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1 hour ago, PAMFAM10 said:

Post like this make my point you have no idea what you're talking bout acusing others of doing exactly what you just did. Make a statement with no facts to back it up. Oh you don't have the time to find them smh. Again I have nothing to dodge because for the 100 time I am afiliated with no political group.

You don't have a point to make. Deny all you want. I know for a fact you have dodged plenty of my questions when I asked you to back up a generalized statement against a group. And I never said I don't have the time to find your past posts illustrating my point...I have plenty of time. I have no interest. Big difference. If I had any interest or inclination that proving my point would mean anything to you and create a change in behavior, then maybe I would indulge in that worthwhile endeavor. But I'm fairly certain it would fall on deaf ears...thus futile.

And I've never accused you of being affiliated with a political group. Where are you getting that non-sense? Based on your postings it is painfully clear you are a Liberal (though maybe not clear to you). I'm not sure what that has to do with anything. Are you going to deny that? If so, let's hear some of your objections to any of the Liberal tenants. You know what, disregard my question. I have lost any inclination I might have had with trying to carry on a conversation with you. Based on past history, I know where this will lead.

1 hour ago, Englebert said:

You don't have a point to make. Deny all you want. I know for a fact you have dodged plenty of my questions when I asked you to back up a generalized statement against a group. And I never said I don't have the time to find your past posts illustrating my point...I have plenty of time. I have no interest. Big difference. If I had any interest or inclination that proving my point would mean anything to you and create a change in behavior, then maybe I would indulge in that worthwhile endeavor. But I'm fairly certain it would fall on deaf ears...thus futile.

And I've never accused you of being affiliated with a political group. Where are you getting that non-sense? Based on your postings it is painfully clear you are a Liberal (though maybe not clear to you). I'm not sure what that has to do with anything. Are you going to deny that? If so, let's hear some of your objections to any of the Liberal tenants. You know what, disregard my question. I have lost any inclination I might have had with trying to carry on a conversation with you. Based on past history, I know where this will lead.

Just because a person may disagree with your conservative statements does'nt make him or her a liberal. 

15 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

When it gets to what...that we continue to point out that welfare is a dismal failure, the war on poverty is a dismal failure, that obamacare is a dismal failure?

Correct us if we're wrong, but the evidence show us to be right.

Let's hear the debate...show us where we are wrong and gov is a better answer for our problems than the private sector.

Has any party done anything about welfare, the war on poverty or healthcare cost. Im ok with getting rid of the affordable care act as long as something is done about healthcare cost. Have you read the story on the epipen where the cost went up 600% and the coo got a 675% bonus. If Republicans win the presidency, repeal the ACA, but will they do something to curtail medical cost. Politicians Republican and Democrat are bought off and controlled by big money, so that they can make more money. Some on this board need to realize that republicans are guilty also. Words are often used on this board like Libtards, Rehaticans, Yobama ect...........to try and anger the other side.

47 minutes ago, nappyroots said:

Just because a person may disagree with your conservative statements does'nt make him or her a liberal. 

If the first thing out of your mouth about any subject is for the government to set things right, then you are a Liberal.

And how is it that you are so enlightened that you can conclude who's a Liberal and who's a Conservative, but somehow I don't possess that skill set? Please elaborate on your statement. In fact, I'll start. Based on PamFam's past statements on this forum, would you conclude he is a Liberal or Conservative? I will say he is a Liberal. Please enlightened me as to your diagnosis.

2 hours ago, Englebert said:

You don't have a point to make. Deny all you want. I know for a fact you have dodged plenty of my questions when I asked you to back up a generalized statement against a group. And I never said I don't have the time to find your past posts illustrating my point...I have plenty of time. I have no interest. Big difference. If I had any interest or inclination that proving my point would mean anything to you and create a change in behavior, then maybe I would indulge in that worthwhile endeavor. But I'm fairly certain it would fall on deaf ears...thus futile.

And I've never accused you of being affiliated with a political group. Where are you getting that non-sense? Based on your postings it is painfully clear you are a Liberal (though maybe not clear to you). I'm not sure what that has to do with anything. Are you going to deny that? If so, let's hear some of your objections to any of the Liberal tenants. You know what, disregard my question. I have lost any inclination I might have had with trying to carry on a conversation with you. Based on past history, I know where this will lead.

Good day to you.

2 hours ago, stevenash said:

Then, if I am understanding you correctly, you have never made a statement/inference that other posters on this board make posts with racial undertones?

Nash please prove your point.

57 minutes ago, nappyroots said:

Has any party done anything about welfare, the war on poverty or healthcare cost. Im ok with getting rid of the affordable care act as long as something is done about healthcare cost. Have you read the story on the epipen where the cost went up 600% and the coo got a 675% bonus. If Republicans win the presidency, repeal the ACA, but will they do something to curtail medical cost. Politicians Republican and Democrat are bought off and controlled by big money, so that they can make more money. Some on this board need to realize that republicans are guilty also. Words are often used on this board like Libtards, Rehaticans, Yobama ect...........to try and anger the other side.

No need for a replacement for Obamacare if repealed...fed gov has no business in the health care business and will only make it worse...aren't there plenty of examples of this already?

1 hour ago, nappyroots said:

Has any party done anything about welfare, the war on poverty or healthcare cost. Im ok with getting rid of the affordable care act as long as something is done about healthcare cost. Have you read the story on the epipen where the cost went up 600% and the coo got a 675% bonus. If Republicans win the presidency, repeal the ACA, but will they do something to curtail medical cost. Politicians Republican and Democrat are bought off and controlled by big money, so that they can make more money. Some on this board need to realize that republicans are guilty also. Words are often used on this board like Libtards, Rehaticans, Yobama ect...........to try and anger the other side.

In the eyes of the left, doing something about healthcare costs means exercising some sort of government price controls or adding regulation after regulation after regulation.  This DOES NOT work.  In fact, it makes the very costs higher rather than lower.  The solution for health care costs is increased competition. If the FDA had only approved a couple of the competitors for the Epipen, the price would be lower now rather than higher.  And the only thing that went up regarding epipen was the LIST price, which nobody pays anyway.  Since you are revealing the news about the CEO pay hike, why don't you also reveal that Mylan announced a generic version of epipen today that will be sold for half of what the epipen is selling for?

1 hour ago, nappyroots said:

Has any party done anything about welfare, the war on poverty or healthcare cost. Im ok with getting rid of the affordable care act as long as something is done about healthcare cost. Have you read the story on the epipen where the cost went up 600% and the coo got a 675% bonus. If Republicans win the presidency, repeal the ACA, but will they do something to curtail medical cost. Politicians Republican and Democrat are bought off and controlled by big money, so that they can make more money. Some on this board need to realize that republicans are guilty also. Words are often used on this board like Libtards, Rehaticans, Yobama ect...........to try and anger the other side.

Well let's see, the war on poverty was started over 50 years ago by Democrats with dismal results. We have spent trillions on the "War on Poverty", so yes, both parties have done a considerable amount. Wisely? A resounding No. We could have just given every citizen close to a million dollars in cash and had better results.

The (Un)affordable Healthcare act is the cause of the skyrocketing healthcare costs...just getting rid of it will significantly reduce the increases in cost with no Socialistic replacement necessary. Tort reform, less reporting requirements, and repealing out-of-state prohibitions will go a long way in reducing costs. But Democrats will not even consider these measures. Ask any Democrat representative and they will flat out admit it.

The epipen was developed by the private market and they are (and should be) allowed to charge anything they want. The cost skyrocketed in conjunction with the government requiring schools/government entities to have them in stock. Just a coincidence? The free market should be allowed to charge whatever they want. Public opinion/patronage should be the influencing factor in a company's price scale. What would be your solution to Mylan's decision to raise the cost? Boycott Mylan? Demand the government intervene? Other ideas? If you petition government regulation, how many investors will become reticent in investing in medical R&D knowing that the government can step in at anytime to keep you from realizing any positive return for your investment? And how detrimental will this be to future R&D on any type of research? And as Nash correctly pointed out in the previous post, competition is undeniably a better solution than government intervention.

I think most, if not all, on this board realize most politicians are controlled by big money. We definitely agree on this. Trump is not, but it seems many would rather focus on his un-politically correct speech.

I'm not a fan of the pot shots on names either, but this does not bother me near as much as Hillary's corrupt dealings.

11 minutes ago, PhatMack19 said:

I would rather the govt have control over everything.  They always seem to know what we truly need and spend money on the right things.  Like spending almost a million bucks to study the drinking habits of lesbians.


This is the hidden content, please

I tried to participate in that study, but was denied. I argued that I am a lesbian in every way except for the extra Y chromosome. Damn reverse-misogynists.

Before leaving, I asked to use the restroom. They all pointed to the one labeled "Men". Damn profilers.

1 hour ago, Englebert said:

Well let's see, the war on poverty was started over 50 years ago by Democrats with dismal results. We have spent trillions on the "War on Poverty", so yes, both parties have done a considerable amount. Wisely? A resounding No. We could have just given every citizen close to a million dollars in cash and had better results.

The (Un)affordable Healthcare act is the cause of the skyrocketing healthcare costs...just getting rid of it will significantly reduce the increases in cost with no Socialistic replacement necessary. Tort reform, less reporting requirements, and repealing out-of-state prohibitions will go a long way in reducing costs. But Democrats will not even consider these measures. Ask any Democrat representative and they will flat out admit it.

The epipen was developed by the private market and they are (and should be) allowed to charge anything they want. The cost skyrocketed in conjunction with the government requiring schools/government entities to have them in stock. Just a coincidence? The free market should be allowed to charge whatever they want. Public opinion/patronage should be the influencing factor in a company's price scale. What would be your solution to Mylan's decision to raise the cost? Boycott Mylan? Demand the government intervene? Other ideas? If you petition government regulation, how many investors will become reticent in investing in medical R&D knowing that the government can step in at anytime to keep you from realizing any positive return for your investment? And how detrimental will this be to future R&D on any type of research? And as Nash correctly pointed out in the previous post, competition is undeniably a better solution than government intervention.

I think most, if not all, on this board realize most politicians are controlled by big money. We definitely agree on this. Trump is not, but it seems many would rather focus on his un-politically correct speech.

I'm not a fan of the pot shots on names either, but this does not bother me near as much as Hillary's corrupt dealings.

Exactly right...less, not more gov.

1 hour ago, PhatMack19 said:

I would rather the govt have control over everything.  They always seem to know what we truly need and spend money on the right things.  Like spending almost a million bucks to study the drinking habits of lesbians.


This is the hidden content, please

Good Grief...our tax dollars at work.

On 8/27/2016 at 2:25 PM, Englebert said:

Please elaborate on that? I hear these type of statements everyday but yet they are never backed up with any kind of proof. In the rare times that the speaker is actually questioned, the predictable replies will be "Duh?", or "You don't know what it's like to be a black/minority in America", or references to 50+ years ago and slavery. You never get responses referring to the trillions of dollars spent on Civil Rights, redistribution, Affirmative Action, urban development, minority outreach in every type of job imaginable, etc.

I want my sons to be able to walk to the store without being gunned down, because they look "suspcious". I want by son to attend Baylor (where he currently goes to school) without people assuming he is there, because of affirmative action. I want my sons to be able to step into an elevator with someone who does not clutch their purse at the sight of them. I could go on, but i am at work (gasp, i am a Democrat who works) and my supervisor just walked by.


 Has your son ever been shot at due to looking suspicious?  How do you" know"  who does and who doesn't make the affirmative action assumption about how your son got into Baylor?  When someone clutches their purse, why is it that you assume that aforementioned clutching is attributable to skin color?

5 hours ago, nappyroots said:

Has any party done anything about welfare, the war on poverty or healthcare cost. Im ok with getting rid of the affordable care act as long as something is done about healthcare cost. Have you read the story on the epipen where the cost went up 600% and the coo got a 675% bonus. If Republicans win the presidency, repeal the ACA, but will they do something to curtail medical cost. Politicians Republican and Democrat are bought off and controlled by big money, so that they can make more money. Some on this board need to realize that republicans are guilty also. Words are often used on this board like Libtards, Rehaticans, Yobama ect...........to try and anger the other side.

I've noticed some on here got butt hurt when I used the word Yobammy.  So to make sure not to offend anyone, I now refer to him as Mr.Obama.  Hope that will be better for those offended or angry.

13 hours ago, stevenash said:

 Has your son ever been shot at due to looking suspicious?  How do you" know"  who does and who doesn't make the affirmative action assumption about how your son got into Baylor?  When someone clutches their purse, why is it that you assume that aforementioned clutching is attributable to skin color?

I dont allow my son's to walk to The store when it is dark, that is one reason they haven't been shot. A guy made a comment to my son about him only being there, because of affirmative action.. The last question is just plain stupid.

1 hour ago, Big girl said:

I dont allow my son's to walk to The store when it is dark, that is one reason they haven't been shot. A guy made a comment to my son about him only being there, because of affirmative action.. The last question is just plain stupid.

The most likely person to shoot your sons is another black person. What does that have to do with equality? One guy made a comment about affirmative action.....Wow! The last question I answered in my own special way a few posts above.

13 hours ago, BS Wildcats said:

I've noticed some on here got butt hurt when I used the word Yobammy.  So to make sure not to offend anyone, I now refer to him as Mr.Obama.  Hope that will be better for those offended or angry.


18 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

No need for a replacement for Obamacare if repealed...fed gov has no business in the health care business and will only make it worse...aren't there plenty of examples of this already?

What if they weren't in the business of inspecting planes or drinking water, food, medical facilities. What if there were no regulations on refineries, could we trust the refineries. 

8 minutes ago, nappyroots said:


What if they weren't in the business of inspecting planes or drinking water, food, medical facilities. What if there were no regulations on refineries, could we trust the refineries. 

Set reasonable regulations and enforce them...I'm OK with that.

You don't trust refineries but you trust the fed gov...the same fed gov that has recently put coal facilities out of business with their regulations...the same fed gov that is destroying the health care industry in an attempt at single payer gov run health care.

I was OK with my health insurance...lots of folks were.  Now it's costing me more due to fed gov meddling.


On 8/27/2016 at 2:25 PM, Englebert said:

Please elaborate on that? I hear these type of statements everyday but yet they are never backed up with any kind of proof. In the rare times that the speaker is actually questioned, the predictable replies will be "Duh?", or "You don't know what it's like to be a black/minority in America", or references to 50+ years ago and slavery. You never get responses referring to the trillions of dollars spent on Civil Rights, redistribution, Affirmative Action, urban development, minority outreach in every type of job imaginable, etc.


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