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2 minutes ago, baddog said:

What, if anything, are you doing to help the situation,,,,,not standing for the flag? That'll show 'em.

I respect every soldier who fought and/or died for this country......especially those that died. They are what I think of when I hear the anthem and salute the flag. If not for the storming of the beaches at Normandy, black and white alike being slaughtered by the thousands, we would not be here to discuss it.

This country has a history of protest.  White, black, asian, hispanic alike.  We didn't hear a peep when occupy wall street was going strong.  We don't hear a peep when idiot militias denounce the U.S.  Many HATED when were FOUGHT for the right to vote.  When we FOUGHT for CIVIL RIGHTS.  When we FOUGHT for the right to have proper schooling.  When women wanted equal rights.  This country is full of lessons WHY people protest.  It's nothing new.  Muhammad Ali was an American hero when he died, but we fail to realize how he was treated for protesting the war and lost his title.  We're in a country thats full of its good and its bad.

25 minutes ago, PA4Real said:

This country has a history of protest.  White, black, asian, hispanic alike.  We didn't hear a peep when occupy wall street was going strong.  We don't hear a peep when idiot militias denounce the U.S.  Many HATED when were FOUGHT for the right to vote.  When we FOUGHT for CIVIL RIGHTS.  When we FOUGHT for the right to have proper schooling.  When women wanted equal rights.  This country is full of lessons WHY people protest.  It's nothing new.  Muhammad Ali was an American hero when he died, but we fail to realize how he was treated for protesting the war and lost his title.  We're in a country thats full of its good and its bad.

I don't disagree with your right to protest. I just think the flag reperesents all of us and it should be held more sacred than that. Hold signs and stand outside the mayor's office in the cities where you think blacks have been subjected to police brutality or even murdered. Arson and looting or spitting on the flag sure haven't done anything. What has it accomplished? 

56 minutes ago, baddog said:

I don't disagree with your right to protest. I just think the flag reperesents all of us and it should be held more sacred than that. Hold signs and stand outside the mayor's office in the cities where you think blacks have been subjected to police brutality or even murdered. Arson and looting or spitting on the flag sure haven't done anything. What has it accomplished? 

Church and GOD are sacred, but that didn't stop a racist lunatic from walking in a church and slaughtering them.  Also didn't stop churches from being burned and one time it had four lil girls in it. Never stopped grown men from burning crosses in front yards.  I personally stand for the anthem, but I don't judge a man for doing so because he feels this country has ignored the human rights of some of its citizens, which imo is a fact. Its his way of getting a discussion started about police brutality that we know as fact exists.  A cop pulled up on a 10 kid that had a Toy Gun and murdered him.  If he thought the person was dangerous and had a GUN, I'm pretty sure it isn't proper procedure to drive directly upon said person.  But it happened and it was video taped and the cop got away with it.  Media couldn't vilify a child, so they brought up the past of a relative.  That's fact.  That's what he's protesting; now if what I described isn't unsettling, then a silent protest of a flag is more important than a person's life.


You also have MANY veterans that support Kappernick.  Many vets that feel that the country they fought for has forgotten about them.  How many vets do we have that are homeless.  That can't be seen at the VA in a timely manner.  That have emotional issues after war.  We think of the good, but ignore some of the harsh realites many of our veterans deal with on a daily basis.  A friend of mine said " I don't want to be called a hero for serving my country; I just want to be able to go to the doctor without having to wait 2 mths on a waiting list."  

4 minutes ago, PA4Real said:

Church and GOD are sacred, but that didn't stop a racist lunatic from walking in a church and slaughtering them.  Also didn't stop churches from being burned and one time it had four lil girls in it. Never stopped grown men from burning crosses in front yards.  I personally stand for the anthem, but I don't judge a man for doing so because he feels this country has ignored the human rights of some of its citizens, which imo is a fact. Its his way of getting a discussion started about police brutality that we know as fact exists.  A cop pulled up on a 10 kid that had a Toy Gun and murdered him.  If he thought the person was dangerous and had a GUN, I'm pretty sure it isn't proper procedure to drive directly upon said person.  But it happened and it was video taped and the cop got away with it.  Media couldn't vilify a child, so they brought up the past of a relative.  That's fact.  That's what he's protesting; now if what I described isn't unsettling, then a silent protest of a flag is more important than a person's life.

Well, you sure didn't answer my question, which is par for the course around here. Disgracing the flag or national anthem does nothing to better your cause. It's a show of solidarity and that's about it.

45 minutes ago, baddog said:

Well, you sure didn't answer my question, which is par for the course around here. Disgracing the flag or national anthem does nothing to better your cause. It's a show of solidarity and that's about it.

americans have done a while lot worse than not standing for the anthem 

9 hours ago, BS Wildcats said:

Just making sure you understand that, since you constantly make race an issue in your posts.

Dude, race has and will always will be an issue in this country.  Can't be a naive adult.  People get treated different everyday because of race.


We have to be careful not to divide....yes there are different races, different cultures, different environments.  There better ways to protest, better ways to creating a positive change for everyone.  We have to be careful not to create more divisiveness among us, but more unity.  Changes have to be made on all sides.

1 hour ago, PA4Real said:

Dude, race has and will always will be an issue in this country.  Can't be a naive adult.  People get treated different everyday because of race.

Yeah, I'm always the bad guy and everyone else is perfect.

6 minutes ago, baddog said:

Yeah, I'm always the bad guy and everyone else is perfect.

 My man, I have no idea who you are.  Minorities didn't divide this country.  This country was divided a long time ago when (others) were treated like second class citizens.  You don't put the blame on the oppressed by saying you're dividing the country when you protest.  Over 500 yrs of oppression, slavery, Jim Crow, is supposed to be erased from history because some don't want to hear it.  Brings up too many bad memories of the country's past.   They say when you have a certain problem, the first step to recovery is to admit and acknowledge you actually have a problem.  Very few white folk admit racism has always been a problem, and until most see it for what it is; that we do have a huge problem with race; nothing will change. 


If that's the case, Martin Luther King Jr. was dividing the country by wanting equal rights under the law for African American citizens. MANY said he was dividing the country when it was clearly divided.

Rosa Parks was dividing the country when she didn't want to get to the back of the bus like a second class citizen that she was supposed to be.

Or kids sitting in diners getting beaten and spit on for wanting to be served lunch.  Sooner or later, people have enough and an uprising begins.  

I don't think I've ever heard anyone tell militia groups that denounce the U.S. government; if you don't like it here, go back to Europe.  But you get up in arms about one man's protest not to stand for the flag.  If you want to be Pro American or show your patriotism, be equal with you anger over the disrespect of the flag and the U.S.

2 hours ago, PA4Real said:

Dude, race has and will always will be an issue in this country.  Can't be a naive adult.  People get treated different everyday because of race.

Not denying that, but some want to blame everything on race.  That song is getting played to much.

43 minutes ago, BS Wildcats said:

Not denying that, but some want to blame everything on race.  That song is getting played to much.

Some do.  I agree.  I have a nephew that goes to a predominantly white school. He likes it there, because he ignores 1 or 2 blatant racist remarks every single day by teenagers.  I feel for him, because if he complains; as he's done beforeb, nothing happens.  Why should he have to deal with that every single day.


11 minutes ago, PA4Real said:

Some do.  I agree.  I have a nephew that goes to a predominantly white school. He likes it there, because he ignores 1 or 2 blatant racist remarks every single day by teenagers.  I feel for him, because if he complains; as he's done beforeb, nothing happens.  Why should he have to deal with that every single day.


You should not have to, and it's a shame that stuff happens.  But, would you agree that BLM and other hate groups contribute to some of this.

3 hours ago, PA4Real said:

Dude, race has and will always will be an issue in this country.  Can't be a naive adult.  People get treated different everyday because of race.

Do thin people get treated differently than fat people?  Do midgets get treated differently than those of average height?  Do ugly people get treated differently than attractive people?  Do popular kids in high school get treated differently than the not so popular?  Does a street person get treated differently than someone who resides in a conventional neighborhood? 

7 minutes ago, stevenash said:

Do thin people get treated differently than fat people?  Do midgets get treated differently than those of average height?  Do ugly people get treated differently than attractive people?  Do popular kids in high school get treated differently than the not so popular?  Does a street person get treated differently than someone who resides in a conventional neighborhood? 

That has nothing to do with anything. There's a difference between prejudice and racism.  That should go without saying.  People in general are treated different regardless of their race.  I'm talking about pure unadulterated racism. Not prejudging someone on how they look.  Case in point.  Why was I stopped by police for 30 minutes when I visited my brother in his nice predominantly white neighbor.  I was actually told I didn't look like I belonged there.  Had to wait for my brother to meet with us, then he followed us to make sure I was telling the truth.

Of course, I heard that he was just doing his job.  Of course.  By saying I didn't look like I belonged there or by telling me to stay out of trouble insinuates that for some reason I look like I get into trouble.  It is what it is.  Oh yeah, my bro had to prove he lived in the house, pretty sure that never happened to any of his neighbors.

16 minutes ago, PA4Real said:

That has nothing to do with anything. There's a difference between prejudice and racism.  That should go without saying.  People in general are treated different regardless of their race.  I'm talking about pure unadulterated racism. Not prejudging someone on how they look.  Case in point.  Why was I stopped by police for 30 minutes when I visited my brother in his nice predominantly white neighbor.  I was actually told I didn't look like I belonged there.  Had to wait for my brother to meet with us, then he followed us to make sure I was telling the truth.

Of course, I heard that he was just doing his job.  Of course.  By saying I didn't look like I belonged there or by telling me to stay out of trouble insinuates that for some reason I look like I get into trouble.  It is what it is.  Oh yeah, my bro had to prove he lived in the house, pretty sure that never happened to any of his neighbors.

I would like to pose a hypothetical to you.  Lets assume that someone of middle eastern descent boards an airplane and, in the opinion of some of the airline employees, appears to be acting strangely/suspiciously.  If that individual is "inconvenienced" by some additional queries from the airline employees via a couple of questions, was it worthwhile to exercise that extra vigilance or is it better to not question him because some will consider that "profiling" or "disrespectful treatment"?

15 hours ago, PA4Real said:

You also have MANY veterans that support Kappernick.  Many vets that feel that the country they fought for has forgotten about them.  How many vets do we have that are homeless.  That can't be seen at the VA in a timely manner.  That have emotional issues after war.  We think of the good, but ignore some of the harsh realites many of our veterans deal with on a daily basis.  A friend of mine said " I don't want to be called a hero for serving my country; I just want to be able to go to the doctor without having to wait 2 mths on a waiting list."  

His protest has nothing to do with Veterans. Its his right to protest, not his ideals that they support. Period.  

The media is lumping veterans in with the National Anthem angle.  Sad. 

It was written over 200 years ago.  I love my nation, my anthem and my people regardless. 

Quit trying to involve the very "CITIZENS" who "VOLUNTARY" serve. 

As a Veteran, protecting this nation against  "ALL ENEMIES... FOREIGN & DOMESTIC" is priority #1.

You wanna rewrite the Anthem because its not a One Size Fits All?  Sign Up at your local recruiter for either a Local or National Service.

Pay your taxes, become a citizen and serve your country.  Lip Service to most Veterans gets you nothing but a smile.

What you want is the quiet nod, which acknowledges the truth.  Very little nodding going on right now.  Ignorance on both sides of the issue.

48 minutes ago, stevenash said:

I would like to pose a hypothetical to you.  Lets assume that someone of middle eastern descent boards an airplane and, in the opinion of some of the airline employees, appears to be acting strangely/suspiciously.  If that individual is "inconvenienced" by some additional queries from the airline employees via a couple of questions, was it worthwhile to exercise that extra vigilance or is it better to not question him because some will consider that "profiling" or "disrespectful treatment"?

You're right.  Next time I'm out of my element.  I'll flag a cop down,  show all the documentation that's needed to visit a relative. Lol

54 minutes ago, Silsbee92 said:

His protest has nothing to do with Veterans. Its his right to protest, not his ideals that they support. Period.  

The media is lumping veterans in with the National Anthem angle.  Sad. 

It was written over 200 years ago.  I love my nation, my anthem and my people regardless. 

Quit trying to involve the very "CITIZENS" who "VOLUNTARY" serve. 

As a Veteran, protecting this nation against  "ALL ENEMIES... FOREIGN & DOMESTIC" is priority #1.

You wanna rewrite the Anthem because its not a One Size Fits All?  Sign Up at your local recruiter for either a Local or National Service.

Pay your taxes, become a citizen and serve your country.  Lip Service to most Veterans gets you nothing but a smile.

What you want is the quiet nod, which acknowledges the truth.  Very little nodding going on right now.  Ignorance on both sides of the issue.

Thank you.

2 hours ago, PA4Real said:

That has nothing to do with anything. There's a difference between prejudice and racism.  That should go without saying.  People in general are treated different regardless of their race.  I'm talking about pure unadulterated racism. Not prejudging someone on how they look.  Case in point.  Why was I stopped by police for 30 minutes when I visited my brother in his nice predominantly white neighbor.  I was actually told I didn't look like I belonged there.  Had to wait for my brother to meet with us, then he followed us to make sure I was telling the truth.

Of course, I heard that he was just doing his job.  Of course.  By saying I didn't look like I belonged there or by telling me to stay out of trouble insinuates that for some reason I look like I get into trouble.  It is what it is.  Oh yeah, my bro had to prove he lived in the house, pretty sure that never happened to any of his neighbors.

I had the same thing happen to me and im white.  I was followed by 2 unmarked vehicles and then once pulled over a 3rd bmt pd vehicle pulled in front of me.  Why was I stopped cause I didn't look like I belonged there.  I was driving my old truck with my scraggly bearded face while towing my lawn equipment around.  Didn't bother me one bit.......cause I did not commit a crime, only stood out cause I looked suspicious....and I am ok with that.

Funny thing is I was giving an estimate on a yard....the owners..............were black....

17 minutes ago, 5GallonBucket said:

I had the same thing happen to me and im white.  I was followed by 2 unmarked vehicles and then once pulled over a 3rd bmt pd vehicle pulled in front of me.  Why was I stopped cause I didn't look like I belonged there.  I was driving my old truck with my scraggly bearded face while towing my lawn equipment around.  Didn't bother me one bit.......cause I did not commit a crime, only stood out cause I looked suspicious....and I am ok with that.

Funny thing is I was giving an estimate on a yard....the owners..............were black....

Man, I was in Dallas at the time, not in an old beat up truck, but in a new 2015 GMC Silverado.  No loud music or big rims.  I had on my button up shirt with slacks on, but like you said, I must have looked suspicious.  I get it.  

The kind of understand your point, but not really, because most lawn services operate in nice neighborhoods.  But I guess that was ok having 3 patrol cars stop you for looking suspicious in you work truck heading out to give an estimate.  Let it happen when you're not in your work truck LOOKING SUSPICOUS....lol, and I'm pretty sure after 3 or 4 run ins for the same bs you wouldn't still think it was ok.  I never said it happened to me just once.

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