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39 minutes ago, Big girl said:

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Is he a hypocrite?

I truly don't think he's a hypocrite, he's just so unbelievably stupid and grossly incompetent that he doesn't realize what he's doing. Same way he had the vice president and the communications team telling everybody the reason he fired Comey was because of the deputy AG's recommendation, before his dumb arse did an interview with Lester Holt and flat out admitted he had the "Russia thing" on his mind when he fired him.

He's truly stupid, you see why we've never had a guy that's held elected office be president now. The guy literally fired the head of the agency investigating him, had a meeting with the ambassador and known Russian agent in which he divulged information classified above top secret, an agent which he had to fire his national security advisor for lying about meeting with, an agent the attorney general had to recuse himself for lying about meeting with, and one we wouldn't even know was in the Oval Office had in not been for RUSSIAN STATE MEDIA sending out pictures with our over-joyous numbskull shaking hands with him because US journalist WEREN"T ALLOWED IN THE MEETING. Man, you couldn't write this stuff in a TV script because nobody would believe it. Yet, republicans believe every word and think it's a hoax.  

53 minutes ago, 77 said:

wonder why the media didnt cover with near the excitement the fact that Clinton had a server in her home that was hacked with all those secrets on it?

You are just a crazy person.


48 minutes ago, baddog said:

We are both fighting isis. What information did Trump reveal? No clue?

Russia only fights ISIS in places where Assad's forces struggle, they could care less what happens in the region as long as can prop him up which maintains their influence. After Assad dropped chemical weapons on rebel held areas and killed 1,400 people Obama wanted to go after him but he did it the right way and asked for authorization from congress. Of course congress denied it citing sensitivities with Russia and Drump put out a tweet storm telling Obama how dumb he was for wanting to get involved in correcting human rights atrocities. But after Assad kills 80 with chemical weapons during this administration the idiot shoots off a bunch of missiles at an air base but gives the Russians a heads up so we don't hit crap and the air base is operational the next day, and republicans are fine with it because it wasn't Obama that did it. Russia helps Assad fight rebels, ISIS just gets in the way sometime.

There are different levels of classification, the lowest is what Hillary had on her emails with a "C" notation somewhere near the header. Before last night I thought the highest level was "Top Secret" but undoubtedly there is a classification even higher than that referred to by "code words". US intelligence developed highly classified sources having to do with ISIS' plot to take down civilian airliners with using laptop bombs. The US developed a source inside the Islamic state, the information they were getting from him was highly classified and given a "code word". In a meeting with the Sergei Lavrov and Sergei Kislyak, the Russian ambassador/foreign minister with Kislyak being a known spy, Trump divulged the "code word" information to our mortal adversary. The White House is spinning it saying "the president can declassify anything" which is true. The problem comes in because the information he divulged was given to the US by another allied spy agency under the understanding that it wouldn't be shared with anybody. 

General McMaster yesterday said the story about tRump revealing classified sources was false, but that's not how the report read. tRump idiotically revealed the information the source gave them which an adversary like Russia could back-engineer to determine the source themselves and give a country like Syria a heads up allowing the information to ultimately fall into the wrong hands. The CIA and DNI asked the Washington Post not to reveal the city in which this took place but you can basically assure the cover for whatever source the US developed is blown and that source probably dead or being hunted as we speak.          

37 minutes ago, jv_coach said:

You are just a crazy person.


I always laugh when rep-tards bring up the pay for play thing. Nearly 40% of the people tRump selected for high level government positions were donors to his campaign. Before the inauguration Eric Trump set up a "donations for access" scheme eventually called out as pay for play and was trashed due to ethical conflicts. People in Venezuela are starving due to the government corruption, yet the oil minister donates $500k to tRump's inauguration. After he writes another check for $166k for a total donation of $666k(odd number) his son is granted a meeting with the National Security Council as well as a one on one with Steve Bannon to discuss Venezuela's ten point plan to remove sanctions imposed by Obama in 2014 when the government shot and killed 43 people in the street protesting the corruption.   

But hey, we're at the point in politics now when republicans will look the other way while the White House tries to make friends with Erdogan and Duterte so anything goes now. I bet guys like Corker, McCain and Graham are wishing all they had on their hands was an email scandal. You know we've reached a new level of incompetence in the White House when even McConnell is calling for Merrick Garland to be nominated as FBI director.  

46 minutes ago, Cougar14.2 said:

Russia only fights ISIS in places where Assad's forces struggle, they could care less what happens in the region as long as can prop him up which maintains their influence. After Assad dropped chemical weapons on rebel held areas and killed 1,400 people Obama wanted to go after him but he did it the right way and asked for authorization from congress. Of course congress denied it citing sensitivities with Russia and Drump put out a tweet storm telling Obama how dumb he was for wanting to get involved in correcting human rights atrocities. But after Assad kills 80 with chemical weapons during this administration the idiot shoots off a bunch of missiles at an air base but gives the Russians a heads up so we don't hit crap and the air base is operational the next day, and republicans are fine with it because it wasn't Obama that did it. Russia helps Assad fight rebels, ISIS just gets in the way sometime.

There are different levels of classification, the lowest is what Hillary had on her emails with a "C" notation somewhere near the header. Before last night I thought the highest level was "Top Secret" but undoubtedly there is a classification even higher than that referred to by "code words". US intelligence developed highly classified sources having to do with ISIS' plot to take down civilian airliners with using laptop bombs. The US developed a source inside the Islamic state, the information they were getting from him was highly classified and given a "code word". In a meeting with the Sergei Lavrov and Sergei Kislyak, the Russian ambassador/foreign minister with Kislyak being a known spy, Trump divulged the "code word" information to our mortal adversary. The White House is spinning it saying "the president can declassify anything" which is true. The problem comes in because the information he divulged was given to the US by another allied spy agency under the understanding that it wouldn't be shared with anybody. 

General McMaster yesterday said the story about tRump revealing classified sources was false, but that's not how the report read. tRump idiotically revealed the information the source gave them which an adversary like Russia could back-engineer to determine the source themselves and give a country like Syria a heads up allowing the information to ultimately fall into the wrong hands. The CIA and DNI asked the Washington Post not to reveal the city in which this took place but you can basically assure the cover for whatever source the US developed is blown and that source probably dead or being hunted as we speak.          

You seem well informed, however I march to a different drummer. If you seek all the bad in a person, that is all you will find.

This is the hidden content, please

12 minutes ago, baddog said:

You seem well informed, however I march to a different drummer. If you seek all the bad in a person, that is all you will find.

This is the hidden content, please

This is why the White House is in such disarray. baddog, if you had the influence, you would have been appointed National Security Adviser or similar position.

16 minutes ago, BLUEDOVE3 said:

This is why the White House is in such disarray. baddog, if you had the influence, you would have been appointed National Security Adviser or similar position.

No, Trump can't fart without the whole world knowing about it. Put yourself under the same microscope that you put Trump under and see how you fare. He is trying to do the right thing for everyone, even those that hate him. Like I said, if all you seek is bad, it is all you will find.

Please tell me why the left has national security concerns all of a sudden? You made every excuse in the world for Hillary and her emails and Benghazi. Please tell me the moment conscience hit you.

39 minutes ago, BLUEDOVE3 said:

This is why the White House is in such disarray. baddog, if you had the influence, you would have been appointed National Security Adviser or similar position.



the media tells you the WH is in disarry so you believe it. Trump has done more interviews and news conf. in 100 days than Obama did in 4 years and Trump dont limit his to only his allies which is all but a couple for obama.

2 hours ago, Cougar14.2 said:

I always laugh when rep-tards bring up the pay for play thing.

 Your hypocrisy and double standards are stirring and is worthy of a medal.



A Moscow-based technology initiative funded in part by the Russian government funneled tens of millions of dollars into the Clinton Foundation while Hillary Clinton was serving as secretary of state, according to a new report released Monday.

As President Obama’s top diplomat, Clinton oversaw and facilitated the State Department’s failed five-year project to "reset" U.S.-Russia relations, which spurred the creation of Skolkovo, a research facility known as Russia’s version of Silicon Valley, Clinton Cash author Peter Schweizer wrote in a new 

This is the hidden content, please
, titled "From Russia with Money."

Yet 17 of the 28 American, European, and Russian companies that participated in the Skolkovo initiative were Clinton Foundation donors or sponsored speeches for former President Bill Clinton.

The amount of money given to the foundation from "key" Skolkovo partners ranges from $6.5 to $23.5 million, according to Clinton Foundation data. The foundation only discloses donations in ranges, making it difficult to track the exact amount.

John Chambers, the head of Cisco and member of the Skolkovo Foundation, for example, donated between $1 million to $5 million to the Clinton Foundation, according to the report. Intel Corporation–formerly headed by Craig Barrett, who served on the board of the Skolkovo Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative–has given between $250,000 and $500,000 to the Clinton foundation.

The FBI and U.S. Army determined that Skolkovo had transformed into a "dangerous pathway" for Russian technological espionage and boosted the military’s technological capabilities.

Many Skolkovo research projects used "dual-use" technologies, meaning the operations have both civilian and military uses, the report said.

This is the hidden content, please


You know, the way the left treats Trump reminds me of the N.O crowd blaming Bush for Katrina, even to the point of sabotaging the levees. Trump is no buffoon. He is very smart, a little hap hazard at times but it's because he wants to accomplish so much and everywhere he turns, there's a roadblock. If he could get some bipartisan support from the na na hey hey crowd, things would smooth a bit. Just my two cents.

4 minutes ago, undiscovered said:

Big Girl, if you believe Trump is a hypocrite for this then would you also consider CNN hypocrites for not going after Hillary with the same tenacity?

Please no legit questions that undermine what the massers of the government plantation have said.

3 hours ago, Cougar14.2 said:

There are different levels of classification, the lowest is what Hillary had on her emails with a "C" notation somewhere near the header. Before last night I thought the highest level was "Top Secret" but undoubtedly there is a classification even higher than that referred to by "code words". US intelligence developed highly classified sources having to do with ISIS' plot to take down civilian airliners with using laptop bombs. The US developed a source inside the Islamic state, the information they were getting from him was highly classified and given a "code word". In a meeting with the Sergei Lavrov and Sergei Kislyak, the Russian ambassador/foreign minister with Kislyak being a known spy, Trump divulged the "code word" information to our mortal adversary. The White House is spinning it saying "the president can declassify anything" which is true. The problem comes in because the information he divulged was given to the US by another allied spy agency under the understanding that it wouldn't be shared with anybody. 


Since you are in the know I am sure you are glad that Hillary is not president. Because being in collusion with the Russians is something that Hillary Clinton would never do. I am sure this whole Trump is in Cahoots with Putin could be traced back to an e-mail...

Meanwhile, Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta sat on the executive board of Joule Energy, which claimed to pioneer technology based on harnessing energy from the sun and participated in the Skolkovo initiative.

During Podesta’s time on the board, a Putin-linked government fund gave $35 million to the company.

When Podesta became President Obama’s senior adviser, he failed to disclose his membership on the board in his federal financial disclosure forms as required by federal law.

"I think that everybody at the Russian reset table seems to walk away with something," Schweizer 

This is the hidden content, please
 the New York Post.

"The Clintons, they get their donations and speaking fees in the millions of dollars. The Russians get access to advanced US technology. The tech companies [that participated in the reset, including Cisco, Intel, Microsoft] get special access to the Russian market and workforce," Schweizer added. "At worst, [Russia gets] a more robust military, with technologies that we helped develop, and that can be sold to our enemies."

This is the hidden content, please

2 hours ago, baddog said:

You seem well informed, however I march to a different drummer. If you seek all the bad in a person, that is all you will find.

This is the hidden content, please

You have to march to a different drummer, otherwise you'll follow this administration off the proverbial cliff. Republicans had 21 hearing and spent over $20million investigating Hillary's emails that led to a bunch of nothing. If she or Obama had even been implicated in passing off US intelligence classified even higher than top secret the would already have the articles of impeachment drawn up, not to mention blasted all over conservative media outlets like it was during the campaign when the FBI re-visited Hillary's emails. While we have potentially the worse scandal ever to hit the White House, this morning on Fox and Friends they were talking about JFK's family money coming from bootlegging and Bill Clinton scandals. Crazy how diametrically opposed reporting on the same issue can be these days.  

4 minutes ago, Cougar14.2 said:

You have to march to a different drummer, otherwise you'll follow this administration off the proverbial cliff. Republicans had 21 hearing and spent over $20million investigating Hillary's emails that led to a bunch of nothing. If she or Obama had even been implicated in passing off US intelligence classified even higher than top secret the would already have the articles of impeachment drawn up, not to mention blasted all over conservative media outlets like it was during the campaign when the FBI re-visited Hillary's emails. 


30 minutes ago, jv_coach said:

 Your hypocrisy and double standards are stirring and is worthy of a medal.



A Moscow-based technology initiative funded in part by the Russian government funneled tens of millions of dollars into the Clinton Foundation while Hillary Clinton was serving as secretary of state, according to a new report released Monday.

As President Obama’s top diplomat, Clinton oversaw and facilitated the State Department’s failed five-year project to "reset" U.S.-Russia relations, which spurred the creation of Skolkovo, a research facility known as Russia’s version of Silicon Valley, Clinton Cash author Peter Schweizer wrote in a new 

This is the hidden content, please
, titled "From Russia with Money."

Yet 17 of the 28 American, European, and Russian companies that participated in the Skolkovo initiative were Clinton Foundation donors or sponsored speeches for former President Bill Clinton.

The amount of money given to the foundation from "key" Skolkovo partners ranges from $6.5 to $23.5 million, according to Clinton Foundation data. The foundation only discloses donations in ranges, making it difficult to track the exact amount.

John Chambers, the head of Cisco and member of the Skolkovo Foundation, for example, donated between $1 million to $5 million to the Clinton Foundation, according to the report. Intel Corporation–formerly headed by Craig Barrett, who served on the board of the Skolkovo Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative–has given between $250,000 and $500,000 to the Clinton foundation.

The FBI and U.S. Army determined that Skolkovo had transformed into a "dangerous pathway" for Russian technological espionage and boosted the military’s technological capabilities.

Many Skolkovo research projects used "dual-use" technologies, meaning the operations have both civilian and military uses, the report said.

This is the hidden content, please

LMAO! This is what you came up with? I thought you would at least bring up the issues with the Saudi's or the United Arab Emirates. This is nothing and was looked into by the Treasury Department several years ago. Obama had the largest inauguration ever, Trump had one of the smallest. Obama raised $53million to cover his inauguration with something like 1.6million people, Trump had about 200,000 at his inauguration and raised $107million. Donors don't get their money back, what the administration won't confirm is that about $90million of that is for paid access like foreign diplomats getting a chance to meet him down at Mar-a-Lago. Nevermind the access to the Oval Office Drump gave to state spies because "what was I supposed to do, tell Putin no I wouldn't meet with Lavrov?" Lol, you have to come better than that dude. Agent Orange's corruption during the campaign and first four months in office is already on par with 35 years of Hillary's deeds.

3 minutes ago, Cougar14.2 said:

LMAO! This is what you came up with? I thought you would at least bring up the issues with the Saudi's or the United Arab Emirates. This is nothing and was looked into by the Treasury Department several years ago. Obama had the largest inauguration ever, Trump had one of the smallest. Obama raised $53million to cover his inauguration with something like 1.6million people, Trump had about 200,000 at his inauguration and raised $107million. Donors don't get their money back, what the administration won't confirm is that about $90million of that is for paid access like foreign diplomats getting a chance to meet him down at Mar-a-Lago. Nevermind the access to the Oval Office Drump gave to state spies because "what was I supposed to do, tell Putin no I wouldn't meet with Lavrov?" Lol, you have to come better than that dude. Agent Orange's corruption during the campaign and first four months in office is already on par with 35 years of Hillary's deeds.


19 minutes ago, jv_coach said:


Since you are in the know I am sure you are glad that Hillary is not president. Because being in collusion with the Russians is something that Hillary Clinton would never do. I am sure this whole Trump is in Cahoots with Putin could be traced back to an e-mail...

Meanwhile, Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta sat on the executive board of Joule Energy, which claimed to pioneer technology based on harnessing energy from the sun and participated in the Skolkovo initiative.

During Podesta’s time on the board, a Putin-linked government fund gave $35 million to the company.

When Podesta became President Obama’s senior adviser, he failed to disclose his membership on the board in his federal financial disclosure forms as required by federal law.

"I think that everybody at the Russian reset table seems to walk away with something," Schweizer 

This is the hidden content, please
 the New York Post.

"The Clintons, they get their donations and speaking fees in the millions of dollars. The Russians get access to advanced US technology. The tech companies [that participated in the reset, including Cisco, Intel, Microsoft] get special access to the Russian market and workforce," Schweizer added. "At worst, [Russia gets] a more robust military, with technologies that we helped develop, and that can be sold to our enemies."

This is the hidden content, please

Once again you must do better. Drump bought a mansion in Palm Beach, Florida for $41million. Four years later he sold it to a Russian oligarch, who had once been arrested on charges he hired an assassin, for $100million if you include the brokerage fees. The Russian oligarch never lived in the house and tore it down. We now know FinCen is investigating the Russian oligarch and tRump's organization for money laundering as is often the case for Russian officials to move their stolen money out of the country. You don't have to do 6 degrees of separation with Drump, he does all the dumb s*** himself.

By the way. We sell weapons to any and everybody who doesn't blatantly state they want to kill us like ISIS, Hezbollah, AQAP and the Muslim Brotherhood. What you should be asking is why the White House is taking Putin's position on arming Ukrainian rebels to defend themselves against the Russian invasion.  

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