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2 hours ago, Englebert said:

Yes, hopefully Texas will be "apart" from the U.S. And if you hate our forefathers and constitution so much, you are welcome to leave. We have already topped our quota of those with victimhood mentalities.

And your knowledge of the Civil war is severely flawed if you think it was started and fought over slavery. (You must be reading those secret history books Bluedove is so found of.) It is hilarious how you can state a false premise then say you are lmao. Sounds like a second grader calling the teacher a retard then "lmao".

Your question went unanswered because it is so juvenile it sounded rhetorical. But if you insist on a answer, I'll give the obvious one. The family that has received free food, housing, education, transportation, preference in hiring, all amenities, etc. for the last 50 years should be the family that is ahead of the one that has received little or no help, according to Liberal ideology. But Liberals fail to recognize that all this free stuff deprives one of the will to better oneself, thus enslaving one to the almighty government, and therefore creating a welfare state. Common knowledge that applies to any group, regardless of race. 

I said it took the civil war to free the slaves as in if south win they wouldn't have freed the slaves lmao at your comprehension. And that's bs because what if I told you the family who also been free since mayflower also received free food free housing education transportation preference in hiring etc. lol nice try though. 

Oh and keep hoping Texas leave the U.S. Man gots to have a dream right. 

I shouldn't have to leave for being honest and call it as it is. Our forefathers where pos .

2 hours ago, CraigS said:

This whole slave owning thing is absolutely terrible.... it happened, it's a bad part of our great history...a very small part I might add......but the numbers you choose to argue are similar to the narrative that cops kill unarmed black men.......what is that statistic...like 1%.......come on man! 

Again you swing but you miss it have nothing to do with white people my post wasn't to condemn whites nor slave owners. Poor whites who came over still had the privilege of being white. They could go to schools they could find jobs they had it way better off than blacks.... I know this might be hard for you to just admit. You keep throwing out silly stuff like. Oh what about the poor whites. Ok

5 minutes ago, PAMFAM10 said:

Again you swing but you miss it have nothing to do with white people my post wasn't to condemn whites nor slave owners. Poor whites who came over still had the privilege of being white. They could go to schools they could find jobs they had it way better off than blacks.... I know this might be hard for you to just admit. You keep throwing out silly stuff like. Oh what about the poor whites. Ok

Blah, blah, blah. Apparently you have no clue. You keep blaming Whites for things that happened over 50 years ago. I'm not the one that has a problem admitting things.

And I never said anything about "poor Whites". That's just your racial profiling being portrayed into my post. I should be used to it by now, it's just your mentality.


Yes I blame whites for slavery Jim Crow etc. don't you. Yep know ho back to my original post just like I said. Disagree and they'll call you the racist. Lol I tell you man I drop those cold hard facts.

1 hour ago, PAMFAM10 said:

I said it took the civil war to free the slaves as in if south win they wouldn't have freed the slaves lmao at your comprehension. And that's bs because what if I told you the family who also been free since mayflower also received free food free housing education transportation preference in hiring etc. lol nice try though. 

Oh and keep hoping Texas leave the U.S. Man gots to have a dream right. 

I shouldn't have to leave for being honest and call it as it is. Our forefathers where pos .

Slavery was on it's way out regardless of which side won. The North winning the Civil war just hastened the end to the practice. So no, it did not take a war to end slavery.

And why did you ignore the phrase "for the last 50 years"? I'm assuming you willingly ignored it because it doesn't fit you victimhood agenda.

And I shouldn't be surprised you think our fore-fathers where a pos. You've shown your ignorance of history, so I'm confident you know nothing about them. And your assessment of our fore-fathers ranks you in the lowest percentile of the world's assessment of them. Millions upon millions of people are trying to be a part of their dream, despite all of the Liberal attempts to destroy it.

24 minutes ago, PAMFAM10 said:

Yes I blame whites for slavery Jim Crow etc. don't you. Yep know ho back to my original post just like I said. Disagree and they'll call you the racist. Lol I tell you man I drop those cold hard facts.

I'm assuming you are being rhetorical with that question. But the last time you asked a simplistic question such as this, you demanded an answer. So I'll answer: Of course. Any person with two functioning brain cells would blame Whites for Jim Crow laws...specifically (if you knew your history) the blame would fall squarely on the Democrats. And those laws where repealed over 50 years ago weren't they. (rhetorical)

As for the rest of your post, I have no clue as to what you are trying to convey. Don't bother trying to explain, I don't really care.


1 hour ago, Englebert said:

Slavery was on it's way out regardless of which side one. The North winning the Civil war just hastened the end to the practice. So no, it did not take a war to end slavery.

And why did you ignore the phrase "for the last 50 years"? I assuming you willingly ignored it because it doesn't fit you victimhood agenda.

And I shouldn't be surprised you think our fore-fathers where a pos. You've shown your ignorance of history, so I'm confident you know nothing about them. And your assessment of our fore-fathers ranks you in the lowest percentile of the world's assessment of them. Millions upon millions of people are trying to be a part of their dream, despite all of the Liberal attempts to destroy it.

Really like your third paragraph. Unbelievable foreseers. Pos's they ain't. That is just someone trying to make a statement because they were white. If not for them this country would not exist for any of us.

20 minutes ago, Englebert said:

I'm assuming you are being rhetorical with that question. But the last time you asked a simplistic question such as this, you demanded an answer. So I'll answer: Of course. Any person with two functioning brain cells would blame Whites for Jim Crow laws...specifically (if you knew your history) the blame would fall squarely on the Democrats. And those laws where repealed over 50 years ago weren't they. (rhetorical)

As for the rest of your post, I have no clue as to what you are trying to convey. Don't bother trying to explain, I don't really care.


Don't hit them with facts, they tend to run the other way.


There is a possibility that 30,40,50 years or so humans will no longer eat meat. The caging and slaughtering of animals will be considered as cruel and even worse than slavery. If and when that time comes, should all traces of Obama be removed from the history books since he indulged with a steak or two? Or should he be judged according to the time he lived? Now think about our "pos" fore-fathers.

13 hours ago, PAMFAM10 said:

The top arguments we been having are kaps protest. Race relations. And presidential election.

Im posting this to clear my views on the issues.


The first thing I'll say is I'm a proud American.

I don't care much about our founding fathers the writers of the constitution. Etc. I don't believe them to be Honest,Christians, or even to their standards good countrymen. These were mass murders, land thieves kidnapping Thugs in my honest opinion. So the National Anthem don't mean much to me as to some of you. 

But since a lot of you guys love the constitution so much....

How can you complain that Obama is trying to take away your second amendment and cry about it daily then turn full circle and try to take away someone first amendment to protest the national anthem. 

Ive heard time and time again how Americans are to soft theses days and always offended about something. Is it safe to say KAP has offended a lot of you.

"Oh say does that star spangled banner yet wave Over the land of the FREE." 1814 Francis Scott Key. 

In 1814 we still had slaves in 1931 when it official became anthem. This country was segregated blacks had little to no rights.


1526-1863 -*Texas 1865 Slaves Property 

1964 Civil rights Act.

330 years slaves 151 years Free. (2/3 of that under Jim Crow)

1956 UT 1963 Alabama allowed blacks on campus ( other northeastern schools was way ahead allowing blacks in universities late 1850s)

Long story short if my grandfather couldn't vote. Or even attend certain colleges. Living in Jim Crow I'll assume it was very hard for him to complete with his white peers. My mom was born in 1962 making her the first from my family tree to live equally as her white peers (Jim crow still) have since  the mayflower in 1620. I was born in 1992 and is told whites have no economic advantages over me. And it's because of the failures of my own for our current reality. Then call me a racist or race baiter if I suggest otherwise.

seriously X family live free for 500years Y family lives under captivity for 350 130 sort of free 70years as free as X family. What family would you bet on to be more further ahead.

ELECTION : Republican will win.

not in 2016 but will win. Hillary wins you guys win2020 easily Trump win. Mid 2018 you all can just paint him as a liberal in disguise. Still win. 2020 .


Each family has a chance at being successful, and they have the same chance at failure.  The problem is, family X will sit around and lament over the atrocities done to their ancestors.  If they would pull up their bootstraps and make an attempt, they could be successful.  Nothing will be handed to you.  So stop living in the past and build a better future.  

13 hours ago, PAMFAM10 said:


The top arguments we been having are kaps protest. Race relations. And presidential election.

Im posting this to clear my views on the issues.


The first thing I'll say is I'm a proud American.

I don't care much about our founding fathers the writers of the constitution. Etc. I don't believe them to be Honest,Christians, or even to their standards good countrymen. These were mass murders, land thieves kidnapping Thugs in my honest opinion. So the National Anthem don't mean much to me as to some of you. 

But since a lot of you guys love the constitution so much....

How can you complain that Obama is trying to take away your second amendment and cry about it daily then turn full circle and try to take away someone first amendment to protest the national anthem. 

Ive heard time and time again how Americans are to soft theses days and always offended about something. Is it safe to say KAP has offended a lot of you.

"Oh say does that star spangled banner yet wave Over the land of the FREE." 1814 Francis Scott Key. 

In 1814 we still had slaves in 1931 when it official became anthem. This country was segregated blacks had little to no rights.


1526-1863 -*Texas 1865 Slaves Property 

1964 Civil rights Act.

330 years slaves 151 years Free. (2/3 of that under Jim Crow)

1956 UT 1963 Alabama allowed blacks on campus ( other northeastern schools was way ahead allowing blacks in universities late 1850s)

Long story short if my grandfather couldn't vote. Or even attend certain colleges. Living in Jim Crow I'll assume it was very hard for him to complete with his white peers. My mom was born in 1962 making her the first from my family tree to live equally as her white peers (Jim crow still) have since  the mayflower in 1620. I was born in 1992 and is told whites have no economic advantages over me. And it's because of the failures of my own for our current reality. Then call me a racist or race baiter if I suggest otherwise.

seriously X family live free for 500years Y family lives under captivity for 350 130 sort of free 70years as free as X family. What family would you bet on to be more further ahead.

ELECTION : Republican will win.

not in 2016 but will win. Hillary wins you guys win2020 easily Trump win. Mid 2018 you all can just paint him as a liberal in disguise. Still win. 2020 .

13 hours ago, PAMFAM10 said:


The top arguments we been having are kaps protest. Race relations. And presidential election.

Im posting this to clear my views on the issues.


The first thing I'll say is I'm a proud American.

I don't care much about our founding fathers the writers of the constitution. Etc. I don't believe them to be Honest,Christians, or even to their standards good countrymen. These were mass murders, land thieves kidnapping Thugs in my honest opinion. So the National Anthem don't mean much to me as to some of you. 

But since a lot of you guys love the constitution so much....

How can you complain that Obama is trying to take away your second amendment and cry about it daily then turn full circle and try to take away someone first amendment to protest the national anthem. 

Ive heard time and time again how Americans are to soft theses days and always offended about something. Is it safe to say KAP has offended a lot of you.

"Oh say does that star spangled banner yet wave Over the land of the FREE." 1814 Francis Scott Key. 

In 1814 we still had slaves in 1931 when it official became anthem. This country was segregated blacks had little to no rights.


1526-1863 -*Texas 1865 Slaves Property 

1964 Civil rights Act.

330 years slaves 151 years Free. (2/3 of that under Jim Crow)

1956 UT 1963 Alabama allowed blacks on campus ( other northeastern schools was way ahead allowing blacks in universities late 1850s)

Long story short if my grandfather couldn't vote. Or even attend certain colleges. Living in Jim Crow I'll assume it was very hard for him to complete with his white peers. My mom was born in 1962 making her the first from my family tree to live equally as her white peers (Jim crow still) have since  the mayflower in 1620. I was born in 1992 and is told whites have no economic advantages over me. And it's because of the failures of my own for our current reality. Then call me a racist or race baiter if I suggest otherwise.

seriously X family live free for 500years Y family lives under captivity for 350 130 sort of free 70years as free as X family. What family would you bet on to be more further ahead.

ELECTION : Republican will win.

not in 2016 but will win. Hillary wins you guys win2020 easily Trump win. Mid 2018 you all can just paint him as a liberal in disguise. Still win. 2020 .

13 hours ago, PAMFAM10 said:

The top arguments we been having are kaps protest. Race relations. And presidential election.

Im posting this to clear my views on the issues.


The first thing I'll say is I'm a proud American.

I don't care much about our founding fathers the writers of the constitution. Etc. I don't believe them to be Honest,Christians, or even to their standards good countrymen. These were mass murders, land thieves kidnapping Thugs in my honest opinion. So the National Anthem don't mean much to me as to some of you. 

But since a lot of you guys love the constitution so much....

How can you complain that Obama is trying to take away your second amendment and cry about it daily then turn full circle and try to take away someone first amendment to protest the national anthem. 

Ive heard time and time again how Americans are to soft theses days and always offended about something. Is it safe to say KAP has offended a lot of you.

"Oh say does that star spangled banner yet wave Over the land of the FREE." 1814 Francis Scott Key. 

In 1814 we still had slaves in 1931 when it official became anthem. This country was segregated blacks had little to no rights.


1526-1863 -*Texas 1865 Slaves Property 

1964 Civil rights Act.

330 years slaves 151 years Free. (2/3 of that under Jim Crow)

1956 UT 1963 Alabama allowed blacks on campus ( other northeastern schools was way ahead allowing blacks in universities late 1850s)

Long story short if my grandfather couldn't vote. Or even attend certain colleges. Living in Jim Crow I'll assume it was very hard for him to complete with his white peers. My mom was born in 1962 making her the first from my family tree to live equally as her white peers (Jim crow still) have since  the mayflower in 1620. I was born in 1992 and is told whites have no economic advantages over me. And it's because of the failures of my own for our current reality. Then call me a racist or race baiter if I suggest otherwise.

seriously X family live free for 500years Y family lives under captivity for 350 130 sort of free 70years as free as X family. What family would you bet on to be more further ahead.

ELECTION : Republican will win.

not in 2016 but will win. Hillary wins you guys win2020 easily Trump win. Mid 2018 you all can just paint him as a liberal in disguise. Still win. 2020 .


The founding fathers were more American than you will ever be.  They had visions of a better life, instead of dreaming about the past.

2 hours ago, BS Wildcats said:

The founding fathers were more American than you will ever be.  They had visions of a better life, instead of dreaming about the past.

If having slaves taking away someone rights make you more American then you're right.

2 hours ago, Englebert said:

There is a possibility that 30,40,50 years or so humans will no longer eat meat. The caging and slaughtering of animals will be considered as cruel and even worse than slavery. If and when that time comes, should all traces of Obama be removed from the history books since he indulged with a steak or two? Or should he be judged according to the time he lived? Now think about our "pos" fore-fathers.

You know you're desperate when you try to compare Obama eating stake to mass enslavement.

3 hours ago, Englebert said:

I'm assuming you are being rhetorical with that question. But the last time you asked a simplistic question such as this, you demanded an answer. So I'll answer: Of course. Any person with two functioning brain cells would blame Whites for Jim Crow laws...specifically (if you knew your history) the blame would fall squarely on the Democrats. And those laws where repealed over 50 years ago weren't they. (rhetorical)

As for the rest of your post, I have no clue as to what you are trying to convey. Don't bother trying to explain, I don't really care.


You really think I care or think any differently about which party did what. Isn't this the Democratic Party many of you guys have said your fathers loved. Good ole Wallace type democratic.

3 hours ago, Englebert said:

Slavery was on it's way out regardless of which side won. The North winning the Civil war just hastened the end to the practice. So no, it did not take a war to end slavery.

And why did you ignore the phrase "for the last 50 years"? I'm assuming you willingly ignored it because it doesn't fit you victimhood agenda.

And I shouldn't be surprised you think our fore-fathers where a pos. You've shown your ignorance of history, so I'm confident you know nothing about them. And your assessment of our fore-fathers ranks you in the lowest percentile of the world's assessment of them. Millions upon millions of people are trying to be a part of their dream, despite all of the Liberal attempts to destroy it.

Slavery was on its way out regardless.... Any link. Tell that to Texas.

21 minutes ago, PAMFAM10 said:

If having slaves taking away someone rights make you more American then you're right.

You will never get away from the past.  Smdh!  At some point you have to move on, instead of being a slave to the past.

1 hour ago, PAMFAM10 said:

You know you're desperate when you try to compare Obama eating stake to mass enslavement.

That reference seems to have went way over your head. I feel explaining it would fruitless and a waste of time for the rest of the board.

1 hour ago, PAMFAM10 said:

You really think I care or think any differently about which party did what. Isn't this the Democratic Party many of you guys have said your fathers loved. Good ole Wallace type democratic.

And yet you willfully ignore the fact that Jim Crow laws were repealed over 50 years ago (the main point), but it is abundantly clear you will continue to use them as the basis for your failed arguments.

1 hour ago, PAMFAM10 said:

Slavery was on its way out regardless.... Any link. Tell that to Texas.

Read a book. Plenty of evidence. You can take the lazy way out and just ask PNGBamaKid. We had a brief discussion (and mutual agreement) on this a while back.

16 hours ago, Englebert said:

First off, I have not heard one single person say that Kaepernick doesn't have the right to protest. I've heard people question his right to protest while wearing his uniform, which is a valid question. The Liberals are the ones screaming from the rooftops that he has a right to protest...screaming at people who have never denied this. But if someone exercises their 1st amendment right by saying how they feel about his protest, then the Liberals scream Kaepernick is being denied his rights. It is actually pathetic and comical at the same time. He is perpetuating victimhood on a false narrative. The Liberals know it, so they try to paint anyone pointing this out as right-wing nutcases trying to deny Kaepernick's rights. And you eat it up with a spoon.

Your only arguments in race relations happened 50+ years ago. I see you failed to give Whites credit for freeing the slaves. I see you failed to give Whites credit for repealing Jim Crow laws. I see you failed to give Whites credit for passing Civil Rights laws, including Affirmative Actions laws that give Blacks an unfair advantage in hiring practices. I see you failed to give Whites credit for the trillions (yes trillions) of dollars spent on welfare programs aimed exclusively to minority communities. I plainly see your victimhood mentality.

Fifty plus years ago it was common for parents to discipline children with corporal punishment. It was common for parents to permit (and even encourage) kids over the age of five to roam the neighborhoods freely. It was common to leave kids in a car while the parent ran into the grocery store. It was acceptable for a complete stranger to discipline a misbehaving child. All of these things would land a person in prison now-a-days. I lived through that. So can I now blame my parents for their actions long ago? You are trying to judge the actions of our fore-fathers and founding fathers based on today's standards. By your own admission you should save some of that hatred for Obama. After all, he was against gay marriage just ten years ago. Why do you judge White people on actions 50+ years ago but give Black people a pass on actions 10+ plus years ago?

If Hillary wins then hopefully we will voting for the first president of the new independent Texas Republic in short order. If Trump wins, we won't wait to 2018 to paint him as a Liberal in disguise...he already is a Liberal in disguise. The last two speeches I heard from him were disgusting. I actually had to turn the channel before I lost my lunch. But he is still head and shoulders above Hillary.

Texas should be given back to mexico and we should ask for a refund for Louisiana 

11 hours ago, BS Wildcats said:

The founding fathers were more American than you will ever be.  They had visions of a better life, instead of dreaming about the past.

The founding fathers were just people. In todays times they might be ordinary people. Textbooks make some of them look great

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