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Elite terrified Trump’s nationalism will trump globalism

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There are many valid reasons why rational people would not want Donald Trump to be elected President of the United States. Even so, the reason the global power elite are so terrified by Donald Trump and why they will do everything in their power to trump Trump is that his American nationalism will trump globalism.

Trump’s nationalism will trump globalism:

  • The globalist elite want multiculturalism with opened borders for their one world utopia — Trump would trump globalism with strong national borders and have limits on immigration.
  • The globalist elite need the threat of terrorism and violence to terrify people so they are willing to accept their big brother surveillance society for the promise of security. A surveillance society is their means to an end to create a big brother statist socialistic world system that is totally under their control. — Trump would deal harshly with terrorism.
  • The globalist elite are using the global warming scam to help bring about wealth distribution and global governance. — Trump denies that carbon caused global warming is any threat to the planet.
  • The globalist elite want all world trade totally under their control. — Trump would trump globalism by rejecting trade packs that take away national sovereignty or that weaken America.
  • The globalist elite want a weakened America so that the USA would just be one nation among many equals. — Trump is running on making America great. A powerful America running much of the world would trump globalism and the globalist agenda.
  • The globalists want to break down religious cultures and differences and have a one world religion. — Trump wants America to keep a strong traditional Christian culture.
  • The globalists want gun control all over the planet so there can be no major resistance anywhere against their centrally controlled world society. Gun control is even in the world trade deals. — Trump is running against gun control in America.
  • The globalists want Russia contained and not influencing global politics — Trump believes Russia is a natural partner against Islamic jihadists.

Trump obviously would trump globalism. A strong nationalist running America is their worst nightmare. That is why they will go all out to take him out. Both political parties have bought into globalism and so have most of the leaders of the world. That is why the power elite all around the world are now sounding off against Donald Trump.

You might think that rich Donald Trump would be one of the globalists. Indeed, Trump might have been a globalist if they had ever invited Richie Rich to be a member of their elite club. Maybe they did not like his lifestyle or his narcissistic personality disorder and never thought Trump would be anything more than a side-show for the pages of the National Enquirer. They certainly never thought that Donald Trump could actually run for President and be a serious threat to win.

By the time most politicians reach national level they are already bought and paid for by the globalist establishment. Achieving national office in the USA requires a lot of money. Global elitists and the corporations they control financially, support politicians that learn to play ball.

I am not thrilled with any of the candidates running for President in 2016. All of the remaining candidates are very driven people who would say anything to get elected. The one exception might be John Kasich but he is not very conservative. He is Mitt Romney in Anglican clothing. I also have a message for brother Kasich. It was all the pragmatic deals that people like “you made, you made, you made” in Congress that helped create big government and related problems .

Cruz is the most Conservative Christian of the bunch, but he would not be able to get most of his agenda through Congress. I support him because he has Christian values and he could positively change the Supreme Court for almost two decades.

I personally am not a big fan of Donald Trump. I think he is the flim-flam man. Trump is a salesman. He sells people whatever he thinks they will buy. That does not mean that Trump actually believes in what he sells. Trump is from the old school of P.T. Barnum, “There is sucker born every minute”.

I don’t think Trump would do half of what he says in the way that people supporting him believe he will. People disgusted with the Republicans hear Trump say words that they want to hear. However, they discard Trump’s wording that can be contradictory to what they believe that he will do.

For example, Trump says he will deport all illegals, but he also says that he will then bring the non criminals back in legally. That really is a form of amnesty. People think that Trump is saying that he will get rid of the foreigners that are here illegally and that took American jobs or are being supported by the American taxpayer. That is not what Trump is saying at all.

Trump is saying that he will make millions of illegals here legal through some undefined deportation methodology. Think about it. Illegals might just have to go to go across the border of even to their embassy here (legally the soil of that foreign nation) and get a background check and a U.S. Visa and then most would almost immediately be permitted to enter the US again legally. On the other hand, Ted Cruz would deport them and not let them come back in. Even so, most conservatives believe Trump is the best on immigration.

It is possible that Trump could rise to the occasion in office, but his personality does not suggest that their will be any such dramatic transformation. Trump is not conservative. Trump actually is a fairly liberal pragmatic. Trump will make what he thinks are good deals and he will put down anyone that disagrees. Trump will use his bully pulpit like their was a real bully in the pulpit because there will be.

Christians will soon wonder why they were so easily conned by Donald Trump. However, Christians have a long history of being conned by political figures and scam artists. They are gullible, they are conned every day by the 

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running their churches and the “Christian media”.

I do understand why voters in America are angry. They elect politicians to office that run on issues important to them and then when they get in office the voters are betrayed. After the Tea Party was betrayed and belittled the anger had to pop up somewhere. History teaches that demagogues pop-up when people become angry enough. Donald Trump is America’s angry Jack-in-the-Box weasel.

The Republican establishment will do everything in their power to make sure that Donald Trump is not nominated. Even if Trump gets the majority of delegates, they might change the rules before the vote at the convention to make Trump come up short. If Trump get the nomination some of the Republican establishment already has said they will not support him. They might go third-party with Bloomberg or even support Hillary Jezebel Clinton.

One thing you might consider is that Trump is not likely to survive office if he even makes it into the Presidency. Unlike Obama, there are plenty of votes in Congress to impeach Trump and remove him from office. If Trump does anything remotely considered high crimes and misdemeanors he will be forced out..

If Trump becomes President, he better pick someone for Vice President that Congress hates worse than him. Picking someone like Kasich might put Trump in great danger. If Trump was smart he would pick Ted Cruz because the Senate hates Cruz worse than Trump.

Trump will have to be very careful. The globalist elite will try to set him up if he does not play ball with them. They are not just going to sit there and watch their dream of globalism be delayed by a decade because of the nationalism of Donald Trump.

They are already very angry that Putin proves to be a Russian nationalist and is not going along with the NWO agenda. They do not want Trump to set the globalist agenda back even further. It is possible that once in office that Trump will turn toward globalism. Like he says, he makes deals.

Don’t get me wrong. Globalists are not any more evil than nationalists. I would not totally rule out a candidate just because he supports globalism. I do not buy into malevolent grand conspiracies of the elite to put us all under Satan. (The present world system is already under Satan’s control because he was given that power by God.)

Most of these people think globalism is the only hope for the world to survive. They are correct. However, unless the only righteous King returns and is running the Globe, man’s depravity would soon destroy it. That also is true if nationalists prevailed all over the world.

The establishment elite better think twice about removing Trump though. They may be making another great miscalculation if they try to bring Trump down while he has a lot of popular support. The next round of anger could actually bring pitchforks and tar and feathers their way or even worse.

Trump is not yet a shoe in to get the Republican nomination. He did pretty good on Super Tuesday but not as good as most were expecting. Trump is getting about 35 percent of the Republican vote on average. That percentage gave him the win in most of the early states that award delegates in some proportion to the votes, but big winner take all states begin on March 15. When the field narrow to 2 or 3 candidates more than a third of the votes will be necessary to win these late states.

Now that Carson is out, Cruz could get more delegates that Trump if Rubio also got out. However, I don’t see Rubio getting out before Florida. Trump has a huge 20 point lead in Florida as of the latest polls. If Rubio actually can pull out a win in Florida, he would still have a good chance, but that does not seem possible. Trump would have to destruct in the next few days for that to happen.

Making Trump lose in Florida or Ohio is probably the goal of the Mitt Romney’s attack on Trump on March 3rd. We will see how that plays out between now and the March 15th vote in Ohio and Florida.

Rubio’s political career will be over if he does win Florida or drop out before Florida. He could salvage a post in a new Republican administration if he dropped out before Florida but I think Rubio is too driven to even consider the consequences of losing.

John Kasich would be in contention if he takes his home state of Ohio on March 15th and if Rubio losses Florida and gets out. If Trump wins both Florida and Ohio, he will be almost impossible to beat unless Romney jumps in and gets enough wins to deadlock the convention or everyone else gets out and gets behind Ted Cruz to defeat Trump (that is  more likely Romney might not even beat Trump).

John Kasich has already said that he will drop out if he does not take Ohio, and Rubio is not likely to win Florida, so that would leave a Trump vs Cruz race in all the latter states. With Rubio and Kasich gone I think Cruz would win enough of those states to stop Trump.

If Trump is even the Republican nominee for President, it still will not be a walk in the park for him. Getting past the Democratic machine will be very difficult. They will dredge up all the mud they can on Donald Trump and they will consistently smear the mud using ads on national TV.

Trump and Hillary will have a real mud-slinging contest reality show on national TV. Most Americans already know that Hillary is slime ball rolling in the mud but when both Hillary and Donald get rolling in the mud together I am not sure that Donald will come out breathing. Mike Bloomberg might also spend a billion dollars to run continual ads on both if Bloomburg thinks Clinton can’t win.

If Trump gets nominated, all the power elite globalists are going to be with Hillary, Biden, Sanders or Bloomberg (Hillary might have to step down if she is indited for the “alleged felonies” that she “may” have committed). And if AG Lynch does not prosecute Clinton for her “alleged crimes” they will leak out anyway and Fox news and alternative medias will try her there. Not that the brain-dead voters and the government dependents of the Democratic (world socialist) Party would even care if Hillary Clinton committed felonies by breaking national security laws. Maybe Hillary Clinton will be the first President to rule from the Big House.

Will Donald Trump trump globalism or will the globalists all get together to trump Richie Rich. Stay tuned in to the next episode of Trump’s latest reality show.

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