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“When thinking about what it means to me, a witch is a woman who worships herself as her own god. She is the creator of her own life, the healer of herself,” says Maura Dillon from Chicago, who brings meditation practice into schools. She had a tarot-card reading four years ago and fell hard for the powerful message of the occult. “We live in this time where social structures, institutions, and organized religion is failing us massively. That’s why I was drawn to it initially, because I didn’t feel like I was drawn to any of those mainstream ideologies.”

Witches today are essentially picking up where the Baby Boomers left off. The resurgence of witchcraft began in the late 1960s and 1970s, on the eve of second-wave feminism and sexual liberation. It has ebbed and flowed since then, but now that feminism has become mainstream again

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Witchcraft's selling point is that you can be your own god, and Satan knows it worked with Eve (Genesis 3:5 you can be like God) so why change the play, just like in coaching football we run the same play  from a different formations and the opposing team will have a hard time trying to stop it.. We pray that our kids would never fall for this, but let me peel back the veil and show you how in our modern evangelical bible believing homes we can be deceived by the same ole play ran from a different formation.

Now Genesis 3:4-5 says Then the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. 5 For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

In the article the lady said "being a witch is worshiping yourself as your own god" same play different formation. But our kids would never fall for that (I pray that is right), but the devil has been watching film on us humans for thousands of years  and his ultimate goal is to kill steal and destroy (John 10:10) of course we know that Jesus came to give us life and give it more abundantly and that is why we take our kids to church, read scripture with them and do our best to point them to Christ.

We also know that the Bible says that the satan can dress up like an Angel of Light (2 CORINTHIANS 11:14) and that if not for the grace of God that satan would deceive even born again Christians into following him.( Stephens paraphrase of Matthew 24:24)

So satan after watching our film has a new formation that is priming the pump that leads the young people into the occult and into witchcraft.  Of course as Christians we don't get into our playbook (The Bible) near as often as we should and because of that we are not as discerning as we should be. So the old pay that satan is running at us,  we see as very innocent, maybe even healthy and this old play is just repackaged Paganism.

Back in the day there was a song that said "Errbody in the club getting tipsy" and we all know that, that way of living leaves us with no peace, so we try to find peace, and the New Age Spirituality ( which is just old fashioned paganism) says that if we quiet ourselves and focus inwards we can find our Divine Spark or are god Consciousness and they may even throw in some Bible terms and say they are finding their Christ Consciousness.   These New Agers which are the same as the occultist and witches use meditation ( another Bible term used but redefined. So  biblical meditation is not the emptying the brain of all thought and silencing the noise, but Biblical Meditation is the reading scripture and chewing on what the Scripture says and how one should apply it)

New Age Spirituality says one must meditate in order to worship  the god inside them or in the tree's or earth or in the dog ( now remember what the original article said "a witch is a women who worships herself as god is her own creator  so whether it is PANTHEISM or PANENTHEISM it all sounds like the same play from a different formation. So what technique is it that the New Age witch, the millennial looking for inner peace, the middle age person that has become responsible while realizing Da  club gave them no peace are being deceived by?

The peace they think they have found comes from a word that means to be yoked with or to become one with,and the Bible clearly states that we should not be  be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? (2 Corinthians 6:14) see when people do Yoga all those  poses are really positions to meditate, to center oneself, or to become yoked with and come in contact with the god inside them through  that pose or to light the god spark that is inside them.

Spiritual warfare is real, and Yoga is the new formation that satan is using to deceive many. So, yes your wife, daughters, yourself and your  kids may be doing it as "just stretching" and if that is the case ok just stretch and call it such, but to call it Yoga and to do Yoga is to give credence to the old belief system of the occult, and the devil is more than willing to play the long game to kill, steal and destroy.

Did the afore mention article not say that the lady( witch) introduced her sorcery at schools? Is the devil so dumb that even though he is wanting to steal, kill and destroy souls of our children, that he will not put a delightful pose  to his  defiance to The Lord God, is he not like a wise hunter who mask his scent so that his prey will not know he is there? So let us not ignore the warnings the young folk are turning to spirituality, but away from the God of the bible. Let us remember God has put us where we are at so to be a  sanctifying light for Christ. We need to be men of courage who like the sons of Issachar, men who knew the times and knew what they should do. (1 Chronicles 12:32) so acting on our divine responsibility to be shepherds of our own home from the wolves that look to destroy our little flock is what we should do. And to help us do that we need to lean heavy on God and  in our hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame." 1 Peter 3:15-16

Read 2 Timothy 3

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