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4 minutes ago, baddog said:

Oh, im so scared. When you run out of ammo, then make threats. Typical. 

You still haven't answered my quewtion. Probably because an educated guy such as yourself knows there is no answer. 

Name a country that has not been invaded, reestablished, possibly cahnged boundary lines, etc....

These Mexicans that you refer to that we supposedly stole this state from, the aboriginals were Indian just like here. They were conquered by the Spanish. I don't see you jumping on a soap box against Spain. Why not? Another question that will go unanswered.

Yeah, I know...be very afraid. Like I said, just try me. There is ONE common denominator in all of these "invasions" that took place over land....THEY WERE ALL DONE BY EUROPEANS.


Comparing the plight of the black man to the Holocaust? What school did you attend? I'll make sure to warn others not to waste their money going there.

Don't pose questions when all tou do is avoid them.

1 minute ago, Dick Vitale said:

Yeah, I know...be very afraid. Like I said, just try me. There is ONE common denominator in all of these "invasions" that took place over land....THEY WERE ALL DONE BY EUROPEANS.

Needs no response. Your education precedes you. Don't threaten me again.

9 minutes ago, Englebert said:

Yes, I want to go there. What makes you think I wouldn't. Profile much? You're trying to throw out things that happened 50 years and more ago (before I was born). Contrary to your unfounded beliefs, you are not public enemy number one. Blacks make up 13% of the population. If white people are as raciest as you seem to claim, black people would cease to exist in America. Raciest white people would never allow blacks to use the same facilities. Raciest white people would never allow affirmative action laws. Raciest white people would never allow black cops, or any black person in a position of authority. And raciest white people would never vote for a black politician, much less one for President.

I've read about people like you. You live in the United States afforded all of the laws as everyone else (even more) and all of the opportunity as everyone else, yet all you want to do is complain about things that happened in the past. And I noticed you didn't respond to the first part of my post. Why not? You went straight to profiling. Yeah, that's how the educated act.

LIES....LIES.....LIES...You know there are TWO sets of laws...ask the rapist at Stanford who was given SIX MONTHS in prison (will likely do just 3) and was told by the darn judge that jail would be too tough on him! Yeah OK, equal!

4 minutes ago, Dick Vitale said:
4 minutes ago, Dick Vitale said:

You want me to forget about the past? While YOU are still the BENEFACTOR of what happened in the past, today in 2016? And believe me if white people COULD get rid of blacks, trust me, we would be extinct...But that's not possible, is it?...Question...You ask the Jews to forget the Holocaust? Don't worry...I'll wait.

You won't have to wait long. I didn't say you should forget the past. What I meant by it, which I thought was obvious, is that you are trying to use the actions of the past to vilify people in the present, people that had nothing to do with those actions. The same people that over time has bent over backwards to correct those wrongs. Yet all you do is complain and hate.

Why couldn't whites get rid of blacks? Why is that not possible? The obvious answer is white people do not want to, but I'm sure you'll have a different answer.

1 minute ago, Englebert said:

You won't have to wait long. I didn't say you should forget the past. What I meant by it, which I thought was obvious, is that you are trying to use the actions of the past to vilify people in the present, people that had nothing to do with those actions. The same people that over time has bent over backwards to correct those wrongs. Yet all you do is complain and hate.

Why couldn't whites get rid of blacks? Why is that not possible? The obvious answer is white people do not want to, but I'm sure you'll have a different answer.

NO they cannot...THATS why...Are you not a benefactor of slavery and oppression? I know you wont answer truthfully, so let me remind you, YES YOU HAVE.

9 minutes ago, Dick Vitale said:

TRY ME...PLEASE...No threat...an invitation to fulfill a PROMISE.

You did it again. No differ nce between a threat and a promise like that.

1 minute ago, Dick Vitale said:

LIES....LIES.....LIES...You know there are TWO sets of laws...ask the rapist at Stanford who was given SIX MONTHS in prison (will likely do just 3) and was told by the darn judge that jail would be too tough on him! Yeah OK, equal!

Let's expound on that. What part is a lie. Affirmative action laws give preference to blacks. Whites do not have affirmative action laws.

Ah yes, let's go to that fabled "two Americas", the one in which black people can't eat in the same restaurants, stay in the same hotels, bla bla bla. Now there is a lie!

2 minutes ago, Dick Vitale said:

NO they cannot...THATS why...Are you not a benefactor of slavery and oppression? I know you wont answer truthfully, so let me remind you, YES YOU HAVE.

Are you still on your profiling trip. I don't mind answering any of your feeble attempts at trying to paint me in the world you see, even though you won't (or can't) answer mine.

I have benefited from slavery and oppression. As I have also benefited from all of my ancestors before me. I have benefited from the founding fathers. I have benefited from all of the people that made this country the greatest country the world has even known. So have you. In the last 50 years you have benefited from trillions of dollars spent of social justice. You have benefited from Affirmative Action. Will you admit that?

1 hour ago, Dick Vitale said:

Again...please try to force me to...I'm right here in Nederland...LIVE for the moment...PLEASE try...Those days are long gone...I WISH you would...really. 

Dickie- use some common sense please.  the last time you used your "veiled threats", it did not work out well.

1 minute ago, stevenash said:

Dickie- use some common sense please.  the last time you used your "veiled threats", it did not work out well.

What do you mean? I was just asking the gentleman to try and force me to leave this country since he feels I should go. That's all...What "last time" are you talking about? I don't make threats, I remind people of who I am...That's all.

3 minutes ago, Dick Vitale said:

What do you mean? I was just asking the gentleman to try and force me to leave this country since he feels I should go. That's all...What "last time" are you talking about? I don't make threats, I remind people of who I am...That's all.

I mean you had better stop making veiled threats ( and nobody is trying to MAKE you do anything)  The "last time" involved you being unable to post on here for a period of time due to conduct that the board management found unacceptable.  Defiance can only get you so far.  I thought the party that you support was the party of peace, civility, and tolerance?

3 minutes ago, stevenash said:

I mean you had better stop making veiled threats ( and nobody is trying to MAKE you do anything)  The "last time" involved you being unable to post on here for a period of time due to conduct that the board management found unacceptable.  Defiance can only get you so far.  I thought the party that you support was the party of peace, civility, and tolerance?

I agree. You are right.  Deference to the old wise guy, whom I have much respect for.  So in your estimation, am I supposed to just sit there and TAKE this guy telling me to leave the country? As the old guys did back in the 50's and 60's? Just trying to get an understanding.

2 hours ago, baddog said:

Nappy doesn't even care that people are being attacked. He's a real pip. Just a shot taker on a message board. His claim to fame. Wow!

If that was rpeublican followers attacking dems, I would be furious and want them arrested. Then, arrest the source. That is the real problem. Without funding, the protesters less violent and may not even show. The bad ass protesters would have been at the biker rally, but since they are wusses and cowards, they were no-shows.

The people in this country used to enslave people, rape the wives, mothers and daughter of the slaves and kill slave in a manner similiar to the muslim folk that they talk about today. 

1 hour ago, baddog said:

Comparing the plight of the black man to the Holocaust? What school did you attend? I'll make sure to warn others not to waste their money going there.

Don't pose questions when all tou do is avoid them.

Slavery vs. The Holocaust....Man you are not very smart are you? Which was worse? Nevermind, you have NO IDEA....SMH

3 minutes ago, Dick Vitale said:

Dickie V = one of few on here that tells it like it is

Sorry, but stating Ali was injected with Parkinsons and suggesting that the Gorilla killing was somehow a way to obscure a black man who was found hanged it considerably less than telling it like it is.

11 minutes ago, Dick Vitale said:
12 minutes ago, Dick Vitale said:

I agree. You are right.  Deference to the old wise guy, whom I have much respect for.  So in your estimation, am I supposed to just sit there and TAKE this guy telling me to leave the country? As the old guys did back in the 50's and 60's? Just trying to get an understanding.

I agree. You are right.  Deference to the old wise guy, whom I have much respect for.  So in your estimation, am I supposed to just sit there and TAKE this guy telling me to leave the country? As the old guys did back in the 50's and 60's? Just trying to get an understanding.

I guess we might start at figuring out what prompted him to make that statement.  Did he just arbitrarily come up with it or was it a response to someone suggesting to him that he leave?

1 minute ago, stevenash said:

Sorry, but stating Ali was injected with Parkinsons and suggesting that the Gorilla killing was somehow a way to obscure a black man who was found hanged it considerably less than telling it like it is.

I didn't say he WAS, I said it was my BELIEF...And I also reminded you that the distrust was partially due to the horrid Tuskegee experiments, but got no response. Not surprised.

12 minutes ago, team first said:

Only when it benefits you 

Shouldn't you be getting your kittens over in Baton Rouge ready for what's becoming a new found tradition as in the annual Hog Wild Beatdown/arsewhoopin?  



Oh btw: good luck this year, hope yall ranked #1 when we beat the brakes off yall yet again. :)



9 minutes ago, Dick Vitale said:

I didn't say he WAS, I said it was my BELIEF...And I also reminded you that the distrust was partially due to the horrid Tuskegee experiments, but got no response. Not surprised.

You got no additional response because MY BELIEF is that the "injection theory" has less merit than most of your "suggestions" although the Gorilla Killing "diversion" is close.

6 minutes ago, stevenash said:

You got no additional response because MY BELIEF is that the "injection theory" has less merit than most of your "suggestions" although the Gorilla Killing "diversion" is close.

It wasn't the gorilla killing, it was the MEDIA OVER COVERAGE. But that's just a theory.

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