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26 minutes ago, Bigcam2903 said:

Talk about insensitivity, why hasn't this statement been scrutinized?? Lots of you on here hide behind these screens are the Racist idiots that perpetuate this ignorance. Someone quoted " two wrongs" but never chimed in on this particular comment. Let's make America great again. Yeah right

I'm not racist. I just hate people who wish me dead and will kill anybody in the way.


This so-called "diversity" visa program was like a lottery.  It was random.  Back in the day when normalcy reigned with our immigration system, one needed a sponsor to enter.  This sponsor was responsible for these people.  But, a "diversity" program?!  This touchy-feely stupidity just got 8 people killed.

14 minutes ago, baddog said:

I'm not racist. I just hate people who wish me dead and will kill anybody in the way.

I don't know what you are, but what you said is a very offensive. The same could be said of all Races of people, but that's not how I want my kids to view the World. When Harvey hit our area, I saw people helping people, not caring about Race, or Class. This is why my Family STANDS. Many died for me to have a choice & we choose to Stand. Be careful of the box you place people in because History shines a light on us All. I'm trying to play nice

53 minutes ago, Bigcam2903 said:

I don't know what you are, but what you said is a very offensive. The same could be said of all Races of people, but that's not how I want my kids to view the World. When Harvey hit our area, I saw people helping people, not caring about Race, or Class. This is why my Family STANDS. Many died for me to have a choice & we choose to Stand. Be careful of the box you place people in because History shines a light on us All. I'm trying to play nice

I know what I am and that is someone who gets called a racist for any thing I say. I am just trying to fit the mold. I dont give a rats arse what anyone thinks of me. Most people cant think past their nose anyway. What do you care that I don't like me some muslims?.....and that's being nice.

Why didn't you attack Kountzer for blaming white men for being terrorists? Pick your battles I guess.

57 minutes ago, Bigcam2903 said:

I don't know what you are, but what you said is a very offensive. The same could be said of all Races of people, but that's not how I want my kids to view the World. When Harvey hit our area, I saw people helping people, not caring about Race, or Class. This is why my Family STANDS. Many died for me to have a choice & we choose to Stand. Be careful of the box you place people in because History shines a light on us All. I'm trying to play nice

56 minutes ago, Bigcam2903 said:

I don't know what you are, but what you said is a very offensive. The same could be said of all Races of people, but that's not how I want my kids to view the World. When Harvey hit our area, I saw people helping people, not caring about Race, or Class. This is why my Family STANDS. Many died for me to have a choice & we choose to Stand. Be careful of the box you place people in because History shines a light on us All. I'm trying to play nice 

Emboldened is so true.   You are so right.  I would like to add, however, that the history light to which you refer applies to EVERYONE and not just those that are accused of being racist every day on this board.    Many of the "accusers" should also be cognizant of your statement and not believe that their situation somehow exempts them from the very same scrutiny.

39 minutes ago, baddog said:

I know what I am and that is someone who gets called a racist for any thing I say. I am just trying to fit the mold. I dont give a rats arse what anyone thinks of me. Most people cant think past their nose anyway. What do you care that I don't like me some muslims?.....and that's being nice.

Why didn't you attack Kountzer for blaming white men for being terrorists? Pick your battles I guess.

If you could comprehend, I don't condone it either way. Like I said you Nash & this other idiot speaking of Former Presidents & lock & load need to hide behind these screens. Many of you boldly speak, but write a check your A$$ can't cash. So lock & load on that. I don't get caught up with studio gangstas, but please don't get "It" or yourself twisted Homie


Why don't the media treat islamist terror attacks like white supremacist terror attacks?  From the article:  "CNN ran a chyron reading, “WITNESSES: SUSPECT WAS YELLING ‘GOD IS GREAT’ IN ARABIC.”  Indeed they did!  I saw it!

This is the hidden content, please

17 minutes ago, Bigcam2903 said:

If you could comprehend, I don't condone it either way. Like I said you Nash & this other idiot speaking of Former Presidents & lock & load need to hide behind these screens. Many of you boldly speak, but write a check your A$$ can't cash. So lock & load on that. I don't get caught up with studio gangstas, but please don't get "It" or yourself twisted Homie

Wow, never been called a homie. Is that a racist remark? 

4 minutes ago, Bigcam2903 said:

Betcha you've been called an idiot & a racist though. 

No, a racist and an idoit by someone who is so racist she can't see the light of day. But that another story.

I still would save a Dachshund before a Muslim.

1 hour ago, stevenash said:

Emboldened is so true.   You are so right.  I would like to add, however, that the history light to which you refer applies to EVERYONE and not just those that are accused of being racist every day on this board.    Many of the "accusers" should also be cognizant of your statement and not believe that their situation somehow exempts them from the very same scrutiny.

Very well spoken. Blah, Blah, Blah. You comprehend very well, that's why I'm not surprised by how you take the high road on certain posts. Almost blindly supporting these ignorant posts of your forum buddies. We have disagreed numerous times on here. Not sure how Racist you are Nash, but I'll bet the Farm you wouldn't correct any of your best buds if they were behind closed doors blatantly disrespecting folks in a manner many exercise on this forum. Thank God for screens

10 minutes ago, baddog said:

No, a racist and an idoit by someone who is so racist she can't see the light of day. But that another story.

I still would save a Dachshund before a Muslim.

You're worst than a Racist, you're pure Evil. Man it must suck to live in Darkness. Prayers for you my Brother. May God touch your heart in Jesus' name

9 minutes ago, Bigcam2903 said:

Very well spoken. Blah, Blah, Blah. You comprehend very well, that's why I'm not surprised by how you take the high road on certain posts. Almost blindly supporting these ignorant posts of your forum buddies. We have disagreed numerous times on here. Not sure how Racist you are Nash, but I'll bet the Farm you wouldn't correct any of your best buds if they were behind closed doors blatantly disrespecting folks in a manner many exercise on this forum. Thank God for screens

It might be worthwhile to not make any assumptions about someone , as you say, who is only a screen name.  And exactly why would you "bet the farm"?  Isn't it wrong to make assumptions?  Aren't assumptions/stereotyping the very things that you abhor? From my perspective, sir, there is no such thing as "almost blindly"  I either support those "ignorant posts" or I don't.  Which is it?  Why are you not sure how racist I am?  Have I said anything disrespectful toward/about minorities?  The thing that troubles me most about this racism stuff is that the bulk of society, in evaluating whether or not I or anyone else has  a predilection toward racism requires me to "prove I am not racist" thereby assuming I am.   That simply isn't acceptable to me.     My wife is a devout catholic and has, for her entire life, jokingly been called a "mackeral snapper" and "minnow muncher".  Most of the time it has been good natured ribbing but sometimes it has not.  Does she need to be hypersensitive about that?  Has that, in some way, impeded her progress in life?  I don't think so.  But, if someone told her every day of her life that a certain part of society was "out to get her", she would eventually believe it.

14 minutes ago, Bigcam2903 said:

You're worst than a Racist, you're pure Evil. Man it must suck to live in Darkness. Prayers for you my Brother. May God touch your heart in Jesus' name

You call people racist idiots in one breath, and in the next your're praying for someone for almost the same thing.  ??????

14 minutes ago, stevenash said:

It might be worthwhile to not make any assumptions about someone , as you say, who is only a screen name.  And exactly why would you "bet the farm"?  Isn't it wrong to make assumptions?  Aren't assumptions/stereotyping the very things that you abhor? From my perspective, sir, there is no such thing as "almost blindly"  I either support those "ignorant posts" or I don't.  Which is it?  Why are you not sure how racist I am?  Have I said anything disrespectful toward/about minorities?  The thing that troubles me most about this racism stuff is that the bulk of society, in evaluating whether or not I or anyone else has  a predilection toward racism requires me to "prove I am not racist" thereby assuming I am.   That simply isn't acceptable to me.     My wife is a devout catholic and has, for her entire life, jokingly been called a "mackeral snapper" and "minnow muncher".  Most of the time it has been good natured ribbing but sometimes it has not.  Does she need to be hypersensitive about that?  Has that, in some way, impeded her progress in life?  I don't think so.  But, if someone told her every day of her life that a certain part of society was "out to get her", she would eventually believe it.

You don't have to prove anything to me bud. I can stand on my own & chew my cabbage twice(old saying) I really don't need clarification of what end of the spectrum you're on. I just stated how much rhetoric you spew on here you choose to somehow condone the comments of baddog but dissect Kountzer, Tobie, big girl or myself. Am I reading too much into it??


The vast majority of the "spewn rhetoric" is directed at overt liberalism, regardless of the author.  Yes, I continually have disagreements with Tobie and Big Girl.   If my memory is correct, I havent had too many "altercations" with Kountzer and the reason for that is that the bulk of his expressions pertain to religion, the bible, etc and I dont feel sufficiently conversant (in most cases) in that area to offer any resistance.  On the other hand, when it comes to fiscal/financial aspects, I feel very well qualified to give an opinion.  As for "somehow condoning" what some from "my side" of the spectrum say, why is silence considered approval?   Do I need to tell those to whom you refer that they are racists, when they have already been told that by several nearly every day  on this board?  The fact that I have ongoing disagreements  with Tobie and Big Girl ( I honestly dont recall having that many, if any, with you) and an occasional one with Tobie, does NOT, by any stretch of the imagination, make me racist.  The FACT that I very much disliked the way Mr. Obama operated in his position also DOES NOT, make me racist.  Yet, that blind assumption is present for many and I will stand against that under any circumstance, either behind the screen name or in person.  I can make my points with a reasonable amount of civility.  However, some folks don't comprehend civility and sometimes an "enhanced" form of communication is necessary.  There is another well spoken/well educated liberal on this board who , for the most part, is diametrically opposed to most of my beliefs.  Thats Txhoops.   We continually disagree on many things.  I can't recall either of us ever trading insults.  I have no need/want to because he never calls or infers( key word) that I am racist and he also doesnt make veiled threats that essentially say, " if you were within my reach, I would beat the heck out of you.  I guess what I am saying is that I try to run on the track that is laid down before me.

30 minutes ago, Bigcam2903 said:

If you could comprehend, I don't condone it either way. Like I said you Nash & this other idiot speaking of Former Presidents & lock & load need to hide behind these screens. Many of you boldly speak, but write a check your A$$ can't cash. So lock & load on that. I don't get caught up with studio gangstas, but please don't get "It" or yourself twisted Homie

You don't get on here a lot, so maybe you're not familiar with the attacks and insanity heaped on white male posters by racist.  First thing, you should go back and check all the threads on all terrorist tragedies done by all races (of which there have been far to many).  If the person that perpetrated the horrendous crime was Muslim or black, you will rarely, if at all, see any liberal (black) posters condemning it, but the conservative (whites) do.  If it's a white man that perpetrates it, those same liberals are all over condemning him, as again are the conservatives.  This very thread is exhibit #1.

Based on my opinion of the post of these incidents, looking at it objectively, who would you think display a racist approach to posting?  As I stated above, feel free to check other terrorist post.


The "Diversity Visa" Lottery:

In the government fiscal year ending September 2015, the most recent year for which statistics are available, the State Department received about 9.4 million applications for Diversity Immigrant Visas.

The applications included petitions for another 5 million spouses and children who would be admitted to the U.S. with lottery winners, for a total of 14.4 million potential visa recipients. 

About 125,000 of them were lottery-selected, giving them the right to apply for immigrant visas – a number that the State Department cut off at 50,000 on a first-come, first-served basis.

Uzbekistan was the 8th-highest represented nation among the lottery winners that year.


  • Cameroon: 5,000
  • Liberia: 5,000
  • Iran: 4,992
  • Egypt: 4,988
  • Ethiopia: 4,988
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo: 4,943
  • Ukraine: 4,679
  • Uzbekistan: 4,368
  • Russia: 4,103
  • Kenya: 3,534

15 minutes ago, Reagan said:

The "Diversity Visa" Lottery:

In the government fiscal year ending September 2015, the most recent year for which statistics are available, the State Department received about 9.4 million applications for Diversity Immigrant Visas.

The applications included petitions for another 5 million spouses and children who would be admitted to the U.S. with lottery winners, for a total of 14.4 million potential visa recipients. 

About 125,000 of them were lottery-selected, giving them the right to apply for immigrant visas – a number that the State Department cut off at 50,000 on a first-come, first-served basis.

Uzbekistan was the 8th-highest represented nation among the lottery winners that year.


  • Cameroon: 5,000
  • Liberia: 5,000
  • Iran: 4,992
  • Egypt: 4,988
  • Ethiopia: 4,988
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo: 4,943
  • Ukraine: 4,679
  • Uzbekistan: 4,368
  • Russia: 4,103
  • Kenya: 3,534


Insanity...we are inviting the enemy in.

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