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Trump unbieleivable

Big girl

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And I will admit that more media members lean to the left than the right.  And it shouldn't be a surprise.  As I've stated before, as a general rule, the more educated an individual is, the more likely they are left of one who is less educated.  And another study recently released supports that proposition.

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8 minutes ago, TxHoops said:

That was a joke.  But there you go with the "clueless" insults.  Small mindedness tends to lead there.  And also leaves plenty of room for jokes to fly over... :D

And if you brush up in those adult literacy classes in Lumberville, you would see in my reponse to Nash that I clearly believe biases exist in the media...

Didn't address my media bias comment, clueless about media bias is a fact, not an insult...and the good folks of Lumberton will survive without your support.

What a shame that liberals cannot defend their positions without deflection...conservatives can.

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2 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

Didn't address my media bias comment, clueless about media bias is a fact, not an insult...and the good folks of Lumberton will survive without your support.

What a shame that liberals cannot defend their positions without deflection...conservatives can.

Again, reading comprehension is your friend.  Look north of your last comment.  Talk about clueless lol

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15 minutes ago, TxHoops said:

And I will admit that more media members lean to the left than the right.  And it shouldn't be a surprise.  As I've stated before, as a general rule, the more educated an individual is, the more likely they are left of one who is less educated.  And another study recently released supports that proposition.

This is the hidden content, please

No doubt...the left is more "educated".

Most of the college professors, PhDs,  are left leaning...you got me.

I'll take the blue-collar refinery worker, welder, plumber, mechanic, electrician etc. any day.

Maybe not as "educated" as your group, but for the most part, much smarter...and without a doubt, much more common sense.

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10 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

No doubt...the left is more "educated".

Most of the college professors, PhDs,  are left leaning...you got me.

I'll take the blue-collar refinery worker, welder, plumber, mechanic, electrician etc. any day.

Maybe not as "educated" as your group, but for the most part, much smarter...and without a doubt, much more common sense.

Fair enough.  Just offering an explanation about a majority bias to the left in the media. 

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Also, interesting to me on this subject, I combined a recent study on college admission test scores (SATs/ACTs) by state with the most recent presidential election.  26 states voted blue, 24 voted red.  Of the states in the top half of testing scores, 16 voted blue, 9 voted red.  Obviously that leaves 10 voting blue in the bottom half, 15 voted red.  In the states ranking in the top 10 in testing scores, 9 voted blue and one red (Indiana was the lone red state).  In the bottom 10, 7 voted red and 3 voted blue (New Mexico, California and Nevada).  

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18 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

No doubt...the left is more "educated".

Most of the college professors, PhDs,  are left leaning...you got me.

I'll take the blue-collar refinery worker, welder, plumber, mechanic, electrician etc. any day.

Maybe not as "educated" as your group, but for the most part, much smarter...and without a doubt, much more common sense.

Oh, and believe it or not, we agree here.  I prefer them as well.  

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I suppose I could be considered clueless about media bias.  And my intellect is average at best.   However, my intellect is sufficient to know what the NBC editing of the Trayvon Martin 911 tape represented.   On a side note, here is a very small example of that " the left is smarter than the right" suggestion/inference.  I have stated somewhere on this board previously that , to be hired into my profession, I had to pass a securities exam that many say ranks third in degree of difficulty behind the medical exam and the bar exam.  I barely passed the test.  My boss informed me that while supervising an office in Chicago, two ladies with Ivy League degrees were hired at his office.  Both scoffed at the warnings of difficulty of the exam and both failed the exam after two months  of study/preparation.  In my lifetime, I have encountered numerous intelligent people who have  a paucity of formal education present within a plethora of success.  Have also know a number of "professional" students who accomplished everything in college and little in life.  Therefore, my "unenlightened" perspective is that there is considerably more involved in a good, well rounded education than what your grades were at Harvard or Oxford  or Podunk University.   I also always enjoy the contention of the left that they are the ones that care more, understand better, and best represent the interest of the average Joe, aka the "little guy".   Statements such as " I feel your pain" are put forward before, during, and after they have looked askance at the education and values of said Joe. 

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7 hours ago, TxHoops said:

And I will admit that more media members lean to the left than the right.  And it shouldn't be a surprise.  As I've stated before, as a general rule, the more educated an individual is, the more likely they are left of one who is less educated.  And another study recently released supports that proposition.

This is the hidden content, please

Sure would be interested to see those same results broken down into groups of those between 25 and 40, between 40 and 50 and between 50 and 60, and attempt to discern a trend.  I have a very strong suspicion that the "superiority of the left" numbers decline as age/wisdom numbers increase.   I am compelled to believe  that, at some point in one's life, one arrives at a conclusion that the nobility of an idea is not as noble as it once appeared when comparing the suggested societal benefit to the true societal cost.   won mite fynd da trend 2 bee unbieleivable

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8 hours ago, TxHoops said:

And I will admit that more media members lean to the left than the right.  And it shouldn't be a surprise.  As I've stated before, as a general rule, the more educated an individual is, the more likely they are left of one who is less educated.  And another study recently released supports that proposition.

This is the hidden content, please

Yeah, all those lefties roaming our college campuses, brainwashed by the lefty professors; stick a mike in their face and ask them who won the American Revolution and they can't even tell you who was in it.

I believe what you are trying to say is that lefties tend to overthink situations, leaning towards the bureaucrats that they usually are.

I know of no study that shows lefties are smarter, present company excluded. You have a good mind but you lose me sometimes, as I am sure I do you.

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2 hours ago, stevenash said:

I suppose I could be considered clueless about media bias.  And my intellect is average at best.   However, my intellect is sufficient to know what the NBC editing of the Trayvon Martin 911 tape represented.   On a side note, here is a very small example of that " the left is smarter than the right" suggestion/inference.  I have stated somewhere on this board previously that , to be hired into my profession, I had to pass a securities exam that many say ranks third in degree of difficulty behind the medical exam and the bar exam.  I barely passed the test.  My boss informed me that while supervising an office in Chicago, two ladies with Ivy League degrees were hired at his office.  Both scoffed at the warnings of difficulty of the exam and both failed the exam after two months  of study/preparation.  In my lifetime, I have encountered numerous intelligent people who have  a paucity of formal education present within a plethora of success.  Have also know a number of "professional" students who accomplished everything in college and little in life.  Therefore, my "unenlightened" perspective is that there is considerably more involved in a good, well rounded education than what your grades were at Harvard or Oxford  or Podunk University.   I also always enjoy the contention of the left that they are the ones that care more, understand better, and best represent the interest of the average Joe, aka the "little guy".   Statements such as " I feel your pain" are put forward before, during, and after they have looked askance at the education and values of said Joe. 

I knew this post was coming ;)

Everyone knows you're smart Nash :)

And obviously there are exceedingly bright people on both sides of the aisle, as well as plenty in the middle. 

I was merely offering an explanation of why a certain group of people may tend to be more to the left than a certain other group of people may like.   And I offered a recent study that would support that position as well as some other data that might. 

And I am sure when I become old(er) and more "enlightened", I will realize you held the answers all along ;)

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I tend to agree with the George Carlin assessment of stupid people. To paraphrase: Do you realize how many stupid people you see everyday? Take a pad and pencil with you. You will have 30-40 names by the end of the day. Think about how stupid the average guy is and then realize that half of the rest are stupider than that. I'd post a link on it but it has too many "F" bombs. 

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1 hour ago, TxHoops said:

I knew this post was coming ;)

Everyone knows you're smart Nash :)

And obviously there are exceedingly bright people on both sides of the aisle, as well as plenty in the middle. 

I was merely offering an explanation of why a certain group of people may tend to be more to the left than a certain other group of people may like.   And I offered a recent study that would support that position as well as some other data that might. 

And I am sure when I become old(er) and more "enlightened", I will realize you held the answers all along ;)

I wish I held all the answers.  Heck, I wish I held a fourth of them.  I have what I believe is one tiny advantage over many who are considerably "more intellectually rewarded" than I am.   I actually am aware that there are many things that I don't know and I consider that a plus for me.   I guess I am overly sensitive when it comes to academics ( probably because I didn't do particularly well at them do to a lack of maturity or dedication)  The left ( and when I say left, I am speaking in general terms and not wanting  you to read anything personal into it) essentially always tells the right , that, among other things,  it is the greater purveyor of objectivity and diversity because it has a deeper and more "educated" understanding of them.  Concomitantly, it is unwilling to hear/consider alternative approaches that,  from my viewpoint, are components of the very diversity they claim to celebrate.  I know I have brought this up before, but I wish to repeat it because I think it illustrates my point clearly in regard to the suggestion that intellect is deeper on the left than it is on the right.  Long Term Capital Management was a firm operated by those who would be considered "exceptionally enlightened" and unquestionably intellectually superior in its peer group.  It had two  Nobel Laureates  within its management structure.  It went bust and, though most dont realize this, was on the brink of causing a financial calamity that would have rivaled what happened during the sub prime mortgage crisis in 2007 and 2008 (that the left, quite wrongly, assigns exclusive blame to the right/George Bush).  A group of major Wall Street Banks (which the left delights in criticizing on a daily basis) bailed the firm out.   Maybe knowing algorithms inside and out isnt as great as it is supposed to be. Nobody need take my word for it.  Google " Long Term Capital Management" or read the book "When Genius Failed" ( a title of which I am particularly fond) and draw your own conclusions.

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On August 7, 2016 at 9:09 AM, TxHoops said:

I knew this post was coming ;)

Everyone knows you're smart Nash :)

And obviously there are exceedingly bright people on both sides of the aisle, as well as plenty in the middle. 

I was merely offering an explanation of why a certain group of people may tend to be more to the left than a certain other group of people may like.   And I offered a recent study that would support that position as well as some other data that might. 

And I am sure when I become old(er) and more "enlightened", I will realize you held the answers all along ;)

I suspect you knew this was coming lol.

I'm not at all surprised that the left is more educated.  As has been pointed out, after four, and in most cases more, years of "brainwashing" by the vast majority of leftist college professors.  I suspect if you did a survey of the graduates of Tx A&M (no UT jokes here), West Point, and Annapolis, you'd find the majority of these graduates are conservative.  And I've never thrown my diploma from the prestigious, conservative, VHS in anyone's face (tongue in cheek for those on the left that don't understand humor).

Imo, another reason the left has started dominating politics, was the ending of the draft.  Albeit, an unwelcome call by most, it did instill in each (not all of course), a realization of the sacrifices made by so many that had gone before, and a begrudgingly love of country.  I'm convinced if we had the draft still in place, you'd see many more conservatives than there are now.  Don't have any facts to back it up, again, just my opinion.

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You guys don't like a mainstream Republican and you don't like one that won't fall in line with the mainstream Republicans.

lol...is there really any Republican you two would like...doubtful.

And I'll interpret the reckless comment from the GOP...Trump will "wreck" our good old boy system we have put in place...even clinton won't do that...therefore, he must be defeated, even if it means clinton getting elected.

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Without researching further, and not knowing virtually any of these folks, there were two things that bothered me as I quickly scanned over the link.   First, one of the dudes is president of the World Bank (or a world bank since I don't even know how many there are).   Second, that most all travel overseas and, per the article, have personal contact with the leaders of various nations.  Sounds like to me the Globalist/Elitist are circling the wagons.  Or, to put it another way, they're going to cut off their (our?) noses to spite their (our?) faces.   

Although it confirms to me, that a large number of politicians of both parties, are selling us out for a One World Government, I find no satisfaction in my confirmation.  Maybe I'm wrong, because I'm certainly not the sharpest knife in the drawer.  Actually, I hope I'm wrong, but for now, I'm all in.

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55 minutes ago, new tobie said:

Someone like Ted Cruz prob is looking at after four years of Hillary 2020 is looking good. After 4 yrs of Trump 2020 is out of reach!

Imo, after four years of Hillary, there won't be much left.  And to be honest, I'm not sure the same doesn't apply to Trump, but he's the unknown.  

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8 hours ago, thetragichippy said:

Neither candidate is ideal, but I KNOW what I'm going to get with Hillary.......and that is scary......


Exactly the point hippy.   If you have to go thru one of two doors, and you know behind Door #1 is nothing but an abyss, only makes sense to pick Door #2 and see what's behind it.

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