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Quote:There is one thing that Republicans should be in complete agreement on with Hillary Clinton: President Obama doesn't get enough credit for the economy.

The Democrats, with the assistance of an obliging press, have been so good at promulgating the myth that the economy is a success story that they are bragging about what is, in fact, Obama's most epic failure...

In 2014, the last year for which data are available, and after six full years of Obama's stewardship, median household income was $53,657. That's nearly $4,000 lower, in constant 2014 dollars, than it was in 2007, the last year before the recession hit. And it was nearly $1,650 below 2008, the year before Obama took office....

And of course, a portion of the wage growth has been due to increased demand for labor because so many people have simply dropped out of the labor force. At about 62 percent, the labor force participation rate is at levels not seen since the 1960s...

Under Obama, home ownership is down close to a 50-year low at about 63 percent.

The poverty rate in 2014 was at 14.8 percent, according to the Bureau exactly where it was in the mid-1960s when Lyndon Johnson began the "War on Poverty." That's right, poverty under Obama has been at levels not seen in 50 years. But you wouldn't know it from perusing the mainstream media.

And all of this ties back to economic growth under the current president. At close to a 1.5-percent average GDP growth, Obama has the very worst record on the economy of any post-war president. Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush you name them, Obama is worse.

This is not simply, as the White House would have it, because a recession caused by a financial meltdown is some kind of unique circumstance that no mortal human being could fix in eight years. Obama's economic policies have had consequences, and you're living with them.


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13 minutes ago, PhatMack19 said:

Quote:There is one thing that Republicans should be in complete agreement on with Hillary Clinton: President Obama doesn't get enough credit for the economy.

The Democrats, with the assistance of an obliging press, have been so good at promulgating the myth that the economy is a success story that they are bragging about what is, in fact, Obama's most epic failure...

In 2014, the last year for which data are available, and after six full years of Obama's stewardship, median household income was $53,657. That's nearly $4,000 lower, in constant 2014 dollars, than it was in 2007, the last year before the recession hit. And it was nearly $1,650 below 2008, the year before Obama took office....

And of course, a portion of the wage growth has been due to increased demand for labor because so many people have simply dropped out of the labor force. At about 62 percent, the labor force participation rate is at levels not seen since the 1960s...

Under Obama, home ownership is down close to a 50-year low at about 63 percent.

The poverty rate in 2014 was at 14.8 percent, according to the Bureau exactly where it was in the mid-1960s when Lyndon Johnson began the "War on Poverty." That's right, poverty under Obama has been at levels not seen in 50 years. But you wouldn't know it from perusing the mainstream media.

And all of this ties back to economic growth under the current president. At close to a 1.5-percent average GDP growth, Obama has the very worst record on the economy of any post-war president. Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush you name them, Obama is worse.

This is not simply, as the White House would have it, because a recession caused by a financial meltdown is some kind of unique circumstance that no mortal human being could fix in eight years. Obama's economic policies have had consequences, and you're living with them.


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dont leave out the cost for 8 yrs worth of war

21 minutes ago, new tobie said:

dont leave out the cost for 8 yrs worth of war

Agreed upon by Dems.  I believe Hillary and Obama voted yes as well.  And if Bill would have taken care of Obama when he had the chance, 9/11 may not have happened, which led to the war.  I guess if Obama had been in office, he would just have apologized to Osama after 9/11.

17 minutes ago, stevenash said:

Our President will be the first President in modern times to have never presided over a 3% or greater GDP in any single year of his administration.

Pure, unadulterated greatness.  Somehow though, after 8 years, it will be Bush's fault.

3 hours ago, PhatMack19 said:

This is the hidden content, please

As opposed to returning to his ranch where he spent over a year of his presidency...or better yet, returning to his reading of The Pet Goat...Oops, wrong president, my bad.  

2 hours ago, TxHoops said:

As opposed to returning to his ranch where he spent over a year of his presidency...or better yet, returning to his reading of The Pet Goat...Oops, wrong president, my bad.  

Very glad you brought that up.  Bush was excoriated for his handling of the New Orleans flooding during Katrina.   Please provide the location and activities of Mr. Obama while the people of Louisiana suffer through the worst natural disaster since Superstorm Sandy according to the Red Cross.

2 hours ago, TxHoops said:

As opposed to returning to his ranch where he spent over a year of his presidency...or better yet, returning to his reading of The Pet Goat...Oops, wrong president, my bad.  

This makes him one of the greatest ever? 

46 minutes ago, new tobie said:

Over 1400 people died in new Orleans 

"Good job Brownie"


I believe this is not about the number of deaths but rather the number of hardships for those "hardworking average American families" .  You know, the ones that our President and Hillary both claim to have exclusivity when it comes to empathy, concern, and compassion.  The destruction is the worst since Hurricane Sandy, the storm where the media frequently displayed the pic of Mr. Obama surveying the damage with Chris Christie.

57 minutes ago, new tobie said:

Over 1400 people died in new Orleans 

"Good job Brownie"


I haven't heard this quote before, and you've used it on multiple occasions recently. Is it something you made up? Is it a narrative the liberal press it trying to push? Does it fit a particular agenda (with absolutely no merit)? Please explain. I have a hunch it is an attempt to push a square peg through a round hole, but I'll reserve judgment pending your explanation.

2 hours ago, new tobie said:

Over 1400 people died in new Orleans 

"Good job Brownie"


1400 people perished (all can't be saved however) due to no advanced notice to evacuate. And for those with no means to leave, there were hundreds of school buses submerged when choppers flew over surveying the damage. Way to go brownie mayor.

Seems we have covered this ground before. 

38 minutes ago, baddog said:

1400 people perished (all can't be saved however) due to no advanced notice to evacuate. And for those with no means to leave, there were hundreds of school buses submerged when choppers flew over surveying the damage. Way to go brownie mayor.

Seems we have covered this ground before. 

Mayor Nagin, a total dumbarse. Wonder if he ever got that chocolate city.

22 minutes ago, BS Wildcats said:

Mayor Nagin, a total dumbarse. Wonder if he ever got that chocolate city.

Guess he got it in the federal pen. Lol

This is old news.


26 minutes ago, 77 said:

If you live below sea level and hurricane center tells ya to leave maybe you should listen thats the moral to the story!

Prime, sad, example of the scenario.   They've been taken care of by the Govt so long, if the Govt doesn't come & get them, they figure everything is okay.  They've lost the ability to tale care of themselves.  


"Dear Mr. President:

How’s the vacation going on Martha’s Vineyard?  Pretty swell place for sure.  Ocean breeze, beautiful homes, and packed out with America’s top 1% of the 1%—you must be in your element.

And golf?  I’m sure you’re playing so much golf, you’re getting almost tired of it.  But then, you never tire of golf.  You just seem to tire of that “Presidency thing.”  

My neighbors in Louisiana aren’t having it so good, Mr. President.  They are underwater—again.  Historic floods that have impacted or destroyed 40,000 homes and left thousands of families homeless are sure ruining their hopes for a summer vacation this year.  Probably will take away hopes for a summer vacation next year as well.  Their once nice homes are now waterfront property.  In fact their homes don’t just front the water—they are IN the water and the water is in them.

I realize that in the hustle and bustle of golf, having ice cream, and strolling the quaint streets of the Vineyard you may not have noticed this catastrophic natural disaster.  And because you have paid so little attention to it, sadly not many Americans have either.  

It’s one reason that when a apocalyptic event like a flood, tornado, or hurricane happens, Governors and Presidents show up.  It’s not because their presence can make the water recede (although I do recall you saying something back in 2008 about how nature itself would respond to your election), or pick up the shattered splinters of a home, or recover the lost personal effects a family will never get back.  I know this because in my 10 1/2 years as Governor, I walked through many flood waters, stepped over fallen trees during ice storm, held in my arms a weeping widow whose husband was killed shielding her from the fierce and unforgiving winds of a tornado.  

I wasn’t there because I could singularly “fix it.”  I was there because my presence brought attention to the crisis that my absence wouldn’t have.  The news crews who went because I did caused churches and inviduals to see the devastation and it mobilized them to action.  It gave voice to the victims, and it let those whose lives were irreparably changed know they were not forgotten.  It also drove home the degree of devastation to me, and gave me a greater sense of urgency to marshall all the resources of my state to help in the recovery.  

President Clinton—you know him, right?  He plays a lot of golf too, but when major disasters struck, President Clinton came.   Natural disasters aren’t political.  And elected officials shouldn’t be either in the midst of one.  I personally walked, drove, and flew through many scenes of human tragedy with President Clinton.  Whatever our political differences, he understood that his presence, like that of the local Governor, was reassuring to people who will never know the sweet seabreeze of Martha’s Vineyard.  Right now, some of your citizens only smell the stench of a flood’s aftermath—rotting fish and animal carcasses, growing mildew inside homes, and floating sewage that comes as treatment plants involuntarily discharge their waste because of the rising water.

Maybe if it rains in Martha’s Vineyard and you have to cancel a golf game, you might fire up ol’ Air Force One and venture down to check on my friends in Louisiana.  I know it will make it there, because it’s taken you and the fam all over the world on some pretty nifty vacations.  I don’t begrudge you those vacations, by the way.  You need them.  But Louisiana needs you right now.   Not because you can personally fix it, but because you showing up means a lot of resources will show up as will the cameras to help the nations see how bad it is.  

Yes, I’m a partisan Republican when it comes to politics, but this isn’t about our politics—it’s about our people.  President Clinton would have already been there.  I know there are some things about his Presidency we don’t want you to imitate.  But showing up when Americans are hurting would do you and the country some good.  

Best wishes,

Mike Huckabee"

43 minutes ago, PhatMack19 said:

"Dear Mr. President:

How’s the vacation going on Martha’s Vineyard?  Pretty swell place for sure.  Ocean breeze, beautiful homes, and packed out with America’s top 1% of the 1%—you must be in your element.

And golf?  I’m sure you’re playing so much golf, you’re getting almost tired of it.  But then, you never tire of golf.  You just seem to tire of that “Presidency thing.”  

My neighbors in Louisiana aren’t having it so good, Mr. President.  They are underwater—again.  Historic floods that have impacted or destroyed 40,000 homes and left thousands of families homeless are sure ruining their hopes for a summer vacation this year.  Probably will take away hopes for a summer vacation next year as well.  Their once nice homes are now waterfront property.  In fact their homes don’t just front the water—they are IN the water and the water is in them.

I realize that in the hustle and bustle of golf, having ice cream, and strolling the quaint streets of the Vineyard you may not have noticed this catastrophic natural disaster.  And because you have paid so little attention to it, sadly not many Americans have either.  

It’s one reason that when a apocalyptic event like a flood, tornado, or hurricane happens, Governors and Presidents show up.  It’s not because their presence can make the water recede (although I do recall you saying something back in 2008 about how nature itself would respond to your election), or pick up the shattered splinters of a home, or recover the lost personal effects a family will never get back.  I know this because in my 10 1/2 years as Governor, I walked through many flood waters, stepped over fallen trees during ice storm, held in my arms a weeping widow whose husband was killed shielding her from the fierce and unforgiving winds of a tornado.  

I wasn’t there because I could singularly “fix it.”  I was there because my presence brought attention to the crisis that my absence wouldn’t have.  The news crews who went because I did caused churches and inviduals to see the devastation and it mobilized them to action.  It gave voice to the victims, and it let those whose lives were irreparably changed know they were not forgotten.  It also drove home the degree of devastation to me, and gave me a greater sense of urgency to marshall all the resources of my state to help in the recovery.  

President Clinton—you know him, right?  He plays a lot of golf too, but when major disasters struck, President Clinton came.   Natural disasters aren’t political.  And elected officials shouldn’t be either in the midst of one.  I personally walked, drove, and flew through many scenes of human tragedy with President Clinton.  Whatever our political differences, he understood that his presence, like that of the local Governor, was reassuring to people who will never know the sweet seabreeze of Martha’s Vineyard.  Right now, some of your citizens only smell the stench of a flood’s aftermath—rotting fish and animal carcasses, growing mildew inside homes, and floating sewage that comes as treatment plants involuntarily discharge their waste because of the rising water.

Maybe if it rains in Martha’s Vineyard and you have to cancel a golf game, you might fire up ol’ Air Force One and venture down to check on my friends in Louisiana.  I know it will make it there, because it’s taken you and the fam all over the world on some pretty nifty vacations.  I don’t begrudge you those vacations, by the way.  You need them.  But Louisiana needs you right now.   Not because you can personally fix it, but because you showing up means a lot of resources will show up as will the cameras to help the nations see how bad it is.  

Yes, I’m a partisan Republican when it comes to politics, but this isn’t about our politics—it’s about our people.  President Clinton would have already been there.  I know there are some things about his Presidency we don’t want you to imitate.  But showing up when Americans are hurting would do you and the country some good.  

Best wishes,

Mike Huckabee"

I am sure the only retort you will get  for this ( if you get any at all) is that the composer is a racist!!!!!!

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