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It's time for people who still support the 2 party system to accept the fact this country is controlled by bankers, corporations, and weapons manufacturers. The people who really run this country behind the shadows manipulating public perception so the public will argue over petty issues while the corporate class makes trillions. It's always been about profits over people and neither "side" is the answer.


Can you give some examples of how these bankers, corporations and weapons manufacturers control this country? And what are the solutions? And if we throw out the old regime, how can we guarantee that the new regime won't follow in the same footprints? Is more government the answer? If so, how do we throw out the current bums and replace them with future bums? 


You made the claim. If you are adamant about this notion you should have some supporting evidence as to why you reached this conclusion. And while you are producing the evidence, please include the answers to the rest of my questions.


I agree...let’s go to the one party system...the Conservative party system.

If you work hard, you prosper...if you don’t, you won’t .

We allow children to live and allow the free market to create enough jobs to support them.

If you fall on hard times, church going Christians will have plenty to help since they weren’t robbed by the “progressive” party in the name of compassion.  (Of course, we give anyway).

Oh, we won’t provide you with free insurance, housing or phones...sorry.

Sounds good, I’m in.

11 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

I agree...let’s go to the one party system...the Conservative party system.

If you work hard, you prosper...if you don’t, you won’t .

We allow children to live and allow the free market to create enough jobs to support them.

If you fall on hard times, church going Christians will have plenty to help since they weren’t robbed by the “progressive” party in the name of compassion.  (Of course, we give anyway).

Oh, we won’t provide you with free insurance, housing or phones...sorry.

Sounds good, I’m in.

My mother worked hard at the same job for 45 years. Went to church every sunday. Treated ALL people with respect. Took care of sick relatives the last 10 to 15 years of her life. Was never able to financially PROSPER because of the cost of life, especially MEDICAL  cost. Working hard means you get paid, but you don't always prosper. Our congressmen prosper, They get government checks and government insurance and some also get paid by the lobbyist that help keep the working poor......POOR. If we want to go after the so called free loaders, lets add congress to that list. Lets add term limits for congress also. i bet the free loading politicians have spent way more government money than the free loading citezens.

10 minutes ago, six burg said:

My mother worked hard at the same job for 45 years. Went to church every sunday. Treated ALL people with respect. Took care of sick relatives the last 10 to 15 years of her life. Was never able to financially PROSPER because of the cost of life, especially MEDICAL  cost. Working hard means you get paid, but you don't always prosper. Our congressmen prosper, They get government checks and government insurance and some also get paid by the lobbyist that help keep the working poor......POOR. If we want to go after the so called free loaders, lets add congress to that list. Lets add term limits for congress also. i bet the free loading politicians have spent way more government money than the free loading citezens.

The Conservative party would solve all your problems stated.

12 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

I agree...let’s go to the one party system...the Conservative party system.

If you work hard, you prosper...if you don’t, you won’t .

We allow children to live and allow the free market to create enough jobs to support them.

If you fall on hard times, church going Christians will have plenty to help since they weren’t robbed by the “progressive” party in the name of compassion.  (Of course, we give anyway).

Oh, we won’t provide you with free insurance, housing or phones...sorry.

Sounds good, I’m in.

Did you receive FEMA aid? If you work hard, you shouldn't have needed It, right?

42 minutes ago, six burg said:

My mother worked hard at the same job for 45 years. Went to church every sunday. Treated ALL people with respect. Took care of sick relatives the last 10 to 15 years of her life. Was never able to financially PROSPER because of the cost of life, especially MEDICAL  cost. Working hard means you get paid, but you don't always prosper. Our congressmen prosper, They get government checks and government insurance and some also get paid by the lobbyist that help keep the working poor......POOR. If we want to go after the so called free loaders, lets add congress to that list. Lets add term limits for congress also. i bet the free loading politicians have spent way more government money than the free loading citezens.

I agree. I know people who work hard who aren't rich.

45 minutes ago, six burg said:

My mother worked hard at the same job for 45 years. Went to church every sunday. Treated ALL people with respect. Took care of sick relatives the last 10 to 15 years of her life. Was never able to financially PROSPER because of the cost of life, especially MEDICAL  cost. Working hard means you get paid, but you don't always prosper. Our congressmen prosper, They get government checks and government insurance and some also get paid by the lobbyist that help keep the working poor......POOR. If we want to go after the so called free loaders, lets add congress to that list. Lets add term limits for congress also. i bet the free loading politicians have spent way more government money than the free loading citezens.

Two things from my perspective:  If you HONESTLY believe what you are saying, you should be promoting smaller and less intrusive government.  Having a lot of difficulty believing that is what a certain party  this country wants.  And it is quite easy to work  hard and not have plenty of money in the bank.  You can have a job that doesnt pay very much and still work hard at it.   You can earn a decent living and spend more than you make and take on more debt than you can afford for that new car, new house, etc etc etc that you had no business buying at a particular time in your life.  When you are earning beer wages you shouldnt be buying champagne and caviar( that is not literal but, of course, figurative).  There are plenty of people in this country who believe that their  lack of financial success in life is attributable to someone else when, most of the time, that is absolutely untrue.  For those of you who persist in the belief that government can, somehow, make things more "fair", you are simply advocating having more government which appears to be what you believe is the problem.  A considerable amount of what troubles you can be solved with introspection and a resolve to achieve more and manage what you do have more wisely.  Somewhere on this board, there is a video by Dr. Rick Rigsby which seemed to impress everyone.  He spoke so highly of his 3rd grade dropout father who worked as hard or harder than anyone he know.  HIs father had no material wealth but passed on to his son another type of wealth which served him much better than a government handout.

28 minutes ago, stevenash said:

Two things from my perspective:  If you HONESTLY believe what you are saying, you should be promoting smaller and less intrusive government.  Having a lot of difficulty believing that is what a certain party  this country wants.  And it is quite easy to work  hard and not have plenty of money in the bank.  You can have a job that doesnt pay very much and still work hard at it.   You can earn a decent living and spend more than you make and take on more debt than you can afford for that new car, new house, etc etc etc that you had no business buying at a particular time in your life.  When you are earning beer wages you shouldnt be buying champagne and caviar( that is not literal but, of course, figurative).  There are plenty of people in this country who believe that their  lack of financial success in life is attributable to someone else when, most of the time, that is absolutely untrue.  For those of you who persist in the belief that government can, somehow, make things more "fair", you are simply advocating having more government which appears to be what you believe is the problem.  A considerable amount of what troubles you can be solved with introspection and a resolve to achieve more and manage what you do have more wisely.  Somewhere on this board, there is a video by Dr. Rick Rigsby which seemed to impress everyone.  He spoke so highly of his 3rd grade dropout father who worked as hard or harder than anyone he know.  HIs father had no material wealth but passed on to his son another type of wealth which served him much better than a government handout.

My mother never received a government handout, never even tried to get one. Just sayin there  are times when working poor could use one. Like I sad politicians including the president whomever may be in office blow tax payer money everyday. Even if a president doesn't take a salary he may blow money on to many golf trips ect. Execive government spending never comes up when a certain party is in office.

6 minutes ago, new tobie said:

My mother never received a government handout, never even tried to get one. Just sayin there  are times when working poor could use one. Like I sad politicians including the president whomever may be in office blow tax payer money everyday. Even if a president doesn't take a salary he may blow money on to many golf trips ect. Execive government spending never comes up when a certain party is in office.

I agree with you tobie. I need to look up a pie chart showing who waste the most money welfare freeloaders or government freeloaders including the president.

14 minutes ago, six burg said:

I agree with you tobie. I need to look up a pie chart showing who waste the most money welfare freeloaders or government freeloaders including the president.

To me it doesn't matter who wastes the most money.  The problem is wasting it.  And I totally agree that it gets wasted by both parties.  However, let me give you a small hint/clue about that.  It does NOT take a brain surgeon to realize that growing the size and power of the "waster" will only make it WORSE.  AS for your pie chart, the word "waste" is a relative term and defining it would be very critical before charting it.  Sixburg, exactly "who" is going to decide how much is an appropriate amount when the working poor should get a government handout?  Who is going to decide how frequent that should be and who is going to decide where the cutoff point is?  Here is another clue for you - saying " I feel your pain" or saying " change you can believe in" means ABSOLUTELY zero, zilch, nada as a qualification for addressing those issues.  There is a point where fiscal responsibility and social justice but heads.

9 minutes ago, stevenash said:

To me it doesn't matter who wastes the most money.  The problem is wasting it.  And I totally agree that it gets wasted by both parties.  However, let me give you a small hint/clue about that.  It does NOT take a brain surgeon to realize that growing the size and power of the "waster" will only make it WORSE.  AS for your pie chart, the word "waste" is a relative term and defining it would be very critical before charting it.  Sixburg, exactly "who" is going to decide how much is an appropriate amount when the working poor should get a government handout?  Who is going to decide how frequent that should be and who is going to decide where the cutoff point is?  Here is another clue for you - saying " I feel your pain" or saying " change you can believe in" means ABSOLUTELY zero, zilch, nada as a qualification for addressing those issues.  There is a point where fiscal responsibility and social justice but heads.

If you are worried about government spending you should be outraged by some of the expensive plane trips and exessive amounts of golf trips that are going on right now. Let's attack all government spending. Exanple is the affordable care act, get rid of it and replace it with something that can benefit working class people that need affordable healthcare. Or make congress use whatever the replacement is, that would satisfy the uninsured working class. 

16 hours ago, rolltides said:

It's time for people who still support the 2 party system to accept the fact this country is controlled by bankers, corporations, and weapons manufacturers. The people who really run this country behind the shadows manipulating public perception so the public will argue over petty issues while the corporate class makes trillions. It's always been about profits over people and neither "side" is the answer.

You are absolutely correct. Your way of thinking could help with the repeal and replace of the healthcare bill. A good replacement could be achieved if people are put first. "For The People"

8 minutes ago, six burg said:

If you are worried about government spending you should be outraged by some of the expensive plane trips and exessive amounts of golf trips that are going on right now. Let's attack all government spending. Exanple is the affordable care act, get rid of it and replace it with something that can benefit working class people that need affordable healthcare. Or make congress use whatever the replacement is, that would satisfy the uninsured working class. 

We should also not be involved in such "investments" as Solyndra.  Check out how much that cost this country.  Check out how and why the U.S. Postal service is bankrupt and cannot meet its future obligations while FedEx and UPS are profitable corporations.  The government is not a good steward of our money and we should not be giving it more control via more taxes, more regulations, and more employees.

18 minutes ago, six burg said:

You are absolutely correct. Your way of thinking could help with the repeal and replace of the healthcare bill. A good replacement could be achieved if people are put first. "For The People"

I asked rolltides these questions, but he did not answer. Since you absolutely agree with his post, you should be able to answer them. So here goes. Can you give some examples of how these bankers, corporations and weapons manufacturers control this country? And what are the solutions? And if we throw out the old regime, how can we guarantee that the new regime won't follow in the same footprints? Is more government the answer? If so, how do we throw out the current bums and replace them with future bums? 

12 minutes ago, Englebert said:

I asked rolltides these questions, but he did not answer. Since you absolutely agree with his post, you should be able to answer them. So here goes. Can you give some examples of how these bankers, corporations and weapons manufacturers control this country? And what are the solutions? And if we throw out the old regime, how can we guarantee that the new regime won't follow in the same footprints? Is more government the answer? If so, how do we throw out the current bums and replace them with future bums? 


Bankers and corporations have controlled this country for many decades because they had the money to buy politicians. Democrat or Republican politicians are bought and paid for, period. I used solving the healthcare situation as a example, because if it was about helping working class people it would get fixed. But its about profits for the medical industry. If you are someone in your family gets sick you will see. I have paid my maximum out of pocket the last three years. Some working class poor or elderly folks on social security couldn't afford to be sick.

20 minutes ago, six burg said:

Bankers and corporations have controlled this country for many decades because they had the money to buy politicians. Democrat or Republican politicians are bought and paid for, period. I used solving the healthcare situation as a example, because if it was about helping working class people it would get fixed. But its about profits for the medical industry. If you are someone in your family gets sick you will see. I have paid my maximum out of pocket the last three years. Some working class poor or elderly folks on social security couldn't afford to be sick.

The American voter has the ability to throw out "bought and paid for" politicians. The American people can then vote in people that can root out and prosecute "bought and paid for" politicians. If bankers and corporations control this country, it is because the voters have allowed them to.

The government takeover of the Healthcare system is an attempt to control the people, all of the people, not just benefit the medical industry.

And what am I supposed to "see". You know nothing about me or my family or what we've been through, so I am not enamored with your profiling attempts. If you want a civil discussion, leave personal attacks out of the conversation. I have no problem resorting to that Liberal tactic and will respond in kind.

29 minutes ago, six burg said:

Bankers and corporations have controlled this country for many decades because they had the money to buy politicians. Democrat or Republican politicians are bought and paid for, period. I used solving the healthcare situation as a example, because if it was about helping working class people it would get fixed. But its about profits for the medical industry. If you are someone in your family gets sick you will see. I have paid my maximum out of pocket the last three years. Some working class poor or elderly folks on social security couldn't afford to be sick.

Based on your comment ( emboldened above) are you saying that the Democrats via the  AHCA are in bed with the medical industry since no Republicans voted for that bill?


Ya gotta get over this idea that profits are evil.  Same thing happened a few years ago when gasoline was high.  The oil companies were severely castigated for "obscene an unfair " profits.  When you have time, look up the return on equity of Apple computer, Drug Giant Merck, and Exxon.   Let me know where the "evilness" is.

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