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obama Preaches Inherent Value Of Communism!


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What President Obama is expounding is more than communism. It is the one world government, the new world order.  

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American government & american religions, most of them, have been co opted by the powers that be long time ago.  It was only a matter of time before Trump joined with them.

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4 hours ago, Reagan said:

Well -- like this is a surprise!!

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Socialism, Liberalism = COMMUNISM. Said it all along. There is no difference. People try to separate it into different labels and it all comes back to Communism.

Hey leftys. What say you about your boy Obama? Are you communists? 

No one will answer.......

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31 minutes ago, Kountzer said:

What President Obama is expounding is more than communism. It is the one world government, the new world order.  

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American government & american religions, most of them, have been co opted by the powers that be long time ago.  It was only a matter of time before Trump joined with them.

We don't agree on much, but the one world government will happen.  Don't know when, and along with that will come one currency, which will be implemented with the mark.  The RFID chips being used in pets will be how this will happen, imo.  Some may scoff, but it is coming.

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The mark is not a literal thing.  It is symbolic.   Literal things like RFID chips, etc. may be used to impliment the mark of the beast, but the real true mark is symbolic.   It can be shown from the bible that the beast of Revelation & the little horn of Daniel 7 are one and the same thing, namely: The Roman Catholic Church.   The roman catholic church freely and openly acknowledges that the mark of her authority is Sunday Worship. 

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1 hour ago, TxHoops said:

Seems like someone else is more dangerously affiliated with communists.  Smh

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Ooops, might be a little premature:

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White House National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster said The Washington Post report that President Trump shared highly classified info with the Russian foreign minister and Russian ambassador to the US is false. Source: CNN

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2 minutes ago, baddog said:

According to current and former officials, who shall remain nameless, I don't believe this.

I didn't think many of you would.  Granted, The Washington Post is no "theconservativetreehouse.com", but it is a publication that is probably more adept than most at covering D.C.   I think they may have broken a presidential scandal or two over its 140 year-old history.  

It's funny, I read over and over that liberals don't want dialogue, or they are sheeple, etc., on this site.  But I have read plenty over the past 8 years who were critical of various things President Obama did (and even wrote some of them myself).  I havent read the same criticism from hardcore conservatives on this site yet.  I read a lot of, he wasn't my first choice.  But mostly when it comes to specifics, it's "I don't believe that."  I guess we shall see. 

But in terms of the criticism of the left, it's at best hypocritical, and at worst the panther calling the sheep black...

Which is why I don't post often on this board and consider the dialogues here fruitless most of the time.

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55 minutes ago, 77 said:

why dont Obama do like past Presidents and go and try to do good for people like feed the hungry  instead of community organizing and stirring people up!


If he was a good American he would!  But, he never has been and never will be! 

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6 minutes ago, Englebert said:

Ooops, might be a little premature:

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White House National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster said The Washington Post report that President Trump shared highly classified info with the Russian foreign minister and Russian ambassador to the US is false. Source: CNN

Color me shocked that Trump's NSA issued a denial.  I thought they would come out and confess immediately :rolleyes:

But, Englebert my friend, I genuinely hope the report is false and it was a lot premature.  Because, if true, it's not good for our country which means it's bad for all of us. 

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57 minutes ago, 77 said:

why dont Obama do like past Presidents and go and try to do good for people like feed the hungry  instead of community organizing and stirring people up!


Jimmy Carter was a terrible president in my opinion, but, also in my opinion, is the best of all former presidents and I greatly respect him because of it.  H.W. and Clinton have also worked a lot of worthy causes, often together.  I would hope Obama would do the same.  His popularity around the world is such he could do a lot of good.  He's only a few months removed from office so it's premature to say the least.  I will be greatly disappointed if he doesn't.  

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34 minutes ago, TxHoops said:

I didn't think many of you would.  Granted, The Washington Post is no "theconservativetreehouse.com", but it is a publication that is probably more adept than most at covering D.C.   I think they may have broken a presidential scandal or two over its 140 year-old history.  

It's funny, I read over and over that liberals don't want dialogue, or they are sheeple, etc., on this site.  But I have read plenty over the past 8 years who were critical of various things President Obama did (and even wrote some of them myself).  I havent read the same criticism from hardcore conservatives on this site yet.  I read a lot of, he wasn't my first choice.  But mostly when it comes to specifics, it's "I don't believe that."  I guess we shall see. 

But in terms of the criticism of the left, it's at best hypocritical, and at worst the panther calling the sheep black...

Which is why I don't post often on this board and consider the dialogues here fruitless most of the time.

The only reason I posted what I did is because of the "current and former officials". 

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3 hours ago, TxHoops said:

Color me shocked that Trump's NSA issued a denial.  I thought they would come out and confess immediately :rolleyes:

But, Englebert my friend, I genuinely hope the report is false and it was a lot premature.  Because, if true, it's not good for our country which means it's bad for all of us. 

Normally I would be in total agreement...shocking that someone would backup his boss. I made sure to include the source of the information, CNN, who has unabashedly dogged Trump from the get-go. It's hard for me to imagine that CNN would post a contradictory statement without the strongly worded confirmation that the only denial is from friendly ground. If an accusation of wrongdoing by Obama was "revealed" and FoxNews stated, without comment, that an Obama administrator denied the report, it would be clearly defined who was doing the denying. I'm overwhelmingly confident that CNN would do the same. The fact that CNN did not add commentary or even highlight who the denier was leads me to believe CNN is convinced this is a non-story. And I'm in total agreement with you...I hope this is a non-story.

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7 hours ago, TxHoops said:

Seems like someone else is more dangerously affiliated with communists.  Smh

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The head of the NSC and the the next in line was at the meeting and both say this did not happen.  The Post says an "un-named" source provided the information. 

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2 hours ago, Reagan said:

The head of the NSC and the the next in line was at the meeting and both say this did not happen.  The Post says an "un-named" source provided the information. 

Un-named sources.  Opinionated news stories.  News stories with no investigation.  It's apparent that the press, who many of our Founding Fathers thought of as a watchdog of our democracy, has become a questionable source of news.  Not long ago I posted a link, and someone questioned its accuracy/validity.  My response was, with all the fake, slanted, innuendo, news today, from virtually every source, who do we trust?  Imo, I don't think we can completely trust any!  That, my friends, is a big problem.  It's impossible to keep your car on the road, when you can't see the road (a poor analogy, but hopefully you get the idea).  I could fill this thread with examples from, what use to be, reputable sources.  Every outlet wants to be first.  Get the big scoop.  In the past, when a reporter heard about a story, he made a concerted effort to verify, or get the facts straight.  Now, that same type story might be the headline news of the day, without one iota of research.  

We're no longer getting news.  What we're usually getting now is brainwashed, or at best, half truths, or even pure male bovine feces.  And that's a memo.

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