, and Twin County LL have ceased to exist.  This was due to a few factors:

1.  A strong Pony ball league in the Orange area;

2.  A lack of a good parental support system for the LL parks previously mentioned.

I was president of Twin County LL for 3 years, and follwing me was a great lady who kept the park going on her sweat and sometimes cash out of her own pocket to pay for fundraising supplies.  Last year, 37 parents or sets of parents, took candy to sell, and did not return either the candy or the money.  It was this kind of "welfare" attitude that doomed both parks.  The attitude that "the Little League owes me sonething'...I was actually told by a parent who didn't want to help with any upkeep or fundraising that "they had paid their $50", and weren't going to help with anything (except for grumbling and complaining).  I also paid the same cost for my son to play, and I helped....but I digress...

if someone wants to play in the LL system in the Orange area, they will play for BCLL.  Orange Youth is part of the Pony League system, which is NOT LL.  (Little League is a licensed trademark, and only chartered leagues within the system may use the term "Little League".)

As to the scrimmage...you don't get better by somebody treating you like a baby.  Props to the Lumberton Raiders and their fans for not coming on here and bemoaning that scrimmage.  It was as it should have been...a lesson learned.  Though they may have scored a lot on the Raiders, I don't doubt that the Redbirds respect them for staying out there the whole way.  

Very well said.  Thank you for the clarification.  I sometimes don't explain it very well!  :-)


You two kids need to take this argument elsewhere.  You have hijacked this thread from a debate on scrimmage etiquette, into a personal verbal war.  The bottom line is you cannot scale back what you are doing in a scrimmage.  All you can do is pull your starters and start putting in scrubs, if the score gets out of hand.  Scrimmages are designed to get kids used to game situations.  If one team continues the assault, then sucks for the other team.  I would agree with a few posts, that any extra bases, or hit and runs, or things of that nature, while being ahead by a large margain, would be wrong.  But, scoring a bunch of runs in a glorified batting practice cannot be stopped if the other team is sub-par.


You two kids need to take this argument elsewhere.  You have hijacked this thread from a debate on scrimmage etiquette, into a personal verbal war.  The bottom line is you cannot scale back what you are doing in a scrimmage.  All you can do is pull your starters and start putting in scrubs, if the score gets out of hand.  Scrimmages are designed to get kids used to game situations.  If one team continues the assault, then sucks for the other team.  I would agree with a few posts, that any extra bases, or hit and runs, or things of that nature, while being ahead by a large margain, would be wrong.  But, scoring a bunch of runs in a glorified batting practice cannot be stopped if the other team is sub-par.

Nowhere near an argument. Only a discussion. Players play a certain number of innings in the field at different spots and get a certain number of bats during a scrimmage. You just flow with a rotation, no pulling and substituting in with any strategy. Again, this is a scrimmage it means nothing. You are practicing and hoping certain situations come up so you can discuss it and be prepared for when it is for real. I have only jumped in here because Billy's class and integrity has been questioned.  I have more important issues to prepare for than this to tell you the truth.  I just like debates.


I would like to tell you all how a scrimmage was held at the New Caney Park a couple weeks ago which Nederland attended.  It avoided the kind of thing that got out of hand in this case.  Each team was in the field for 15 pitches.  Then they swapped sides.  If a team left runners on base, when they went to bat the next time, the runners returned to the bases.  This gave them base running experience, pitchers had to hold them on and consequently when runs came across home, it really didn't matter.  Batters hit, pitchers pitched, fielders fielded, ect. It was not a regular game situation.  It was kinda screwy but it worked pretty good and no one went home embarrassed.  My 2 cents.


whatever was said about kids staying together and being familiar with one another because of the bcll is absolutely right, bcll has been on the rise for about 10 years, not only the number of kids playing or teams put together or other communities sending their kids here, but the facilities (fields dugouts concessions lights a nice entrance) have has turned it into the best little league park in southeast texas for a few years.  and the bc community owes a few people a big thank you, not only the coaches that work on it every saturday leading up to the season but jerry mcinnis has poured his life into that park.  they seem to have something new every year, last year had newer nets that extended farther than before, and they poured concrete all around the inside instead of those annoying rocks everywhere

great place for anyones kid in orange county to play baseball



Quote from: bcbuc on February 22, 2007, 11:06:30 AM

Usually you have to play Little League in the same town you live. So, that marks out Orangefield and WOS when it comes to the early grooming of BC players

Quote from:  TXBaseball

Actually, BCLL consists of Bridge City AND Orangefield kids (and now WOS and LCM as well). The problem in the past is that while the BC kids were loyal to BCLL the OF kids would split between BCLL and Orange Youth League for various reasons. Therefore, your BC kids started playing together young, stayed together and moved up the ladder, where the OF kids stayed separated between two leagues and then watered down by having one or two OF kids on a team in each league. IF OF had been as loyal to their youth baseball program and stuck together in one league, like they have been with their Little Dribblers program, their HS Baseball program could possibly be much stronger.

TXBaseball, Why would you take a comment made by someone who was not aware of the new boundaries of the BCLL and turn it into a slap in the face toward the OF kids playing baseball(If they had been loyal to their program).  Obviously you haven't been around very long.  Orangefield was very loyal to their baseball program when they had one.  For many years Orangefield had their own baseball team, as did McLewis, before OF and McLewis combined. The BCYRA is where it all started before the new BCLL was built by many parents from OF as well as BC. This was great because the OF kids could start playing together young, stay together and move up the ladder as you call it.  Matter of fact, one group of boys that were lucky enough to experience this went on to win district five consecutive years(86-90) at OF.  The OF teams did very well as part of the BCLL, and actually won the league championship in several divisions for several years.  Some say that is why the BCLL board decided that they could no longer have a team of their own and had to be split up and be put in the draft with all the BC kids.  Granted, at that same time OF had too many kids sign up for one team and not enough for two teams.  OF wanted to have two teams and and draft a couple of BC boys to fill each team, but that would have meant a couple of BC boys would have had to play on a predominately OF team, instead, we were told all the OF boys would go into the draft, and that is how we ended up with 1-3 OF kids playing on a team with 10-12 BC kids. Some thought it was unfair for the OF boys to get to have their own team and all the BC boys had to be split up and drafted onto different teams.  When that happened some of the OF boys thought they got the shaft as far as playing time during the season and All-stars picks.  Some left and went to Orange where they got to play more and participate in All-Stars.  Look, I loved being a part of BCLL, and have great memories of not one, but two District Championships.  This is not an attack on BCLL in any way, I see both sides to the decisions that were made.  BCLL is a great organization, and has provided a top notch ball park where many young men have been able to learn baseball fundamentals.  Just wanted TXBaseball to understand that sometimes decisions are made that don't allow kids to stick together.  BCLL can't be compared to the OFLD program where all the kids are from Orangefield and do get to start playing together very early, learning how to work together and coming together as a team.  Most of the OF boys would love to play together, so if you have any suggestions as to how to make this happen I am sure the young boys coming up now would like to hear them.  This is really all beside the point, the real reason BC is so successful is they have, oh I don't know, 60-80 boys in each age group learning the game during the summer, compared to what, 15-20 in each age group from OF.  Love ya Jerry, just felt like the few boys we have playing ball were being attacked for not being loyal, and I couldn't let it go.  Oh, I can't believe BC is being attacked for doing what they have been taught to do, PLAY BALL, it was a scrimmage where kids should play like they want to play in a real game, because ultimately you play like you practice.   



Quote from: bcbuc on February 22, 2007, 11:06:30 AM

Usually you have to play Little League in the same town you live. So, that marks out Orangefield and WOS when it comes to the early grooming of BC players

Quote from:  TXBaseball

Actually, BCLL consists of Bridge City AND Orangefield kids (and now WOS and LCM as well). The problem in the past is that while the BC kids were loyal to BCLL the OF kids would split between BCLL and Orange Youth League for various reasons. Therefore, your BC kids started playing together young, stayed together and moved up the ladder, where the OF kids stayed separated between two leagues and then watered down by having one or two OF kids on a team in each league. IF OF had been as loyal to their youth baseball program and stuck together in one league, like they have been with their Little Dribblers program, their HS Baseball program could possibly be much stronger.

TXBaseball, Why would you take a comment made by someone who was not aware of the new boundaries of the BCLL and turn it into a slap in the face toward the OF kids playing baseball(If they had been loyal to their program).  Obviously you haven't been around very long.  Orangefield was very loyal to their baseball program when they had one.  For many years Orangefield had their own baseball team, as did McLewis, before OF and McLewis combined. The BCYRA is where it all started before the new BCLL was built by many parents from OF as well as BC. This was great because the OF kids could start playing together young, stay together and move up the ladder as you call it.  Matter of fact, one group of boys that were lucky enough to experience this went on to win district five consecutive years(86-90) at OF.  The OF teams did very well as part of the BCLL, and actually won the league championship in several divisions for several years.  Some say that is why the BCLL board decided that they could no longer have a team of their own and had to be split up and be put in the draft with all the BC kids.  Granted, at that same time OF had too many kids sign up for one team and not enough for two teams.  OF wanted to have two teams and and draft a couple of BC boys to fill each team, but that would have meant a couple of BC boys would have had to play on a predominately OF team, instead, we were told all the OF boys would go into the draft, and that is how we ended up with 1-3 OF kids playing on a team with 10-12 BC kids. Some thought it was unfair for the OF boys to get to have their own team and all the BC boys had to be split up and drafted onto different teams.  When that happened some of the OF boys thought they got the shaft as far as playing time during the season and All-stars picks.  Some left and went to Orange where they got to play more and participate in All-Stars.  Look, I loved being a part of BCLL, and have great memories of not one, but two District Championships.  This is not an attack on BCLL in any way, I see both sides to the decisions that were made.  BCLL is a great organization, and has provided a top notch ball park where many young men have been able to learn baseball fundamentals.  Just wanted TXBaseball to understand that sometimes decisions are made that don't allow kids to stick together.  BCLL can't be compared to the OFLD program where all the kids are from Orangefield and do get to start playing together very early, learning how to work together and coming together as a team.  Most of the OF boys would love to play together, so if you have any suggestions as to how to make this happen I am sure the young boys coming up now would like to hear them.  This is really all beside the point, the real reason BC is so successful is they have, oh I don't know, 60-80 boys in each age group learning the game during the summer, compared to what, 15-20 in each age group from OF.  Love ya Jerry, just felt like the few boys we have playing ball were being attacked for not being loyal, and I couldn't let it go.  Oh, I can't believe BC is being attacked for doing what they have been taught to do, PLAY BALL, it was a scrimmage where kids should play like they want to play in a real game, because ultimately you play like you practice.   

I know I don't have a dog in this hunt, but to respond to the comment made above about "BCLL parents" deciding that OF couldn't play as a team...

According to LL International rules, all players enter the draft, and can be picked up by any team...there are no "reserved players" according to which feeder town they come from.  The only time this rule is suspended is when a coach has a child, and then that child can play on the father's team (which creates additional conflicts sometimes, but).

If a child from Orangelfield is a good player, then the child can be picked up by any team.  This creates a more balanced league structure, and not "monster teams" which dominate, while other teams struggle with average players who are trying to get better.  I don't know about any other youth ball leagues, but the rule was and has always been that the kids go through the draft, instead of a coach "recruiting" a team. 

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