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Mental illness can be found on both sides (libs & conserv).  If the story is real and we aren't being manipulated by fake news, I'd say the perps should be extradited to their home country after serving their prison term.  Sweden is trying too hard to be P.C. at the expense of the safety of their citizens (sounds familiar).

4 minutes ago, Remmus said:

Mental illness can be found on both sides (libs & conserv).  If the story is real and we aren't being manipulated by fake news, I'd say the perps should be extradited to their home country after serving their prison term.  Sweden is trying to hard to be P.C. at the expense of the safety of their citizens (sounds familiar).

Can you name examples of mental illness on the Conservative side? I can name of few, but for every one you have about a hundred on the Liberal side. Not equivalent. That's like saying the I.R.S. targeted both parties when 120+ Conservative groups where targeted and only 5 or so where held up on the Democrat side. If this was a basketball game and you see a score of 126-7 you wouldn't say "Well both sides scored points."

22 minutes ago, Englebert said:

Can you name examples of mental illness on the Conservative side? I can name of few, but for every one you have about a hundred on the Liberal side. Not equivalent. That's like saying the I.R.S. targeted both parties when 120+ Conservative groups where targeted and only 5 or so where held up on the Democrat side. If this was a basketball game and you see a score of 126-7 you wouldn't say "Well both sides scored points."

It's more like "it's easier to see the faults of other people than of your own."  How far do you want to go back?  The dems have their brand of crazy.  The republicans do as well.  Just depends on which side of the fence you're sitting on.  Who was in charge when a budget surplus was turned into a massive deficit?  That goes against everything a true conservative would stand for, right?  That seems down right crazy to me.  I'm educated and level headed.  I scrutinize both sides equally.  If you haven't read it yet, check out the book "Overthrow" by Stephen Kinzer.

If you're sitting in Brooklyn, New York your idea of crazy will defer from someone sitting in Vidor, Texas (for example).  I think both parties would benefit from getting to know more about life of the other.


PC is a mental illness.  As an earlier thread said, why is it okay to burn and desecrate the American flag, but it's illegal to fly the Confederate (Battle) Flag?   Why demand changing all our restrooms for 0.6% of the population?  Why do we continue to allow folks to cross our borders? Why bring a large number of immigrants into our country that you know has jihadist killers embedded in them?   Etc etc etc..  It has to be mental illness.  What else you call it?

13 minutes ago, Remmus said:

It's more like "it's easier to see the faults of other people than of your own."  How far do you want to go back?  The dems have their brand of crazy.  The republicans do as well.  Just depends on which side of the fence you're sitting on.  Who was in charge when a budget surplus was turned into a massive deficit?  That goes against everything a true conservative would stand for, right?  That seems down right crazy to me.  I'm educated and level headed.  I scrutinize both sides equally.  If you haven't read it yet, check out the book "Overthrow" by Stephen Kinzer.

If you're sitting in Brooklyn, New York your idea of crazy will defer from someone sitting in Vidor, Texas (for example).  I think both parties would benefit from getting to know more about life of the other.

Anyone that thinks the common sense pendulum is currently in the middle is lacking common sense. The hatred displayed by the Left for practically every American value is on full display and unparalleled with anything on the Right. The downright arrogance and elitism displayed by the Left is undeniable. The lies the Leftist elitists have propagated on their sheeple (Man-Made Global Warming, Gender Pay Gap, Socialized Medicine, etc.) is unfathomable. No equivalence.

31 minutes ago, REBgp said:

PC is a mental illness.  As an earlier thread said, why is it okay to burn and desecrate the American flag, but it's illegal to fly the Confederate (Battle) Flag?   Why demand changing all our restrooms for 0.6% of the population?  Why do we continue to allow folks to cross our borders? Why bring a large number of immigrants into our country that you know has jihadist killers embedded in them?   Etc etc etc..  It has to be mental illness.  What else you call it?

So mental illness a.k.a. insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome.  Like trying several versions of trickle down economics.  I agree with the points you made with one caveat.  Burning the American flag was somehow protected as a 1st amendment right as a personal expression.  Correct me if I'm wrong (with facts), Its not illegal to fly a confederate flag on your personal property.  You're covered by the 1st Amendment.  The issue comes in when you fly that flag on public property.  The rebel battle flag was associated with many painful things in our nation's history.  I gotta side with putting that to rest when it comes to public institutions.  Also, that flag represents being anti-Union thus, anti-American but can see how some would view it as an historical legacy.

Texans are historically Individualistic Traditionalist.  Its ingrained in the fabric of Texas.  The idea of operating independent of the Federal government goes back to the Texas' inception.  This tradition flavors attitudes and beliefs.  It seems quite normal to fly a Rebel flag (or any flag) at the state house if that's the will of the majority of people of Texas.

As for your other points, you're right on.  Crazy.  Liberals aren't the ones you want fighting terrorist...lol.  Conservatives really aren't the ones you want fighting for progressive social issues either.. 

12 minutes ago, Remmus said:

So mental illness a.k.a. insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome.  Like trying several versions of trickle down economics.  I agree with the points you made with one caveat.  Burning the American flag was somehow protected as a 1st amendment right as a personal expression.  Correct me if I'm wrong (with facts), Its not illegal to fly a confederate flag on your personal property.  You're covered by the 1st Amendment.  The issue comes in when you fly that flag on public property.  The rebel battle flag was associated with many painful things in our nation's history.  I gotta side with putting that to rest when it comes to public institutions.  Also, that flag represents being anti-Union thus, anti-American but can see how some would view it as an historical legacy.

Texans are historically Individualistic Traditionalist.  Its ingrained in the fabric of Texas.  The idea of operating independent of the Federal government goes back to the Texas' inception.  This tradition flavors attitudes and beliefs.  It seems quite normal to fly a Rebel flag (or any flag) at the state house if that's the will of the majority of people of Texas.

As for you other points, you're right on.  Crazy.  Liberals aren't the ones you want fighting terrorist...lol.  Conservatives really aren't the ones you want fighting for progressive social issues either.. 

The Civil War was not fought over slavery so I don't know why it would embody painful memories for Blacks. Perhaps it is because many White racist hate groups adopted the flag. I am anti-Union and have a strong desire to secede from the United States. The reason for my wanting to secede is because of Liberals moving us away from the founding ideas of this nation. Top of the list is progressive social issues. So yes, I do want Conservatives fighting for progressive social issues. This whole country, not just Texas, was founded on independence and self-reliance. For some reason, the Liberals want to move us to a socialistic style governance. Considering nowhere in history has this ever worked, I would label that a mental disease and the very definition of insanity.

17 minutes ago, Englebert said:

Anyone that thinks the common sense pendulum is currently in the middle is lacking common sense. The hatred displayed by the Left for practically every American value is on full display and unparalleled with anything on the Right. The downright arrogance and elitism displayed by the Left is undeniable. The lies the Leftist elitists have propagated on their sheeple (Man-Made Global Warming, Gender Pay Gap, Socialized Medicine, etc.) is unfathomable. No equivalence.

Red light.  "American Values."  I know the ones I grew up with ...probably similar to the same ones you grew up with.  Those values differ from region to region.  Also, what is common sense to one might be insanity to another.  You gotta be willing to look outside of your own bubble.  Some of the most simple headed ideas pass for "common sense" but they fail to address the difficult nuances of situations.  For instance, to stop illegal immigration lets build a wall.  Common sense, case closed.  We probably both agree something needs to be done like yesterday, but its not as simple as building a wall is it?

There's sheeple on both sides sir.  Drinking different kool-aid, but still drinking.  Lets take one of your points, socialized medicine.  There's just some things that should not be left to the private sector.  I'm a capitalist but also know the profit motive left unchecked will lead to havoc in areas that effect humanity ..life and death.  Why does Cuba have better health care that the USA?  This problem was there long before Obamacare.  People go bankrupt in this country from getting sick. I'm talking about hard working God fearing "real" Americans.  We can do better.


21 minutes ago, Englebert said:

The Civil War was not fought over slavery so I don't know why it would embody painful memories for Blacks. Perhaps it is because many White racist hate groups adopted the flag. I am anti-Union and have a strong desire to secede from the United States. The reason for my wanting to secede is because of Liberals moving us away from the founding ideas of this nation. Top of the list is progressive social issues. So yes, I do want Conservatives fighting for progressive social issues. This whole country, not just Texas, was founded on independence and self-reliance. For some reason, the Liberals want to move us to a socialistic style governance. Considering nowhere in history has this ever worked, I would label that a mental disease and the very definition of insanity.

Okay, that clarifies things.  If you're a secessionist, then I see your point of view.  You can argue that liberals want to take us to socialism, but one could argue that harsh conservative beliefs could take us back to the medieval times...lol.  I'm for a hybrid of Capitalism and socialism.  The country is moving toward being socially liberal and fiscally conservative.  That's how many of the millennials lean in the South and mid-west from what I've studied.

Now, I've done quite a bit of study on the Civil War.  It's not entirely true that slavery was the root of the Civil War, but it's not entirely false.  If you were a Radical Republican in the 1800's then the Civil War was all about Slavery.  That was numero uno.  For others in Congress it was about Federalism, Reconstruction, and States Rights.  With that said, the fact that eleven states were holding people stolen from another country in forced servitude... DUDE ...come on buddy.  That's a white elephant too.  


31 minutes ago, Remmus said:

Red light.  "American Values."  I know the ones I grew up with ...probably similar to the same ones you grew up with.  Those values differ from region to region.  Also, what is common sense to one might be insanity to another.  You gotta be willing to look outside of your own bubble.  Some of the most simple headed ideas pass for "common sense" but they fail to address the difficult nuances of situations.  For instance, to stop illegal immigration lets build a wall.  Common sense, case closed.  We probably both agree something needs to be done like yesterday, but its not as simple as building a wall is it?

There's sheeple on both sides sir.  Drinking different kool-aid, but still drinking.  Lets take one of your points, socialized medicine.  There's just some things that should not be left to the private sector.  I'm a capitalist but also know the profit motive left unchecked will lead to havoc in areas that effect humanity ..life and death.  Why does Cuba have better health care that the USA?  This problem was there long before Obamacare.  People go bankrupt in this country from getting sick. I'm talking about hard working God fearing "real" Americans.  We can do better.


Cuba having better healthcare is a myth. Another lie perpetrated by the elitist Left. And when you take away the ability to make profits in the medical profession, we can kiss goodbye the chances of new cures being developed. Do you think Viagra would have been "invented" if there was no possibility of generating a profit?

The American Values I'm referring to should be universal throughout the country, and were at one time. Hard work, whether physical or mental preparedness, and the desire for self-reliance was the key to advancement. The victimhood mentality was not acceptable. The "this country owes me" was also unacceptable. These were never regional values.

And I do not know of anyone that thinks building a wall will fix the immigration problem. Most, if not all, of the people I know are not that stupid. But many on the Left seem to think so.

There are sheeple on both sides, but the Left have more than a hundred to one ratio. No equivalence.

4 minutes ago, Remmus said:

Okay, that clarifies things.  If you're a secessionist, then I see your point of view.  You can argue that liberals want to take us to socialism, but one could argue that harsh conservative beliefs could take us back to the medieval times...lol.  I'm for a hybrid of Capitalism and socialism.  The country is moving toward being socially liberal and fiscally conservative.  That's how many of the millennials lean in the South and mid-west from what I've studied.

Now, I've done quite a bit of study on the Civil War.  It's not entirely true that slavery was the root of the Civil War, but it's not entirely false.  If you were a Radical Republican in the 1800's then the Civil War was all about Slavery.  That was numero uno.  For other in Congress it was about Federalism, Reconstruction, and States Rights.  With that said, the fact that eleven states were holding people stolen from another country in forced servitude... DUDE ...come on buddy.  That's a white elephant too.  


I'm also for a hybrid of Capitalism and Socialism, with the pendulum being on the Capitalism side. That's what our Founding Fathers believed. Again, I don't know of a single person that believes in or wants a pure Capitalistic system. The Liberal elites claim that is gospel to the Right though.

And how can you be socially Liberal and fiscally Conservative, especially when every solution to social injustices involves vast amounts of money?

When the Civil war began, and for the years leading up to it, the South was becoming more and more enraged at Federal Governmental control. The issue of slavery was not one of the contentious points. If slavery did not exist and the rest of the issues being the same, the Civil War would have still been fought. And what was the "DUDE...come on buddy" comment about? I have no idea what you are trying to imply with that comment. Please explain.


28 minutes ago, Englebert said:

Cuba having better healthcare is a myth. Another lie perpetrated the elitist Left. And when you take away the ability to make profits in the medical profession, we can kiss goodbye the chances of new cures being developed. Do you think Viagra would have been "invented" if there was no possibility of generating a profit?

The American Values I'm referring to should be universal throughout the country, and were at one time. Hard work, whether physical or mental preparedness, and the desire for self-reliance was the key to advancement. The victimhood mentality was not acceptable. The "this country owes me" was also unacceptable. This were never a regional values.

And I do not know of anyone that thinks building a wall will fix the immigration problem. Most, if not all, of the people I know are not that stupid. But many on the Left seem to think so.

There are sheeple on both sides, but the Left have more than a hundred to one ratio. No equivalence.

I guess I should define "better."  Good point about innovation, but we can't sell our health for a few miracle drugs.  Also, a lot of that innovation comes from studies is sponsored by the NIH which is government money paying for studies at universities.  I wonder if NIH also funds any private sector research?  If you can pay for it, USA has incredible health care.   Also keep in mind some of these left wing conspiracies are also matched by right wing ones too.  

Will agree about self reliance and the victim mentality as long as we also accept there are some real victims being hurt.  Also, the Bible tells us there will ALWAYS be poor in the land and how we treat them is of the utmost importance to God.  Before you say it, yes, there are some "poor" who are just lazy and living off of the rest of us.  There's also people with all sorts of bad circumstances that put them on a collision course with poverty.  I have no issue with paying higher taxes for the betterment of the our society.  For instance, we should be funding our public colleges and universities.  In return, these institutions can't live high on the hog.  They have to commit to efficiency to save dollars too.  Kids are paying $20,000/semester to attend schools that used to cost $2500/semester.  We can do better.



4 minutes ago, Englebert said:

I'm also for a hybrid of Capitalism and Socialism, with the pendulum being on the Capitalism side. That's what our Founding Fathers believed. Again, I don't know of a single person that believes in or wants a pure Capitalistic system. The Liberal elites claim that is gospel to the Right though.

And how can you be socially Liberal and fiscally Conservative, especially when every solution to social injustices involves vast amounts of money?

When the Civil war began, and for the years leading up to it, the South was becoming more and more enraged at Federal Governmental control. The issue of slavery was not one of the contentious points. If slavery did not exist and the rest of the issues being the same, the Civil War would have still been fought. And what was the "DUDE...come on buddy" comment about? I have no idea what you are trying to imply with that comment. Please explain.


re: social liberalism and fiscal conservatism living together, it's all about that horrible "C" work ...COMPROMISE.  Something our Congress can't do without fear of backlash from voters.  Some -ish just needs tax dollars to pay for it because we believe it's for the common good.

"Dude, come on buddy" = Slavery was not a contentious point?  I gotta assume you're anti-college level textbook too.  If you were a Radical Republican in Congress ...an abolitionist ...that was a hot button point.  Some of that federal control was "no more expansion of slavery"  "...don't bring anymore slaves to this country."  It was definitely in the mix of important issues leading to the Civil War. I agree that it was not the singular reason for the war, but it was one of the points of contention.  The Feds were telling the South how to run their agricultural businesses without supplying funding.  That's an unfunded mandate.  They were also hypocrites in the sense that many of our founding fathers grew up with slaves (from George Washington down the line).  That makes people pissed off.   

1 hour ago, Remmus said:

I guess I should define "better."  Good point about innovation, but we can't sell our health for a few miracle drugs.  Also, a lot of that innovation comes from studies sponsored by the NIH which is government money paying for studies at universities.  I wonder if NIH also funds any private sector research?  If you can pay for it, USA has incredible health care.   Also keep in mind some of these left wing conspiracies are also matched by right wing ones too.  

Will agree about self reliance and the victim mentality as long as we also accept there are some real victims being hurt.  Also, the Bible tells us there will ALWAYS be poor in the land and how we treat them is of the utmost importance to God.  Before you say it, yes, there are some "poor" who are just lazy and living off of the rest of us.  There's also people with all sorts of bad circumstances that put them on a collision course with poverty.  I have no issue with paying higher taxes for the betterment of the our society.  For instance, we should be funding our public colleges and universities.  In return, these institutions can't live high on the hog.  They have to commit to efficiency to save dollars too.  Kids are paying $20,000/semester to attend schools that used to cost $2500/semester.  We can do better.



Why would you think I would not believe that there are some real people being hurt. And why would you possibly think that I would believe that most people that are poor are just lazy and living off the rest of us. This is exactly how the Left elitists try to portray everyone not in lockstep with their socialist beliefs. There are some that believe these things, but there are much more on the Left that believes all on the Right believes these things. Most believe that an unacceptable amount of people are receiving undeserved "help" through fraudulent means. Most believe in "giving a helping hand" through taxation, but are sick of countless instances of fraud. The Left elitists interpret that as "The Right are just greedy people looking out for themselves and could care less about the less fortunate." They also pour out the propaganda lies of "The Right wants dirty air and dirty water, wants to throw grandma over the cliff, if you get sick die early, every company just wants to make obscene profits at the expense of the worker, etc., etc., etc.

If every person in this country was given a free Yugo, do you think the other car companies could survive. I'm curious as to how many innovations would have evolved out of these car companies when profits would be minimal. Do you think car companies would invest billions of dollars on luxury and safety issues when their only market would be the top 1%.

And I find it odd that our educational level, in comparison with other countries, has declined in an exact correlation with increased government funding and involvement. Hummm!

25 minutes ago, Remmus said:

re: social liberalism and fiscal conservatism living together, it's all about that horrible "C" work ...COMPROMISE.  Something our Congress can't do without fear of backlash from voters.  Some -ish just needs tax dollars to pay for it because we believe it's for the common good.

"Dude, come on buddy" = Slavery was not a contentious point?  I gotta assume you're anti-college level textbook too.  If you were a Radical Republican in Congress ...an abolitionist ...that was a hot button point.  Some of that federal control was "no more expansion of slavery"  "...don't bring anymore slaves to this country."  It was definitely in the mix of important issues leading to the Civil War. I agree that it was not the singular reason for the war, but it was one of the points of contention.  The Feds were telling the South how to run their agricultural businesses without supplying funding.  That's an unfunded mandate.  They were also hypocrites in the sense that many of our founding fathers grew up with slaves (from George Washington down the line).  That makes people pissed off.   

What do you mean by "anti-college level textbook"? I have a college degree but am unfamiliar with that term.

I do know there is a plethora of textbooks, college and all levels, that profoundly state that slavery was not one of the contentious points of the Civil War. I also know there are a plethora of books that say slavery was the main cause. I also know that most say that slavery was not the leading cause, but disagree on the level to which slavery was an issue. After reading some of these books in college, and some after college, I've drawn my own conclusion that the Civil War would have been fought regardless of the slavery issue, therefore, not a contentious one.

7 minutes ago, Englebert said:

Why would you think I would not believe that there are some real people being hurt. And why would you possibly think that I would believe that most people that are poor are just lazy and living off the rest of us. This is exactly how the Left elitists try to portray everyone not in lockstep with their socialist beliefs. There are some that belief these things, but there are much more on the Left that believes all on the Right believes these things. Most believe that an unacceptable amount of people are receiving undeserved "help" through fraudulent means. Most believe in "giving a helping hand" through taxation, but are sick of countless instances of fraud. The Left elitists interpret that as "The Right are just greedy people looking out for themselves and could care less about the less fortunate." They also pour out the propaganda lies of "The Right wants dirty air and dirty water, wants to throw grandma over the cliff, if you get sick die early, every company just wants to make obscene profits at the expense of the worker, etc., etc., etc.

If every person in this country was given a free Yugo, do you think the other car companies could survive. I'm curious as to how many innovations would have evolved out of these car companies when profits would be minimal. Do you think car companies would invest billions of dollars on luxury and safety issues when their only market would be the top 1%.

And I find it odd that our educational level, in comparison with other countries, has declined in an exact correlation with increased government funding and involvement. Hummm!

You are really consumed with left elitists.  If you haven't noticed they've been getting their tails kicked in local and now national elections.  Yes, SOME on the left villainize the right with a broad stroke.  It goes both ways though.  All liberal are insane tree huggers?   Both sides play dirty.

I would agree with you re: schools when speaking about PUBLIC K thru 12 schools, but you can't blame the Feds for all the problems with the public schools.  We can go back to personal responsibility as well.  What's your timeline on the effectiveness of federal involvement in schools?  I will agree that throwing only money at the problem isn't the answer.  There are cities that really squander the money and aren't effective.  I'm just not willing to throw the baby out with the bath water.  As for colleges and universities, people still come to America from all over the world to study at our schools.  


5 minutes ago, Englebert said:

What do you mean by "anti-college level textbook"? I have a college degree but am unfamiliar with that term.

I do know there is a plethora of textbooks, college and all levels, that profoundly state that slavery was not one of the contentious points of the Civil War. I also know there are a plethora of books that say slavery was the main cause. I also know that most say that slavery was not the leading cause, but disagree on the level to which slavery was an issue. After reading some of these books in college, and some after college, I've drawn my own conclusion that the Civil War would have been fought regardless of the slavery issue, therefore, not a contentious one.

Packaged that way, I'll agree ...it would still have been fought but reconstruction would have looked much different.  Also, the Radical Republicans would just be called Republicans.  It was the issue of slavery that pushed the term radical.


I love the  continual bantering about trickle down economics.  Guess it depends on how one defines it.  But, rest assured, it has a much better chance of succeeding than the central planning/collectivist approach.

2 minutes ago, stevenash said:

I love the  continual bantering about trickle down economics.  Guess it depends on how one defines it.  But, rest assured, it has a much better chance of succeeding than the central planning/collectivist approach.

Thanks for sharing your views.  It was stimulating and gave me new insights.

34 minutes ago, Remmus said:

You are really consumed with left elitists.  If you haven't noticed they've been getting their tails kicked in local and now national elections.  Yes, SOME on the left villainize the right with a broad stroke.  It goes both ways though.  All liberal are insane tree huggers?   Both sides play dirty.

I would agree with you re: schools when speaking about PUBLIC K thru 12 schools, but you can't blame the Feds for all the problems with the public schools.  We can go back to personal responsibility as well.  What's your timeline on the effectiveness of federal involvement in schools?  I will agree that throwing only money at the problem isn't the answer.  There are cities that really squander the money and aren't effective.  I'm just not willing to throw the baby out with the bath water.  As for colleges and universities, people still come to America from all over the world to study at our schools.  


Yes, for around the last 30 years I've become increasingly sickened by the way too many on the Left portray everyone that doesn't agree with them, and this has increased exponentially in the last 8 years. And the "it goes both ways" does not apply. That's like saying the basketball score was 127-6, but focusing on the point that both teams scored.

I think we agree on many of these issues, just disagree on the amount of acceptable government involvement. But I'm disturbed, but not surprised, that I have to explain my positions. You seem to be projecting many of the Liberal elitist talking points, without giving the benefit of the doubt or even inquiring as to what my beliefs are. I don't blame the Federal government with all of the problems of public schools. I do believe they've caused more harm than good. I do believe that personal responsibility is a huge point, if not the biggest point, in the unacceptable rates of our schools. That is the position of most non-Liberals. But the elitists will spew the belief that all non-Liberals blame everything on government.

Having said that, I do think you are light years above my generalized beliefs of Liberals. You stick to the issues and don't try to resort to personal attacks. That's rare in today's society. But I will state that I believe without a shadow of a doubt that Liberals own that type of "discussion". You sound to me more like a Democrat and much less like a Liberal. In case your wondering, I classify a Liberal as someone who overwhelmingly believes in social justice no matter the cost to the Union. A Democrat is someone that believes government intervention to solve problems is more acceptable than less intervention.

2 hours ago, Remmus said:

So mental illness a.k.a. insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome.  Like trying several versions of trickle down economics.  I agree with the points you made with one caveat.  Burning the American flag was somehow protected as a 1st amendment right as a personal expression.  Correct me if I'm wrong (with facts), Its not illegal to fly a confederate flag on your personal property.  You're covered by the 1st Amendment.  The issue comes in when you fly that flag on public property.  The rebel battle flag was associated with many painful things in our nation's history.  I gotta side with putting that to rest when it comes to public institutions.  Also, that flag represents being anti-Union thus, anti-American but can see how some would view it as an historical legacy.

Texans are historically Individualistic Traditionalist.  Its ingrained in the fabric of Texas.  The idea of operating independent of the Federal government goes back to the Texas' inception.  This tradition flavors attitudes and beliefs.  It seems quite normal to fly a Rebel flag (or any flag) at the state house if that's the will of the majority of people of Texas.

As for your other points, you're right on.  Crazy.  Liberals aren't the ones you want fighting terrorist...lol.  Conservatives really aren't the ones you want fighting for progressive social issues either.. 

Well done on your response.  Have to agree you wouldn't want conservatives fighting for progressive social issues.  But, I'd be willing to bet a few bucks, that when there is a disaster somewhere in the U.S. the majority of folks that show up to help are conservatives.  And Libs think conservatives don't care, which you and I know is male bovine feces.  If only those that needed welfare got it, we'd have more than enough money to take care of them.  Again, we probably agree on that.  We probably agree on more talking points than we disagree on.

Let me welcome you to the dark side of the Forum (beware the Locker Room, it gets crazy in there lol).  And I throughly enjoyed your and Englebert's tête-à-tête.  Takes me a while to get thru them.  I do have a degree, but it's from Vidor Jr Hi. :) 

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