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5 hours ago, baddog said:

To answer the thread topic question.......apparently not. I am sure this could happen, but my skeptical mind says Trump could have been purposely tapped and this would be the excuse......incidental. Let's see where this takes us.

I have already asked if Trump wasn't tapped, how can a phone call be "leaked"? No answer as expected.

This is the hidden content, please

I'm in a different time zone, so imagine my surprise when I wake up and hear this. Can anyone on this board honestly say that there should not be a thorough independent investigation into what took place here? 

7 hours ago, REBgp said:

Anyone care to say why the Repub Bill to fix Obamacare is bad?  Well I'll tell you why, with the disclaimer that I have less education than many of you, so make of it what you will.  It can't be fixed because Obamacare was so bad to begin with.  Unaffordable to most, and unaffordable to the Govt.. If the Repubs get a Bill that all of them agree on, the Bill will be used by the Left and their Media, to demonize the Republican Party.  Even if it's the right thing to do.  Here's the conundrum the Repubs have, Obamacare is so bad it's not fixable.  Not without being demonized.  It's the ultimate Catch 22 of politics.  Got to hand it to the Dems.

I hope I'm wrong.  Been wrong before.  If someone sees a glaring weakness in my argument, please tell me.  Imo, it's a $100,000 Yugo, and "if you think you've fixed it", it's still a Yugo.

Just repeal it then.  That's what he promised.  

5 hours ago, baddog said:

To answer the thread topic question.......apparently not. I am sure this could happen, but my skeptical mind says Trump could have been purposely tapped and this would be the excuse......incidental. Let's see where this takes us.

I have already asked if Trump wasn't tapped, how can a phone call be "leaked"? No answer as expected.

This is the hidden content, please

It's been answered several times, but you don't want to hear it.  WE LISTEN TO RUSSIANS.   WE LISTEN TO FOREIGN AGENTS.    Now, was a phone call with Trump leaked?   No answer expected.

2 minutes ago, Englebert said:

I agree 100%. Just repeal it already, then fight over the replacement (which I think should never materialize).

They don't have the balls.  Reelection and all.   Too many people like the benefits.

19 minutes ago, westend1 said:

It's been answered several times, but you don't want to hear it.  WE LISTEN TO RUSSIANS.   WE LISTEN TO FOREIGN AGENTS.    Now, was a phone call with Trump leaked?   No answer expected.

Don't raise your voice to me. Incidental my arse. 

19 minutes ago, westend1 said:

Just repeal it then.  That's what he promised.  

I just remember him saying he'd change it & it would be better, which I personally think is absurd.  And if the Repubs did repeal it (which it needs to be imo, simply because the cost is prohibitive), they'd be demonized by the Left and the Media.  It's the 800lb gorilla in a very small room that no one knows what to do with it.

26 minutes ago, westend1 said:

They don't have the balls.  Reelection and all.   Too many people like the benefits.

There's where you go off the deep end. It's not that too many people like the benefits, it's that the politicians don't have the balls to stand up to the bad publicity the Liberal media will surely spin. I'm puzzled that you think there are "benefits" to Obamacare, unless you consider people paying for other people's healthcare as a benefit. Most people have realized, through thought or wallet, that their payments have skyrocketed to support those that can't or won't support themselves...which is socialized medicine. Many have realized that they are paying more and receiving less to support those that can't or won't. Some realize that socialized medicine will kill the greatest healthcare system this world has ever seen. 

28 minutes ago, Englebert said:

There's where you go off the deep end. It's not that too many people like the benefits, it's that the politicians don't have the balls to stand up to the bad publicity the Liberal media will surely spin. I'm puzzled that you think there are "benefits" to Obamacare, unless you consider people paying for other people's healthcare as a benefit. Most people have realized, through thought or wallet, that their payments have skyrocketed to support those that can't or won't support themselves...which is socialized medicine. Many have realized that they are paying more and receiving less to support those that can't or won't. Some realize that socialized medicine will kill the greatest healthcare system this world has ever seen. 

Imo, what the proponents of Obamacare think is that everyone will get the same healthcare.  That's not going to happen.  When I was on my employer insurance, I could get better healthcare than someone on welfare.  And the rich could obtain better than me.  Besides, as repeatedly stated on this Forum, when Congress exempted themselves, that exemplified how terrible it was.  And once again for those on the Left, to know how well our Govt runs healthcare, checkout the problems our Veterans have, or go to an Indian Reservation.

And my own experience when forced on Medicare.  My wife and I lost our Personal Physician, and she lost her female Dr.  Neither one takes Medicare.

34 minutes ago, Englebert said:

There's where you go off the deep end. It's not that too many people like the benefits, it's that the politicians don't have the balls to stand up to the bad publicity the Liberal media will surely spin. I'm puzzled that you think there are "benefits" to Obamacare, unless you consider people paying for other people's healthcare as a benefit. Most people have realized, through thought or wallet, that their payments have skyrocketed to support those that can't or won't support themselves...which is socialized medicine. Many have realized that they are paying more and receiving less to support those that can't or won't. Some realize that socialized medicine will kill the greatest healthcare system this world has ever seen. 

You obviously have no pre existing conditions in your family 

15 minutes ago, westend1 said:

You obviously have no pre existing conditions in your family 

Denying people from getting insurance because of a pre-existing condition can be remedied by an executive order, or simply by a slim majority of Congressmen writing a bill. No need to destroy our healthcare system for something that can accomplished in a simple manner. And you are oh so wrong about my family. But what's insulting is that you think I would condone destroying the greatest healthcare system in the world because I have a loved one who can't get coverage. I'm not that selfish. Only a scumbag would advocate for millions to suffer so that one might not.

10 hours ago, Englebert said:

Denying people from getting insurance because of a pre-existing condition can be remedied by an executive order, or simply by a slim majority of Congressmen writing a bill. No need to destroy our healthcare system for something that can accomplished in a simple manner. And you are oh so wrong about my family. But what's insulting is that you think I would condone destroying the greatest healthcare system in the world because I have a loved one who can't get coverage. I'm not that selfish. Only a scumbag would advocate for millions to suffer so that one might not.

Well look in the mirror.  You don't mind millions losing health coverage so you can save a few bucks on your premium

On 3/20/2017 at 9:51 AM, Reagan said:

How about if he starts to put people back to work instead of increasing the welfare rolls, will you give him credit for that also? 

Trump will get credit from me if my life improves because of his presidency. I also care about the elderly folks and the working poor. Everyone receiving government assistance isnt abusing the system and I don't mind some of my tax dollars going in that direction. The majority of politicians are not out to help the blue collar working folks, elderly, hungry children ect. Also Military spending needs to include folks that have and folks that are serving, not just on the latest and greatest equipment


14 minutes ago, new tobie said:

Trump will get credit from me if my life improves because of his presidency. I also care about the elderly folks and the working poor. Everyone receiving government assistance isnt abusing the system and I don't mind some of my tax dollars going in that direction. The majority of politicians are not out to help the blue collar working folks, elderly, hungry children ect. Also Military spending needs to include folks that have and folks that are serving, not just on the latest and greatest equipment


Good post Tobie.

28 minutes ago, westend1 said:

Well look in the mirror.  You don't mind millions losing health coverage so you can save a few bucks on your premium

Nobody is losing anything. Anyone and everyone can go buy their own health insurance. Saying someone is being prevented from (losing) buying health insurance is ludicrous and a indicator of a dominant sheeple gene.

And if you think it is a few bucks then you are living in a typical Liberal fantasy world. The deductibles have gone up so much that health insurance for most people has been rendered as catastrophic only. My insurance premiums and deductibles have went up over 200% since Obamacare, to the point of being useless. And I could not keep my old plan....but thank God I have birth control, maternity and pediatrics, substance abuse and mental health covered in my new plan. By your definition of "losing", I along with millions upon millions of others have essentially lost our healthcare, although we are still paying the premiums. And for what?

58 minutes ago, new tobie said:

Trump will get credit from me if my life improves because of his presidency. I also care about the elderly folks and the working poor. Everyone receiving government assistance isnt abusing the system and I don't mind some of my tax dollars going in that direction. The majority of politicians are not out to help the blue collar working folks, elderly, hungry children ect. Also Military spending needs to include folks that have and folks that are serving, not just on the latest and greatest equipment


Why do you think it is the government's job to improve your life? You should personally work on improving your life without government assistance and/or interference. The government's job is to protect individuals from other individuals/groups, not provide you a pampered lifestyle.

And why do you feel the need to say you care about elderly folks and the working poor? Are you suggesting you are somehow in the minority or unique in this line of thinking? Can you name anyone that doesn't mind helping these groups?

And why do feel the need to add the third statement? Do you feel unique in that line of thinking also, or do you have some stereotypical and fallacy driven mindset that anyone who wants to stop waste, fraud, and abuse in government programs believes we should leave those on government assistance out in the streets to die?

I agree with your views on politicians, but for very different reasons. I believe most politicians are out to help the people, but frankly are not bright enough or don't put much thought into the real role of government. They will help people in order to garner votes, and wouldn't dare eliminate or even reduce a government program that has the slightest illusion of helping people, no matter how fraught with corruption that program might be. They don't give a second thought to the consequences of their actions. They steal from the haves to give to the havenots without ever thinking of what consequences these actions have on the working people.

And I have no idea what you are trying to convey in that last sentence.

11 minutes ago, Englebert said:

Why do you think it is the government's job to improve your life? You should personally work on improving your life without government assistance and/or interference. The government's job is to protect individuals from other individuals/groups, not provide you a pampered lifestyle.

And why do you feel the need to say you care about elderly folks and the working poor? Are you suggesting you are somehow in the minority or unique in this line of thinking? Can you name anyone that doesn't mind helping these groups?

And why do feel the need to add the third statement? Do you feel unique in that line of thinking also, or do you have some stereotypical and fallacy driven mindset that anyone that wants to stop waste, fraud, and abuse in government programs believes we should leave those on government assistance out in the streets to die?

I agree with your views on politicians, but for very different reasons. I believe most politicians are out to help the people, but frankly are not bright enough or don't put much thought into the real role of government. They will help people in order to garner votes, and wouldn't dare eliminate or even reduce a government program that has the slightest illusion of helping people, not matter how fraught with corruption that program might be. They don't give a second thought to the consequences of their actions. They steal from the haves to give to the havenots without ever thinking of what consequences these actions have on the working people.

And I have no idea what you are trying to convey in that last sentence.

I don't need the government to give me anything. I provide many funds to the government so that it may function. I expect things like social security, which I have paid into for many years. I expect some worker rights also. Its not just about corporations, its a give and take. Because of some laws that have been passed, some companies have been doing more taking than giving. I am not a veteran, but i am concerned about the treatment they have received from their current or previous employer. Bush, Obama, Trump........what matters in the end is results. The government needs to remember that they are employees of the Taxpayers, whether the taxpayer is poor or rich.


7 minutes ago, new tobie said:

I don't need the government to give me anything. I provide many funds to the government so that it may function. I expect things like social security, which I have paid into for many years. I expect some worker rights also. Its not just about corporations, its a give and take. Because of some laws that have been passed, some companies have been doing more taking than giving. I am not a veteran, but i am concerned about the treatment they have received from their current or previous employer. Bush, Obama, Trump........what matters in the end is results. The government needs to remember that they are employees of the Taxpayers, whether the taxpayer is poor or rich.


I agree with this post, but your post I responded to says something totally different.

21 minutes ago, Englebert said:

I agree with this post, but your post I responded to says something totally different.

That's what I was trying to perceive in his other post. It was more like a pat on the back for attempting to address issues without race or preconceived notions.

On 3/18/2017 at 9:07 AM, baddog said:

Evasive? I have a skeptical mind. I can think past the news. I try to figure how two sets of phone calls can be leaked other than tapping. Ear to glass on a door? Lol.

Funny how the left is waiting on the burden of proof here but it didn't matter in the Brown or Zimmerman cases. I think Nash already touched on this point in a different 


There is not any evidence that President Obama wiretapped his phone. I doubt the President knows how to wiretap phones. He is lying...Only a judge can order a wiretap so if that happened( there is not any proof) Trump did something wrong

27 minutes ago, baddog said:

That's what I was trying to perceive in his other post. It was more like a pat on the back for attempting to address issues without race or preconceived notions.

Ahhh, you learned a new word. Good for you!!!

1 hour ago, new tobie said:

I don't need the government to give me anything. I provide many funds to the government so that it may function. I expect things like social security, which I have paid into for many years. I expect some worker rights also. Its not just about corporations, its a give and take. Because of some laws that have been passed, some companies have been doing more taking than giving. I am not a veteran, but i am concerned about the treatment they have received from their current or previous employer. Bush, Obama, Trump........what matters in the end is results. The government needs to remember that they are employees of the Taxpayers, whether the taxpayer is poor or rich.


I expect clean water, pollution free air, Medicare, social security. I am a R.N. and i care for the sickest kids in Texas through the MDCP. Some of these kids would die without Medicaid, so i dont have a problem with them receiving aid.

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