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Well lets get this one started. I'm sure there will be a lot of talk on this one and from week one's results this game just got more interesting. I think Crosby under played in week one and Jasper showed they were ready. BH played a tight game with Friendswood through the 1st half then pulled away proving they are going to be a team to reckon with in 21-5A! From an out siders view point they might just say BH is going to beat Crosby just from the week one results, but we all know this will be a different game. Friendswood had little time to prepare for BH and might have underestimated the Eagles which bit them in the butt (Similar to Crosby/Jasper). This should be a great game and of course I think my Eagles can win this one at home, but they cant give Crosby the short field and have to contain their speed. I'll save my predicted score for later in the week.

10 minutes ago, BHFAN said:

Well lets get this one started. I'm sure there will be a lot of talk on this one and from week one's results this game just got more interesting. I think Crosby under played in week one and Jasper showed they were ready. BH played a tight game with Friendswood through the 1st half then pulled away proving they are going to be a team to reckon with in 21-5A! From an out siders view point they might just say BH is going to beat Crosby just from the week one results, but we all know this will be a different game. Friendswood had little time to prepare for BH and might have underestimated the Eagles which bit them in the butt (Similar to Crosby/Jasper). This should be a great game and of course I think my Eagles can win this one at home, but they cant give Crosby the short field and have to contain their speed. I'll save my predicted score for later in the week.

Be careful with that "great game" moniker.

Also, Crosby "should" score 56 as long as no TD's are called back for holding and BH fumbles at least 3 times with two of those inside their own 15 to allow Crosby some "gift" TD's.

Barbers Hill got:



12 minutes ago, BHFAN said:

Still a long season ahead ,but this game could end up deciding  the Div II, 1 and 2 seed going into the playoffs. Were you at 14.2 don't quite yapping because the Jasper fans are on ya.

That is because the Emperor has been found to have no clothes. 

40 minutes ago, BHFAN said:

Still a long season ahead ,but this game could end up deciding  the Div II, 1 and 2 seed going into the playoffs. Were you at 14.2 don't quite yapping because the Jasper fans are on ya.

14.2 may have a lot of faults, but if the Forum gave awards, I'm thinking he get top prize in pot stirring :) 

7 hours ago, BHFAN said:

Still a long season ahead ,but this game could end up deciding  the Div II, 1 and 2 seed going into the playoffs. Were you at 14.2 don't quite yapping because the Jasper fans are on ya.

BHFan, this site is about a bunch of average/mediocre to below average team's fan bases needing somewhere for their opinions to be validated. I'm not in the business of doing that or giving credit where it's not due just to seem "classy". This entire site does that even though the vast majority of these teams are considered a joke to the rest of the state. In my opinion if Crosby is considered average and you haven't done what we've done lately or can beat us I have every right to say "you suck" using those parameters. Like I said earlier though, I don't have any tampons for the bleeding that happens after. 

I currently have a son on the team and will most likely be moving to North Shore after he graduates so my younger sons can participate in their sports programs. Some of our coaches and administrators read this and I would never want to say anything that puts him in a gray area. It's very hard for me not to do that with some of the asinine comments on here which is why it's safer just to stay off next couple of years until that happens. Since some of the upper management at my job has kids that play for other teams and read this I'm also kind of worried that they might feel the same way as other people on the site and effect my career at work. It has nothing to do with the Jasper fans or any other particular fans, you know I would love to be talking trash to y'all and pulling out stats. It's pretty much the reason I cut back this summer after one of the bosses who's from Dayton approached me asking me questions about something I said regarding Nations. It's just too much sensitivity here. 

I'm sure you probably wanted a little more than that from me to really get what's probably andostrict championship game thread going but you're going to have to settle for the, "You're great. . . Nah, you're great" comments and the perceived limited interest. I'm sure DC's will write it up so you have something else there. Figured I would at least give a more detailed explanation though. Hope y'all have a good season and we meet y'all in the regional finals. Ok, NOW I'm done. 

*Mods: y'all can go ahead and delete my account so I'm not tempted to get back on here after our 4th consecutive district championship and be "classless" to other programs. It's been a blast. 

44 minutes ago, Cougar14.2 said:

BHFan, this site is about a bunch of average/mediocre to below average team's fan bases needing somewhere for their opinions to be validated. I'm not in the business of doing that or giving credit where it's not due just to seem "classy". This entire site does that even though the vast majority of these teams are considered a joke to the rest of the state. In my opinion if Crosby is considered average and you haven't done what we've done lately or can beat us I have every right to say "you suck" using those parameters. Like I said earlier though, I don't have any tampons for the bleeding that happens after. 

I currently have a son on the team and will most likely be moving to North Shore after he graduates so my younger sons can participate in their sports programs. Some of our coaches and administrators read this and I would never want to say anything that puts him in a gray area. It's very hard for me not to do that with some of the asinine comments on here which is why it's safer just to stay off next couple of years until that happens. Since some of the upper management at my job has kids that play for other teams and read this I'm also kind of worried that they might feel the same way as other people on the site and effect my career at work. It has nothing to do with the Jasper fans or any other particular fans, you know I would love to be talking trash to y'all and pulling out stats. It's pretty much the reason I cut back this summer after one of the bosses who's from Dayton approached me asking me questions about something I said regarding Nations. It's just too much sensitivity here. 

I'm sure you probably wanted a little more than that from me to really get what's probably andostrict championship game thread going but you're going to have to settle for the, "You're great. . . Nah, you're great" comments and the perceived limited interest. I'm sure DC's will write it up so you have something else there. Figured I would at least give a more detailed explanation though. Hope y'all have a good season and we meet y'all in the regional finals. Ok, NOW I'm done. 

*Mods: y'all can go ahead and delete my account so I'm not tempted to get back on here after our 4th consecutive district championship and be "classless" to other programs. It's been a blast. 

Dang 14.2 I feel bad knowing that little jasper burst your bubble... don't be upset with the coug's it's early y'all have plenty of time to turn this season around... 


i enjoyed the jaw jacking for what it's worth.. not many schools have passionate fans with enough confidence in their team to talk smack

1 hour ago, Cougar14.2 said:

BHFan, this site is about a bunch of average/mediocre to below average team's fan bases needing somewhere for their opinions to be validated. I'm not in the business of doing that or giving credit where it's not due just to seem "classy". This entire site does that even though the vast majority of these teams are considered a joke to the rest of the state. In my opinion if Crosby is considered average and you haven't done what we've done lately or can beat us I have every right to say "you suck" using those parameters. Like I said earlier though, I don't have any tampons for the bleeding that happens after. 

I currently have a son on the team and will most likely be moving to North Shore after he graduates so my younger sons can participate in their sports programs. Some of our coaches and administrators read this and I would never want to say anything that puts him in a gray area. It's very hard for me not to do that with some of the asinine comments on here which is why it's safer just to stay off next couple of years until that happens. Since some of the upper management at my job has kids that play for other teams and read this I'm also kind of worried that they might feel the same way as other people on the site and effect my career at work. It has nothing to do with the Jasper fans or any other particular fans, you know I would love to be talking trash to y'all and pulling out stats. It's pretty much the reason I cut back this summer after one of the bosses who's from Dayton approached me asking me questions about something I said regarding Nations. It's just too much sensitivity here. 

I'm sure you probably wanted a little more than that from me to really get what's probably andostrict championship game thread going but you're going to have to settle for the, "You're great. . . Nah, you're great" comments and the perceived limited interest. I'm sure DC's will write it up so you have something else there. Figured I would at least give a more detailed explanation though. Hope y'all have a good season and we meet y'all in the regional finals. Ok, NOW I'm done. 

*Mods: y'all can go ahead and delete my account so I'm not tempted to get back on here after our 4th consecutive district championship and be "classless" to other programs. It's been a blast. 

Nah, you'll be one of those ones who say, "Delete my account."  Then, a week later will have come up with another title but the same old bull.

You see, you are harboring the same ideas that you claim to be "railing against" with your posts here.  You try to make it sound like Crosby deserves to be mentioned in 5A among the Aledos of the world.  Perhaps such statements carry water around Lick Skillet, but I would imagine that they would garner quite a bit of laughter of the statewide stage.  Thus, I would ease talk on other programs being laughing stocks.  And until Crosby, does something, reaching at least a state semifinal more than once in a blue moon, the air of superiority that you attempt begins to really stink.

The shame of it all is that Crosby does have a quality football program and have for a while, every since the days of Larry Haynes and Kevin Flanigan as far as I am concerned.  And they currently have a super coach in Jeff Riordan.  It would be easy to just to rely on that to show the quality that Crosby has.  But no, that is not good enough.  You feel the need to show disrespect to area programs, some who have a storied history in Texas High School football.  Yes, I know, you have made it quite clear that means little to you, but the sad fact for you is that while their achievements may have been sometime in the past, they easily dwarf anything that the Cougars have accomplished then or now.  Those trophies that you wish to dismiss may have collected dust, but they are still there and that is more than can be said about your beloved's trophy case.

We choose to show some respect and reverence to those accomplishments because it is a matter of respect.  You choose not to show such respect, that's your option.  But if you expect to be lauded for it, you have definitely been posting on the wrong site for a long time and that you seem to get persistent pains in the backside because of being called out about it makes a break from this site seem appropriate.

But you said you were done, what? Earlier yesterday morning?  Yet you felt the need climb right back on to spread your venom and even somehow felt the need to justify it.  And even now I am sure that I will hear some repartee that you believe to be witty about how you believe that West Orange-Stark's last two state championships were the result of some gift by the UIL.  You see, your insults have become sickeningly predictable.

But as I have said to others, SETXsports.com is not required reading, so if you wish to leave, believe me nobody will stop you.  For this site was here before you or I ever climbed on, and chances are good it will be on long after both of us have signed out for the final time.

Oh, and good luck on that "solid" you expect to get from the UIL and don't worry, Jasper is not moving up in classification.

Guest ECBucFan
13 hours ago, BHFAN said:

Still a long season ahead ,but this game could end up deciding  the Div II, 1 and 2 seed going into the playoffs.

BH will need to replicate the effort they had vs. FW, and cut down on penalties and secure the ball better. You are right its a long season but this game will be really meaningful. Good luck to BH. 


I would like to know how the "speed thing" compares with Crosby vs Friendswood.  In the past, the whole "speed thing" has been a bane in the Eagles side, and well, frankly up the middle too, so just wondering if Friendswood, speed-wise, matches up with Crosby.  If it does, then I think the Hill can hang defensively with the Cougs based on last Friday, and I think offensively, scheme-wise, I think the Hill will be able to move the ball fairly well...So anybody have a take on the speed comparison between Friendswood and Crosby?

8 hours ago, Cougar14.2 said:

BHFan, this site is about a bunch of average/mediocre to below average team's fan bases needing somewhere for their opinions to be validated. I'm not in the business of doing that or giving credit where it's not due just to seem "classy". This entire site does that even though the vast majority of these teams are considered a joke to the rest of the state. In my opinion if Crosby is considered average and you haven't done what we've done lately or can beat us I have every right to say "you suck" using those parameters. Like I said earlier though, I don't have any tampons for the bleeding that happens after. 

I currently have a son on the team and will most likely be moving to North Shore after he graduates so my younger sons can participate in their sports programs. Some of our coaches and administrators read this and I would never want to say anything that puts him in a gray area. It's very hard for me not to do that with some of the asinine comments on here which is why it's safer just to stay off next couple of years until that happens. Since some of the upper management at my job has kids that play for other teams and read this I'm also kind of worried that they might feel the same way as other people on the site and effect my career at work. It has nothing to do with the Jasper fans or any other particular fans, you know I would love to be talking trash to y'all and pulling out stats. It's pretty much the reason I cut back this summer after one of the bosses who's from Dayton approached me asking me questions about something I said regarding Nations. It's just too much sensitivity here. 

I'm sure you probably wanted a little more than that from me to really get what's probably andostrict championship game thread going but you're going to have to settle for the, "You're great. . . Nah, you're great" comments and the perceived limited interest. I'm sure DC's will write it up so you have something else there. Figured I would at least give a more detailed explanation though. Hope y'all have a good season and we meet y'all in the regional finals. Ok, NOW I'm done. 

*Mods: y'all can go ahead and delete my account so I'm not tempted to get back on here after our 4th consecutive district championship and be "classless" to other programs. It's been a blast. 

In all seriousness, if you are truly getting pressure from your supervision at work based on your high school football allegiance then that is pitiful. Whoever those guys are need to get a life.

Secondly, it's interesting to me that you plan to move your younger son to North Shore to participate in their sports programs. I'm pretty sure that's against UIL rules and you might want to slow down with stating your intentions so openly on a internet forum, but I will assume that never becomes an issue. Are you saying that you are not totally happy in Crosby? Or are you, like me, of the opinion that in the next year or so Coach Rio will begin to look for bigger and better opportunities than Crosby? Maybe DFW jobs?


I kind of wish that this game of this magnitude was a little later in the season as I am not sure that we really know who these teams are at this point given the cancellations, delays and games being taken on short notice.  Of course, the performance by the Eagles against Friendswood, which even surprised some of the most faithful of BH fans, would seem to make them an early favorite in this game.

I don't know that this is a passing of the torch game that some make it out to be.  Under Riordan, the Cougars have been able to bounce back from disappointing performances and while they go the win last week, I think most Cougar faithful would label their performance as disappointing.

It is going to be a great game (oops, sorry, I forgot I am not supposed to use those words) that is too close to call as far as I am concerned.

3 hours ago, Eagle82 said:

I would like to know how the "speed thing" compares with Crosby vs Friendswood.  In the past, the whole "speed thing" has been a bane in the Eagles side, and well, frankly up the middle too, so just wondering if Friendswood, speed-wise, matches up with Crosby.  If it does, then I think the Hill can hang defensively with the Cougs based on last Friday, and I think offensively, scheme-wise, I think the Hill will be able to move the ball fairly well...So anybody have a take on the speed comparison between Friendswood and Crosby?

Crosby has a couple kids faster than anyone on Friendswood. I don't think that's going to matter Friday night though. Crosby should score some points but barring a ton of turnovers or penalties BH will score at will. Crosbys defense is not very good at all and as far as team defense they will be no where near as good as Friendswood. I told people on here this wasn't the Friendswood team of old but I would definitely not call them scrubs. This is a huge game early on so anything can happen but I'm saying BH by 14. Anyway good luck to both teams and main thing is stay away from injuries.

16 minutes ago, bronco pride said:

Crosby has a couple kids faster than anyone on Friendswood. I don't think that's going to matter Friday night though. Crosby should score some points but barring a ton of turnovers or penalties BH will score at will. Crosbys defense is not very good at all and as far as team defense they will be no where near as good as Friendswood. I told people on here this wasn't the Friendswood team of old but I would definitely not call them scrubs. This is a huge game early on so anything can happen but I'm saying BH by 14. Anyway good luck to both teams and main thing is stay away from injuries.

You said "Crosby's defense is not very good at all".  Which game did you attend to make that determination ?

7 minutes ago, CCRed said:

You said "Crosby's defense is not very good at all".  Which game did you attend to make that determination ?

My niece cheers for Crosby jr high. Her dad has seen both games and was less than impressed. To answer your question though none.


I really don't think that athleticism will be the determining factor in this game. This game will be decided on carrying out a game plan, making adjustments during the game, disciplined defense and execution. The team that does what they are coached to do the most consistently will win this one.

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