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Trump Fires FBI Director


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20 hours ago, stevenash said:

Yes it is.  The actual recommendation to terminate came from  Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, a former U.S. Attorney with a straight-up-the-middle reputation who was only recently confirmed by the Senate by a 96-4 margin

Lol.  Rosenstein had apparently threatened to quit after being blamed for this fiasco

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14 minutes ago, westend1 said:

Lol. No, Nixon just fired the ag, the deputy ag, and the special prosecutor.  Still known as the Saturday night massacre. 

The AG and Deputy AG resigned because Nixon wanted them to fire the special prosecutor and they disagreed.  I was just correcting the all knowing big girl with her comment since she's smarter than everyone on this site.

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1 hour ago, westend1 said:

Do you trust whoever trump picks now?  His spokeswoman said the investigation has gone on too long.  I doubt there is much of a connection between trump and Russia, but haven't you seen enough to cause some concern?   Having sessions, who lied to congress about his own Russian connections, make this decision, should be cause for concern 

 I will answer all your questions, though you refused to answer mine. I have seen a lot of talk between connections with Russia, but I have also not seen any direct evidence to indicate there is something is something there. You show me some proof and I will be the first person to join you. But, yes, there is some concern.

I think Trump needs to be cautious as to whom he picks to fill that role. I think some of you are treating Trump unfairly as well.

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47 minutes ago, westend1 said:

Lol.  Rosenstein had apparently threatened to quit after being blamed for this fiasco

I think you're the most informed person on this thread. Crazy how people on the right try to make this a partisan thing because president is a republican.

I just read some post of people on here talking about the hypocrisy of democrats when you can find 15 clips of agent orange praising Comey for his resolve after he came out and said the investigation to Hillary's emails was reopened. Praise, according to Sara Sanders, the president has been rethinking since the day he was elected. It wasn't until lawmakers asked Comey to speed up the Russia investigation, which subsequently led to him asking Rosenstein for more resources(which the administration denies), that he decided Comey was unfit to lead the agency. All the documentation from the state department Trump used to fire Comey was dated the same day, Sanders said the president acted quickly based on information from a non-partisan source. That makes the story even more odd seeing as how Sally Yates told the White House Mike Flynn was compromised but they held on to him for 18 days until the story was "leaked" to the press which forced their hand. Meaning without those "leaks" we would still have a national security adviser that's also registered as a foreign agent of a country moving increasingly towards autocracy. A country our idiot leader called and congratulated for Edrogan's "referendum" victory in which he consolidated nearly complete power in Turkey.

Reports are that Trump was so angered by Comey's testimony on Capitol Hill the first time that he was screaming at the tv for his refusal to back him up on claims that Obama wiretapped him. Amid all of this he invites Kislyak, who he fired Flynn for lying about meeting with, and Lavrov, who is know to US intelligence as a spy recruiter, into the Oval Office for a meeting closed to US journalist but open to Russian state news media. Media that even Trump's team warned him could be concealing listening devices in cameras.

We're at the point now where leaks about interference in the US election are more important than actual interference in the US election and potential collusion from campaign associates like Manafort, Page and Flynn. People are trying to take the "unmasking" route when the only reason someone is asked to be unmasked is to gauge their intentions from the communications with a foreign agent already being surveilled like the people Page and Flynn were communicating with!

I think tRump is worse than Nixon. Watergate was lies and a cover up about a hotel break in. Russiagate is lies and cover up about collusion with a foreign adversary. In today's climate I'm not sure the right cares to differ though.

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37 minutes ago, baddog said:

I warned you Hillary.......

This is the hidden content, please

I think that would be a good thing. Remove immunity from Hillary's case and give Flynn total immunity like he asked for and let him testify in an open session on Capitol Hill. Make him implicitly state his Russian contacts and ask him who knew what and when in the administration so it can be proved Mike Pence lied twice in an interview in which he said he had no idea Flynn was a foreign agent even though as the head of the transition Sally Yates and Flynn's lawyer let him know that information. Then we can also get Gowdy to testify why he had four more years of hearings lined up when it was thought Hillary would win only to be forgotten about once tRump was elected. In this case it's clear he would be withholding information that wasn't found in the first 21 Benghazi hearings in which $20.5million of taxpayer money was used. With 9/11 only having 22 hearings I would be very interested to know what Gowdy has up his sleeve that would surpass the number of hearings needed to iron out the death of 3,000 people.   

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Hillary behind bars would be a good thing. As for Flynn and the Russian connection...... Just what is it you are looking for? All this crap is a little overwhelming at times and I lose focus. What is it that everyone thinks Trump and the Russians are hiding?

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12 minutes ago, PhatMack19 said:

Do you really believe that if there was anything at all to the Russian deal, it would not have been leaked already?  Keep digging though.  

Pretty much everything the British agent outlined in his dossier has been proven true. Leaks from foreign intelligence agencies are the reason we know Carter Page was meeting with Russian agents in the Seychelles. It's the reason we know Mike Flynn discussed sanctions with Ambassador Kislyak and lied about it. Leaks are the reason we know cables were intercepted with the Russians congratulating each other on their successful interference in the election. They're the reason we know people on the Russian side of the dossier keep turning up dead or in jail. I guess I don't get what you're saying? The only reason we basically know anything is because of the leaks. Republican's worst fear right now is for Flynn to testify and out everybody.    

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3 minutes ago, baddog said:

Hillary behind bars would be a good thing. As for Flynn and the Russian connection...... Just what is it you are looking for? All this crap is a little overwhelming at times and I lose focus. What is it that everyone thinks Trump and the Russians are hiding?

They're hiding the fact that tRump's former campaign manager is under investigation for receiving $12million in payments from a pro-Russian former Ukrainian strongman he used to buy property in the US with and is now under investigation for money laundering. During his time as campaign manager the pro-Ukraine language was removed from the republican platform per Russia's request.

Flynn received $500k from the Turkish government for supposed lobbying but it's now found out that the money came from a Russian oligarch hand-picked by Putin himself. tRump knows they have surveillance on him from his time in Russia while he owned the Ms. Universe pageant which is where some of the info on the dossier comes from. Russian banks are also his largest financiers and have documentation of the Azerbaijan deal in which tRump used contractors associated with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. Flynn said "innocent people don't ask for immunity" and said that "if I had done a tenth of what Hillary Clinton did I would be in prison". Well, Flynn requested immunity for his testimony and lied on paperwork pertaining to his security clearance which should get him sent to prison. That's just the tip of the iceberg though.   

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3 minutes ago, Cougar14.2 said:

They're hiding the fact that tRump's former campaign manager is under investigation for receiving $12million in payments from a pro-Russian former Ukrainian strongman he used to buy property in the US with and is now under investigation for money laundering. During his time as campaign manager the pro-Ukraine language was removed from the republican platform per Russia's request.

Flynn received $500k from the Turkish government for supposed lobbying but it's now found out that the money came from a Russian oligarch hand-picked by Putin himself. tRump knows they have surveillance on him from his time in Russia while he owned the Ms. Universe pageant which is where some of the info on the dossier comes from. Russian banks are also his largest financiers and have documentation of the Azerbaijan deal in which tRump used contractors associated with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. Flynn said "innocent people don't ask for immunity" and said that "if I had done a tenth of what Hillary Clinton did I would be in prison". Well, Flynn requested immunity for his testimony and lied on paperwork pertaining to his security clearance which should get him sent to prison. That's just the tip of the iceberg though.   

How did this cost Clinton the election?

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49 minutes ago, Tigers2010 said:

What exactly did the Russians have done to cost Hilary the election?

For one, I would say the hacking of DNC emails that were released to the public which created a division between the Clinton and Sanders wing of the party causing lots of Sanders supporters to vote third party. My younger cousin just graduated from Lamar and said he wouldn't vote for Hillary because the emails showed Bernie never had a chance. If you look at third party tallies in the battleground states you can see the small numbers she lost by reflected in them.

Where Russia thrives on the international stage is in propaganda and misinformation. Russia tried the same thing in the French election this past weekend to promote Marine Le Pen but it wasn't successful due to the heads up from our election. Where they succeeded at here is the misinformation, stories like the one about Hillary Clinton being behind a child sex trafficking ring being ran out of a pizza parlor. A story amplified by the use of Russian internet bots and one re-tweeted by Mike Flynn as well as his son which caused a deranged gunman to go in and shoot up the place because he wanted to right Hillary's wrong.    

It's said their intentions weren't really to get tRump elected, that was just a plus. Their real goal was to undermine faith in the election process if Hillary, who Putin despises, got elected. They didn't want her to have the stroke in the US or with NATO to strengthen sanctions for their invasion of Crimea, sanctions that leave a half trillion dollar oil deal with the Russian state owned oil company Rosneft and Exxon in limbo.  

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3 minutes ago, Cougar14.2 said:

For one, I would say the hacking of DNC emails that were released to the public which created a division between the Clinton and Sanders wing of the party causing lots of Sanders supporters to vote third party. My younger cousin just graduated from Lamar and said he wouldn't vote for Hillary because the emails showed Bernie never had a chance. If you look at third party tallies in the battleground states you can see the small numbers she lost by reflected in them.

Where Russia thrives on the international stage is in propaganda and misinformation. Russia tried the same thing in the French election this past weekend to promote Marine Le Pen but it wasn't successful due to the heads up from our election. Where they succeeded at here is the misinformation story about Hillary Clinton being behind a child sex trafficking ring being ran out of a pizza parlor. A story amplified by the use of Russian internet bots and one re-tweeted by Mike Flynn as well as his son which caused a deranged gunman to go in and shoot up the place because he wanted to right Hillary's wrong.    

It's said their intentions weren't really to get tRump elected, that was just a plus. Their real goal was to undermine faith in the election process if Hillary, who Putin despises, got elected. They didn't want her to have the stroke in the US or with NATO to strengthen sanctions for their invasion of Crimea, sanctions that leave a half trillion dollar oil deal with the Russian state owned oil company Rosneft and Exxon in limbo.  

I would say that is Clinton and the Democrats fault. I am not upset that something truthful was revealed before the election. Hilary is scum and you know it. The Democrats did this to themselves. I have a hard time putting this on the Russians. Until the Left accepts their role in this whole thing, they will never get out of the hole. 

Come on 14.2, you know Hilary was a terrible candidate.

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4 minutes ago, Tigers2010 said:

I would say that is Clinton and the Democrats fault. I am not upset that something truthful was revealed before the election. Hilary is scum and you know it. The Democrats did this to themselves. I have a hard time putting this on the Russians. Until the Left accepts their role in this whole thing, they will never get out of the hole. 

Come on 14.2, you know Hilary was a terrible candidate.

Lol, there has been no worse candidate than agent orange in American political history. Maybe David Duke or George Wallace? Part of the reason Hillary lost is because she doesn't lean left as Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren. Hillary losing was the worst thing that could have happened to the republican party. Due to the president's gross incompetence it's going to cause republicans to be wiped out in the 2018 midterms just like the democrats were for pushing through health care. Health care republicans will expedite their dismissal for repealing.

You're the perfect replication of a tRump voter. Hillary is scum and should be in jail but a guy that grabs them by the p****, uses loopholes to cheat the government out of taxes, lies about charitable giving, uses the office of the presidency to enrich himself and his family, calls Mexicans rapist and says a Hispanic judge can't do his job because "he's a Mexican"(even though he was born in Indiana), is accused by multiple women of sexual assault while supporting a guy like O'Reilly who paid out millions and was fired for sexual harassment, cheats on all three of his wives, doesn't understand why we had the Civil War, man I could fill up this whole page but I think you get the picture. That guy is ok though? Lol, that's why I don't even get on here anymore. It's a lost cause.

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3 minutes ago, Cougar14.2 said:

Lol, there has been no worse candidate than agent orange in American political history. Maybe David Duke or George Wallace? Part of the reason Hillary lost is because she doesn't lean left as Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren. Hillary losing was the worst thing that could have happened to the republican party. Due to the president's gross incompetence it's going to cause republicans to be wiped out in the 2018 midterms just like the democrats were for pushing through health care. Health care republicans will expedite their dismissal for repealing.

You're the perfect replication of a tRump voter. Hillary is scum and should be in jail but a guy that grabs them by the p****, uses loopholes to cheat the government out of taxes, lies about charitable giving, uses the office of the presidency to enrich himself and his family, calls Mexicans rapist and says a Hispanic judge can't do his job because "he's a Mexican"(even though he was born in Indiana), is accused by multiple women of sexual assault while supporting a guy like O'Reilly who paid out millions and was fired for sexual harassment, cheats on all three of his wives, doesn't understand why we had the Civil War, man I could fill up this whole page but I think you get the picture. That guy is ok though? Lol, that's why I don't even get on here anymore. It's a lost cause.

I guess we shall see. I don't agree with a lot of your analysis, but it does no good to debate those. 2018 will be interesting. I hope you political analysis is similar to your football analysis.  I would guess your just as confident in the Democrats dominating the 2018 elections as you are in Crosby being the best team in the region every year. We all know how that usually goes. 

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