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3 hours ago, 2wedge said:

The error is that a lot of white people are predisposed to fear black men due to the racial narratives that have been fed to them by their parents, grandparents, and the culture of our country since it was established. Black men have been painted as criminals, thugs, thieves, and mostly trouble, and white people in general still view them as such. Hence why a white man walking by your wife in Parkdale Mall parking lot at night doesn't elicit much of a response from her, but a black man walking by at the same time will cause her to tense up and ensure she has her gun in her purse. You can argue this point all day long, but everyone knows what I have just described is the reality.

The reason why white cops kill black men for no reason is this very fear that I am describing. White cops pull black men over and immediately have their senses heightened and prepare for the worst. Black men run from the cops are are shot in the back (happened just a day or so ago) because the white cops are so fearful that they feel justified in killing a man for fleeing arrest. Happened to Alton Sterling, Phillando Castille, Trayvon Martin, and just happened to Patrick Harmon a few hours ago. If you cannot see the atrocity, I cannot continue to engage your Neanderthal way of thinking.

Before you ask, I am white, I am southern, I am not a liberal, and I still feel like African Americans are unjustly murdered by police officers. Do us all a favor, try to be a part of the solution instead of helping Trump exacerbate the problem.

.   I watched an interesting interview this morning that involved, Jason Riley, who is a writer for the Wall Street Journal and who is African American.  He said that while the coverage of these shooting has increased dramatically, the statistics show the allegations to be untrue.  As an example:  In 1971 in New York City, police shot 314 people, 93 of whom died.   In 2015, New York City police shot 23 people and 6 of them died.   Compare 6 to 93 and or 23 to314  and let me know what kind of "increase" that is. Mr. Riley stated that black men are 70% less likely to be shot than they were in the late 60's.   He also stated that a black Harvard Economist named Roland Fryer(spelling?) stated that black  suspects are actually LESS likely to be shot than white suspects.  If these numbers are accurate ( and I am assuming they are) it suggests that many of us are victims of a left wing media campaign that has been very successful in promoting such a narrative.

2 hours ago, 2wedge said:

No knowingly illustrated the problem with my explanation of why cops are killing black men. You offer no rebuttal, but have no issue dismissing the statement.

I offered no rebuttal because you ran like a frightened schoolgirl the last time you were challenged to defend your statements. But if you would like a quick analysis of your flawed logic, I will be happy to oblige.

You start off with a blanket irrational negative stereotype that you have zero supporting evidence. It's hard to take anything you say seriously after that gem. You then try to support that false narrative with flawed analysis. You said that "Hence why a white man walking by your wife in Parkdale Mall parking lot at night doesn't elicit much of a response from her, but a black man walking by at the same time will cause her to tense up and ensure she has her gun in her purse." You must have been fed that crap by the Liberal media. If a Black man is walking by me in Parkdale Mall, I might tense up a little...if he is dressed out in gang clothing. If he is dressed in a 3 piece suit I wouldn't think twice about it. If a White man walks by in gang clothing, I would tense up a little. If he is dressed in a 3 piece suit I wouldn't think twice about it. But you have to interpret that as racism/bigotry. You seem to have an irrational fear of Wlhite people having an irrational fear of Black people...these same White people that passed and support Civil Rights legislation, passed and support Affirmative Action and countless other minority targeted agendas, the same White people that passed and support trillions of dollars targeted to minorities. Who do you think the irrational one is in this all too real scenario?

15 hours ago, 2wedge said:

Oh ok. So you agree that cops are killing black men, just want everyone to make sure we knows it's not JUST white cops killing black men. Noted.

Problem still exists....cops are killing black men without justification.

2wedge, cops are killing white men to.  It's not easy when you have to make quick life and death decisions.  I hope you (and others) will take four and a half minutes to watch this video.  It's a learning experience for anyone.  



14 hours ago, Englebert said:

I offered no rebuttal because you ran like a frightened schoolgirl the last time you were challenged to defend your statements. But if you would like a quick analysis of your flawed logic, I will be happy to oblige.

You start off with a blanket irrational negative stereotype that you have zero supporting evidence. It's hard to take anything you say seriously after that gem. You then try to support that false narrative with flawed analysis. You said that "Hence why a white man walking by your wife in Parkdale Mall parking lot at night doesn't elicit much of a response from her, but a black man walking by at the same time will cause her to tense up and ensure she has her gun in her purse." You must have been fed that crap by the Liberal media. If a Black man is walking by me in Parkdale Mall, I might tense up a little...if he is dressed out in gang clothing. If he is dressed in a 3 piece suit I wouldn't think twice about it. If a White man walks by in gang clothing, I would tense up a little. If he is dressed in a 3 piece suit I wouldn't think twice about it. But you have to interpret that as racism/bigotry. You seem to have an irrational fear of Wlhite people having an irrational fear of Black people...these same White people that passed and support Civil Rights legislation, passed and support Affirmative Action and countless other minority targeted agendas, the same White people that passed and support trillions of dollars targeted to minorities. Who do you think the irrational one is in this all too real scenario?

The Vegas shooter was probably dressed really nice as he hauled his arsenal of weapons to his hotel room.

59 minutes ago, new tobie said:

The Vegas shooter was probably dressed really nice as he hauled his arsenal of weapons to his hotel room.

Do you actually feel qualified to join this discussion? If so, my question would be "Why?"

2 hours ago, new tobie said:

The Vegas shooter was probably dressed really nice as he hauled his arsenal of weapons to his hotel room.

His girlfriend worked there. You don't think there could be some connection do you? To be on the 32nd floor, one would certainly be under more scrutiny as the upper floors cost $10s of thousands per night. Yeah, he dressed the part. What is so weird about that?

19 hours ago, 2wedge said:

Oh ok. So you agree that cops are killing black men, just want everyone to make sure we knows it's not JUST white cops killing black men. Noted.

Problem still exists....cops are killing black men without justification.


I do not disagree with you on the point of there are some cases of a certain law enforcement individuals shooting too soon. But, I do no blame ALL cops. I blame the individual who pulls the trigger. There are 95 % of law enforcement who do great jobs. 5%, should not have a badge. 

Also, some people try their best to make this a white vs black thing. That is far off from the case, but it is what gets portrayed and that is flat wrong.




The hypocrisy of the Left.  Sen Durbin of (Chicago) Illinois wants more gun control.  This fron a Senator over a city with some of the strictest gun control and the most shootings.  What was that Jesus said, "Look at the plank in thy own eye, before pointing out a splinter in someone else's eye" (paraphrased).  Has he no self respect?  No honor?  Were I him, I'd be trying to stop the carnage in Illinois first.  I'd be to embarrassed to tell the rest of the country what it needs to do when I was a failure at correcting problems in my own state.

This is the hidden content, please

23 hours ago, stevenash said:

I have asked this so many many times and the refusal to answer tells me everything I need to know.   You portray this country as having a systemic problem with cops killing innocent unarmed black men.  Please tell me what percentage of the fatal shootings in this country is represented by innocent unarmed black men.!!!

This is the hidden content, please

This is the hidden content, please

This is so you will stop asking the question, not because I think it will make you stop being ignorant.

21 hours ago, Englebert said:

I offered no rebuttal because you ran like a frightened schoolgirl the last time you were challenged to defend your statements. But if you would like a quick analysis of your flawed logic, I will be happy to oblige.

You start off with a blanket irrational negative stereotype that you have zero supporting evidence. It's hard to take anything you say seriously after that gem. You then try to support that false narrative with flawed analysis. You said that "Hence why a white man walking by your wife in Parkdale Mall parking lot at night doesn't elicit much of a response from her, but a black man walking by at the same time will cause her to tense up and ensure she has her gun in her purse." You must have been fed that crap by the Liberal media. If a Black man is walking by me in Parkdale Mall, I might tense up a little...if he is dressed out in gang clothing. If he is dressed in a 3 piece suit I wouldn't think twice about it. If a White man walks by in gang clothing, I would tense up a little. If he is dressed in a 3 piece suit I wouldn't think twice about it. But you have to interpret that as racism/bigotry. You seem to have an irrational fear of Wlhite people having an irrational fear of Black people...these same White people that passed and support Civil Rights legislation, passed and support Affirmative Action and countless other minority targeted agendas, the same White people that passed and support trillions of dollars targeted to minorities. Who do you think the irrational one is in this all too real scenario?

Dressed out in gang clothing? Translation:  It's your fault that people view you as a criminal because of how you are dressed. Dress better boy!

And are you really going to beat the drum for "white people who passed civil rights legislation" and act like their hand wasn't forced by the bravery of so many African Americans who fought for their own civil rights? You are definitely a piece of work. Those same white people who were so kind as to allow the negros to drink from their whitey water fountains were the same ones who held office when they had to get their food from the back door of restaurants! Give me a break.

24 minutes ago, 2wedge said:

Dressed out in gang clothing? Translation:  It's your fault that people view you as a criminal because of how you are dressed. Dress better boy!

And are you really going to beat the drum for "white people who passed civil rights legislation" and act like their hand wasn't forced by the bravery of so many African Americans who fought for their own civil rights? You are definitely a piece of work. Those same white people who were so kind as to allow the negros to drink from their whitey water fountains were the same ones who held office when they had to get their food from the back door of restaurants! Give me a break.

Talk about beating a drum...... Duh.

30 minutes ago, 2wedge said:

Dressed out in gang clothing? Translation:  It's your fault that people view you as a criminal because of how you are dressed. Dress better boy!

And are you really going to beat the drum for "white people who passed civil rights legislation" and act like their hand wasn't forced by the bravery of so many African Americans who fought for their own civil rights? You are definitely a piece of work. Those same white people who were so kind as to allow the negros to drink from their whitey water fountains were the same ones who held office when they had to get their food from the back door of restaurants! Give me a break.

Sorry 2wedge but the emboldened is nothing more than your opinion and supposition of whats in the mind and hearts of others.  By the way, based upon your subsequent comments, it would appear that substantial progress has been made on the civil rights front.  But, let me guess, you are one of those who believes the only real way to settle all of this is through 'reparations', right?

46 minutes ago, 2wedge said:

Dressed out in gang clothing? Translation:  It's your fault that people view you as a criminal because of how you are dressed. Dress better boy!

And are you really going to beat the drum for "white people who passed civil rights legislation" and act like their hand wasn't forced by the bravery of so many African Americans who fought for their own civil rights? You are definitely a piece of work. Those same white people who were so kind as to allow the negros to drink from their whitey water fountains were the same ones who held office when they had to get their food from the back door of restaurants! Give me a break.

You made the point that White woman are scared of skin color. I illustrated your flawed thinking by showing White woman are scared of the clothing, not the skin color. I'm sorry if you can't understand it. It's not that you can't, it's that you refuse...because it is not congruent with your "neanderthal way of thinking". The way Liberals can perform mental gymnastics to enable them to hold onto spoon fed Liberal "logic" is sometimes indescribable. And the frightening thing is you hold an omniscient attitude when spouting your spoon-fed flawed message. 

And no, White people were not forced to pass Civil Rights legislation. Anyone that looks at stats can determine that in a matter of seconds...unless you worship at the feet of the Liberal gods.

22 minutes ago, stevenash said:

Sorry 2wedge but the emboldened is nothing more than your opinion and supposition of whats in the mind and hearts of others.  By the way, based upon your subsequent comments, it would appear that substantial progress has been made on the civil rights front.  But, let me guess, you are one of those who believes the only real way to settle all of this is through 'reparations', right?

No, I actually find reparations insulting. As if someone's dignity has a dollar amount assigned to it.

The man literally said that if they were wearing "gang clothing" he would be scared. I don't have to suppose what's going on in his mind to know what he is thinking. He has told us. You, and those of your ilk, are so blinded by your narrative that you cannot bring yourself to consider what it's like to be told that your clothes make you scary. 

Everyone can agree that we have made "substantial progress" on the civil rights front, but let's not act like the bar was set very high. Simple human rights were being denied to AAs before the civil right's movement. Allowing someone of a different color to sit next to you in a restaurant is not something to pat yourself on the back about. Try untying some of the cultural barriers that rich white people have fought for years to keep into place before you talk to me about civil rights progress.

Hell, try moving some black families into Lumberton first. Then I'll talk with you.

9 minutes ago, Englebert said:

You made the point that White woman are scared of skin color. I illustrated your flawed thinking by showing White woman are scared of the clothing, not the skin color. I'm sorry if you can't understand it. It's not that you can't, it's that you refuse...because it is not congruent with your "neanderthal way of thinking". The way Liberals can perform mental gymnastics to enable them to hold onto spoon fed Liberal "logic" is sometimes indescribable. And the frightening thing is you hold an omniscient attitude when spouting your spoon-fed flawed message. 

And no, White people were not forced to pass Civil Rights legislation. Anyone that looks at stats can determine that in a matter of seconds...unless you worship at the feet of the Liberal gods.

Says the guy who probably has his radio locked in on 740 and goes to sleep after watching Carlson and Hannity. I worship at the feet of one God who is clear about his stance on racial equality. He doesn't care who wears what.

15 minutes ago, Englebert said:

You made the point that White woman are scared of skin color. I illustrated your flawed thinking by showing White woman are scared of the clothing, not the skin color. I'm sorry if you can't understand it. It's not that you can't, it's that you refuse...because it is not congruent with your "neanderthal way of thinking". The way Liberals can perform mental gymnastics to enable them to hold onto spoon fed Liberal "logic" is sometimes indescribable. And the frightening thing is you hold an omniscient attitude when spouting your spoon-fed flawed message. 

And no, White people were not forced to pass Civil Rights legislation. Anyone that looks at stats can determine that in a matter of seconds...unless you worship at the feet of the Liberal gods.

White women are NOT afraid of skin color, most black players that are kneeling have white wives and girlfriends. I am amazed when I see a black professional athlete with a black women

1 hour ago, 2wedge said:

Says the guy who probably has his radio locked in on 740 and goes to sleep after watching Carlson and Hannity. I worship at the feet of one God who is clear about his stance on racial equality. He doesn't care who wears what.

I don't know what fantasyland you live in, and I want no part of it. It is scary that people like you exist...regardless of clothing or skin color.

Try going to a management level job interview with baggy blue jeans and a dirty t-shirt, then blame your failure for not getting the job on skin color, or some nonsense reason. We've seen your kind plenty of times. You reasoning and comprehension skills seem to be at a frightening immature level. And your profiling attempts are just hilarious. You might overtake new tobie as to go-to guy for comic relief on this site.

1 hour ago, 2wedge said:

No, I actually find reparations insulting. As if someone's dignity has a dollar amount assigned to it.

The man literally said that if they were wearing "gang clothing" he would be scared. I don't have to suppose what's going on in his mind to know what he is thinking. He has told us. You, and those of your ilk, are so blinded by your narrative that you cannot bring yourself to consider what it's like to be told that your clothes make you scary. 

Everyone can agree that we have made "substantial progress" on the civil rights front, but let's not act like the bar was set very high. Simple human rights were being denied to AAs before the civil right's movement. Allowing someone of a different color to sit next to you in a restaurant is not something to pat yourself on the back about. Try untying some of the cultural barriers that rich white people have fought for years to keep into place before you talk to me about civil rights progress.

Hell, try moving some black families into Lumberton first. Then I'll talk with you.

What do you think is going on in my mind? You don't have a clue. And based on your past posts, you are blinded by hate and no amount of contrary evidence will sway your ingrained flawed beliefs...and that is frightening to me that somebody can be that easily manipulated.

And man, what a childish statement. Did you actually say that me and my ilk cannot consider what it's like to be told that your clothes make you scary? I might have to get new tobie to interpret that one, because I don't think I can get my mind to think as a pre-schooler. 

1 hour ago, new tobie said:

White women are NOT afraid of skin color, most black players that are kneeling have white wives and girlfriends. I am amazed when I see a black professional athlete with a black women

You should have quoted 2wedge on this one. He is the one that is claiming White woman (and all Whites) are afraid of Blacks.

1 hour ago, 2wedge said:

Says the guy who probably has his radio locked in on 740 and goes to sleep after watching Carlson and Hannity. I worship at the feet of one God who is clear about his stance on racial equality. He doesn't care who wears what.

I can tell by your tone that you have God in your life.

1 hour ago, 2wedge said:

No, I actually find reparations insulting. As if someone's dignity has a dollar amount assigned to it.

The man literally said that if they were wearing "gang clothing" he would be scared. I don't have to suppose what's going on in his mind to know what he is thinking. He has told us. You, and those of your ilk, are so blinded by your narrative that you cannot bring yourself to consider what it's like to be told that your clothes make you scary. 

Everyone can agree that we have made "substantial progress" on the civil rights front, but let's not act like the bar was set very high. Simple human rights were being denied to AAs before the civil right's movement. Allowing someone of a different color to sit next to you in a restaurant is not something to pat yourself on the back about. Try untying some of the cultural barriers that rich white people have fought for years to keep into place before you talk to me about civil rights progress.

Hell, try moving some black families into Lumberton first. Then I'll talk with you.

Blacks act like they want to "move in" and be your neighbor, but really you want to take over. Don't lie. At work, in the lunchroom, I went and sat at the " black" table. Imagine that. I was asked what I was doing. I said integrating. 


2wedge- why do you think that some folks choose to wear clothing that is perceived as gang clothing by others?  And please do not insult me by suggesting it is not intentional.  I will also let you know that I am troubled when I see someone walking around with their crotch in their hand.  And, once again, don't give me that "it's a cultural thing B.S."

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