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  On 8/3/2017 at 5:06 PM, BLUEDOVE3 said:

This is the hidden content, please

The PolitiFact scorecard : 5% truth, 12% mostly true, 15% half-truth, 21% mostly false, 32% false ...

Lie! Lie! Lie!


Politifact needs to conduct a lie-o-meter on themselves. I've read some of the "lies" on that Liberal propaganda site, and it is downright shameful they would stoop to their egregious partisan non-sense. But what is laughable is that someone would actually believe that crap. The sheeple are in full bloom...vivid colors bursting in every direction. Who needs acid when you can see a mesmerizing pictorial by just watching the Liberal snowflakes throwing temper-tantrums and spewing their hate-filled garbage from the rafters. Ah, the colors, the full, deep, rich colors beaming everywhere. It is a site.

  On 8/3/2017 at 6:16 PM, Englebert said:

Translation: you don't have the ability to determine what is a lie. But you do have the ability to slander and spew hateful rhetoric without any credible supporting evidence. I'm frightened for the children. It's seems they are being taught they can tell lies, pre-judge, and stereotype someone based on political affiliation.


Saying that a liar is a liar isn't hateful rhetoric! The new president is no better of a role model than a pimp or drug dealer.

  On 8/3/2017 at 9:27 PM, new tobie said:

Saying that a liar is a liar isn't hateful rhetoric! The new president is no better of a role model than a pimp or drug dealer.


Blah, blah, blah. If lying is such a hot-button topic for you, why are you not livid at Obama? The word hypocrite comes to mind. 

You've been asked dozens of times to provide proof of your accusations, but you always run and hide. You've accused Trump of being racist...with absolutely no proof. You've accused Trump of being a bully...with absolutely no proof. You've accused Trump of being an idiot...with absolutely no proof. That is hateful rhetoric from a spiteful partisan Liberal. What's amazing is that your hate is on full display for all the world to see but you seem to be completely oblivious to that fact. Oh well, at least it's entertaining...kind of like watching America's Funniest Home Videos. I just hope the kids don't get the idea that this is acceptable behavior.


Trumps is so full of drama, it makes dims change parties. Unlike the above Hugley video, this is fact, not opinion. Lmao.

West Virginia's Democratic governor to announce party change at Trump rally

This is the hidden content, please

  On 8/3/2017 at 2:57 PM, stevenash said:

Help me here.  I do not understand what is so terrible/offensive about this.  Do you believe that Mr. Trumps predecessors never made phone call requests to Heads of other countries?


It's terrible offensive that these conversations were leaked in the first place.   Trump/DOJ needs to start making examples of leakers.  

  On 8/3/2017 at 9:48 PM, Englebert said:

Blah, blah, blah. If lying is such a hot-button topic for you, why are you not livid at Obama? The word hypocrite comes to mind. 

You've been asked dozens of times to provide proof of your accusations, but you always run and hide. You've accused Trump of being racist...with absolutely no proof. You've accused Trump of being a bully...with absolutely no proof. You've accused Trump of being an idiot...with absolutely no proof. That is hateful rhetoric from a spiteful partisan Liberal. What's amazing is that your hate is on full display for all the world to see but you seem to be completely oblivious to that fact. Oh well, at least it's entertaining...kind of like watching America's Funniest Home Videos. I just hope the kids don't get the idea that this is acceptable behavior.


George Bush Sr and Jr coundn't endorse Trump because they think he's a liar, idiot and bully!

  On 8/4/2017 at 10:43 AM, new tobie said:

George Bush Sr and Jr coundn't endorse Trump because they think he's a liar, idiot and bully!


But you still can't come up with examples. Are you that incompetent or just a liar? In typical Liberal fashion you let others do your thinking and tell you how you should feel. If you feel so strongly that Trump is a liar, idiot and bully, you should easily be able to list some examples as to why you feel that way. You only feel that way because others have told you that you should. It is that simple (or should I say simpleton).


if only the media would have gone after the corrupt Obama admin. half as hard as they have Trump Obama and his crooked admin would have gone down in flames but when the ends justify the means they will stop at nothing! "Rules for Radicals" playbook is being carried out right in front of our eyes!

  On 8/3/2017 at 5:05 AM, BLUEDOVE3 said:

First, I want to get paid first being a Trump troll. Who do I contact? Secondly, Trump's right-wing poll is lower than Obama's? Wow?

Thirdly, Trump was putting out so many lies (still does), I would have spent too much time on his lies. 


Some article listed 700 lies that he has told, far.

  On 8/4/2017 at 2:10 PM, 77 said:

if only the media would have gone after the corrupt Obama admin. half as hard as they have Trump Obama and his crooked admin would have gone down in flames but when the ends justify the means they will stop at nothing! "Rules for Radicals" playbook is being carried out right in front of our eyes!


Obama wasn't stupid enough to tweet about his indiscretions, if there were any. Trump has no one to blame, but himself

  On 8/4/2017 at 1:10 PM, Englebert said:

But you still can't come up with examples. Are you that incompetent or just a liar? In typical Liberal fashion you let others do your thinking and tell you how you should feel. If you feel so strongly that Trump is a liar, idiot and bully, you should easily be able to list some examples as to why you feel that way. You only feel that way because others have told you that you should. It is that simple (or should I say simpleton).


They didn't endorse him. That is fact. Trump is incompetent and he is a liar.

  On 8/4/2017 at 12:30 PM, westend1 said:

Listening to Trump beg the Mexican president to stop saying he wasn't paying for the wall was too funny


I know, right. I can't believe that he lied and said that he was told that he gave the best speech at the Boy Scout Jamboree of all time. He also lied and said the Mexican President called and praised him in regards to how great he was doing as far as border control is concerned. He lies about things that can be easily verified. He is not playing with a full deck.

  On 8/4/2017 at 2:23 PM, Big girl said:

I know, right. I can't believe that he lied and said that he was told that he gave the best speech at the Boy Scout Jamboree of all time. He also lied and said the Mexican President called and praised him in regards to how great he was doing as far as border control is concerned. He lies about things that can be easily verified. He is not playing with a full deck.


Please verify, since it is so easy. Even Big Girl can do it......not!

  On 8/3/2017 at 9:48 PM, Englebert said:

Blah, blah, blah. If lying is such a hot-button topic for you, why are you not livid at Obama? The word hypocrite comes to mind. 

You've been asked dozens of times to provide proof of your accusations, but you always run and hide. You've accused Trump of being racist...with absolutely no proof. You've accused Trump of being a bully...with absolutely no proof. You've accused Trump of being an idiot...with absolutely no proof. That is hateful rhetoric from a spiteful partisan Liberal. What's amazing is that your hate is on full display for all the world to see but you seem to be completely oblivious to that fact. Oh well, at least it's entertaining...kind of like watching America's Funniest Home Videos. I just hope the kids don't get the idea that this is acceptable behavior.


Trump and his dad was sued by the Justice Department, because of discriminatory housing practices toward minorities. He thinks that Blacks are a monolith. In a debate he said "the blacks are poor, uneducated and live in inner cities". Trump threatened the governor of Alaska in regards to his health care bill, he tried to intimidate her into voting yeah. 


If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it.  If you like your doctor, you can keep him.  The affordable care act will REDUCE the average family premium by $2500 per year. There is not one smidgen of corruption at the IRS.   My stimulus program will provide shovel ready jobs.  Benghazi was a spontaneous response to a video.

  On 8/4/2017 at 2:23 PM, Big girl said:

I know, right. I can't believe that he lied and said that he was told that he gave the best speech at the Boy Scout Jamboree of all time. He also lied and said the Mexican President called and praised him in regards to how great he was doing as far as border control is concerned. He lies about things that can be easily verified. He is not playing with a full deck.


Where are the lies? Do you even know what a lie is? Stevenash gave examples of some whoppers, while you have nothing. It is crystal clear who is not playing with a full deck. Your hate has blinded you to the point of lunacy. Luckily the Liberal meltdowns are entertaining. I never thought I would see so many adults behaving like children. (Ooops, that was an insult the children...even they don't act this silly.) The armchair psychoanalysts are especially funny. (Put yourself in that category.) All of the clinical diagnosis emanating from fake news or zero facts by unskilled pundits is ludicrous. It amazes me that so many have the nerve to expose their extremely flawed rationales for all the world to see...and laugh at. 

  On 8/4/2017 at 3:17 PM, Englebert said:

Where are the lies? Do you even know what a lie is? Stevenash gave examples of some whoppers, while you have nothing. It is crystal clear who is not playing with a full deck. Your hate has blinded you to the point of lunacy. Luckily the Liberal meltdowns are entertaining. I never thought I would see so many adults behaving like children. (Ooops, that was an insult the children...even they don't act this silly.) The armchair psychoanalysts are especially funny. (Put yourself in that category.) All of the clinical diagnosis emanating from fake news or zero facts by unskilled pundits is ludicrous. It amazes me that so many have the nerve to expose their extremely flawed rationales for all the world to see...and laugh at. 


Englebert- are you possibly suggesting that the "enlightened" are not nearly as enlightened as they believe?

  On 8/4/2017 at 2:37 PM, stevenash said:

If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it.  If you like your doctor, you can keep him.  The affordable care act will REDUCE the average family premium by $2500 per year. There is not one smidgen of corruption at the IRS.   My stimulus program will provide shovel ready jobs.  Benghazi was a spontaneous response to a video.


Yep, all lies.  Are these lies Big girl?

  On 8/4/2017 at 3:33 PM, stevenash said:

Englebert- are you possibly suggesting that the "enlightened" are not nearly as enlightened as they believe?


No, I am emphatically stating it. :)  I'm sure if Albert Einstein was elected as a Republican he would invariably be called an idiotic moron verging on the fringes of retardism by every Liberal pundit, and that sentiment would be echoed by a few on here. The false claim that he couldn't tie his shoes would be treated as gospel. New and false claims about his intellectual competency would emerge on a daily basis. He would surely be labeled a racist, fascist, deplorable, homophobic, Islamophobic, anti-Semitic (although he was Jewish), a bully, a racist (have to add that one twice), imbecilic, etc, etc, etc. Of course his hair would also be fair game. The pattern for Liberals is undeniable. Their self-proclaimed moral and intellectual superiority is viewed by them as beyond reproach, but the source of entertainment for the sane. Sorry for the ambiguity.

  On 8/4/2017 at 2:37 PM, stevenash said:

If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it.  If you like your doctor, you can keep him.  The affordable care act will REDUCE the average family premium by $2500 per year. There is not one smidgen of corruption at the IRS.   My stimulus program will provide shovel ready jobs.  Benghazi was a spontaneous response to a video.



  On 8/3/2017 at 10:04 PM, baddog said:

Trumps is so full of drama, it makes dims change parties. Unlike the above Hugley video, this is fact, not opinion. Lmao.

West Virginia's Democratic governor to announce party change at Trump rally

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  On 8/3/2017 at 5:05 AM, BLUEDOVE3 said:



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