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Istanbul airport explosions: 28 dead, 60 injured, Turkish official says


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I hope Big Girl reads this thread.  This is an example of what I've been trying to tell her.  That Islam has been hijacked by radicals.  This attack is just the latest those Islamist Radicals have done in Turkey, primarily killing other Muslims.  Because the Islam of Turkey hasn't been radicalized, they're considered infidels also.

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20 minutes ago, stevenash said:

This is so easy to resolve.  If we will just be nicer to these folks, they will stop the killing.

Steve, great idea.  No doubt you could get on at the State Department, if ever in need of a job.  Working conditions are great.  Never bothered on your time off, and if a crisis comes up, it doesn't matter what you do, if anything, because no one is held responsible.  And you can have your own computer server.  And all the Top Secret info you're privy to, you can email it to your friends to show them how important you are, since hackers already have the info.  Only requirement is that you carry a laminated card with the 5th Amendment on it. 

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16 hours ago, stevenash said:

Big Girl, you have suggested several times that terrorist attacks are perpetrated more by white men than anyone else.  The three most recent attacks are San Bernardino, Orlando, and now Istanbul.  Please let us know how many white men were involved in these attacks.

All three were whites. Do you think whites are only in the USA?

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45 minutes ago, 77 said:

I wonder why these terrorist target Turkey or France they dont even have a gitmo  Didnt our Pres. say thats why we have to close gitmo so they wont attack us?

The closing of gitmo will end all terrorist activity in the US (and many on the Left actually believe that).

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