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34 minutes ago, BellBiz30 said:

Obviously you mean't to say males (not swayed by the liberal university, professors, teachers which have politicized our education system) due to the fact they were not fooled by the rhetoric? Does't that make the oilfield men, cowboys, carpenters, plumbers, farmers, electricians, clerks, truckdrivers, welders, mechanics, and all the hard working self reliant folks=(smarter than the entitiled elite.) 

The folks listed above are immune to indoctrination!

4 hours ago, tvc184 said:

He wasn't voted for because he is good or may be. In fact Trump really never got over about 35% support even among Republicans. He simply outlasted 16 other candidates (spreading their votes among many) because of star power. 

That was the primary. In the general election yesterday, it wasn't about Trump but about Hillary and how horrible of a candidate that she was. As I said to a few people yesterday, I am not elated about Trump being the president. I am ecstatic about Hillary not being the president. 

With that said, you are stretching the truth quite a bit. I guess that is not uncommon in political commentary. Trump did not disrespect Muslims. He said that he would suspend immigration from Muslim countries until a system was in place for them to be vetted. Trump has no issue with Hispanics but has a huge problem with illegal aliens and has said so emphatically. Unfortunately for Hillary and the Democrats, so does a majority of Americans. That is no disrespect for a culture but for a criminal act. 

I must have missed the part where he confessed to a sexual assault. 

You say he used a "loophole". Yeah, so do I every year when I pay my taxes. I use every loophole that the law allows. I can only assume by your comments that you merely pay all taxes possible and never even take the standard deduction. I commend you for paying 100% of your taxes without claiming any deductions. After all, we don't like people that take all deductions allowed by law do we?  Talk about hypocritical.......

Does he relate to the working class? I doubt it but I know that he hires many of them. What about the Clintons who claimed to be broken by legal fees and such when Bill left office only to be multi-millionaires now. I wonder how they related to the working class?

Sorry but your arguments hold no water to at least half of this country and I suspect that had he had a (D) in front of his name, the other half would be all for it. I can remember a sitting president named Clinton that seduced a young intern into a sex act in his office while his wife was in the bedroom and most of the Dems at the time said it was merely between he and his wife. His sexual transgressions should not matter nor his lying under oath when question in a deposition or his lying to the American people about it. 

You see your complaints aren't about the actions but who is making them. 

PA4 ^^^^^ This


39 minutes ago, Whoopi Goldberg's Lips said:

I was being sarcastic, bruh!  Sheesh!

Not you, man!  I was talking 100% about the clowns in the picture.  Sorry for the misunderstanding!

5 minutes ago, PhatMack19 said:

Looks like Pot was a big winner yesterday.


This is the hidden content, please

I can smoke to this!  Lulz...but seriously, with a sister fighting breast cancer...I find it really odd that we don't do more research with cannabis oil and its effects on cancer cells.  Also, how many pot heads do you know, and I mean the old school hippies, that have been diagnosed with cancer?  I've got some in my family from the Waylon Jennings/Kris Kristopherson/Willie Nelson era that don't smoke any more, yet don't smoke any less either...and none of them have been diagnosed with it.  Maybe my sister needs to start twisting up some fatty's?!

47 minutes ago, Whoopi Goldberg's Lips said:

I can smoke to this!  Lulz...but seriously, with a sister fighting breast cancer...I find it really odd that we don't do more research with cannabis oil and its effects on cancer cells.  Also, how many pot heads do you know, and I mean the old school hippies, that have been diagnosed with cancer?  I've got some in my family from the Waylon Jennings/Kris Kristopherson/Willie Nelson era that don't smoke any more, yet don't smoke any less either...and none of them have been diagnosed with it.  Maybe my sister needs to start twisting up some fatty's?!

I was in late teens to early 20's during the whole start up.  Never smoked any and been against it all my life.  But now, I've done a 180.  It's just like prohibition didn't work.  Our war on drugs is not working.  Never will.  Perhaps the legalization of Mj will curtail the use of more dangerous drugs.  It will certainly reduce the number of folks being incarcerated.  I sure don't know what the answers are, I just know what we're doing now, isn't the answer.

48 minutes ago, REBgp said:

I was in late teens to early 20's during the whole start up.  Never smoked any and been against it all my life.  But now, I've done a 180.  It's just like prohibition didn't work.  Our war on drugs is not working.  Never will.  Perhaps the legalization of Mj will curtail the use of more dangerous drugs.  It will certainly reduce the number of folks being incarcerated.  I sure don't know what the answers are, I just know what we're doing now, isn't the answer.

Difficult to fight a war on drugs when the congressmen are on the take, like in the Noriega deal. Too long to discuss, but when you play both sides, there is no war.

4 hours ago, baddog said:

Trump was not my choice as was with so many on this board. It was more an anti-Hillary  rejoicing. Obama with a high rating says lots about this country. Obamacare, the Iran deal, instigating racial intervention of police actions, encouraging the influx of Syrian refugees knowing full well how dangerous that is to the average American, his futile attempts at gun control, leaving Iraq too soon creating Isis, his stand offish gestures to France and Israel, his backing of Clinton as Secretary of State, Solyndra....etc.  yet he gets high ratings for that?Give me a break.

Everything you just said proves what I was saying. Iran was in the process of creating enough highly enriched uranium to make a nuclear bomb per the inspection reports from the International Atomic Energy Agency. The United States wanted to slow this down but Iran would never bargain with us so Bush ok'd a series of cyber attacks against the programmable logic controllers of Iran's prime money maker, the oil industry. Iran couldn't figure out why all their oil lines started blowing up for no apparent reason, this was the US' way of squeezing GDP from them compounded with sanctions making them more likely to bargain in our eyes. Iran still wouldn't bargain so the US launched a cyber attack called Stuxnet to take over the PLCs on the centrifuges Iran was using to enrich the uranium. It was a joint venture between the CIA and Israeli Mossad, one that Israel messed up and got both countries caught but Iran came to the table. Republicans believe you can curve an ideology with sanctions but the democrats chose to use diplomacy, even if part of it was paying them back the money we owed them per the ruling in Geneva. Iran is not near the threat the right makes them out to be, after launching a retaliatory cyber attack against us US intelligence called Ahmadinejad and informed him they were inside his missile defense systems, communication systems and that they have the capability to turn the lights off in the country if he does anything that can be deemed an act of war. The republican line for the uneducated voter though, "Iran hates us and wants to nuke us" is good enough for welders and boilermakers though.

Did Obama pull us out of Iraq or did he just honor Bush's de-escalation that was already in place when he got in office. From your post I can tell you have no idea. Iraqis wanted us out of their country because while they were oppressed under Saddam there was also a lawful society. After we went in looking for weapons of mass destruction they didn't have all we could basically do from that point on was occupy the country. A country which is strictly divided between Sunni and Shiite Muslims with a Kurdish majority in the northern part of the country. Saddam wasn't religious but identified as a Sunni Muslim and brutalized Shiites during his reign. However you want to look at it, there was order under him. Under US occupation the infrastructure of Iraq continuously declined, things didn't get better economically and they began to hate us. So basically what Obama did was allow less of our soldiers to get killed but he gets blamed for creating Isis' caliphate, typical right.

People give Israel a pass because of the Holocaust but if you look at their actions around the world they're always instigating stuff and then hoping the US comes to their rescue. Israel constantly terrorizes the Palestinians and passes laws to further isolate them in hopes that they one day vacate the Gaza Strip. They're terrorizing Muslims though, so the rest of the world gives them a pass but that doesn't stop Israel from crying foul if the Palestinians do ANYTHING incendiary such as bring food into the country for the families. Jews are the people of God and the republicans are usually the more evangelical so it's a natural kinship, weird how they just elected an agnostic guy who said he doesn't ask for forgiveness though.                    

The reason his ratings are high is simple, more people believe what I posted above than believe he wants to take away your guns. Otherwise his approval wouldn't get above the 50% mark.

4 hours ago, BellBiz30 said:

Obviously you mean't to say males (not swayed by the liberal university, professors, teachers which have politicized our education system) due to the fact they were not fooled by the rhetoric? Does't that make the oilfield men, cowboys, carpenters, plumbers, farmers, electricians, clerks, truckdrivers, welders, mechanics, and all the hard working self reliant folks=(smarter than the entitiled elite.) 

Nah, it makes you a sucker for a guy that would ship your job overseas or apply for visas for foreign workers because "There weren't enough qualified people" in the surrounding areas, or for that matter the United States. I'm third generation oil, when my boss asks me to send a multimillion dollar welding job or a vessel fabrication overseas again don't blame it on liberals. Just like I don't blame it on republicans when I call IT in Bangladesh.


How quickly it turns. 

Several times on this forum and others where I post I saw comments about the demise of the Republican Party. It was over... finished. Of course the party held both houses for several years but there was glee that the Democrats would now rule without opposition.

I was just watching MSNBC which is possibly the most liberal/progressive media in history. People like Chris Matthews who is possibly the epitome of those liberals and some other talking head were asking asking what is going to happen to the Democrats now. They have no immediate future and no up and coming stars. NBC has a headlines that says, "Democrats in disarray after Clinton's defeat". 

So we have gone from the end of the Republican Party to the Democratic Party now looking for some way to recover. 

In truth neither will end. The name at the top of the party might change the opposing ideas of conservatism and liberalism (and other isms) will still be there. It is still interesting to see how many people thought that conservatism would end with a Hillary win. 

5 hours ago, REBgp said:

I respect your opinion.  We all have a different take.  Don't even remotely agree with your insinuating that Trump's election is due to folks wanting to go back to segragation.  Imo, his election is the fault of the Democratic Party.  The fact that they essentially only had two primary candidates, Hillary and Bernie (who was not even a Dem) both with enough baggage to sink an ocean liner.  

Baggage, seriously? From a guy who had to settle a housing discrimination suit and whose dad was arrested at a Klan rally? I would call referring to Mexicans as "rapist" and bragging about how you tried to have sex with married women on camera baggage. Where you're from the Klan and Mexican stuff doesn't matter though, a guy you think is a socialist and someone who had a private email server is MUCH worse. Like I said earlier, this is America so we can all believe what makes us feel good.

25 minutes ago, Cougar14.2 said:

Everything you just said proves what I was saying. Iran was in the process of creating enough highly enriched uranium to make a nuclear bomb per the inspection reports from the International Atomic Energy Agency. The United States wanted to slow this down but Iran would never bargain with us so Bush ok'd a series of cyber attacks against the programmable logic controllers of Iran's prime money maker, the oil industry. Iran couldn't figure out why all their oil lines started blowing up for no apparent reason, this was the US' way of squeezing GDP from them compounded with sanctions making them more likely to bargain in our eyes. Iran still wouldn't bargain so the US launched a cyber attack called Stuxnet to take over the PLCs on the centrifuges Iran was using to enrich the uranium. It was a joint venture between the CIA and Israeli Mossad, one that Israel messed up and got both countries caught but Iran came to the table. Republicans believe you can curve an ideology with sanctions but the democrats chose to use diplomacy, even if part of it was paying them back the money we owed them per the ruling in Geneva. Iran is not near the threat the right makes them out to be, after launching a retaliatory cyber attack against us US intelligence called Ahmadinejad and informed him they were inside his missile defense systems, communication systems and that they have the capability to turn the lights off in the country if he does anything that can be deemed an act of war. The republican line for the uneducated voter though, "Iran hates us and wants to nuke us" is good enough for welders and boilermakers though.

Did Obama pull us out of Iraq or did he just honor Bush's de-escalation that was already in place when he got in office. From your post I can tell you have no idea. Iraqis wanted us out of their country because while they were oppressed under Saddam there was also a lawful society. After we went in looking for weapons of mass destruction they didn't have all we could basically do from that point on was occupy the country. A country which is strictly divided between Sunni and Shiite Muslims with a Kurdish majority in the northern part of the country. Saddam wasn't religious but identified as a Sunni Muslim and brutalized Shiites during his reign. However you want to look at it, there was order under him. Under US occupation the infrastructure of Iraq continuously declined, things didn't get better economically and they began to hate us. So basically what Obama did was allow less of our soldiers to get killed but he gets blamed for creating Isis' caliphate, typical right.

People give Israel a pass because of the Holocaust but if you look at their actions around the world they're always instigating stuff and then hoping the US comes to their rescue. Israel constantly terrorizes the Palestinians and passes laws to further isolate them in hopes that they one day vacate the Gaza Strip. They're terrorizing Muslims though, so the rest of the world gives them a pass but that doesn't stop Israel from crying foul if the Palestinians do ANYTHING incendiary such as bring food into the country for the families. Jews are the people of God and the republicans are usually the more evangelical so it's a natural kinship, weird how they just elected an agnostic guy who said he doesn't ask for forgiveness though.                    

The reason his ratings are high is simple, more people believe what I posted above than believe he wants to take away your guns. Otherwise his approval wouldn't get above the 50% mark.

The one thing about your post that stands out to me is your comments on Israel.  If you think Israel needs the US or any other country to come to their rescue, you are very mistaken.  They've got all they need in the Man upstairs.  As far as the US helping Israel, we all need to hope that we never turn our backs to them.

2 minutes ago, Cougar14.2 said:

Baggage, seriously? From a guy who had to settle a housing discrimination suit and whose dad was arrested at a Klan rally? I would call referring to Mexicans as "rapist" and bragging about how you tried to have sex with married women on camera baggage. Where you're from the Klan and Mexican stuff doesn't matter though, a guy you think is a socialist and someone who had a private email server is MUCH worse. Like I said earlier, this is America so we can all believe what makes us feel good.

His father? 

John F. Kennedy's father help author appeasement to Hitler's Germany that led to WWII. An aide called him an anti-Semite who often called Jews a pejorative. Should JFK, who many Democrats point out as a historical great Democrat, be saddled by his father's actions?

How about Robert Byrd? He was the longest serving senator in history. For 14 years he was the "leader" of the Democrats in the Senate. Was this guy's father a member of the KKK? I have no idea but does it really matter.... Robert Byrd was a member of the KKK as he admitted. No wait, did I say a member? He recruited over a 100 people to start a new chapter. 

We are not talking about some ancient history back in the 1800's but a guy that was in office until 7 years ago. Apparently being a KKK leader does not matter if you are a leading Democrat in a recent Senate. 

You seem to turn a blind eye when it is on your side of the aisle. 

5 hours ago, stevenash said:

Overt racism- how did Mr. Obama get elected and re-elected?  Please show me PRECISELY where Mr. Trump SAID that he hadn't paid taxes in two decades>  I want give you a small clue about business: they are operating with the express intent of making a profit as opposed to promising jobs and benefits to X number of people-  Its sure your right to believe what you want about the wall, locking Hillary up, banning Muslims, yada yada yada.  I felt the same way when I heard these words:  I will build a 21st Century VA- My stimulus program will provide shovel ready jobs- I will have the most transparent administration in history- there is not one smidgen of corruption at the IRS- If you like your doctor/health care plan, you can keep them- My affordable care act will reduce the average health insurance premium annually by $2500-  Need I go further?

He got elected in two electoral college landslides. Only 12% of the US population is black and only about 18% of electorate is Hispanic, which votes republican at 25%+, so it looks to me like a bunch of white people elected him. He doesn't have to say anything, if it wasn't true as boastful as he is there would be a tax returns to show his rates and wealth. Funny how the only one leaked when he tried to apply for a casino license showed a billion dollar loss though. Like he said during the debate "That makes him smart" though. I don't need Obamacare and I have great health insurance, 20+million more people do too. If the republicans would have worked on a more bi-partisan dual payer system instead of obstructing and forcing the dems to push it through because they were scared Obama would do something good there would be a far different system but you got it rammed down your throat and are choking on it now. Funniest thing is after losing the popular vote the last thing he could do while in office is hemorrhage more voters by repealing Obamacare. Keep believe though.

3 hours ago, Whoopi Goldberg's Lips said:

I can smoke to this!  Lulz...but seriously, with a sister fighting breast cancer...I find it really odd that we don't do more research with cannabis oil and its effects on cancer cells.  Also, how many pot heads do you know, and I mean the old school hippies, that have been diagnosed with cancer?  I've got some in my family from the Waylon Jennings/Kris Kristopherson/Willie Nelson era that don't smoke any more, yet don't smoke any less either...and none of them have been diagnosed with it.  Maybe my sister needs to start twisting up some fatty's?!

I've never tried it, but as soon as I get cancer I'll start smoking and turn vegan.  I've seen a lot of studies that show it helps, but Big Pharma lobbies to keep it illegal so they can keep raking in the money.  


I have a family member that I work with closely that smokes daily.   He's a multimillionaire business owner with ADHD.  He's all over the place without it and I can't work with him.  Each morning and after lunch each day he runs home for a minute then comes back ready to go.  It works for him and I don't believe he would have near the business without it.  

2 minutes ago, tvc184 said:

His father? 

John F. Kennedy's father help author appeasement to Hitler's Germany that led to WWII. An aide called him an anti-Semite who often called Jews a pejorative. Should JFK, who many Democrats point out as a historical great Democrat, be saddled by his father's actions?

How about Robert Byrd? He was the longest serving senator in history. For 14 years he was the "leader" of the Democrats in the Senate. Was this guy's father a member of the KKK? I have no idea but does it really matter.... Robert Byrd was a member of the KKK as he admitted. No wait, did I say a member? He recruited over a 100 people to start a new chapter. 

We are not talking about some ancient history back in the 1800's but a guy that was in office until 7 years ago. Apparently being a KKK leader does not matter if you are a leading Democrat in a recent Senate. 

You seem to turn a blind eye when it is on your side of the aisle. 

Yeah, the Klan was once a democratic affiliate. Old incumbent senators still had those ties in some states but disavowed them. Per Trump's rental agent Donald was there when his dad walked in to the office to explain why he couldn't rent to a qualified black nurse. He said we don't rent to n's and per this guy's testimony Donald was right there agreeing with him, which is backed up by a discrimination suit he had to settle later. JFK is viewed as a great democrat on the east coast, the southern democrat LBJ got the voting rights act of '64 passed which was the most landmark legislation since Brown vs the Board of education for black people. There's an old recording of LBJ on the phone saying we have to pass the N bill and I need your help. LBJ is viewed as twice the president Kennedy was by southern democrats. I don't turn a blind eye to anything, probably would help if I would start though. 

39 minutes ago, Cougar14.2 said:

Baggage, seriously? From a guy who had to settle a housing discrimination suit and whose dad was arrested at a Klan rally? I would call referring to Mexicans as "rapist" and bragging about how you tried to have sex with married women on camera baggage. Where you're from the Klan and Mexican stuff doesn't matter though, a guy you think is a socialist and someone who had a private email server is MUCH worse. Like I said earlier, this is America so we can all believe what makes us feel good.

If you think that's all the baggage Hillary has, you can join the league of uninformed voters.  Going all the way back to Whitewater, and continuing through her time as Secy of State with her and Bills Foundation.  If you really think she's honest, how did a couple, admittedly broke in 2000, come to be worth $350 million in just 16 years?  Enquiring minds would like to know.

1 hour ago, Cougar14.2 said:

Baggage, seriously? From a guy who had to settle a housing discrimination suit and whose dad was arrested at a Klan rally? I would call referring to Mexicans as "rapist" and bragging about how you tried to have sex with married women on camera baggage. Where you're from the Klan and Mexican stuff doesn't matter though, a guy you think is a socialist and someone who had a private email server is MUCH worse. Like I said earlier, this is America so we can all believe what makes us feel good.

The electorate determined who had the most baggage.

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