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44 minutes ago, 2wedge said:

I'll address your dribble in the order you spit it:

1) Immoral/Unscrupulous:  "Grab her by the p....", multiple extramarital affairs, a blatant liar who continues to lie to cover up lies, see entire feuds with both Rosie O'Donnell and Megan Kelly

2) Evil:  Blatant disregard for human life, enciting crowds to riotous levels by suggesting that Bowe Berhgdal be killed for deserting his unit,

And the immigrants I was talking about were never intended to be those illegals that you are concerned with. I guess a better term would be "refugees" who Trump shows no regard for as he tries to block them from entering our country seeking asylum from the atrocities they are suffering in Syria. To dismiss them, as if they were dogs, is the antithesis of that which was taught by Christ. Christians should be the first ones welcoming them to our shores and working to meet their needs. Instead, believers are too worried about who is a terrorist and who is not to have compassion for the 99.9% of them who have no ties to terror at all. Christ said that in order to serve Him we must "lose our lives". While that has a metaphorical connotation it is actually very literal. We serve Christ even though it may endanger us and even though it may cost us our lives. Lots of folks have lost sight of that and have no problem shedding the blood of others to ensure that our lives are preserved.

And this same argument applies to illegal immigrants. I am in favor of the law, but the "hate" (an attribute that you have tried to assign to me) that I see in those conversations from believers really strikes me as foul. It's obvious that some of us have forgotten our status as trespassers and transgressors, so much so that we want to level greater punishments on others than we would ever level upon ourselves.

And no one ever called you a bigot, racist, or deplorable. That is something you have derived from the "liberals" that you obviously loathe, and which I am not to be classified as. However, you have determined that anyone who disagrees with your right wing, America worshiping Christianity is a "liberal nutjob". Carry on brother, I pray you see the error in your ways.

Trump is the devil

46 minutes ago, 2wedge said:

I'll address your dribble in the order you spit it:

1) Immoral/Unscrupulous:  "Grab her by the p....", multiple extramarital affairs, a blatant liar who continues to lie to cover up lies, see entire feuds with both Rosie O'Donnell and Megan Kelly

2) Evil:  Blatant disregard for human life, enciting crowds to riotous levels by suggesting that Bowe Berhgdal be killed for deserting his unit,

And the immigrants I was talking about were never intended to be those illegals that you are concerned with. I guess a better term would be "refugees" who Trump shows no regard for as he tries to block them from entering our country seeking asylum from the atrocities they are suffering in Syria. To dismiss them, as if they were dogs, is the antithesis of that which was taught by Christ. Christians should be the first ones welcoming them to our shores and working to meet their needs. Instead, believers are too worried about who is a terrorist and who is not to have compassion for the 99.9% of them who have no ties to terror at all. Christ said that in order to serve Him we must "lose our lives". While that has a metaphorical connotation it is actually very literal. We serve Christ even though it may endanger us and even though it may cost us our lives. Lots of folks have lost sight of that and have no problem shedding the blood of others to ensure that our lives are preserved.

And this same argument applies to illegal immigrants. I am in favor of the law, but the "hate" (an attribute that you have tried to assign to me) that I see in those conversations from believers really strikes me as foul. It's obvious that some of us have forgotten our status as trespassers and transgressors, so much so that we want to level greater punishments on others than we would ever level upon ourselves.

And no one ever called you a bigot, racist, or deplorable. That is something you have derived from the "liberals" that you obviously loathe, and which I am not to be classified as. However, you have determined that anyone who disagrees with your right wing, America worshiping Christianity is a "liberal nutjob". Carry on brother, I pray you see the error in your ways.

Again, so much wrong. You have some very selective criteria for who gets classified as immoral, unscrupulous, or evil...which seems to be based entirely on political affiliation. That's just sad.

And Trump said he wants a temporary ban on immigration from countries where many of the population have outspokenly said they want to kill us. This temporary ban is until we can fix our vetting procedures. That's his approach, but somehow your Liberal leaders have burned it into your brain that this makes him evil, and a sign of a blatant disregard for human life. How any sane person can come to that conclusion is just baffling. Your assertion that Trump is dismissing them like dogs comes straight from the looney Liberal talking points, and you fell for it hook, line, and sinker. Your assertion that anyone restricting access to this country is somehow incompassionate is another fable straight from the Liberal talking points. Setting up safe zones for refugees in their own country would be an unacceptable solution for your line of thinking...no, we must bring them here while disregarding our own safety. That's what happens when you worship at the feet of Liberal ideology.

Your third paragraph is just an indecipherable rant.

You need to work on your analytical skills. Your judgement is clouded to the point of ridiculousness from basking in the filth that is Liberal logic. Deny all you want, but the obvious is just that...obvious.

22 hours ago, 2wedge said:

Then your not looking very hard. He literally fired Comey because he was looking into the Russia allegations, then tweeted that Comey "better hope there are no tapes" of their conversations. That's just one of many examples. Spare me the "liberal media" speech because that is not the root of this. I am no Trump fan, but I'm certainly no liberal either. I would ask any follower of Christ to explain why they thought they could support a man like Donald Trump. Between his blatant immorality, his disregard for human life, and his insistence that immigrants be locked out and deported, I can find no reason for any believer to attach their name to this man. Yet, so many do because he "wasn't Hilary" and said he was pro-life. Hear me on this:  Pro life means pro life. That's pro life of fetus', pro life of immigrants, pro life of Bowe Berghdal. There is no distinction. He is as evil as any candidate that the liberals would've put up there and he is not the "lesser of two evils". He is the equal of two evils.

Nevertheless, the Lord has ordained this man as the leader of our country and I will continue to seek the Lord until His purposes in this are made clear. I just fear that the one all these believers think is going to be our savior is the one being used by the Lord as an instrument of judgment.



16 hours ago, baddog said:

If you weren't the victim of rectal/cranial inversion, you could possibly debate instead of your typical name calling and first grade na na na na na na attitude. 

Your boy Obama is the biggest racist to hold public office, especially POTUS.

The pot calling the kettle black. 

5 hours ago, REBgp said:

I haven't opened the link yet, but I'm curious, is, "You can keep your health insurance", on there?  How about, "A durn video caused Bengazi"?  I wonder if there's a link of all Obama's lies?  That'd be a big one.

Why are you deflecting

12 minutes ago, Englebert said:

Again, so much wrong. You have some very selective criteria for who gets classified as immoral, unscrupulous, or evil...which seems to be based entirely on political affiliation. That's just sad.

And Trump said he wants a temporary ban on immigration from countries where many of the population have outspokenly said they want to kill us. This temporary ban is until we can fix our vetting procedures. That's his approach, but somehow your Liberal leaders have burned it into your brain that this makes him evil, and a sign of a blatant disregard for human life. How any sane person can come to that conclusion is just baffling. Your assertion that Trump is dismissing them like dogs comes straight from the looney Liberal talking points, and you fell for it hook, line, and sinker. Your assertion that anyone restricting access to this country is somehow incompassionate is another fable straight from the Liberal talking points. Setting up safe zones for refugees in their own country would be an unacceptable solution for your line of thinking...no, we must bring them here while disregarding our own safety. That's what happens when you worship at the feet of Liberal ideology.

Your third paragraph is just an indecipherable rant.

You need to work on your analytical skills. Your judgement is clouded to the point of ridiculousness from basking in the filth that is Liberal logic. Deny all you want, but the obvious is just that...obvious.

Why didnt he include Saudia Arabia?

5 hours ago, REBgp said:

And many have more hair in their eyebrows, noses, and ears than they do on their heads.

And back on topic, Trump is playing the media, and the democrats.

All my facial hair connects to my back hair!! Lol

17 minutes ago, Big girl said:

Why are you deflecting

I wasn't deflecting, I was trying to point out the hypocrisy of anyone calling Trump a liar that never called Obama a liar.  So let me ask you Big girl, was Obama a liar?

44 minutes ago, REBgp said:

I wasn't deflecting, I was trying to point out the hypocrisy of anyone calling Trump a liar that never called Obama a liar.  So let me ask you Big girl, was Obama a liar?

Let me answer for her.  Obama is black, therefore Big girl will no see no wrong in anything that idiot said,says,did, or will do in the future.  So in her eyes, Obama is not a liar.  Knew she wouldn't respond to your question, so I helped her out.

23 hours ago, Englebert said:

Wow, so much hate with little to no evidence to support that hate.

Why did you conveniently forget to include the word "illegal" when you stated "his insistence that immigrants be locked out and deported"? Is it because it just blows your whole narrative sky high? I would ask you to comment on various other parts of this rant, but let's just stick to this one first.

If Big Girl wont answer this question, perhaps NewTobie will?

1 hour ago, Big girl said:

Why didnt he include Saudia Arabia?

I don't know. Why didn't he include Saudi Arabia? Why did he choose the same exact countries Obama selected in his Terrorist Travel Prevention Act?

25 minutes ago, BS Wildcats said:

Let me answer for her.  Obama is black, therefore Big girl will no see no wrong in anything that idiot said,says,did, or will do in the future.  So in her eyes, Obama is not a liar.  Knew she wouldn't respond to your question, so I helped her out.

Trump is a white f....idiot therefore you will see no wrong in anything he says or does. You and your cronies think that trump is not a liar. Same thing, you think trump is a honest christian president when he lies on a daily basis, he has disrespected every republican candidate for president and some of their family members. He has disrespected both bush ex presidents . No living ex president supported him in the election. His wife has naked pictures grabbing her lady parts, but yet they are such an American family. he is surrounded by the biggest group of crooks the history of the presidency. And this supporting President Obama because he is black, I gave Mr Bill Clinton more support during his two great terms as president. Mr Clinton has forgotten more about politics than grab um will ever know. Donald is giving comedians material every time he opens that freakin mouth of his. He probably want keep the presidency for four years and will probably welcome wife #4. He already has 5 kids for three different baby mommas. With Trump we can turn on the news and get the Jerry Springer white house news everyday. Just hope he don't bankrupt us like he has his businesses. Paul Ryan, Steve Bannon, jeff Sessions, thats some scary sh....t.

13 minutes ago, new tobie said:

Trump is a white f....idiot therefore you will see no wrong in anything he says or does. You and your cronies think that trump is not a liar. Same thing, you think trump is a honest christian president when he lies on a daily basis, he has disrespected every republican candidate for president and some of their family members. He has disrespected both bush ex presidents . No living ex president supported him in the election. His wife has naked pictures grabbing her lady parts, but yet they are such an American family. he is surrounded by the biggest group of crooks the history of the presidency. And this supporting President Obama because he is black, I gave Mr Bill Clinton more support during his two great terms as president. Mr Clinton has forgotten more about politics than grab um will ever know. Donald is giving comedians material every time he opens that freakin mouth of his. He probably want keep the presidency for four years and will probably welcome wife #4. He already has 5 kids for three different baby mommas. With Trump we can turn on the news and get the Jerry Springer white house news everyday. Just hope he don't bankrupt us like he has his businesses. Paul Ryan, Steve Bannon, jeff Sessions, thats some scary sh....t.

You are so disturbed by the "moral conduct" of Mr. Trump but yet have no problem whatsoever with Monica and all of the other  Bill Clinton dalliances while occupying the Presidential office or the Governors office.  Why is that?

14 minutes ago, new tobie said:

Trump is a white f....idiot therefore you will see no wrong in anything he says or does. You and your cronies think that trump is not a liar. Same thing, you think trump is a honest christian president when he lies on a daily basis, he has disrespected every republican candidate for president and some of their family members. He has disrespected both bush ex presidents . No living ex president supported him in the election. His wife has naked pictures grabbing her lady parts, but yet they are such an American family. he is surrounded by the biggest group of crooks the history of the presidency. And this supporting President Obama because he is black, I gave Mr Bill Clinton more support during his two great terms as president. Mr Clinton has forgotten more about politics than grab um will ever know. Donald is giving comedians material every time he opens that freakin mouth of his. He probably want keep the presidency for four years and will probably welcome wife #4. He already has 5 kids for three different baby mommas. With Trump we can turn on the news and get the Jerry Springer white house news everyday. Just hope he don't bankrupt us like he has his businesses. Paul Ryan, Steve Bannon, jeff Sessions, thats some scary sh....t.

Evidently you have no idea about who I wanted for potus.  Do I agree with everything he does, hell no.  The difference between me and you, is that I will say that about Trump, you feel that Obama walks on water.  Take them blinders off

7 minutes ago, stevenash said:

You are so disturbed by the "moral conduct" of Mr. Trump but yet have no problem whatsoever with Monica and all of the other  Bill Clinton dalliances while occupying the Presidential office or the Governors office.  Why is that?

I've asked him that many, many times, but he refuses to answer. I'm fairly certain the answer lies strictly with party affiliation (as you, I, and everyone on this board already knows), though he won't admit it.

But let's give it another try. new tobie, can you answer stevenash's question? This is probably the 20th or 50th time you've been asked. Why do you run from such a simple question?

1 hour ago, Englebert said:

I've asked him that many, many times, but he refuses to answer. I'm fairly certain the answer lies strictly with party affiliation (as you, I, and everyone on this board already knows), though he won't admit it.

But let's give it another try. new tobie, can you answer stevenash's question? This is probably the 20th or 50th time you've been asked. Why do you run from such a simple question?

Because he likes crickets?

1 hour ago, stevenash said:

You are so disturbed by the "moral conduct" of Mr. Trump but yet have no problem whatsoever with Monica and all of the other  Bill Clinton dalliances while occupying the Presidential office or the Governors office.  Why is that?

If your asking if "New Tobie" and I are the same person, the answer is no. I am not him and have my own opinions.


1 hour ago, Englebert said:

I've asked him that many, many times, but he refuses to answer. I'm fairly certain the answer lies strictly with party affiliation (as you, I, and everyone on this board already knows), though he won't admit it.

But let's give it another try. new tobie, can you answer stevenash's question? This is probably the 20th or 50th time you've been asked. Why do you run from such a simple question?

I have said before, I have no liberal party affiliation. This isn't ok for you because, in your world, you are either conservative or liberal and that's what shapes you.

In reality, if you cannot stand back and see Donald Trump as the ignorant, arrogant, immoral, lying, cheat that he is, then you are the one blinded by your bias. He is everything I have asserted him to be and your only rebuttal to that is that I am supposedly a liberal. You say I have a liberal media bias as you eat Cheetos, watch Fox News and read Breitbart.

6 minutes ago, 2wedge said:

If your asking if "New Tobie" and I are the same person, the answer is no. I am not him and have my own opinions.


I have said before, I have no liberal party affiliation. This isn't ok for you because, in your world, you are either conservative or liberal and that's what shapes you.

In reality, if you cannot stand back and see Donald Trump as the ignorant, arrogant, immoral, lying, cheat that he is, then you are the one blinded by your bias. He is everything I have asserted him to be and your only rebuttal to that is that I am supposedly a liberal. You say I have a liberal media bias as you eat Cheetos, watch Fox News and read Breitbart.

Now, 2wedge, where is your compassion and tolerance?

1 hour ago, new tobie said:

Trump is a white f....idiot therefore you will see no wrong in anything he says or does. You and your cronies think that trump is not a liar. Same thing, you think trump is a honest christian president when he lies on a daily basis, he has disrespected every republican candidate for president and some of their family members. He has disrespected both bush ex presidents . No living ex president supported him in the election. His wife has naked pictures grabbing her lady parts, but yet they are such an American family. he is surrounded by the biggest group of crooks the history of the presidency. And this supporting President Obama because he is black, I gave Mr Bill Clinton more support during his two great terms as president. Mr Clinton has forgotten more about politics than grab um will ever know. Donald is giving comedians material every time he opens that freakin mouth of his. He probably want keep the presidency for four years and will probably welcome wife #4. He already has 5 kids for three different baby mommas. With Trump we can turn on the news and get the Jerry Springer white house news everyday. Just hope he don't bankrupt us like he has his businesses. Paul Ryan, Steve Bannon, jeff Sessions, thats some scary sh....t.

You do realize new tobie that you're spewing hate.  That's the kind of talk that perpetuates acts of violence like happened today.  I didn't like Obama, but I didn't hate him.

13 minutes ago, 2wedge said:

If your asking if "New Tobie" and I are the same person, the answer is no. I am not him and have my own opinions.


I have said before, I have no liberal party affiliation. This isn't ok for you because, in your world, you are either conservative or liberal and that's what shapes you.

In reality, if you cannot stand back and see Donald Trump as the ignorant, arrogant, immoral, lying, cheat that he is, then you are the one blinded by your bias. He is everything I have asserted him to be and your only rebuttal to that is that I am supposedly a liberal. You say I have a liberal media bias as you eat Cheetos, watch Fox News and read Breitbart.

It's hilarious that your only defense is to try to label me. Spoken like a true Liberal. If you would spend more time analyzing the biased media's descriptions of Trump rather than trying to pigeon-hole me you might come to the realization that you are being played like the good little sheeple that you are. To spout that Trump is ignorant just shows your ignorance. To focus on Trump's non-PC mannerisms and his past dalliances instead of his policies, and the effects of those policies just shows you are gullible and prime fodder for Liberal picking. It's easy to pick out a Liberal, just look at their point of focus. Liberals always choose personal attacks over policy debates. Do you hear that bell ringing in your ear?

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