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41 minutes ago, stevenash said:

2wedge- why do you think that some folks choose to wear clothing that is perceived as gang clothing by others?  And please do not insult me by suggesting it is not intentional.  I will also let you know that I am troubled when I see someone walking around with their crotch in their hand.  And, once again, don't give me that "it's a cultural thing B.S."

They have to have their crotch in their hand to keep their damn pants from falling down.  

13 hours ago, baddog said:

Blacks act like they want to "move in" and be your neighbor, but really you want to take over. Don't lie. At work, in the lunchroom, I went and sat at the " black" table. Imagine that. I was asked what I was doing. I said integrating. 

Not even sure what to say to this statement. Illustrates my point and is a great exit point for me. Enjoy your cesspool of race baiting and vitriol gentlemen. I will no longer allow myself to be a part of it.

15 minutes ago, 2wedge said:

Not even sure what to say to this statement. Illustrates my point and is a great exit point for me. Enjoy your cesspool of race baiting and vitriol gentlemen. I will no longer allow myself to be a part of it.

translation- I have no problem stirring up but I want to be the only "stirrer"

34 minutes ago, 2wedge said:

Not even sure what to say to this statement. Illustrates my point and is a great exit point for me. Enjoy your cesspool of race baiting and vitriol gentlemen. I will no longer allow myself to be a part of it.

You gave a perfect example of saying nothing. 

1 hour ago, 2wedge said:

Not even sure what to say to this statement. Illustrates my point and is a great exit point for me. Enjoy your cesspool of race baiting and vitriol gentlemen. I will no longer allow myself to be a part of it.

I was going to respond but stevenash basically hit my response square on the nose. You come on here and accuse the majority of White people of being racist then run like a frightened teenager when challenged on your warped assessment. Just another typical day when dealing with Liberals. And I'm sure "the gang of 6" posters on this site will have to bear the full brunt of the blame for running off another poster because of our audacity to challenge the posters assertions.

8 hours ago, 2wedge said:

Not even sure what to say to this statement. Illustrates my point and is a great exit point for me. Enjoy your cesspool of race baiting and vitriol gentlemen. I will no longer allow myself to be a part of it.

What is s race baiter? I am constantly reminded of how whites interacted with blacks 150 years ago and am supposedly made to feel guilty about it. Guess what? I feel no guilt at all. Now, I bring up a situation in recent history of how blacks interact with whites and you take your ball and go home while calling me a baiter. See how stupid and insensitive that is?

44 minutes ago, baddog said:

What is s race baiter? I am constantly reminded of how whites interacted with blacks 150 years ago and am supposedly made to feel guilty about it. Guess what? I feel no guilt at all. Now, I bring up a situation in recent history of how blacks interact with whites and you take your ball and go home while calling me a baiter. See how stupid and insensitive that is?

I'll jump back in here, even though  I should pay attention to my better judgment and move along. 

You stated that "blacks do not want to move in, they want to take over". First off, calling them "blacks" is ignorant and highlights everything that is wrong with your way of thinking. Secondly, who exactly is it that these "blacks" want to take over? In your mind, it's not just that an African American family may move into Lumberton, it's that "blacks" want to "take over". You do this constantly on this site. You build arguments to try and make everyone believe that racism is a thing of the past and that minorities aren't treated any more unfairly than anyone else in the world, when in reality everyone knows that is not true. You and your buddies talk about "gang clothing" and "crotch grabbing" and say that culture is not an excuse, all the while expecting to be accepted in northern states for saying the words "y'all" and wearing cowboy hats. Are "y'all" and cowboys hats not cultural things? Were we not taught that by our fathers and our grandfathers? So why wouldn't clothing, speech, and posture also be cultural issues in the African American community? You won't consider that because it doesn't fit the narrative and allows you to sit back and leave things like they are. If you actually thought some of this through, you might have to consider that African Americans weren't trying to "take over" (I can only assume you mean taking over your all white neighborhood), but rather trying to live in nicer neighborhoods, flee higher crime rates, and enroll their kids in better schools. The problem is, they aren't afforded these luxuries because men like you aren't going to allow AAs to "take over". That, sir is racism and it's rampant on this board and drips off of the words each of  you speak (type). The vast majority of you all wouldn't repeat half of what you type here in a public place. You wouldn't sit down to dinner and discuss these topics with me in open forum because the next table over might hear you talking about "blacks taking over". You post here because this board cloaks your shame and allows you to be exactly who you want to be.

You guys have me answering all these questions, I have one for you all:  What if your daughter brought home a non "gang clothes wearing", non "crotch grabbing", African American boy one day after school? How would you react to that?


Welcome back to that cesspool,2wedge.  That self portrayal as being "above the fray" was weak and you just documented it.  Please point out the grandfathers who taught their offspring to walk around with their crotch in their hand.  There is nothing "cultural" about walking around with your crotch in your hand.  As for your final question, that has happened in my home multiple times and my grown daughter remains in contact with the young man she first brought home 25 years ago.    He never grabbed his crotch and was not defiant and disrespectful in his efforts to "gain respect/equality".   I have another offspring who is a reasonably successful high school basketball coach who, for years, has worked with young men, the majority of whom, have been minorities. ( not one player, ever, in his presence has felt the need to practice that "long honored tradition"( give me a break) of grabbing his crotch ) I have 2 mixed marriages in my family and believe me sir, you are not qualified by any stretch of the imagination to lecture me on this topic.  And by the way, anybody with the smallest amount of intelligence can find a way to interpret any words uttered by anyone as having racial overtones.  But when Joe Biden said " he wants to put you all back in chains" nobody had a problem with that and I will bet you are one of them.

32 minutes ago, stevenash said:

Welcome back to that cesspool,2wedge.  That self portrayal as being "above the fray" was weak and you just documented it.  Please point out the grandfathers who taught their offspring to walk around with their crotch in their hand.  There is nothing "cultural" about walking around with your crotch in your hand.  As for your final question, that has happened in my home multiple times and my grown daughter remains in contact with the young man she first brought home 25 years ago.    He never grabbed his crotch and was not defiant and disrespectful in his efforts to "gain respect/equality".   I have another offspring who is a reasonably successful high school basketball coach who, for years, has worked with young men, the majority of whom, have been minorities. ( not one player, ever, in his presence has felt the need to practice that "long honored tradition"( give me a break) of grabbing his crotch ) I have 2 mixed marriages in my family and believe me sir, you are not qualified by any stretch of the imagination to lecture me on this topic.  And by the way, anybody with the smallest amount of intelligence can find a way to interpret any words uttered by anyone as having racial overtones.  But when Joe Biden said " he wants to put you all back in chains" nobody had a problem with that and I will bet you are one of them.

23 hours ago, stevenash said:


34 minutes ago, stevenash said:

Welcome back to that cesspool,2wedge.  That self portrayal as being "above the fray" was weak and you just documented it.  Please point out the grandfathers who taught their offspring to walk around with their crotch in their hand.  There is nothing "cultural" about walking around with your crotch in your hand.  As for your final question, that has happened in my home multiple times and my grown daughter remains in contact with the young man she first brought home 25 years ago.    He never grabbed his crotch and was not defiant and disrespectful in his efforts to "gain respect/equality".   I have another offspring who is a reasonably successful high school basketball coach who, for years, has worked with young men, the majority of whom, have been minorities. ( not one player, ever, in his presence has felt the need to practice that "long honored tradition"( give me a break) of grabbing his crotch ) I have 2 mixed marriages in my family and believe me sir, you are not qualified by any stretch of the imagination to lecture me on this topic.  And by the way, anybody with the smallest amount of intelligence can find a way to interpret any words uttered by anyone as having racial overtones.  But when Joe Biden said " he wants to put you all back in chains" nobody had a problem with that and I will bet you are one of them.

Expect no response


Gotta stay out of that cesspool inhabited by ignorant, racist, bigoted folks like me who are perceived as clinging to their guns and bibles.  It is incumbent for those on one side of the fence to "understand" about the other side while the other side needn't do anything but offer themselves as victims who are not responsible for any of life's difficulties.


I walked right by a Black man today and did not feel threatened or frightened at all. And this Black man was brandishing a gun right out there in the open, and I didn't feel threatened at all. Maybe it was his clothing...after all, he was in his police uniform. But somehow 2wedge thinks I will just look at his skin color and react based on that one thing. That would be as childish and ignorant as that line of thinking. 

Maybe we will be treated to another bloviating post full of negative racial stereotypes (which I'm sure he abhors but has no problem throwing out) that barely reaches the immature stage. new tobie has a race on his hands to maintain his king of comic relief crown on this site. Even new tobie's iconic "grab um" posts contain more intelligence than 2wedge's last post.

5 hours ago, 2wedge said:

You stated that "blacks do not want to move in, they want to take over". First off, calling them "blacks" is ignorant and highlights everything that is wrong with your way of thinking. 

We have people from all over the world in this country.  How am I supposed to know if they are American?


I was in Belize a few months ago and a group of us were looking for our tour guide.  They told us to walk down the hill and look for the black guy in the green shirt.  One lady in the group got offended and said he should be called African American.  I just laughed in her face.  I guess she forgot we were in a foreign country.  

13 hours ago, Englebert said:

I walked right by a Black man today and did not feel threatened or frightened at all. And this Black man was brandishing a gun right out there in the open, and I didn't feel threatened at all. Maybe it was his clothing...after all, he was in his police uniform. But somehow 2wedge thinks I will just look at his skin color and react based on that one thing. That would be as childish and ignorant as that line of thinking. 

Maybe we will be treated to another bloviating post full of negative racial stereotypes (which I'm sure he abhors but has no problem throwing out) that barely reaches the immature stage. new tobie has a race on his hands to maintain his king of comic relief crown on this site. Even new tobie's iconic "grab um" posts contain more intelligence than 2wedge's last post.

Thank you. It was such a race hatred rant I didn't know where to begin. Then I had the "bet you wouldn't say that in a crowd of blacks" threat. What does that tell me about blacks? One would think we could use this board to air  our differences, which was my attempt, but when my scenario gets absolutely no justifiable answer, we see what actually comes out.

I thought it was very courageous of me to sit at that special table and say what I did. No one went off on me at all. Some even laughed. Guess it depends on the class of the person, which is by what we should all be judged.

I have said this before, I know a black man who has an 18" cross tattooed in the middle of his back in rememberance if my deceased son. He has stayed at my house and is welcome anytime. My son and he were best friends. He is unlike the blacks on this board with their race cards and the chip on their shoulder. How can race relations improve when they can't be discussed? I try to be real. I am"cloaking" nothing.

On 10/11/2017 at 3:28 PM, 2wedge said:

I'll jump back in here, even though  I should pay attention to my better judgment and move along. 

You stated that "blacks do not want to move in, they want to take over". First off, calling them "blacks" is ignorant and highlights everything that is wrong with your way of thinking. Secondly, who exactly is it that these "blacks" want to take over? In your mind, it's not just that an African American family may move into Lumberton, it's that "blacks" want to "take over". You do this constantly on this site. You build arguments to try and make everyone believe that racism is a thing of the past and that minorities aren't treated any more unfairly than anyone else in the world, when in reality everyone knows that is not true. You and your buddies talk about "gang clothing" and "crotch grabbing" and say that culture is not an excuse, all the while expecting to be accepted in northern states for saying the words "y'all" and wearing cowboy hats. Are "y'all" and cowboys hats not cultural things? Were we not taught that by our fathers and our grandfathers? So why wouldn't clothing, speech, and posture also be cultural issues in the African American community? You won't consider that because it doesn't fit the narrative and allows you to sit back and leave things like they are. If you actually thought some of this through, you might have to consider that African Americans weren't trying to "take over" (I can only assume you mean taking over your all white neighborhood), but rather trying to live in nicer neighborhoods, flee higher crime rates, and enroll their kids in better schools. The problem is, they aren't afforded these luxuries because men like you aren't going to allow AAs to "take over". That, sir is racism and it's rampant on this board and drips off of the words each of  you speak (type). The vast majority of you all wouldn't repeat half of what you type here in a public place. You wouldn't sit down to dinner and discuss these topics with me in open forum because the next table over might hear you talking about "blacks taking over". You post here because this board cloaks your shame and allows you to be exactly who you want to be.

You guys have me answering all these questions, I have one for you all:  What if your daughter brought home a non "gang clothes wearing", non "crotch grabbing", African American boy one day after school? How would you react to that?

Thank you sir 

On 10/12/2017 at 7:39 PM, Englebert said:

I walked right by a Black man today and did not feel threatened or frightened at all. And this Black man was brandishing a gun right out there in the open, and I didn't feel threatened at all. Maybe it was his clothing...after all, he was in his police uniform. But somehow 2wedge thinks I will just look at his skin color and react based on that one thing. That would be as childish and ignorant as that line of thinking. 

Maybe we will be treated to another bloviating post full of negative racial stereotypes (which I'm sure he abhors but has no problem throwing out) that barely reaches the immature stage. new tobie has a race on his hands to maintain his king of comic relief crown on this site. Even new tobie's iconic "grab um" posts contain more intelligence than 2wedge's last post.

Someone walked right by the las Vegas shooter and didn't feel threatened also. If onlt we had banned folks like the Las Vegas shooter from coming to America 

2 hours ago, new tobie said:

Someone walked right by the las Vegas shooter and didn't feel threatened also. If onlt we had banned folks like the Las Vegas shooter from coming to America 

And the crown is safely ensconced. As usual you have no idea about the topic at hand and just blurt out nonsense. At least you tried...right. Too bad that is just an example of your best.

1 hour ago, Englebert said:

And the crown is safely ensconced. As usual you have no idea about the topic at hand and just blurt out nonsense. At least you tried...right. Too bad that is just an example of your best.

You forgot to call him "boy".....

On ‎10‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 8:06 AM, baddog said:

Thank you. It was such a race hatred rant I didn't know where to begin. Then I had the "bet you wouldn't say that in a crowd of blacks" threat. What does that tell me about blacks? One would think we could use this board to air  our differences, which was my attempt, but when my scenario gets absolutely no justifiable answer, we see what actually comes out.

I thought it was very courageous of me to sit at that special table and say what I did. No one went off on me at all. Some even laughed. Guess it depends on the class of the person, which is by what we should all be judged.

I have said this before, I know a black man who has an 18" cross tattooed in the middle of his back in rememberance if my deceased son. He has stayed at my house and is welcome anytime. My son and he were best friends. He is unlike the blacks on this board with their race cards and the chip on their shoulder. How can race relations improve when they can't be discussed? I try to be real. I am"cloaking" nothing.

Did I say that you wouldn't say that in front of a crowd of blacks? No....I said you wouldn't say it in a public place. I know it's hard for you to believe, but you and your buddies racist rhetoric is abhorred by lots of white people too. And a lot of us white people who are tired of this narrative, are also tired of being quiet about it. Tired of hearing it and willing to fight right beside our brothers and sisters of color to ensure that it stops, or at the least the light is shone on those who refuse to progress.

Oh, and lots of racists have black friends who are welcome in their homes. That doesn't excuse the things you say. Have you ever called him a "black" to his face......bet you haven't.

3 minutes ago, 2wedge said:

You forgot to call him "boy".....

That line of thinking comes straight out of your fantasyland. According to you, all White people, or the majority of White people are bigots and racist and want nothing short of extermination of all minorities and Jews. Is that about right? What percentage of White people do you consider to be racist? Please give a number and reveal to those that already don't see it how warped and pathetic your line of thinking is when referring to race relations.

1 hour ago, Englebert said:

And the crown is safely ensconced. As usual you have no idea about the topic at hand and just blurt out nonsense. At least you tried...right. Too bad that is just an example of your best.

And you know what else, you've got some kind of balls to tell a black man that he doesn't have any idea about the topic of racism. Good Lord you people are a piece of work.

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