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When you think of a Liberal what do you see or when you think Conservative what do you think ?

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21 minutes ago, Fee Dee said:

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If this is true, why do the Liberals always shout the stupidest things and can never defend their nasty and vile comments. This picture more actually illustrates that someone seems to have a high opinion of himself...almost elitist, but definitely delusional.

7 minutes ago, Fee Dee said:

I think it's trying to show broad open minded person vs a closed not open to other ideas type of person someone stuck in the past. Just a thought.

No, it's a total lie based on untruthful stereotypes dreamed up in the hateful minds of intolerant Liberals. It allows the Liberal sheeple to express their true colors while keeping their defense of deniability intact.


From  my perspective, one of the larger problems with the left is its sincere belief that they are smarter, more reasonable, more objective, yada yada yada.

And it defines compassion as whoever will provide the most taxpayer money to the needy regardless of how inefficient those methods are.

This dismissive condescending attitude, rather than being helpful, has been proven ( at all polls) to be counterproductive.

15 minutes ago, Fee Dee said:

I think you are okay, kind of nutty but okay!  If you knew me, I doubt that you would think I'm hateful.

I've witnessed your analytical skills, so I take no offense to your condescending attitude. And your posts are revealing your unsubstantiated hate towards people that don't tow the wing-nut Liberal/Socialist agenda.


Like Fee Dee, I am not a bad person. I believe in God, family, country, free enterprise, self protection (guns). This is the greatest country in the world, even with all our problems, and it got that way with capitalism. Anyone wanting to change that to socialism/communism is totally against me. Too many people have died fighting communism so that I may enjoy the free lifestyle of being an American.That's as simple as I can put that. Like Nash said, the compassionate left is a smoke screen. Check out Berkley. Your picture is backwards.


Liberals and conservatives in my opinion both try way to hard to push there values on all citizens. Both paint the opposition as the boggie man. No party is consern with solving the issues. To be liberal is to be anti anything conservative and to be conservative means to be anti anything liberal.


They wouldn't agree that 1+1 is 2 because that mean they'll have to go on record agreeing with the opposition. And in politics there's a special place in hell for agreeing across party lines. 

So I view both as worthless puppets who take pride in the art of disagreement.

13 minutes ago, Englebert said:

I've witnessed your analytical skills, so I take no offense to your condescending attitude. And your posts are revealing your unsubstantiated hate towards people that don't tow the wing-nut Liberal/Socialist agenda.


13 minutes ago, Englebert said:

I've witnessed your analytical skills, so I take no offense to your condescending attitude. And your posts are revealing your unsubstantiated hate towards people that don't tow the wing-nut Liberal/Socialist agenda.


That's plain nuts, I love people, like to pull their strings but I don't hate anyone.

13 minutes ago, baddog said:

Like Fee Dee, I am not a bad person. I believe in God, family, country, free enterprise, self protection (guns). This is the greatest country in the world, even with all our problems, and it got that way with capitalism. Anyone wanting to change that to socialism/communism is totally against me. Too many people have died fighting communism so that I may enjoy the free lifestyle of being an American.That's as simple as I can put that. Like Nash said, the compassionate left is a smoke screen. Check out Berkley. Your picture is backwards.

I believe in country, guns (for protection) and yes we have a great country even with the problems, don't want to change our system of government. just want to fix what's broken, rather than fight each other maybe we could identify what needs fixing and agree on a fix. But in order to do that, we must hear each other and stop trying to one-up each other.

5 minutes ago, Fee Dee said:


That's plain nuts, I love people, like to pull their strings but I don't hate anyone.

I believe in country, guns (for protection) and yes we have a great country even with the problems, don't want to change our system of government. just want to fix what's broken, rather than fight each other maybe we could identify what needs fixing and agree on a fix. But in order to do that, we must hear each other and stop trying to one-up each other.

Well then keep trying to pull them. You've been unsuccessful so far.

20 minutes ago, Fee Dee said:


That's plain nuts, I love people, like to pull their strings but I don't hate anyone.

I believe in country, guns (for protection) and yes we have a great country even with the problems, don't want to change our system of government. just want to fix what's broken, rather than fight each other maybe we could identify what needs fixing and agree on a fix. But in order to do that, we must hear each other and stop trying to one-up each other.

The problem is, many on the Ultra Left do want to change our system of Govt.  Hodgkinson, who worked on Bernie's campaign, had put on Facebook, "Democratic Socialism explained in 3 words, We the People".  Bernie Sanders is not a democrat, he's a Socialist, and if not for the questionable antics of the DNC, might have won the nomination.  I pray that liberals, like yourself, might realize what the Democratic Party is morphing into, and somehow change the direction.  I don't agree with democrats, but I can't stand socialist.  

17 minutes ago, REBgp said:

The problem is, many on the Ultra Left do want to change our system of Govt.  Hodgkinson, who worked on Bernie's campaign, had put on Facebook, "Democratic Socialism explained in 3 words, We the People".  Bernie Sanders is not a democrat, he's a Socialist, and if not for the questionable antics of the DNC, might have won the nomination.  I pray that liberals, like yourself, might realize what the Democratic Party is morphing into, and somehow change the direction.  I don't agree with democrats, but I can't stand socialist.  

1 hour ago, Englebert said:

I've witnessed your analytical skills, so I take no offense to your condescending attitude. And your posts are revealing your unsubstantiated hate towards people that don't tow the wing-nut Liberal/Socialist agenda.


1 hour ago, Englebert said:

I've witnessed your analytical skills, so I take no offense to your condescending attitude. And your posts are revealing your unsubstantiated hate towards people that don't tow the wing-nut Liberal/Socialist agenda.


That's plain nuts, I love people, like to pull their strings but I don't hate anyone.

1 hour ago, baddog said:

Like Fee Dee, I am not a bad person. I believe in God, family, country, free enterprise, self protection (guns). This is the greatest country in the world, even with all our problems, and it got that way with capitalism. Anyone wanting to change that to socialism/communism is totally against me. Too many people have died fighting communism so that I may enjoy the free lifestyle of being an American.That's as simple as I can put that. Like Nash said, the compassionate left is a smoke screen. Check out Berkley. Your picture is backwards.

I believe in country, guns (for protection) and yes we have a great country even with the problems, don't want to change our system of government. just want to fix what's broken, rather than fight each other maybe we could identify what needs fixing and agree on a fix. But in order to do that, we must hear each other and stop trying to one-up each other.

17 minutes ago, REBgp said:

The problem is, many on the Ultra Left do want to change our system of Govt.  Hodgkinson, who worked on Bernie's campaign, had put on Facebook, "Democratic Socialism explained in 3 words, We the People".  Bernie Sanders is not a democrat, he's a Socialist, and if not for the questionable antics of the DNC, might have won the nomination.  I pray that liberals, like yourself, might realize what the Democratic Party is morphing into, and somehow change the direction.  I don't agree with democrats, but I can't stand socialist.  

You know I have a lot of respect for your opinions, so I ask you, what do you think of when you think of a socialist?  Conservatives use that word a lot? It may mean two different things to us, I know what the dictionary say.  


The dictionary I just consulted says:  a person who aadvocate or practices socialism.  synonyms- left wing, leftist, anti-corporate, antiglobalization


Now that we have the dictionary version established, your point is?

1 hour ago, Fee Dee said:


That's plain nuts, I love people, like to pull their strings but I don't hate anyone.

I believe in country, guns (for protection) and yes we have a great country even with the problems, don't want to change our system of government. just want to fix what's broken, rather than fight each other maybe we could identify what needs fixing and agree on a fix. But in order to do that, we must hear each other and stop trying to one-up each other.

Ah, but the far left is communist and wants the government to control everything in our daily lives, even to the point of telling us what foods we can eat. Oops, we're already there. 

There are some older liberals that maybe I could sit and have a beer with, discussing how to rule the world, but the millennials are a whole nother animal. There is no discussion. It's their way or the highway. And if you refuse, they will go up side your head. That's not even civilized. I don't think I am better than everyone else, but I am not going to listen how everything that is wrong with the country is because of white privilege. 

I wonder, is there yellow privilege in China?


Where did you get this white privilege crap from, in this country, it's the 1% against the rest of us? Stop trying to make this into a race issue, it's about conservatives and liberals, there are plenty of black conservatives, God knows I can't explain it!

2 hours ago, Fee Dee said:

I think it's trying to show broad open minded person vs a closed not open to other ideas type of person someone stuck in the past. Just a thought.

There is absolutely nothing broad and open minded about Democrats as a party and as a whole. Individuals might be but not collectively. 

The “open minded” party will not even allow a conservative to speak on a college campus where people claim that free thought is encouraged. 

The open minded Democratic party is a myth. 

31 minutes ago, stevenash said:

The dictionary I just consulted says:  a person who aadvocate or practices socialism.  synonyms- left wing, leftist, anti-corporate, antiglobalization


Now that we have the dictionary version established, your point is?

My point is what comes to your mind before you consulted the dictionary? 

6 minutes ago, Fee Dee said:

Where did you get this white privilege crap from, in this country, it's the 1% against the rest of us? Stop trying to make this into a race issue, it's about conservatives and liberals, there are plenty of black conservatives, God knows I can't explain it!

Maybe those are the open minded people that you claim for the Democrats. Once they open their minds, they left the home party. 

12 minutes ago, Fee Dee said:

Where did you get this white privilege crap from, in this country, it's the 1% against the rest of us? Stop trying to make this into a race issue, it's about conservatives and liberals, there are plenty of black conservatives, God knows I can't explain it!

I don't think of it as racist when white people are crying in the same towel. No matter their color, millennials scream white privilege all the time. It gets old after a while. That is our future?

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