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16 minutes ago, PhatMack19 said:

Prison for King O?


Trump needs to go after all them and make it all public.  Drain the swamp

Watergate was during a time of only 3 channels on TV. NBC, ABC, and CBS. All 3 channels covered watergate EVERYDAY for 2 years. We were tvless during that time. At least now I can watch Andy Taylor and Barney Fife instead.

11 minutes ago, PhatMack19 said:

Prison for King O?


Trump needs to go after all them and make it all public.  Drain the swamp

I agree. I'm baffled as to how the Liberals can be so outraged about Russia allegedly giving some unaltered emails to WikiLeaks, providing proof for them that Russia is "influencing our elections", but not a peep out of them when a sitting President, who was actively campaigning for Hillary, is accused of wire-tapping a political rival. PhatMack is absolutely right, if true this rises to point of prison time. It's clear that Obama, Hillary and anyone else with a "D" after their name gets a get out jail free card, but anyone with a "R" has to face cries of "resign now" and "investigate them now" for any misperception of any word spoken.

And lets look at what examples should evoke outrage from all Americans concerning our free and democratic elections. Which is deserving of outrage (if true):

1. A foreign government (Russia) that steals some emails (no proof provided), does not alter them in any way, and gives them to WikiLeaks in order for the American public to see truthful and factual information about a candidate.

2. Foreign nationals here illegally actually casting votes (illegally) for a candidate.

3. A surrogate for a political candidate, who happens to be the sitting president, orders wiretapping of a political rival during the middle of a contested election.

And if you think that the first one deserves outrage, you should be livid at Obama for going way beyond this to influence the Israeli elections. And if you are outraged about the second one, why do you not support VoterID laws. And if you are in denial about Obama's role in wire-tapping, just ask James Rosen, his parents, and many AP reporters.

2 minutes ago, PAMFAM10 said:

Trump said it so it must be true. Any reliable sources/reports 

If Obama would have said it you would have already carved it in stone as gospel. Does the burden of proof depend entirely on the letter behind your name?

And you failed to answer...if true, are you outraged? You have no proof of Russians "influencing" our elections, but seem pretty outraged about that.

44 minutes ago, PAMFAM10 said:

Trump said it so it must be true. Any reliable sources/reports 

First, Trump would not have let that out if he didn't have something.  Second, this is for you to tell us why this happened:  Since 1980, and 8 years of obama. all wiretap info was funneled to one organization.  They looked at it then funneled it to the appropriate agencies.  But -- on January 23, 2017, 7 days before Trump's inauguration, obama changed the rules and when wiretap info came in it automatically went to "16" different agencies.  Seems pretty shady to me!  But, can you explain why? 

Anyway, here is obama's response to Trump:, " “As part of that practice, neither President Obama nor any White House official ever ordered surveillance on any U.S. citizen,” the statement said. "  The key word is "ordered."  That's a cop-out statement when you want to continue to fool the people.  PS -- we know obama went to the FISA courts twice. 

41 minutes ago, Reagan said:

Here ya go, PAM.  If you are REALLY interested!

This is the hidden content, please

That video supplies not only enough proof for a full investigation, but almost surely subsequent charges being filed.

Great post.  If you care at all, take the time to listen to the whole thing.  As Mr. Levin points out, these are the same tactics used in a Police State


Ok in about a week we can come back to this. Time will tell who was correct Russia influence or this nonsense. But It won't matter because you all will just blame it on media. No evidence but trump said it and a ultra ultra right news outlet with trump ties says so. Ok we shall see.

26 minutes ago, PAMFAM10 said:

Ok in about a week we can come back to this. Time will tell who was correct Russia influence or this nonsense. But It won't matter because you all will just blame it on media. No evidence but trump said it and a ultra ultra right news outlet with trump ties says so. Ok we shall see.

We could have a video of Obama with a set of headphones listening to a conversation and you would say it was fake or photoshopped. Your squeaky clean image of Obama is about to be smeared into muck. 

Answer this......why do you follow a communist/muslim. Are you communist or muslim?

39 minutes ago, baddog said:

We could have a video of Obama with a set of headphones listening to a conversation and you would say it was fake or photoshopped. Your squeaky clean image of Obama is about to be smeared into muck. 

Answer this......why do you follow a communist/muslim. Are you communist or muslim?

He will accept "reasonable" evidence - such as from thinkprogress.org, Huffington post, or MSNBC.

1 hour ago, PAMFAM10 said:

Ok in about a week we can come back to this. Time will tell who was correct Russia influence or this nonsense. But It won't matter because you all will just blame it on media. No evidence but trump said it and a ultra ultra right news outlet with trump ties says so. Ok we shall see.

It's the attorney general, not the president, who signs off on applications for a wiretap warrant. In foreign intelligence cases, those applications must be approved by the FISA court -- a secret tribunal with the authority to grant warrants for electronic surveillance of any "foreign power or agent of a foreign power" engaged in espionage or terrorism..SO, NO, PRESIDENT OBAMA DIDNT TAP HIS PHONE OR HAVE HIS PHONES TAPPED. Did Trump think that President Obama  personally tapped his phones? Lmbo. That man is "cray, cray" and so are his followers

1 hour ago, PAMFAM10 said:

Ok in about a week we can come back to this. Time will tell who was correct Russia influence or this nonsense. But It won't matter because you all will just blame it on media. No evidence but trump said it and a ultra ultra right news outlet with trump ties says so. Ok we shall see.

You keep avoiding my question, but keep posting on the topic. Why is that? Are you scared to answer a simple question? I'll ask again, and as long as you keep posting on the subject, I will keep asking. If true, are you outraged about Obama wiretapping Trump's offices? Please answer. And don't try the copout of "there's no proof" because you actually started a whole topic on a subject in which you have no proof. Just answer the question. It is just a simple little question. Your avoidance screams of evidence that you have something to hide...just like Trump's taxes.

7 minutes ago, Big girl said:

It's the attorney general, not the president, who signs off on applications for a wiretap warrant. In foreign intelligence cases, those applications must be approved by the FISA court -- a secret tribunal with the authority to grant warrants for electronic surveillance of any "foreign power or agent of a foreign power" engaged in espionage or terrorism..SO, NO, PRESIDENT OBAMA DIDNT TAP HIS PHONE OR HAVE HIS PHONES TAPPED. Did Trump think that President Obama  personally tapped his phones? Lmbo. That man is "cray, cray" and so are his followers

Who do you think would give the order to the AG to tap the line?  Obama and his worshipers are a bunch of deplorables.

1 hour ago, PAMFAM10 said:

Ok in about a week we can come back to this. Time will tell who was correct Russia influence or this nonsense. But It won't matter because you all will just blame it on media. No evidence but trump said it and a ultra ultra right news outlet with trump ties says so. Ok we shall see.

From what I've been able to find out, the Russian-gate poop, is just that, poop.  Do I think Trump's phones were tapped?  Almost surely, but I have no idea who or which organization.  We've advanced from media bias, to fake news.  And the more the major media's start reporting poop off the internet, the more poop there will be on the Internet for them to report.  

So your comment, "Ok we shall see".  I'm beginning to wonder in the future if we'll be able to trust anything.

17 minutes ago, Big girl said:

It's the attorney general, not the president, who signs off on applications for a wiretap warrant. In foreign intelligence cases, those applications must be approved by the FISA court -- a secret tribunal with the authority to grant warrants for electronic surveillance of any "foreign power or agent of a foreign power" engaged in espionage or terrorism..SO, NO, PRESIDENT OBAMA DIDNT TAP HIS PHONE OR HAVE HIS PHONES TAPPED. Did Trump think that President Obama  personally tapped his phones? Lmbo. That man is "cray, cray" and so are his followers

Yeah, right. (Just thought I would try your approach.)

From where did you copy/paste that first paragraph? It is too well written for you.

41 minutes ago, Big girl said:

It's the attorney general, not the president, who signs off on applications for a wiretap warrant. In foreign intelligence cases, those applications must be approved by the FISA court -- a secret tribunal with the authority to grant warrants for electronic surveillance of any "foreign power or agent of a foreign power" engaged in espionage or terrorism..SO, NO, PRESIDENT OBAMA DIDNT TAP HIS PHONE OR HAVE HIS PHONES TAPPED. Did Trump think that President Obama  personally tapped his phones? Lmbo. That man is "cray, cray" and so are his followers

But yet you give Obama full credit for killing Bin Laden. Did Obama fire the fatal shout? Oh right, he gave the order. Do you think Trump's phones would have been tapped if Obama refused to give the order? Ponder on that before you give your enlightened response.

1 hour ago, Big girl said:

It's the attorney general, not the president, who signs off on applications for a wiretap warrant. In foreign intelligence cases, those applications must be approved by the FISA court -- a secret tribunal with the authority to grant warrants for electronic surveillance of any "foreign power or agent of a foreign power" engaged in espionage or terrorism..SO, NO, PRESIDENT OBAMA DIDNT TAP HIS PHONE OR HAVE HIS PHONES TAPPED. Did Trump think that President Obama  personally tapped his phones? Lmbo. That man is "cray, cray" and so are his followers

Who's the boss of the Attorney General??  Like he would do anything without his boss' consent or demand!

PS - Did you watch the Mark Levin video?  If you are REALLY interested in the truth, you will watch it!

1 hour ago, Big girl said:

It's the attorney general, not the president, who signs off on applications for a wiretap warrant. In foreign intelligence cases, those applications must be approved by the FISA court -- a secret tribunal with the authority to grant warrants for electronic surveillance of any "foreign power or agent of a foreign power" engaged in espionage or terrorism..SO, NO, PRESIDENT OBAMA DIDNT TAP HIS PHONE OR HAVE HIS PHONES TAPPED. Did Trump think that President Obama  personally tapped his phones? Lmbo. That man is "cray, cray" and so are his followers



7 hours ago, baddog said:

We could have a video of Obama with a set of headphones listening to a conversation and you would say it was fake or photoshopped. Your squeaky clean image of Obama is about to be smeared into muck. 

Answer this......why do you follow a communist/muslim. Are you communist or muslim?

Trump America prove anything you just said.

6 hours ago, Englebert said:

You keep avoiding my question, but keep posting on the topic. Why is that? Are you scared to answer a simple question? I'll ask again, and as long as you keep posting on the subject, I will keep asking. If true, are you outraged about Obama wiretapping Trump's offices? Please answer. And don't try the copout of "there's no proof" because you actually started a whole topic on a subject in which you have no proof. Just answer the question. It is just a simple little question. Your avoidance screams of evidence that you have something to hide...just like Trump's taxes.

I keep telling you you just refuse to accept it. I don't care about trump or Obama doings all politicians play politics and lie. 

5 hours ago, PAMFAM10 said:

I keep telling you you just refuse to accept it. I don't care about trump or Obama doings all politicians play politics and lie. 

You keep refusing to acknowledge you care. You started a whole thread on the subject of the Russians and Sessions, now you try to say "you don't care". Why would anyone go out of their way to start a thread on a subject they care nothing about. Your statements are not congruent with your actions. I have you feeling you won't answer the question not because "you don't care", but because by answering the question you expose yourself as a hypocrite. Isn't that the truth?

Even though you supposedly don't care enough to answer but care enough to start a thread, are you outraged at Obama if he was wiretapping Trump's offices? Such an obvious answer to such a simple little question.

22 hours ago, PhatMack19 said:

Prison for King O?


Trump needs to go after all them and make it all public.  Drain the swamp

See, this is why you can't come on here and have a civilized conversation. You people kill me. You actually sit here and defend this guy with his silly twitter comments. Birds of feather do fly/flock together.

2 hours ago, BLUEDOVE3 said:

See, this is why you can't come on here and have a civilized conversation. You people kill me. You actually sit here and defend this guy with his silly twitter comments. Birds of feather do fly/flock together.

So what "kills you"? You've been attempting to post dirt on Trump since he won the election, and have failed miserably...even starting your very own topic devoted to the endeavor. And you have not condemned Obama once for any of his many transgressions, even "defending" him. Then you have the nerve to say we can't have a civilized conversation. The only thing you seem to be able to come up with is you don't like his twitter comments, but yet Obama was hailed as an innovator for using social media when he rose to prominence. Nobody is on here defending Trump. Many are on here setting the record straight when a Liberal posts fabrications, untruths, and slanderous accusations. If you want to have a civilized conversation, join the adult world.

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