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biggirl, tobie -- What Say You?!


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24 minutes ago, Big girl said:

Define socialism.

I find it hard to believe a person that is capable of ascertaining Trump's psychological profile, with no formal training, is oblivious to the straightforward steps of querying the internet for a simple word definition. Luckily we have some caring, compassionate people such as REBgp to help you out with that flabbergasting task. Of course, the websites you visit might have a completely different definition. If so, why don't you post and we will discuss.

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2 hours ago, Englebert said:

I find it hard to believe a person that is capable of ascertaining Trump's psychological profile, with no formal training, is oblivious to the straightforward steps of querying the internet for a simple word definition. Luckily we have some caring, compassionate people such as REBgp to help you out with that flabbergasting task. Of course, the websites you visit might have a completely different definition. If so, why don't you post and we will discuss.

You know big buddy, I'd guess I've seen at least ten post from the left today, and I can't remember any on thread topic yet.  It's another one of life's mysteries for me to ponder.

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15 minutes ago, Big girl said:



If I write a check that I can't cover, the check bounces, I have to cover the check, and pay a penalty. Democrats call this deficit spending.

WHEN HAVE THE DEMOCRATS DONE ANYTHING FOR VETERANS? As their dommander-in-chief, Obama wouldn't even salute them. What a POS!

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51 minutes ago, Big girl said:



Again -- occupydemocrats!   biggirl -- these people are so far left that everything looks right to them!  Democrats are a hateful bunch to use our fine veterans for political gains when EVERYONE knows they care NOTHING about our veterans!!!

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Wow, what an short sighted and just flat out lie you just posted Big Girl. When the government gives tax breaks to job creators, it is to enable these businesses to expand, thus putting people to work. This serves as dual purpose: to provide a paycheck to many and concurrently getting them off of the government dole, saving the taxpayer money and raking in more tax dollars. The American tax payer does not foot the bill. When Democrats try to help, they confiscate money from hard working tax payers to form an agency that wastes most of the leveraged money through incompetence and corruption. They then throw what money is left over at a problem in which they perform no oversight on who is qualified and in need of these services, and who is gaming the system. Read you history books if you don't believe me.

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And the moral of the story Big Girl, is 1- There's not a single Democrat politician that knows anything about economics, or 2- They do know and their intention is to ruin America financially.  Imo, it's 2.  Whatever direction they can take to do so, be it thru finance, judicially, morality, it doesn't matter.  If (when) they bring America to its knees, we'll be the crown jewel in the new one world government.  Jmo.

PS:  Feel free to laugh at this.  I use to laugh at it to until I started seeing the evidence piling up.

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11 hours ago, Englebert said:

Wow, what an short sighted and just flat out lie you just posted Big Girl. When the government gives tax breaks to job creators, it is to enable these businesses to expand, thus putting people to work. This serves as dual purpose: to provide a paycheck to many and concurrently getting them off of the government dole, saving the taxpayer money and raking in more tax dollars. The American tax payer does not foot the bill. When Democrats try to help, they confiscate money from hard working tax payers to form an agency that wastes most of the leveraged money through incompetence and corruption. They then throw what money is left over at a problem in which they perform no oversight on who is qualified and in need of these services, and who is gaming the system. Read you history books if you don't believe me.

If Trump gets a huge tax break on his personal taxes, how does that help to produce jobs? His corporations are separate entities and are prople too.

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27 minutes ago, Big girl said:

If Trump gets a huge tax break on his personal taxes, how does that help to produce jobs? His corporations are separate entities and are prople too.

Democrats that contributed to the Clinton Foundation are allowed to use this as a kind of tax break.  Do you agree with that?  Really, there is no difference.

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3 minutes ago, stevenash said:

Big Girl- If you own a corporation and you need to expand but are not sure you can afford it, would a tax cut make you more likely or less likely to be able to expand?

But the rich need to pay more.  The left does not realize the rich own businesses, therefore creating employment.  Tax the hell out of the until they close or leave the country.  Dumbarse Democrats!!

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