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Basic Lefty Premise


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1.  The Constitution of the United State is a living, breathing document to be molded by Liberals.

2.  All resources belong to the government

3. The government is responsible for equitably distributing those resources to each of us.

4.  Excess profits should be returned to the government in the form of tax payments.  The more you make, the higher the percentage you owe.

5.  Corporations are evil and greedy.

6. Free speech is only a right if we agree with the person speaking.

7. All airwaves and modes of communication should be  monitored for fairness.

8. No mention of God or Judeo-Christian beliefs should be allowed in any public discussion or public place.

9. Anybody can marry anybody else.

10.  The military is fundamentally designed to maintain peace and provide humanitarian aid, not make war.

11.  We should never interfere in any other country's affairs, even if it is butchering hundreds of thousands of its own people.  It's not our business.

12. The United Nations' member nations should have input in our legislative process and have domain over our citizens and military in the International Court of Justice.

13. We are to blame for global warming and the Kyoto treaty would have allowed us to remain friends with all the nations not required to follow the provisions set forth in that treaty.

14.  We shouldn't use fossil fuels, but the Republicans have hampered our efforts to come up with alternative sources, such as wind power.  We don't, however, want alternative sources of energy, such as wind power, in our back yard.

15. Judges with life appointments and no threat of reprisal should make law, not interpret it.

16.If you make a decision that hinges on reliable data that later are found to be unreliable, but you stop an evil dictator from supporting terrorists and conspiring against the free world, you are a liar.

17. DIck Cheney and Halliburton stole my money and decimated my 401-K.


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No reply because it's a childish post Not looking for serious debate. Just woke up and decided to bash another party. While your party is looking at a 3rd straight blowout election. But I know it's all that free stuff. Must be while the college educated and just about every other group lean left. But I understand you need to feel good about something nowadays.

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2 hours ago, PAMFAM10 said:

No reply because it's a childish post Not looking for serious debate. Just woke up and decided to bash another party. While your party is looking at a 3rd straight blowout election. But I know it's all that free stuff. Must be while the college educated and just about every other group lean left. But I understand you need to feel good about something nowadays.

Interesting because the above looks like a reply to me.  And you are right.  Free stuff doesn't exist and the Repubs having a majority in the house, senate, governorships, and state legislatures certainly prove that "just about every other group" leans left.

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3 hours ago, PAMFAM10 said:

No reply because it's a childish post Not looking for serious debate. Just woke up and decided to bash another party. While your party is looking at a 3rd straight blowout election. But I know it's all that free stuff. Must be while the college educated and just about every other group lean left. But I understand you need to feel good about something nowadays.

Typical lefty response. Can't rebut so attack the poster. I would not use the words college and educated in the same sentence. It is an oxymoron.

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29 minutes ago, baddog said:

Typical lefty response. Can't rebut so attack the poster. I would not use the words college and educated in the same sentence. It is an oxymoron.

Everything about the post is Typical. A right wing poster post opinions grouping all the left into a small box and then ask for a response. I'm a liberal "not really but been called it so much on this board I'll just play along." And I don't agree with none of the crap. 

It's just a wack attempt to make him feel better about being a republican. 

Nash White House is the big game. You know this you just know that's not happening so you go to midterm elections and governors. I guess the freebies only vote for presidents. And manage to stay home anytime a republican win. 

Just admit it enough with the excuses. Your party has no one capable of winning a presidential election.

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34 minutes ago, PAMFAM10 said:

Everything about the post is Typical. A right wing poster post opinions grouping all the left into a small box and then ask for a response. I'm a liberal "not really but been called it so much on this board I'll just play along." And I don't agree with none of the crap. 

It's just a wack attempt to make him feel better about being a republican. 

Nash White House is the big game. You know this you just know that's not happening so you go to midterm elections and governors. I guess the freebies only vote for presidents. And manage to stay home anytime a republican win. 

Just admit it enough with the excuses. Your party has no one capable of winning a presidential election.

You are correct, typical left wing policies

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1 hour ago, PAMFAM10 said:

Everything about the post is Typical. A right wing poster post opinions grouping all the left into a small box and then ask for a response. I'm a liberal "not really but been called it so much on this board I'll just play along." And I don't agree with none of the crap. 

It's just a wack attempt to make him feel better about being a republican. 

Nash White House is the big game. You know this you just know that's not happening so you go to midterm elections and governors. I guess the freebies only vote for presidents. And manage to stay home anytime a republican win. 

Just admit it enough with the excuses. Your party has no one capable of winning a presidential election.

You may be right, but what does that have to do with his original post?

Have you seen clinton's proposed budget AND her past record...if that is what the American voters want, I'll admit, we have no one that crooked, untrustworthy and unqualified.

Just because someone wins the election does not mean they are fit to be President...obama has proven that without a doubt.

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24 minutes ago, PAMFAM10 said:

I know how this works left bad right good.

Well, someone has to counter the media which portrays it the other way. By the way, you stated this: " A right wing poster post opinions grouping all the left into a small box and then ask for a response"  In that initial post, please point out where a response was requested.

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29 minutes ago, PAMFAM10 said:

I know how this works left bad right good.

Lol, of course.  And if you were on a Forum dominated by liberals, it'd be left good, right bad.

Btw, nash didn't ask for a response.  It's also primarily about liberal ideology, which I'm sure doesn't fit all liberals, just as conservatives ideology doesn't fit all conservatives.  

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2 hours ago, REBgp said:

Lol, of course.  And if you were on a Forum dominated by liberals, it'd be left good, right bad.

Btw, nash didn't ask for a response.  It's also primarily about liberal ideology, which I'm sure doesn't fit all liberals, just as conservatives ideology doesn't fit all conservatives.  

pretty fair response 

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