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Leftys: WMD?


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ISTANBUL—Autopsy results of three victims of

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suggest the banned chemical agent sarin was the cause of death, Turkey’s heath ministry said Thursday.

A Turkish criminal forensics team, with United Nations specialists observing, examined three Syrians who died after being brought to Turkey for treatment following the attack on the village of Khan Sheikhoun.

The death toll is

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. The United Nations Children’s Fund said at least 27 of those killed were children and approximately 550 others, including many children, were injured.


Turkey’s Health Ministry said in a statement that the autopsies showed that victims suffered excess fluid in the lungs, increased lung weight and internal bleeding before death, which it said was suggestive of poisoning by sarin. It didn’t provide any further details, or reasons why the ministry is pointing to sarin as opposed to other nerve agents or poisonous gases.

“Based on the test results, evidence was detected in patients which leads one to think they were exposed to a chemical substance [sarin],” the ministry said.

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5 hours ago, Big girl said:

If it were a weapon of MASS destruction, it wouldve killed more than 85 people. How many people did the atomic bomb kill?

You do realize that the people on this Forum aren't responsible for deciding what is referred to as weapons of mass destruction?  And for your edification the atomic bomb killed approximately 129,000 people, while the conventional bombing of Tokyo killed up to 200,000.  As with all weapons, those used for delivering Chemical Agents are made in different strengths.  There's no doubt that Syria has enough of these to easily kill everyone in NYC.  Even you would have to admit that was mass destruction of human life.

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weap·on of mass de·struc·tion
plural noun: weapons of mass destruction
  1. a chemical, biological or radioactive weapon capable of causing widespread death and destruction.
    In my opinion a chemical that kills only 87 people is not a weapon of MASS destruction
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27 minutes ago, Big girl said:
weap·on of mass de·struc·tion
plural noun: weapons of mass destruction
  1. a chemical, biological or radioactive weapon capable of causing widespread death and destruction.
    In my opinion a chemical that kills only 87 people is not a weapon of MASS destruction

Did you even read my post?  They could have easily killed everyone of the people in that town with chemical weapons.  WMD is not based on how many you kill, it's based on how many you can kill.  In your definition above, capable of causing widespread death.  

North Korea has detonated at least 5 nuclear weapons, and no one was killed and no damage done.  Still, nuclear weapons is a WMD.  You only lose more credibility when you try to defend a preconceived opinion that is totally wrong, by anyone's definition.  

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1 hour ago, REBgp said:

Did you even read my post?  They could have easily killed everyone of the people in that town with chemical weapons.  WMD is not based on how many you kill, it's based on how many you can kill.  In your definition above, capable of causing widespread death.  

North Korea has detonated at least 5 nuclear weapons, and no one was killed and no damage done.  Still, nuclear weapons is a WMD.  You only lose more credibility when you try to defend a preconceived opinion that is totally wrong, by anyone's definition.  

She is also unaware of how many conditions have to be met. Windage, elevation, strength, as you mentioned, all of these things combined have to be right to achieve the maximum effect. She probably didn't learn that at Vista college.

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10 hours ago, Big girl said:
    the majority of.
    "the great mass of the population had little interest in the project"
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    "the mass of our students are licensed drivers"
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    relating to, done by, or affecting large numbers of people or things.

Really? :)

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