Octfeb Posted August 7, 2017 Author Report Posted August 7, 2017 We are 24 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season and today is... PURPLE HEART DAY During the American Revolutionary War, the Badge for Military Merit decorated six known soldiers. Purple Heart Day on August 7 commemorates the creation of the oldest American military decoration for military merit, the Purple Heart and honors the men and women who are of the Military Order of the Purple Heart. Created by General George Washington in 1782 to be presented to soldiers for “any singularly meritorious action”, the decoration was a purple, heart-shaped piece of silk bound with a thin edge of silver and the word Merit embroidered in silver across the face. It is unknown who designed the Badge of Merit. It is also unknown how many soldiers may have received the honor symbolizing the courage and devotion of an American Patriot. According to The Badge of Military Merit by Professor Ray Raymond, The “Book of Merit” where the names of possible recipients and their deeds were recorded has long been missing. According to the Badge of Military Merit by Professor Ray Raymond, Until Washington’s 200th birthday, the Purple Heart remained a Revolutionary War footnote. Through the efforts of General Douglas MacArthur, the U.S. War Department created the Order of the Purple Heart. Today the medal bears a bust of George Washington and his coat of arms. WOSgrad and LumRaiderFan 2 Quote
Octfeb Posted August 8, 2017 Author Report Posted August 8, 2017 We are 23 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season and today is... NATIONAL SNEAK SOME ZUCCHINI INTO YOUR NEIGHBOR’S PORCH DAY National Sneak Some Zucchini Into Your Neighbor’s Porch Day is celebrated on August 8. Did you know that zucchini was a fruit? Well, if you’re a gardener, you know this fact already. You also know that zucchini grows in abundance and is ready for harvest in August. Zucchini growers also know that one plant of zucchini allows you to share this wonderful treat! HOW TO OBSERVE Sneak some zucchini into your neighbor’s porch. To alert others use #SneakSomeZucchiniIntoYourNeighborsPorchDay to post on social media. Have fun! Lol LumRaiderFan and WOSgrad 2 Quote
Octfeb Posted August 9, 2017 Author Report Posted August 9, 2017 We are 22 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season and today is... NATIONAL BOOK LOVERS DAY Observed each year on August 9, (and sometimes on the first Saturday in November) bibliophiles get to celebrate on National Book Lovers Day! A day for all those who love to read, National Book Lovers Day encourages you to find your favorite reading place, a good book (whether it be fiction or non-fiction) and read the day away. Bibliophile – a person who has a great appreciation for or collects books. Let’s step back in time for a minute: The very first books used parchment or vellum (calf skin) for the book pages. The book covers were made of wood and often covered with leather. The books were fitted with clasps or straps. Public libraries appeared in the Middle Ages. Books in public libraries were often chained to a bookshelf or a desk to prevent theft. Moving forward: Book manufacturing’s recent development included digital printing. Book pages are printed using toner rather than ink. Digital printing opens up the possibility of print-on-demand, where no books are printed until after an order is received from a customer. E-books are rapidly increasing in popularity. E-book (electronic book) refers to a book-length publication in digital form. They are usually available through the internet. However, can also be found on CD-ROM and other forms. E-books are read either by computer or via a portable book display device known as an e-book reader, such as a Reader, Nook or Kindle. LumRaiderFan and WOSgrad 2 Quote
Octfeb Posted August 10, 2017 Author Report Posted August 10, 2017 We are 21 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season and today is... NATIONAL LAZY DAY Today there will not be much information regarding this annually celebrated holiday as we do not feel like doing any research. Actually, we do not feel like doing anything at all. So we are in our hammocks with a couple of good books and glasses of lemonade and iced tea. Yes, it is National Lazy Day, and we choose to be lazy rather than tell you that this holiday is observed each year on August 10th. WOSgrad and LumRaiderFan 2 Quote
Octfeb Posted August 11, 2017 Author Report Posted August 11, 2017 We are 20 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season and today is.... NATIONAL SON’S AND DAUGHTER’S DAY Each year on August 11, parents across the United States participate in National Son’s and Daughter’s Day. On this day, spend time with the joys of your life. Let your children know that you are glad they are part of your life. Share family stories, listen to the events of their day, their hopes, and dreams. Enjoy every day you have with them and spend as much quality time as you can. HOW TO OBSERVE Do something special for your children today. If they are at home, go for a walk or enjoy a local park. If your children are grown, give them a call and remind them how special they are to you. Use #SonsAndDaughtersDay on social media. LumRaiderFan and WOSgrad 2 Quote
Octfeb Posted August 12, 2017 Author Report Posted August 12, 2017 We are in the TEENS Boys and girls!!!! We are 19 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season and today is.. NATIONAL VINYL RECORD DAY The Beatles, Elvis Presley, The Monkees. Does the mention of these musicians make you picture a round black record? A vinyl record? The vintage vinyl is almost as much of a classic as the bands themselves. These vinyl records are commemorated annually on August 12. Vinyl records are also known as a gramophone record, phonograph record or a record. It is an analog sound storage medium consisting of a flat disc which has an inscribed, modulated spiral groove. Juke Box at Wax Trax Records in Las Vegas loaded with 45s. Vinyl records are referred to based on rotational speed The RPM’s, or revolutions per minute of the more popular vinyls are: 45s 33 1/3 78s Other features of vinyl records included reproductive accuracy or “fidelity” (High Fidelity or Hi-Fi, Orthophonic and Full-Range), their time capacity (long playing or single), and the number of channels of audio provided (mono, stereo or quadraphonic). Ohhh the good ole days.. WOSgrad and LumRaiderFan 2 Quote
Octfeb Posted August 13, 2017 Author Report Posted August 13, 2017 We are 18 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season and today is... LEFT-HANDERS DAY (My day! Who's with me?) Left-Hander’s Day is observed annually on August 13th. In a right-handed dominated world, August 13th is the day that left-handed individuals can claim as their own. Approximately 10% of the population is a Southpaw. Scientists haven’t discovered why a person is left-handed, but it more probable that you will have a left-handed child if one of the parents is left-handed. HOW TO OBSERVE Take a left-handed friend to lunch or out for coffee. If you’re right-handed, try doing everything with your left hand. Left-handers post photos using #lefthandersday to prove your left-handed awesomeness. HISTORY International Left-Handers day was founded in 1992 in the United Kingdom. Because of the popularity of this observation in the United States, the Registrar at National Day Calendar has added it to its list of national days. LumRaiderFan and WOSgrad 2 Quote
Octfeb Posted August 14, 2017 Author Report Posted August 14, 2017 We are 17 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season and today is.... NATIONAL V-J DAY (Victory over Japan Day) On this day in 1945, news broke around the world the Imperial Government of Japan would surrender ending a long a grueling world war. In Europe, the date was August 15 due to the time zone, but regardless the celebrations that broke out were no less zealous. In the United States, President Harry S. Truman announced it in a press conference at the White House later that day. The peace treaty was officially signed on September 2, 1945. A year later on August 2nd, Truman signed a proclamation declaring August 14, 1946, as Victory Day. WOSgrad and LumRaiderFan 2 Quote
Octfeb Posted August 15, 2017 Author Report Posted August 15, 2017 We are 16 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season and today is... NATIONAL RELAXATION DAY National Relaxation Day is observed annually on August 15th. It is time to slow down, unwind and relax! National Relaxation Day is an important day as we all need a break from the fast-paced and often hectic lifestyles we live. Taking time to recuperate and rejuvenate our tired minds and bodies may help prevent many health risks. Like the founder of this day suggested, too much work can make us sick, run down, tired and that’s just wrong. But he was right! It has been proven that stress can be harmful to our health, both mentally and physically. Most doctors will agree that finding ways to relax and finding ways to reduce stress will improve overall health. HOW TO OBSERVE Enjoy the work of the Colorado Jackpopping crew with some amazing popcorn while you relax. Take a deep breath, unwind while viewing your favorite TV show, or just find a quiet spot in a park and enjoy the summer breeze. Use #NationalRelaxationDay to post on social media and spread the word. WOSgrad and LumRaiderFan 2 Quote
Octfeb Posted August 16, 2017 Author Report Posted August 16, 2017 We are 15 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season and today is. NATIONAL TELL A JOKE DAY What would be better than a day filled with laughter? National Tell a Joke Day is observed annually on August 16th, and that’s no joke! This day will be filled with smiles and much laughter from morning till night as everyone shares their favorite jokes. The more jokes you tell, the more fun you will have and so will those around you. Jokes have been a part of human culture since at least 1900 BC. A joke is described as something that is spoken, written or done with humorous intention. They can come in many forms. On National Tell a Joke Day, try a one-liner or a knock-knock joke if you aren’t comfortable with the whole comedic act that can be involved in the short story versions. Some simply rely on gestures to express humor. LumRaiderFan and WOSgrad 2 Quote
Octfeb Posted August 17, 2017 Author Report Posted August 17, 2017 We are 14 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season and today is.... NATIONAL NONPROFIT DAY Somewhere a volunteer reads to school children; a patient receives steady medication; a lawyer provides legal services for low-income individuals; a nonprofit funeral home buries a lost soul; or a first-time homebuyer is moving into his own home. On August 17, National Nonprofit Day (NND) reminds us that each of these scenes is possible because of the nonprofit sector and the work performed by capable men, women and organizations. NND recognizes more than nonprofits’ primary altruistic goals (awareness, research, and aid); it also acknowledges the added positive impacts they have on communities and the world. For example, following the recent U.S. recession, in 2012 the nonprofit sector provided 5.4% of the nation’s entire GDP (gross domestic product), or $887.3 billion; continuously employing nurses, web developers, lawyers, computer engineers and more (sources: John Hopkins and Tactical Philanthropy Advisors reports). BellBiz30, LumRaiderFan and WOSgrad 3 Quote
Octfeb Posted August 19, 2017 Author Report Posted August 19, 2017 We are 13 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season and today is.... NATIONAL MAIL ORDER CATALOG DAY What was once one of the most popular ways of shopping is remembered each year on August 18th as it is National Mail Order Catalog Day. Today marks the anniversary of when, in August of 1872, Aaron Montgomery Ward, of Chicago, produced the very first Montgomery Wards mail order catalog. It was by buying the goods and then reselling them directly to the customers that Aaron Montgomery Ward removed the middlemen at the general store and to the benefit of the customers, drastically lowered prices. The very first catalog consisted of an eight by 12-inch single sheet of paper which included the merchandise for sale, the price list and ordering instructions. Montgomery Wards single page list of products grew into a 540 page illustrated book selling over 20,000 items. It was soon after that the Montgomery Wards catalog was copied by other enterprising merchants, most notably Richard Warren Sears. The first general Sears catalog was mailed in 1896. Many others entered the field, and catalog sales grew. By 1971, catalog sales of major United States firms exceeded more than $250 million in postal revenue. According to the National Mail Order Association, Benjamin Franklin is believed to have been the very first cataloger in the United States. He formulated the basic mail order concept when he produced the first catalog, which sold scientific and academic books. Franklin also receives credit for offering the first mail order guarantee: “Those persons who live remote, by sending their orders and money to B. Franklin may depend on the same justice as if present.” Today, mail order catalogs have been replaced with internet websites and the term “mail order” has been replaced with the term “online shopping”. LumRaiderFan 1 Quote
Octfeb Posted August 19, 2017 Author Report Posted August 19, 2017 We are 12 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season and today is.... INTERNATIONAL BOW DAY So it is the man's fault all the bows bigger than a kids head are around.. SMH Adding accessories makes just about any look so much better. On August 19, International Bow Day recognizes the accessory that has been changing fashion for centuries – bows! During the 18th century the bow was primarily worn by men, but as fashion trends changed women wore the accessory in a variety fabrics, sizes and styles. Since then, bows have never really gone out of style, though the placement and designs have changed according to the whims of fashion. On International Bow Day, celebrate your style with bows not only in your hair but on a whole range of fashion accessories – there is something for everyone! LumRaiderFan and WOSgrad 2 Quote
Octfeb Posted August 20, 2017 Author Report Posted August 20, 2017 We are 11 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season and today is.... NATIONAL RADIO DAY Each year on August 20th, National Radio Day recognizes the great invention of the radio. In the late 19th century, it became clear that wireless communication was possible. There were several inventors who had a part in the invention of the radio in the late 1800s and not just one person can be credited with its beginning. To make the radio a reality, it required a number of different inventions and discoveries including both transmission and reception methods as well as technology. It was in the 1920s when the first broadcast stations began airing programs. These first programs were those of news and world events. Radio ownership grew from two out of five homes in 1931 to four out of five homes in 1938. According to FCC statistics, at the end of 2012, there were more than 15,000 licensed broadcast radio stations in the U.S. WOSgrad and LumRaiderFan 2 Quote
Octfeb Posted August 21, 2017 Author Report Posted August 21, 2017 We are 10 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season and today is... NATIONAL SENIOR CITIZENS DAY Each year on August 21, there are various events and activities held across the United States in recognition of National Senior Citizens Day. This day was created as a day to support, honor and show appreciation to our seniors and to recognize their achievements. Their valuable contributions to our communities create better places to live. For all they have achieved throughout life and for all they continue to accomplish, we owe older citizens our thanks and a heartfelt salute. We can best demonstrate our gratitude and esteem by making sure that our communities are good places in which to mature and grow older — places in which older people can participate to the fullest and can find the encouragement, acceptance, assistance, and services they need to continue to lead lives of independence and dignity. ~ President Ronald Reagan – August 19, 1988 Proclamation 5847 HOW TO OBSERVE To celebrate National Senior Citizens Day, spend time with the senior citizens you know. Let them know that they are appreciated and loved. It may also be a good day to volunteer at a retirement home and share your smile with those who may not otherwise get a visitor today. If you are a senior citizen, check for special discounts and promotions that may be offered at stores and restaurants in your area. HISTORY On August 19, 1988, President Ronald Reagan signed This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up declaring August 21 as National Senior Citizens Day. LumRaiderFan and WOSgrad 2 Quote
Octfeb Posted August 22, 2017 Author Report Posted August 22, 2017 Single digits everybody.... We are 9 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season and today is. . NATIONAL BAO DAY Ancient Chinese gastronomic delicacies often cause oohs and ahhs on food holidays. On August 22, National Bao Day guarantees your taste buds will be shouting “Wow!” At first one might consider it to be just a simple steamed bun. Dumplings aside, this is the flavorful Chinese dough used to make bāozi, or bao and is stuffed with savory meats or sweets. More than a side dish, bao is a type of sandwich which has been gaining popularity in the United States. There are excellent reasons, too! Created as an elegant package, bao fits in the palm of the hand making it portable. Bao satisfies with all our favorite flavors. From spicy to sweet, BBQ and Thai, this little sandwich covers breakfast, lunch, supper and dessert. Still hungry? They’re great snacks and perfect for sharing, too. HOW TO OBSERVE Still not wowed? Enjoy a tasty bao or six and use #NationalBaoDay to share on social media. HISTORY Wow Baofounded National Bao Day to celebrate the ancient Chinese tradition of bao and to raise awareness about the variety of contemporary bao restaurants opening around the country giving diners an opportunity to enjoy the diversity of flavors. Wow Bao chose August 22 for National Bao Day as it is the anniversary of the launch of their first bao-centric restaurant in Chicago. They now have ten restaurants and are growing! WOSgrad and LumRaiderFan 2 Quote
Octfeb Posted August 24, 2017 Author Report Posted August 24, 2017 We are 8 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season and today is.... NATIONAL MARYLAND DAY On August 24, we usher in the 7th state to join the Union with National Maryland Day. Maryland’s coastal location brings with it not only a deeply rooted naval heritage but an ocean battle defending the city of Baltimore and Ft. McHenry during the War of 1812 inspired Francis Scott Key to pen the words that later became our National Anthem. Just over 200 years before these traditions were established, Captian John Smith explored the Chesapeake Bay and the Nanticoke River.He kept a record of his travels, documenting the Native American people and their cultures, the abundant animal, and plant life. This vast watershed is the largest estuary in the United States. This vast watershed is the largest estuary in the United States. The Chesapeake Bay watershed is a complex ecosystem encompassing more than just the bay. From the farthest reaches of every tributary feeding the bay, the air, flora and fauna surrounding it and into the depths of the bay itself, the Chesapeake watershed is full of diverse and abundant life and is just one of Maryland’s gems. Spending a weekend or a vacation at Ocean City with friends or family is tradition or a highlight to a trip. The boardwalk and beaches provide plenty of relaxation, adventure and fun in the sun. The Eastern Shore offers scenic views, site seeing, peaceful accommodations, festivals and events for everyone. Head west to Antitiem and Maryland will take you into another era of history. Here, the battlefields and Antietam National Cemetery hold a solemn reminder of the bloodiest singled day battle of the Civil War that occurred on September 17, 1862. Five days later, President Lincoln issued a Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation. While Maryland was a southern state as defined by the Mason-Dixon line, it never seceded from the Union. Many families fought on opposite sides throughout the war. This may have been true for families in other states, but it was a reoccurring theme for Maryland families. Located close to Washington D.C. makes Maryland ideal for aerospace, defense and cybersecurity federal jobs. The state’s fishing industry thrives and is the largest producer of blue crabs in the state. The state is also home to McCormick & Company, Perdue Farms, Lockheed Martin, Black & Decker and Underarmor. HOW TO OBSERVE This beautiful state spans mountains and oceans, countryside and metropolis. Join National Day Calendar as we celebrate Maryland’s people and their history on August 24. Use #NationalMarylandDay to share on social media. LumRaiderFan and WOSgrad 2 Quote
Octfeb Posted August 26, 2017 Author Report Posted August 26, 2017 We are 7,6 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season and today is... (((Be safe every one who may be affected by Harvey))) NATIONAL CHERRY POPSICLE DAY Each summer on the 26th of August, Popsicle lovers across the United States enjoy National Cherry Popsicle Day. One evening in 1905, 11-year-old Frank Epperson mixed a batch of soda on his porch and left it with the stirring stick still in it for the night. That evening in San Francisco, California the temperature dipped to record lows and the following morning, Frank discovered instead of soda pop, a frozen treat on a stick. Inspired, he created the fruit-flavored “Popsicle”. It wasn’t until years later, in 1922 during a fireman’s ball, that he introduced his frosty treat. With the Popsicle’s huge success, Epperson proceeded to make and sell his frozen sweetness at an amusement park in Alameda, California. By 1924, he applied for a patent where he called it the “Epsicle” ice pop. He later renamed it “Popsicle”. One of summertime’s favorite treats, National Cherry Popsicle Day honors one of the top flavors! LumRaiderFan and WOSgrad 2 Quote
Octfeb Posted August 26, 2017 Author Report Posted August 26, 2017 We are 5 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season and today is.... NATIONAL DOG DAY National Dog Day is observed annually on August 26th. This day encourages dog ownership of all breeds, mixed and pure, and embraces the opportunity for all dogs to live a happy, safe and abuse-free life. Dogs give us companionship; they keep us safe, and they aid those in need. It is a goal for many on National Dog Day to find homes for all dogs in need of a loving family. The goal of the National Dog Day Foundation is to rescue 10,000 dogs each year. A dog is man’s best friend. HOW TO OBSERVE Use #NationalDogDay and post photos of your dog on social media. Take your dog for a walk. If you do not have a dog, ask to take your neighbor’s dog for a stroll or volunteer at a shelter. HISTORY National Dog Day was founded in 2004 by pet lifestyle expert and author Colleen Paige. LumRaiderFan and WOSgrad 2 Quote
Octfeb Posted August 30, 2017 Author Report Posted August 30, 2017 Sorry for the delay... Was a little preoccupied with some idiot named Harvey. I know most games have been cancelled due to this aweful weather. I am so ready to get back to some sort of normal. As I am sure everyone else is. Hope everyone is safe and escaped any damage. God bless to all. We are 4,3,2 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season and today is.. NATIONAL CHOP SUEY DAY Get your chopsticks ready! National Chop Suey Day is recognized each year on August 29. Chop suey, which means “assorted pieces,” is a dish in American Chinese cuisine consisting of meat (chicken, fish, beef, prawns or pork) and eggs that are cooked quickly with vegetables (usually bean sprouts, cabbage and celery) and bound in a starch-thickened sauce. Rice typically accompanies this delicious dish. ************************* “A prime example of culinary mythology” and typical with popular foods, there is a long list of colorful and conflicting stories of the origin of chop suey, according to food historian Alan Davidson. It is believed, by some, that chop suey was invented in America by Chinese Americans. However, anthropologist E.N. Anderson concludes that it is based on tsap seui (miscellaneous leftovers) which is common in Taishan, a district of Guangdong Province. Taishan is the home of many early Chinese immigrants to the United States. Another account claims that chop suey was invented by Chinese American cooks that were working on the transcontinental railroad in the 19th century. A prime example of culinary mythology. ~ Alan Davidson on the origin of chop suey. A tale is told of chop suey’s creation stemming from the Qing Dynasty premier Li Hongzhang’s visit to the United States in 1896. According to the story, his chef wanted to create a meal that was suitable for both the Chinese and the American palates. It has also been told that Li wandered to a local Chinese restaurant after the hotel kitchen closed, where the chef, embarrassed that he had nothing ready to offer, came up with the new “chop suey” dish using scraps of leftovers. Another myth tells of an 1860s Chinese restaurant cook in San Francisco that was forced to serve something to the drunken miners after hours. To avoid a beating, having nothing fresh to offer, he threw leftovers in a wok and provided a makeshift meal to the miners. The miners loved the dish, asked him what it was called to which he replied, “Chopped Sui.” ********************* Traveling to the United States in 1903, Liang Oichao, a Guangdong native, wrote that there existed a food item called chop suey which was popularly served by Chinese restaurateurs, but which local Chinese people did not eat. LumRaiderFan and WOSgrad 2 Quote
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