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  1. 1. Do you consider your "religion" to be a matter of preference, or to be true?

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15 minutes ago, Aces_Full said:

Translations are literally word for word.  Your interpretation of pillars in the Bible into tectonic plates is most certainly NOT a literal translation.  It is a huge stretch to make that interpretation.   

 It is only a "huge stretch" in the mind of an atheist or agnostic......people of faith have no problem understanding God's Word........


LOL..you are making you own interpretations about scripture.  I've never heard a Catholic priest talk about the tectonic plates in his preachings.  You are making leaps that simply aren't there.  

Now what denomination do you practice and believe to be true?  And would you consider your views to be that of Fundamentalists Christians (ie. ierrancy of scripture)?  

20 minutes ago, Aces_Full said:
15 minutes ago, Aces_Full said:

May I ask what denomination of Christianity that you adhere to Comesneil?  

Certainly....I don't belong to any of the man-made denominations......I'm a member of the Lord's Church....I worship and work with the congregation of the Lord's people who meet together at Colmesneil church of Christ.........

25 minutes ago, Aces_Full said:
20 minutes ago, Aces_Full said:

LOL..you are making you own interpretations about scripture.  I've never heard a Catholic priest talk about the tectonic plates in his preachings.  You are making leaps that simply aren't there.  

Now what denomination do you practice and believe to be true?  And would you consider your views to be that of Fundamentalists Christians (ie. ierrancy of scripture)?


If someone understands Scripture and applies it properly, they would not BE a catholic priest.........those "fundamentalist Christians" are not understanding or applying Scripture properly if they are members of man-made denominations and not of the Church founded by Jesus.......

Just now, Aces_Full said:

So Church of Christ is only group properly "translating" (not interpreting) the Bible?  Got ya.  

YOU said that......I said that I am a member of the Lord's Church that worships and works at Colmesneil church of Christ.....we make sure we are properly applying God's Word by doing what he commended the Bereans for doing in Acts 17: 11.......not all people who are in congregations of the Lord's Church are properly using and applying His Word, either.......in fact, very few will be saved, and those few are the ones who follow God's Word and DO WHAT HE SAID TO DO........


Matthew 7: 13 - 14; 21 - 23

54 minutes ago, 5GallonBucket said:

I would like yall to read Muscle and Shovel by Michael Shank

It will upset you and make you mad at first, but read it all the way thru and as you read have your new king james version with ya as well.

Keep in Mind .......NARROW IS THE GATE

I looked that up....sounds like a good read......I'm going to order it and read it WITH an open Bible to make sure that he's teaching The Truth.....(Acts 17: 11)........


Being saved is as simple as this:

Romans 10:9

that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

The problem is we (people) come along and mess it up...thank God for Grace.

17 minutes ago, Aces_Full said:

So most Christians are doomed unless they are members of the Church of Christ?  Terribly sad fate.  

Yes it is, when all they have to do is study His Word and DO WHAT HE SAID TO DO.....

14 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

Being saved is as simple as this:

Romans 10:9

that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

The problem is we (people) come along and mess it up...thank God for Grace.

You left out repentance and baptism.......God included them in HIS Plan of redemption.......Luke 13:3.....Acts 2:38....Mark 16: 15-16......I Peter 3:21.......Acts 22:16......

you also left out living faithful lives until our death....Revelation 2:10.......

34 minutes ago, Colmesneilfan1 said:

You left out repentance and baptism.......God included them in HIS Plan of redemption.......Luke 13:3.....Acts 2:38....Mark 16: 15-16......I Peter 3:21.......Acts 22:16......

you also left out living faithful lives until our death....Revelation 2:10.......

Didn't leave them out...they are WORKS that will follow.

Romans 10:9 is very clear...and I will add that Christians berating folks about this is a major turn off to non-believers.

2 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

Didn't leave them out...they are WORKS that will follow.

Romans 10:9 is very clear...and I will add that Christians berating folks about this is a major turn off to non-believers.

They are not works on our part.....They are commands from God which must be obeyed if one is to be given the free gift of God's Grace.......you have taken one verse to show your false belief while ignoring the Scripture that shows you to be in error.....Acts 22:16 and I Peter 3:21 show clearly that baptism is required right along with Luke 13:3 and Acts 2:38 showing repentance is required......if you ignore the commands from God that you don't like, you are an unbeliever by definition as well......

2 hours ago, Colmesneilfan1 said:

They are not works on our part.....They are commands from God which must be obeyed if one is to be given the free gift of God's Grace.......you have taken one verse to show your false belief while ignoring the Scripture that shows you to be in error.....Acts 22:16 and I Peter 3:21 show clearly that baptism is required right along with Luke 13:3 and Acts 2:38 showing repentance is required......if you ignore the commands from God that you don't like, you are an unbeliever by definition as well......

I am not going to argue this with you on a forum (you do know we are not to do that either, right?)

I will just point out the Scripture I put up, Roman 10:9 is very clear, people are the ones that pile on extra stuff and become legalistic.

The "believe in your heart" is where it starts and if you truly believe, you will follow along with the rest.

Do I believe you should be baptized...absolutely...if you aren't baptized, will that keep you from going to Heaven if you are saved...nope.

Pretty sure the thief on the Cross never got baptized.


9 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

I am not going to argue this with you on a forum (you do know we are not to do that either, right?)

I will just point out the Scripture I put up, Roman 10:9 is very clear, people are the ones that pile on extra stuff and become legalistic.

The "believe in your heart" is where it starts and if you truly believe, you will follow along with the rest.

Do I believe you should be baptized...absolutely...if you aren't baptized, will that keep you from going to Heaven if you are saved...nope.

Pretty sure the thief on the Cross never got baptized.


We are to be prepared and we are expected to defend The Word anytime and anyplace.......


1 Peter 3:14-16English Standard Version (ESV)

14 But even if you should suffer for righteousness' sake, you will be blessed. Have no fear of them, nor be troubled, 15 but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, 16 having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame


God gave the commands it is our duty to obey Him.....if Romans 9 is a stand alone Scripture, then where does Grace enter the picture??? 


The thief on the cross lived under the Mosaic Law, plus Christ had already made the claim that He could forgive sin while on Earth if He so chose....


Matthew 9:6English Standard Version (ESV)

6 But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins”—he then said to the paralytic—“Rise, pick up your bed and go home.”


According to God's Word, if you aren't baptized believing that baptism is the point where your sins are washed away, you are not saved.......your argument is with God, not me.....


16 hours ago, Aces_Full said:

So most Christians are doomed unless they are members of the Church of Christ?  Terribly sad fate.  

And that is the first thing someone always goes to when they think of Church of Christ.

"they think their better then any other denomination"....its not a denomination for one.

and no we don't think we are better.....we are all sinners.  Its about following the Bible to the T in worshiping and practices according to the BIBLE.

Read that book I mentioned and it will help with some of your questions/doubts.  In all honesty and sincerity please take the time to read it.

15 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

Didn't leave them out...they are WORKS that will follow.

Romans 10:9 is very clear...and I will add that Christians berating folks about this is a major turn off to non-believers.

Yes we should not berate folks, but God does call for us to teach the truth.  As Christians we have to hold each other accountable.

2 hours ago, Colmesneilfan1 said:

We are to be prepared and we are expected to defend The Word anytime and anyplace.......


1 Peter 3:14-16English Standard Version (ESV)

14 But even if you should suffer for righteousness' sake, you will be blessed. Have no fear of them, nor be troubled, 15 but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, 16 having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame


God gave the commands it is our duty to obey Him.....if Romans 9 is a stand alone Scripture, then where does Grace enter the picture??? 


The thief on the cross lived under the Mosaic Law, plus Christ had already made the claim that He could forgive sin while on Earth if He so chose....


Matthew 9:6English Standard Version (ESV)

6 But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins”—he then said to the paralytic—“Rise, pick up your bed and go home.”


According to God's Word, if you aren't baptized believing that baptism is the point where your sins are washed away, you are not saved.......your argument is with God, not me.....


My argument isn't with you or God...all I am saying is I have seen how you have talked to what seems to be non-believers...

"try again, though....I love sharpening my skills in debates with you atheists and agnostics..... "

and if I were them it would make me want to have no part in any Church you were involved in.

Remember, you have to get them in the door first...you have a good day, if these tactics are working for you and folks are flocking to your Church, carry on.

7 minutes ago, 5GallonBucket said:

Yes we should not berate folks, but God does call for us to teach the truth.  As Christians we have to hold each other accountable.

We hold each other accountable as Christians...I'm talking about how we talk to non-believers.

Point out all the things you see wrong with someone as a non-believer and see how long they keep listening.

10 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

I am not going to argue this with you on a forum (you do know we are not to do that either, right?)

I will just point out the Scripture I put up, Roman 10:9 is very clear, people are the ones that pile on extra stuff and become legalistic.

The "believe in your heart" is where it starts and if you truly believe, you will follow along with the rest.

Do I believe you should be baptized...absolutely...if you aren't baptized, will that keep you from going to Heaven if you are saved...nope.

Pretty sure the thief on the Cross never got baptized.


Im sorry, but you are wrong about this. 

HOw can you absolutely believe you should be baptized but that you don't have to be to be saved?

I grew up going to a Baptist and a catholic church for my first 6 years of life.  Dad was a devout catholic my mom a devout Baptist.  both were in families that grew up in that church and were deeply rooted in there family tree going way back.  My dad took it upon himself to start studying the Bible along with historical books. 

People get offended when they are told they are wrong about something that they have done their whole lives and was taught by their parents/grandparents etc.  ANd rightfully so, but maybe once they calm down from that offense they should take the time to look at the truth. 

My dad did exactly that.

2 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

We hold each other accountable as Christians...I'm talking about how we talk to non-believers.

Point out all the things you see wrong with someone as a non-believer and see how long they keep listening.

Very true.  its a dedicate situation.  A situation were the believer has to control his emotions and words because the non believer will usually denounce anything we have to say. 

But also at the same time we can't tell them what they want to hear to try to garner their attention to the truth. we have to tell them the exact truth.

3 minutes ago, 5GallonBucket said:

Im sorry, but you are wrong about this. 

HOw can you absolutely believe you should be baptized but that you don't have to be to be saved?

I grew up going to a Baptist and a catholic church for my first 6 years of life.  Dad was a devout catholic my mom a devout Baptist.  both were in families that grew up in that church and were deeply rooted in there family tree going way back.  My dad took it upon himself to start studying the Bible along with historical books. 

People get offended when they are told they are wrong about something that they have done their whole lives and was taught by their parents/grandparents etc.  ANd rightfully so, but maybe once they calm down from that offense they should take the time to look at the truth. 

My dad did exactly that.

What are you talking about...that is not what I said.

2 minutes ago, 5GallonBucket said:

Very true.  its a dedicate situation.  A situation were the believer has to control his emotions and words because the non believer will usually denounce anything we have to say. 

But also at the same time we can't tell them what they want to hear to try to garner their attention to the truth. we have to tell them the exact truth.

Like I told C1, if what you are doing is working...carry on.

Question...are you Church of Christ?

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