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Susan Rice requested to unmask names of Trump transition officials, sources say


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20 hours ago, BLUEDOVE3 said:

See, this is why your party is having the problems it's having. But yall can't help it. It's like a drug habit. It's in yall's  DNA. Yall still haven't learned after all these years. God don't like ugly !!! 

I was thinking that losing the house, the senate, the Presidency and not having a majority of governorships was the bigger example of "not learning"

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21 hours ago, Englebert said:

Is throwing out baseless and false negative stereotypes considered ugly in God's view? Is personal attacks designed to shut down free speech considered ugly in God's view? If so, Liberals are in for a world of hurt.

You think the Republicans are having problems because you confine yourself to news from wing-nut Liberal sources. I bet you didn't even know that Democrats have lost over 1000 seats in the last eight years. If you knew that fact, you wouldn't have embarrassed yourself by making that asinine comment.

I equate your statements with people in the red states complaining about Obama Care, but mad and upset about losing their Affordable Health Care. 

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28 minutes ago, BLUEDOVE3 said:

I equate your statements with people in the red states complaining about Obama Care, but mad and upset about losing their Affordable Health Care. 

And as usual, you would be wrong. Your analytical skills have been proven time and time again to be in severe need of an upgrade. You actually think Obamacare had a positive effect on the nation as a whole. Do I need to provide any more proof of the deficiency in your flawed analytical skills? This is what happens when you fall victim to the biased wing-nut looney Left-wing media.

Many, many videos have shown Democrats think welfare is free money from the government, and have no clue tax payers are the source. There are way more of those than Republicans who don't know Obamacare and the Affordable Health Care Act are one in the same.

And why haven't you provided proof of all of these red state protesters railing about losing their Obamacare. Just because you say it, doesn't make it true. Let me restate that, just because your Liberal leaders are feeding you that garbage, doesn't mean you have to eat it.

Please explain the 1000+ Democrat held seats that are now occupied by Republicans. Do you think any will turn back blue when Obamacare is just a stain in the annuals of history?

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23 hours ago, BLUEDOVE3 said:

See, this is why your party is having the problems it's having. But yall can't help it. It's like a drug habit. It's in yall's  DNA. Yall still haven't learned after all these years. God don't like ugly !!! 

Our party is having problems? Bro, your party got beat by a guy who has never been in politics before in his life. Your party ran a career politician...and lost. And you telling Pubs there party is having problems.. WOW

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